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Zeke adjusted the collar of his shirt as he walked through the gates of West Valley High School.

He had transferred there, after facing expulsion after his fight with his former teammates, but he didn't care. This was a chance to reinvent himself.

His mother's maiden name, Gomez was his shield now, a way to start fresh.

Zeke was trying to find his bearings in this new environment when he noticed a group of students heading his way.

Leading the pack was Kyler, an athletic-looking Asian guy with an air of arrogance about him. Beside him was a larger kid named Brucks, who seemed to follow Kyler's lead, laughing at his jokes and nodding at his every word. As they approached, Zeke could sense they were trouble.

Kyler smirked as he sized up Zeke. "Hey, new kid. You look like you could use some friends," he said, a mocking tone lacing his words.

Zeke raised an eyebrow, recognizing the tone immediately. He'd dealt with bullies before. "Thanks, but I'm good," he replied coolly.

Brucks chimed in, "Come on, we can show you around. Make sure you don't get lost or anything."

Before Zeke could respond, a girl joined their group. Kyler wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. She was pretty, with a confident stance and a spark in her eyes. "This is Sam LaRusso," Kyler introduced, "my girlfriend."

The name hit Zeke like a ton of bricks. He had heard the name LaRusso before. It was a name his grandfather had mentioned with disdain many times. Daniel LaRusso, the man who had destroyed Cobra Kai's reputation.

"You wouldn't happen to be related to a Daniel LaRusso, would you?" Zeke asked, his curiosity piqued.

Sam looked a bit surprised but nodded. "Yeah, he's my dad. Why?"

Zeke managed a nonchalant shrug. "Interesting."

Brucks interjected, "But dude, you'reโ€”"

Zeke cut him off, knowing where this was going. "My family's Colombian."

Kyler and Brucks exchanged a look, and Zeke could tell they weren't convinced but decided to drop it for now. "Alright, see you around," Kyler said with a hint of a sneer.

Zeke parted ways with them, heading to his first class. He could feel Kyler and Brucks watching him as he walked away, but he ignored it. He had more important things to focus on, like navigating his new school and keeping his cover intact.

Meanwhile, Kyler and Brucks hung back, watching Zeke's retreating form. "I don't like him," Kyler muttered.

"Yeah, who does he think he is?" Brucks added, rolling his eyes. "We should teach him a lesson."

Kyler nodded, a smirk forming on his face. "Yeah, the Halloween dance is coming up. We'll give him and those other losersโ€”what's their names? Rhea and Lipโ€”a little surprise."

Brucks chuckled, clearly enjoying the idea. "Oh, this is gonna be good."

Sam didn't hear this exchange, already walking ahead to her class. She seemed oblivious to the scheming going on behind her, her thoughts likely occupied with her own concerns.

As Zeke settled into his first class, he felt a sense of determination. He had to stay sharp and keep his wits about him. He had transferred to West Valley for a reason, and he wasn't about to let a couple of bullies derail everything.

If there was one thing he had learned from his grandfather, it was to strike hard and show no mercy.


Zeke walked into his new class, scanning the room for an empty seat. As he made his way to the back, he noticed a boy with a sarcastic smirk on his face. The boy leaned back in his chair, clearly uninterested in whatever the teacher was droning on about.

"Hey, new kid," the boy called out as Zeke sat down. "Welcome to the wonderful world of mundane education. Name's Demetri."

"Zeke," he replied, taking his seat. "Nice to meet you."

"Don't get too excited," Demetri said with a grin. "I'm a professional buzzkill."

Zeke rolled his eyes, not appreciating the humor. As he settled in, he noticed another student a couple of rows ahead wearing a Cobra Kai t-shirt. The sight intrigued him. Seeing someone proudly sporting the dojo's logo in school was a different experience.

During a break in the teacher's monotonous lecture, Zeke leaned forward. "Hey, cool shirt," he said to the boy.

The boy turned around, his face lighting up. "Thanks! I'm Miguel."

Zeke nodded. "So, you train at Cobra Kai?"

Miguel's eyes widened. "You know about Cobra Kai?"

Zeke shrugged, playing it cool. "Let's just say I've read up on it."

Miguel seemed impressed. "You should come by the dojo sometime. It's pretty awesome."

"I might just do that," Zeke replied, genuinely intrigued.

As the teacher continued talking about the upcoming Halloween dance, Miguel turned back to Zeke. "You going to the dance?"

Zeke smirked. "If there are cute girls, I'm all in."

Miguel laughed. "There's a few."

After school, Zeke decided to take Miguel up on his offer. They walked to the Cobra Kai dojo together. As they approached, Zeke felt a mix of anticipation and curiosity. The stories Kreese had told him about Cobra Kai were intense, but seeing it in person was something else.

Miguel led him inside, where they were greeted by a tall blonde man with a black headband.

Johnny Lawrence.

Zeke had known who Johnny was, considering how much his grandfather had talked about his former champion quite a bit.

Johnny looked up, his expression guarded but curious.

"This the new recruit?" Johnny asked, eyeing Zeke.

"Yeah, Sensei. This is Zeke," Miguel introduced. "We met in biology."

Johnny nodded, giving Zeke a once-over. "You know about Cobra Kai?"

Zeke met Johnny's gaze, careful not to reveal too much. "I've heard a few things."

Johnny's curiosity seemed piqued. "Alright, on the mat. let's see what you've got."

Zeke stepped onto the mat, feeling the weight of Kreese's expectations on his shoulders. Miguel took his stance, and Zeke followed suit. The match began, and Zeke moved with precision and power. He was goodโ€”damn good. Miguel made the first move, throwing a quick jab. Zeke deflected it with ease, countering with a swift kick that Miguel barely dodged. The two circled each other, testing each other's limits. Miguel launched a series of punches, which Zeke blocked with fluid movements.

Zeke saw an opening and went for it, delivering a sharp elbow strike that caught Miguel off guard.

Miguel stumbled but quickly regained his footing. He retaliated with a kick, but Zeke anticipated it, grabbing Miguel's leg mid-air and sweeping his other leg out from under him. Miguel hit the mat with a thud, momentarily dazed.

Johnny watched with narrowed eyes, clearly impressed. "Not bad, kid. Not bad at all."

Miguel got back up, determination etched on his face. They squared off again, and this time Miguel was more cautious. He tried to outmaneuver Zeke, but Zeke's reflexes were too sharp. He blocked every strike, countered every move. Zeke saw his chance and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick that sent Miguel sprawling to the ground.

Johnny clapped his hands, breaking the tension. "Alright, that's enough, you're in."

Zeke helped Miguel up, feeling a sense of camaraderie. "Good match," he said.

Miguel nodded, slightly breathless. "Yeah, you too."
Zeke helped Miguel up, feeling a sense of camaraderie. Johnny clapped his hands. "Welcome to Cobra Kai, kid."

"Thanks," Zeke replied, feeling a rush of pride.

Johnny glanced around the empty dojo. "The only students right now are you and Diaz, but we're working on that."

Zeke raised an eyebrow. "Really? Just us?"

Johnny shrugged. "Yeah, yeah, shut up. We're building something here."

Miguel chuckled, clearly used to Johnny's bluntness. "We're planning to go to the Halloween dance to promote the dojo. Maybe get some new recruits."

Zeke grinned. "Sounds like a plan. I've got a good costume in mind."


The Halloween dance was in full swing as Zeke drove up to the school parking lot in his classic '50s greaser costume. He parked his car, stepped out, and adjusted his leather jacket, feeling the cool night air. He spotted Miguel waiting near the entrance, sporting a badass skeleton costume.

"Hey, man, nice costume," Miguel said, giving Zeke a nod of approval.

"Thanks. Yours is pretty sick too," Zeke replied, appreciating the effort Miguel had put into his outfit.

The two made their way towards the entrance, walking through a cloud of smoke that added an eerie ambiance to the event. The gymnasium was packed with students, the music was loud, and the lights flashed in rhythm with the beat. The atmosphere was electric.

Miguel turned to Zeke and said, "Come on, I want to introduce you to my friends."

Zeke followed Miguel through the crowded dance floor until they reached a group of students hanging near the punch table. Demetri, dressed in a sorcerer costume, and another shy kid, Eli, in a plastic surgeon outfit, stood awkwardly by the side.

"Guys, this is Zeke," Miguel announced. "Zeke, this is Demetri and Eli."

Demetri looked up, his eyes narrowing slightly. "I know who you are," he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Zeke smirked. "I like your sorcerer costume."

Demetri scoffed, clearly unimpressed. "Sorcerer? Please. I'm the Necromancer."

Miguel looked confused. "What?"

Demetri pointed to an amulet around his neck. "Didn't you see the amulet?"

Miguel rolled his eyes and decided to change the subject. He turned to Eli. "So, are you a... regular doctor or?"

Eli stammered, "Plastic Surgeon. I fix lips," and quickly looked down, uncomfortable with the attention.

Demetri glanced at Zeke. "Who are you supposed to be?"

Zeke grinned. "I'm a greaser."

The blank stares from Demetri and Eli were telling.

"Biker gang? Leather jackets? You've never watched *Grease*, have you?"

Demetri tilted his head. "Is that a movie about bacon grease?"

Zeke chuckled and shook his head. "Never mind. I'm hitting the floor. Catch you later."

He moved towards the middle of the dance floor, letting the music pulse through him. He was getting into the rhythm when a girl dressed as a Laker Girl approached him. She had a spacey look in her eyes but was undeniably pretty.

"Hey, I'm Moon," she said with a dreamy smile.

"Zeke," he replied, matching her smile. They started dancing together, their bodies moving in sync. The music intensified, and they found themselves grinding against each other, lost in the moment.

As they danced, Moon introduced him to her best friend, Yasmine, a blonde with a snarky attitude. Zeke didn't pay much attention to her demeanor, focusing instead on enjoying the night. They took pictures together, including with Sam, who was part of their little group.

"Hey, Sam," Zeke said casually as they posed for a photo. "Nice costume."

"Thanks," Sam replied, her smile genuine. "Yours is pretty cool too."

As the night went on, Zeke noticed Miguel, Demetri, and Eli standing off to the side, not participating. Demetri's sarcastic comments grated on him, but he felt a pang of sympathy for Eli, who clearly struggled with confidence.

"Hey, guys, why aren't you out here dancing?" Zeke called out to them, trying to encourage them to join in.

Demetri shrugged. "Not really our thing, I guess."

Miguel looked a bit more eager. "I was just about to ask if you wanted to meet some more people."

Before Zeke could respond, Moon pulled him back into the crowd. "Come on, let's dance some more," she said, her voice playful and inviting.

They moved back to the center of the dance floor, and Zeke found himself enjoying the carefree vibe. All thoughts of school, bullies, and Cobra Kai faded away as he focused on the music and the girl in front of him.

Eventually, Moon pulled him into a corner and started kissing him. They made out, lost in the moment. Zeke caught a glimpse of Miguel giving him a thumbs-up from the corner of his eye. He smirked and returned to the kiss, enjoying the night and the thrill of being the new kid making his mark.

After a while, Zeke and Moon took a break from the dance floor. They sat down at a table, catching their breath and laughing. Moon's friends joined them, including Yasmine and Sam.

"So, Zeke, how are you liking West Valley so far?" Yasmine asked, genuinely curious.

"It's pretty cool," Zeke replied, taking a sip of his drink. "Definitely different from my old school."

Moon leaned in, her eyes sparkling as she leaned into him. "Well, we're glad you're here. You fit right in."

Zeke smiled, feeling a sense of belonging he hadn't felt in a while. He glanced over at Miguel, Demetri, and Eli, who were still on the sidelines but seemed to be enjoying themselves in their own way.


The Halloween dance was still going strong when Zeke decided to take a break. He had been dancing with Moon, who was now demanding he come back to the dance floor.

"Come on, Zeke! You can't leave me here all alone," Moon pleaded, her voice playful but insistent.

Zeke laughed. "I'll be back in a bit, promise," he said, jogging out of the gym to catch his breath.

As he stepped outside, the cool night air was a welcome relief from the heat and noise inside. He took a deep breath and glanced around. Just as he was about to turn back, he noticed a man with brunette hair and a suit standing by the entrance, watching the students with a thoughtful expression.

Zeke's eyes met the man's for a brief moment. There was something familiar about him, but he couldn't place it. The man seemed to be having a similar reaction, his gaze lingering on Zeke a little longer than expected.

On the other end, the man was Daniel LaRusso. As he glanced at the boy in the greaser costume, a wave of memories washed over him. The sight of another boy in a skeleton costume nearby only intensified the feeling. It was as if he was transported back to that fateful night at the Halloween dance so many years ago.

The memory was vivid and unwelcome. He saw himself, younger and more vulnerable, being cornered by Johnny Lawrence, Michael Kreese, and the rest of the Cobra Kai gang. They had beaten him up, relentlessly, knocking him into a fence, their laughter echoing in his ears. The pain, the fear, the helplessnessโ€”it all came rushing back.

And now, here was this kid, dressed as a greaser, who looked a hell of a lot like Michael Kreese. The resemblance was uncanny, stirring up old fears and unresolved anger.

Daniel shook his head, trying to dispel the intrusive memory. It couldn't be. It was just a costume, just a kid having fun at a Halloween dance. There was no reason to believe that the sins of the past were repeating themselves.

But as he watched Zeke jog back inside, Daniel couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that history had a way of coming full circle.


As Zeke made his way back into the gym, he noticed Yasmine laughing at her phone. Curious, he glanced over her shoulder and saw her posting a picture of a bigger girl with glasses in a weird costume, eating Cheetos from the snack table. The caption was cruel, and she had added pig emojis. The post quickly went viral, and everyone around was laughing at the girl, who ran out of the gym in tears.

Zeke frowned, feeling a pang of disgust. While he could admit the image was slightly amusing, the way Yasmine had humiliated the girl was way out of line. Despite his feelings, he let it go for the moment and went back to dancing with Moon. They continued to dance through the rest of the night, enjoying each other's company. Eventually, as the party was winding down, Zeke got Moon's number and promised to meet up with her again.

At the end of the dance, and a few more minutes with Moon, Zeke decided to head back home. Moon invited him to a party later that week. As he was passing by the boys' locker room, he heard wailing and yelling coming from inside.

"Grab him! Grab him! Get him!"
"No, no, let me go! Ah!"
"Pick him up."
"Come on, Ky! Get him!"
"You're a dead man!"

Zeke's eyes narrowed, and he pushed the door open. Inside, he saw Kyler, Brucks, and two other boys beating Miguel with a hockey stick. His blood boiled at the sight. He noticed a security camera in the upper right corner and quickly put his hood up to hide his face.

Kyler and Brucks laughed at Miguel's expense, but Zeke had had enough. "Hey!" he shouted.

The boys turned around to see Zeke standing in the doorway. Miguel slipped out of consciousness, slumping to the floor.

"Let him go," Zeke demanded.

Brucks sneered. "Get out of here, new kid."

"I said, let him go!"

Kyler stepped forward, trying to look menacing. "Beat it, or you're next."

Without hesitation, Zeke flung the caged door open and stepped inside. "You're a bunch of cowards, picking on someone weaker than you," he taunted, his voice steady. "Kyler, you're a little bitch."

Kyler's face twisted with anger. "You're dead," he growled as his friends cornered Zeke.

Zeke taunted them again before striking first, launching into a flurry of punches and kicks. He was fast and precise, bruising Brucks' knuckles before going on the offense. Kyler, furious and fighting sloppily, lunged at Zeke.

Think you're tough?" Zeke taunted, landing another punch. Brucks' knuckles were already bruised from earlier blows, and now they were bleeding. Zeke's fists were relentless, pounding Brucks with a series of powerful strikes. The blood from Brucks' knuckles smeared across the floor, adding to the scene of chaos.

Kyler, furious at the sight of his friend being pummeled, lunged at Zeke. His punches were wild and uncoordinated, fueled by rage. Zeke sidestepped effortlessly, his movements fluid and controlled. He landed a sharp kick to Kyler's ribs, causing him to stumble backward.

"You're a joke," Zeke taunted. "Look at you, fighting like a maniac. Pathetic."

Brucks, now clutching his bleeding hand and groaning in pain, tried to make a move. Zeke turned his attention to him, driving a knee into Brucks' gut. The force sent Brucks crashing into the lockers. His cries of pain echoed off the metal walls.

One of Kyler's friends, seeing how outmatched they were, made a break for it. Zeke turned his gaze toward the fleeing boy. "You think you can just run away after bullying people?" he shouted. "Not a chance. Get back here!"

The boy bolted out the door, clearly terrified. Zeke focused on Rory, who was still trying to fight but was clearly out of his depth. Zeke grabbed Rory by the collar and slammed him against the lockers. Rory's head hit the metal with a sickening thud.

He then proceeded to unleash a relentless barrage of punches and kicks on Rory. Each strike landed with a satisfying impact. Rory tried to defend himself but failed miserably. Zeke's punches left Rory battered and bleeding. With a final, decisive blow, Zeke knocked Rory out cold, leaving him sprawled on the floor.

Kyler and Brucks, witnessing their friends' defeat, were visibly shaken. Kyler's face was pale, and Brucks was barely able to stand. They exchanged panicked glances before turning and running out of the locker room, their confidence shattered.

As the last of the bullies fled, Zeke walked over to Miguel, who was unconscious on the floor. He gently lifted Miguel, trying to rouse him. "Miguel, come on, man. Wake up."

Just then, Johnny Lawrence burst into the locker room. His eyes widened as he took in the scene: Miguel, beaten and unconscious, Rory knocked out cold, and Zeke standing amid the wreckage. Johnny's face was a mix of shock and concern.

"What happened?" Johnny demanded, his voice firm but worried.

Zeke, still catching his breath, looked up at Johnny. "They were attacking Miguel. I couldn't just stand by and do nothing."

Johnny's expression hardened, but there was a glint of approval in his eyes. "We need to get him out of here."

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