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The atmosphere outside the arena buzzed with a mixture of nervous energy and anticipation. Miguel was shadowboxing furiously in a corner, his fists flying through the air as he tried to exorcise the frustration that had been building up ever since his breakup with Sam the previous week. Zeke, leaning against a bench with the other Cobra Kai students, kept his eyes on Hawk, his emotions simmering beneath the surface. He hadn't yet fully dealt with the whole Moon situation, but he knew this wasn't the time to let it all out.

Zeke glanced over at Miguel, noting how intensely his friend was training.

"Yo, Miguel, calm down, man," Zeke said, trying to keep the mood light. "Save some for the tournament."

Aisha, who was stretching nearby, rolled her eyes. "Hey, don't even bother. He's been super aggro ever since the breakup."

Zeke sighed. "I also got broken up with, but you don't see me doing that."

Hawk, trying to change the subject, glanced around. "Well, where's sensei? The tournament's gonna start soon."

"He'll be here," Aisha replied confidently.

But Bert, a small blonde kid who wasn't exactly the most intimidating member of Cobra Kai, suddenly spoke up. "I don't know about that."

Aisha frowned, turning to him. "What are you talking about?"

Bert shuffled awkwardly, clearly uncomfortable being the bearer of bad news. "I saw him last night at the mini mall. I was buying... a carton of milk, when I heard him in the parking lot, yelling."

Zeke, his irritation mounting, asked, "Well, why didn't you tell us this earlier?"

"I don't know. I guess I'm just so used to seeing him drunk, it didn't seem like that big a deal," Bert admitted with a shrug.

Hawk's eyes widened in alarm. "Well, we're here, and he's not. So it's officially a big deal."

Aisha's worry started to show. "What if something happened to him?"

Bert, still trying to play it cool, asked, "Like what?"

"I don't know," Hawk said, his voice tinged with panic. "Like he drove his car off a cliff, or he bought a gun and blew his brains out."

Aisha quickly shook her head. "No, sensei would never off himself. It's too pussy a move."

Zeke crossed his arms, trying to maintain some composure. "Whatever. I mean, we're here. We're gonna have to do it without him."

But just as the tension reached its peak, a familiar voice cut through the room.

"Do what without me?" Johnny said, stepping into the locker room.

The group visibly relaxed, and Aisha was the first to speak. "Sensei!"

Hawk, still a bit shaken, admitted, "We didn't think you were gonna show up."

Johnny, ever the steadfast leader, reassured them. "I may not always win, but I never back out of a fight."

Miguel, visibly relieved, grinned. "Great. Let's sign up."

But Johnny raised a hand to stop him. "Not yet."

As the group made their way inside the tournament venue, Johnny led them to a small side area where they gathered in a tight circle. To Zeke's surprise, his father, Michael, approached the group, looking every bit as composed and strong as he always did.

"Hey, Dad," Zeke greeted him with a nod.

Michael nodded back, acknowledging both his son and Johnny. "Ezekiel, Johnny."

Johnny had brought Michael to speak to the kids before the tournament, knowing that as a former Cobra Kai, Michael's words would carry weight.

Michael began his speech, his voice calm but firm. "I've seen you all train, and I'm proud of what you've become. Miguel, you've shown resiliency, bouncing back from every hit life's thrown your way. Hawk, you've built your confidence, learned to stand tall. And Zeke," Michael paused, locking eyes with his son, "you've stepped up as a leader. It's not easy being the one people look to, but you've done it with strength and honor."

Miguel, who had been dealing with so much turmoil lately, felt a surge of pride hearing these words from someone who was clearly important to Zeke. It meant a lot to him, especially coming from the father of his friend and leader.

Hawk, who rarely let anyone see beneath his now tough exterior, felt a rare sense of validation. He straightened up, feeling both honored and motivated by Michael's words.

The kids listened intently, soaking in the words. Michael continued with a few humorous cracks, lightening the mood but keeping the focus on what lay ahead. Finally, he gave the floor back to Johnny.

Johnny looked at each of his students, his expression serious. "There's one more lesson I have to teach you."

Before he could continue, the loudspeaker crackled to life, announcing, "All teams report to the locker room in five minutes."

Johnny nodded, unfazed by the announcement. "You've all learned to strike first, to be aggressive, not be losers. I've taught you to strike hard, to put every ounce of your power behind everything you do. But I haven't taught you the third rule of Cobra Kai... No mercy."

"The older you get, the more you're gonna learn that life isn't fair. You wake up one morning feeling great, and then life throws a spinning heel kick to your balls. Takes a big steaming shit in your mouth. You get an F on a test. You get suspended. You fall in love with a girl, and some other dude comes and steals her away."

At this, Zeke couldn't help but glance at Hawk, remembering how he'd seen him kiss Moon. The anger simmered again, but he kept it in check.

Johnny continued, his tone unrelenting. "Your car gets set on fire. Just when you think things are going good, everything falls apart. That's how it goes."

Michael nodded, adding, "Life shows no mercy, so neither do we. We do whatever it takes to keep our heads above water. We do whatever it takes to keep moving forward. We do whatever it takes to win!"

Johnny's voice rose, commanding their attention. "Remember who you are. You're badass. You don't give a shit. You kick ass. You're Cobra Kai."

The room echoed with their response, everyone in unison, "Cobra Kai!"

Johnny, a fierce grin on his face, rallied them. "All right, guys, let's get down there and kick the shit out of everybody. Yeah!"

Miguel, eager to get into action, pulled out the training Gi's, but Johnny stopped him with a smirk. "No. You're not wearing those."

The group watched as Johnny led them to the locker room, where he revealed the iconic sleeveless black Cobra Kai Gi's. Zeke's eyes lit up as he grabbed his, noticing his name embroidered on the side. It was a powerful moment, one that solidified his place within the dojo, and the resolve to make his father proud burned stronger than ever.

They were ready. Cobra Kai was ready.


The gym at the All Valley Tournament buzzed with excitement as the seats filled up. Spectators from all around the valley settled in, eager to witness the fierce competition that was about to unfold. Michael walked alongside Diana and Sofia, making their way to their seats. Sofia, dragging her feet a bit, looked none too pleased about being there.

"Do I really have to be here?" Sofia grumbled. "I had plans with my friends, you know."

Diana, ever the patient mother, leaned down slightly to meet Sofia's eyes. "Mija, tu hermano necesita tu apoyo. Es un gran dรญa para รฉl. A veces, tenemos que dejar de lado lo que queremos hacer para apoyar a los que amamos."

Sofia sighed but nodded, knowing her mother was right. "But Mamรก, Grandpa doesn't have to be here."

Michael, hearing this, chuckled softly. "That's for other reasons, sweetheart. Just stay for a couple of matches, and I'll pay for an Uber."

As they continued to make their way through the crowd, Michael was approached by members of the All Valley Tournament committee. George, a middle-aged man with a friendly demeanor, stepped forward, extending a hand.

"Michael! Good to see you," George greeted warmly, though there was a hint of disappointment in his tone. "We were hoping you could have stayed on the committee longer."

Michael shook George's hand, offering a polite smile. "Some obligations came up, George. Family first and all of that."

Just then, the LaRussos entered the gym, drawing the attention of those nearby. George turned, a wide smile spreading across his face. "There he is. Hey, everyone, it's the former champion in the flesh."

Sue chimed in with enthusiasm. "Good to see you, champ."

Daniel LaRusso, always gracious in the spotlight, greeted them with a nod and a smile. "How are ya? Good to see you guys. Nice to see you."

But when Daniel's eyes landed on Michael, his expression shifted slightly. The tension between the two men was palpable, and Michael's greeting was just a shade too polite. "Daniel," Michael acknowledged, a hint of forced friendliness in his tone.

"Michael," Daniel replied, equally measured.

Amanda LaRusso, ever perceptive, noticed the undercurrent between her husband and Michael. She stepped forward with a bright smile, introducing herself with a touch of humor to lighten the mood. "Hi, Amanda. This is my husband, Daniel. I'm sure you've heard of him."

Michael chuckled, the tension easing slightly as he shook her hand. "Michael. Nice to meet you, Amanda."

He then turned to Sam, offering a warm smile. "And you must be Samantha. Heard a lot about you." Sam nodded, a bit hesitant but polite.

Diana introduced herself as well, and soon she and Amanda were chatting, exchanging pleasantries about the tournament and their children. Meanwhile, Daniel couldn't help but ask the question that had been on his mind since he saw Michael.

"What are you doing here, Michael?" Daniel's voice was calm, but the edge was unmistakable.

Michael met Daniel's gaze evenly. "I'm here to see my son compete. And you?" He turned to Sam, his expression softening. "Do you know my son, Zeke?"

Sam hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, I know him."

Michael smiled, though there was a trace of something more in his eyes. "Well, I hope all the competitors have safe and fun matches today." With that, he turned, guiding Diana and Sofia away as the tournament was about to begin.

The loudspeaker crackled to life, and the crowd fell silent. "Please take your seats. The competition will begin shortly."

"Welcome, everyone, to the 50th annual All Valley Under-18 Karate Championship!" Darryl, the announcer, boomed over the loudspeaker, his voice echoing throughout the gym. "You love the new mats. All right, let's start by welcoming all the local dojos competing today."

The crowd watched as the teams from various dojos were introduced. "From Granada Hills, All-Star Karate... Krunch Karate... Yoshukai Karate... Locust Valley Karate Club..."

Darryl continued to list the competing dojos, his voice full of enthusiasm. "Fighting out of Topanga, we have Topanga Karate!"

A woman in the stands, dressed in blue, jumped to her feet, cheering loudly. "Yeah! Whoo, Topanga! You kick some ass, Xander! Whoo!"

Darryl nodded, amused by the enthusiasm, but he wasn't prepared for what came next. "And now, from Reseda, we haveโ€”"

Before he could finish, the gym was filled with the deafening chants of "Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!" The crowd turned as a wave of black Gi's poured into the gym, led by Miguel, Hawk, and Zeke. The Cobra Kai students moved with purpose, their chant growing louder with every step.

"Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!" they chanted, their voices unifying into a single, powerful roar that filled the entire gym. The sight was both intimidating and awe-inspiring, the black Gi's adding to the dramatic effect.

Darryl could only smile, impressed by the display. "Now that's what I call an entrance! And a badass name for a dojo. Let's hear it for Cobra Kai!"

In the stands, Moon cheered loudly. "Whoo! Go, Hawk!" But her voice didn't reach Zeke. He glanced up at Moon, his jaw tightening as he saw her smiling down at Hawk. His anger flared, his mind replaying the moment he caught them together. It wasn't that she wanted to date someone elseโ€”that was something he should be able to move past. But the fact that it was with a friend, and that she didn't even seem to feel bad about itโ€”that was what stung the most.

Zeke clenched his fists, remembering Kreese's advice: to let go of any distractions. Today, Hawk wasn't a friend. He was an enemy.

The chants of Cobra Kai began to fade as another name was announced. "And finally, fighting unaffiliated from North Hills, we have Mr. Robby Keene."

Miguel and Zeke turned to see Robby jogging out of the tunnel, a smirk on his face as he caught Johnny's eye. Zeke's glare hardened as he sized up Robby. The tension between the two was palpable, and it was clear that neither was willing to back down.

Darryl's voice rang out again, signaling the start of the competition. "All right, folks. Get ready. It's karate time."


Miguel's first match set the tone for what would become a series of brutal victories. His opponent, a lanky kid from Granada Hills, came in fast, throwing a series of quick jabs aimed at Miguel's chest. But Miguel's reflexes were sharp, honed through countless hours of training with Johnny. He blocked the jabs with ease, his eyes narrowing as he assessed his opponent's weaknesses.

Miguel sidestepped a sloppy kick and responded with a quick jab to the ribs, then followed it up with a sweeping leg kick that sent the boy crashing to the mat. The referee called, "Point, Diaz!" But Miguel wasn't done. He stepped back, waiting for the boy to rise, and then unleashed a powerful spinning back kick that connected with his opponent's temple, sending him sprawling. The referee signaled the end of the match, and Miguel's hand was raised in victory. The crowd cheered, but Miguel remained focused, his mind already on the next round.

His second match was against a more skilled opponent, a wiry fighter from Krunch Karate who was known for his speed. The match began with the two exchanging blows, their fists a blur as they tested each other's defenses. Miguel's opponent tried to keep his distance, using his speed to land quick strikes and then darting out of reach. But Miguel wasn't having it. He closed the distance with a series of aggressive kicks, forcing the boy to retreat.

Miguel saw his opening. He feinted a punch to the head, drawing his opponent's guard up, and then swept his leg out from under him with a brutal low kick. The boy hit the mat hard, and Miguel pounced, delivering a powerful punch to the chest. "Point, Diaz!" the referee called. The boy struggled to his feet, but it was clear he was outmatched. Miguel waited for the signal to continue, and when it came, he ended the match with a swift front kick to the face, sending his opponent crumpling to the ground. Another victory, and Miguel moved on.


Zeke's first match was against a kid from Topanga Karate, a tall, muscular fighter with a reputation for brute strength. But Zeke was undeterred. He stepped onto the mat with a cold, calculated expression, his mind focused on one thing: victory. The match began with a clash of fists, Zeke immediately going on the offensive. He struck with precision and force, each blow designed to wear his opponent down.

The Topanga fighter tried to use his strength to overpower Zeke, throwing heavy punches that would have felled a lesser opponent. But Zeke was quick, dodging and countering with brutal efficiency. He delivered a crushing knee to the gut, doubling his opponent over, then followed it up with an elbow strike to the back of the head. The boy staggered, but Zeke didn't let up. He grabbed the boy by the gi and drove his knee into his chest, then tossed him to the mat with a brutal throw. "Point, Kreese!" the referee called, but Zeke wasn't done. He stepped forward and delivered a final, devastating kick to the ribs, ending the match with a resounding thud.

His second match was against a more agile opponent, a quick-footed fighter from Locust Valley who tried to use his speed to keep Zeke at bay. But Zeke was relentless. He closed the distance with a series of aggressive strikes, each one more powerful than the last. The Locust Valley fighter tried to counter with a spinning kick, but Zeke caught his leg and swept him off his feet, sending him crashing to the mat. "Point, Kreese!" the referee called, but Zeke wasn't satisfied. He delivered a powerful stomp to the boy's chest, ending the match in seconds.


Hawk's journey through the tournament was marked by his sheer brutality. His first opponent, a nervous-looking kid from Yoshukai Karate, didn't stand a chance. The moment the match began, Hawk was on him, striking with a ferocity that left the boy reeling. He landed a series of quick punches to the face, then followed up with a devastating elbow to the jaw. The boy stumbled back, trying to regain his footing, but Hawk wasn't done.

He charged forward, delivering a vicious body check that sent the boy flying off his feet and into the mat. The referee barely had time to call "Point, Hawk!" before Hawk was on him again, driving his knee into the boy's ribs. The match was over in seconds, and Hawk stood victorious, a cruel smile on his face as he looked down at his defeated opponent.

Hawk's second match was against a tougher opponent, a stocky kid from All-Star Karate who fought with raw aggression. But Hawk was faster, meaner. He dodged the boy's heavy punches with ease, landing quick, brutal strikes to the head and body. When the boy tried to counter with a spinning back kick, Hawk ducked under it and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to the face, sending the boy crashing to the mat. "Point, Hawk!" the referee called, and Hawk's hand was raised in victory once more.

Robby, meanwhile, moved through the tournament with a calm, collected grace that stood in stark contrast to the brutality of Cobra Kai. His first match was against a burly kid from Krunch Karate, a fighter who relied on brute strength. But Robby was unfazed. He used his opponent's aggression against him, redirecting his strikes and using his own momentum to unbalance him.

The match began with the Krunch Karate fighter charging forward, trying to overwhelm Robby with sheer power. But Robby sidestepped his wild punches with ease, delivering quick, precise strikes to the chest and ribs. When the boy tried to throw a heavy punch, Robby caught his arm and flipped him onto the mat with a fluid motion. "Point, Keene!" the referee called. The boy tried to get up, but Robby was already on him, delivering a quick strike to the chest that knocked the wind out of him. The match was over in seconds, and Robby stood victorious.

His second match was against a more skilled opponent, a lean, quick fighter from Topanga Karate. The two exchanged blows with rapid intensity, each testing the other's defenses. But Robby's calm demeanor never wavered. He waited for his opponent to overcommit to a punch, then sidestepped and delivered a powerful kick to the side, sending the boy crashing to the mat. "Point, Keene!" the referee called, and Robby's hand was raised once more.

As the tournament progressed, the remaining fighters were whittled down, leaving only the best of the best. Miguel, Zeke, Hawk, and Robby were all still in the running, each having fought their way through the brackets with determination and skill. The quarterfinals loomed, and the tension in the air was palpable.

Miguel's next match was against a skilled fighter from Locust Valley Karate, a boy who fought with precision and speed. The match began with the two exchanging blows, their fists a blur as they tested each other's defenses. Miguel's opponent was quick, darting in and out with strikes aimed at Miguel's ribs and legs. But Miguel was faster. He blocked each strike with ease, countering with powerful blows of his own.

The boy tried to use his speed to his advantage, but Miguel was already one step ahead. He feinted to the left, drawing the boy's guard, and then delivered a brutal roundhouse kick to the side of the head. The boy staggered back, dazed, and Miguel followed up with a powerful front kick that sent him crashing to the mat. The referee raised Miguel's hand, and the crowd erupted in cheers.

Zeke's next match was against a tall, muscular fighter from Topanga Karate, a boy who fought with raw power. But Zeke was unfazed. He stepped onto the mat with a cold, calculated expression, his mind focused on one thing: victory. The match began with a clash of fists, Zeke immediately going on the offensive. He struck with precision and force, each blow designed to wear his opponent down.

The Topanga fighter tried to use his strength to overpower Zeke, throwing heavy punches that would have felled a lesser opponent. But Zeke was quick, dodging and countering with brutal efficiency. He delivered a crushing knee to the gut, doubling his opponent over, then followed it up with an elbow strike to the back of the head. The boy staggered, but Zeke didn't let up. He grabbed the boy by the gi and drove his knee into his chest, then tossed him to the mat with a brutal throw. "Point, Zeke!" the referee called, but Zeke wasn't done. He stepped forward and delivered a final, devastating kick to the ribs, ending the match with a resounding thud.

The quarterfinals were set:

Miguel Diaz vs Kyle Davis

Robby Keene vs Tyler James

Xander Stone vs Marcus Lee

Ezekiel Kreese vs Hawk

A/N: Random Individuals


Miguel's first challenge of the quarterfinals was Kyle Davis, a fierce competitor from Locust Valley Karate. Kyle had a reputation for his aggressive fighting style, using brute force to dominate his opponents. But Miguel, sharpened by Johnny's relentless training and the merciless creed of Cobra Kai, was ready for anything.

As the match began, Miguel wasted no time. He surged forward, closing the distance between himself and Kyle in a matter of seconds. Kyle tried to counter with a quick jab, but Miguel was faster, ducking under the punch and delivering a vicious right hook to Kyle's ribs. The impact was audible, and Kyle winced as the air was knocked out of him.

"Point, Diaz!" the referee called out, but Miguel wasn't interested in just a single point. He wanted to dominate, to make sure there was no doubt in anyone's mind who the superior fighter was.

As soon as the match resumed, Miguel launched into a flurry of attacks. His strikes were calculated, each one aimed at weakening Kyle's defenses. A low kick to the thigh, followed by a swift elbow to the chest, sent Kyle staggering back. Miguel could see the fear in his eyes, the realization that he was outmatched. Kyle tried to rally, throwing a desperate roundhouse kick, but Miguel anticipated it perfectly. He ducked low, and as Kyle's leg sailed over him, Miguel sprang up with a powerful uppercut that caught Kyle squarely on the jaw.

Kyle crumpled to the mat, dazed and beaten. The referee stepped in, raising Miguel's hand in victory. "Point, Diaz! Winner, Diaz!"

The crowd roared in approval as Miguel stood tall, his gaze cold and focused. He had won the match 3-0, and he made it look easy. Johnny watched from the sidelines, his chest swelling with pride. Miguel was everything he had hoped for in a studentโ€”a true warrior, ruthless and unstoppable.


On the other side of the arena, Robby prepared for his quarterfinal match against Tyler James, a disciplined fighter from Topanga Karate. Tyler was known for his strategic approach to combat, favoring defense and counterattacks. But Robby, with his Miyagi-Do training, was perfectly suited to counter that strategy.

As the match began, Robby and Tyler circled each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Tyler feinted, trying to bait Robby into an attack, but Robby remained calm, his stance steady. When Tyler finally committed to a punch, Robby moved like water, redirecting the force of the blow and spinning behind him with a graceful twist. Before Tyler could react, Robby delivered a precise kick to his back, sending him stumbling forward.

"Point, Keene!" the referee announced, and the crowd applauded Robby's finesse.

Tyler, now aware of Robby's capabilities, became more cautious, but Robby remained patient. He didn't rush; he waited for Tyler to make a mistake. And when Tyler tried to launch a spinning kick, Robby saw his opening. He sidestepped the attack and delivered a quick, powerful strike to Tyler's exposed side. Tyler grunted in pain as the air was forced from his lungs.

"Point, Keene!" the referee called again. Robby's calmness contrasted sharply with Miguel's aggressive approach, but it was no less effective.

The final exchange was almost anticlimactic in its simplicity. Tyler, desperate to score, overcommitted to a high kick. Robby ducked under it smoothly and countered with a sweeping leg kick that took Tyler off his feet entirely. Before Tyler could even attempt to recover, Robby's fist was hovering inches from his face.

"Point, Keene! Match, Keene!" the referee declared, and the crowd erupted in cheers. Robby had won 3-0, just like Miguel, but in a manner that was calculated and serene, a stark contrast to the explosive violence of the Cobra Kai students.


The arena buzzed with excitement as the next match was announcedโ€”Zeke versus Hawk. Both were Cobra Kai students, both fierce competitors, but there was tension between them that went beyond the mat. Zeke hadn't forgotten about the Moon incident, and Hawk's cocky demeanor only fueled his anger. This was personal.

The boy he had helped gain confidence, had become a cocky douchebag.

While that was okay, the fact of the matter was, Zeke was still mad about Moon.

As they stepped onto the mat, Johnny watched intently, his expression unreadable. He had seen both boys progress under his tutelage, but now they were pitted against each other. Kreese's voice echoed in Zeke's mind:

"There are no friends in competition."

The referee raised his hand, signaling the start of the match. "And, fight!"

Zeke and Hawk faced off, both crouched in their stances, eyes locked. The air was thick with anticipation. Hawk smirked, trying to throw Zeke off his game, but Zeke was done with playing nice. He let his anger fuel him, his mind sharpening with each heartbeat.

Hawk made the first move, a quick jab aimed at Zeke's face. But Zeke anticipated it, deflecting the punch and countering with a brutal strike to Hawk's chest. The force of the blow echoed through the arena, and Hawk staggered back, momentarily winded.

"Point, Kreese!" the referee called. Zeke returned to his side of the mat, his expression cold and focused. Hawk's smirk faltered slightly, but he quickly regained his composure.

The second exchange was even more intense. Hawk, determined not to lose, came at Zeke with a flurry of kicks and punches, his movements fast and aggressive. But Zeke's anger gave him a clarity he hadn't felt before. He blocked each attack with precision, waiting for the right moment to strike.

And then he saw itโ€”a slight opening as Hawk overextended on a kick. Zeke moved in, landing a devastating elbow to Hawk's ribs, followed by a sweeping kick that knocked Hawk off his feet.

"Point, Kreese!" The crowd was on their feet, the tension palpable. Hawk's cockiness had disappeared, replaced by a grim determination. But Zeke was unstoppable.

The final exchange began, and Hawk, desperate, tried to rally. He launched a high kick aimed at Zeke's head, but Zeke ducked under it with ease. As Hawk's leg came down, Zeke exploded upward, delivering a powerful kick to Hawk's head. The impact was brutal, sending Hawk crashing to the mat in a daze. The crowd gasped at the sheer force of the blow, a collective intake of breath as Hawk lay there, stunned.

"Point, Kreese! Winner, Kreese!" the referee declared, and the crowd erupted in a mix of cheers and gasps. Zeke stood over Hawk, his chest heaving, the adrenaline still pumping through his veins. For a moment, there was silence. Then, slowly, Hawk got to his feet, shaking off the blow.

The two boys locked eyes, and Zeke prepared for the inevitable anger, the harsh words. But instead, Hawk smiledโ€”a genuine smile, not the cocky grin he usually wore. "You're a badass," Hawk said, extending his hand.

Zeke blinked, surprised. For a moment, he hesitated, but then he reached out and shook Hawk's hand. The crowd cheered louder, appreciating the sportsmanship after such a fierce match.

And suddenly, he felt fine. All he needed was to get his anger out of his system.

As they exited the mat, Zeke glanced at the sidelines. Diana, Sofia, and Michael were watching intently. Diana's expression was a mix of worry and disapproval, her son's brutality clearly troubling her. This was what she feared this whole time, the path of anger and violence. Moon, watching from a distance, looked equally concerned. She had broken up with Zeke because of this very thingโ€”the anger that seemed to consume him.

Sofia, on the other hand, was practically bouncing with excitement, clearly impressed by her brother's performance. "That was so cool!" she whispered to Michael, who simply smirked, pride glinting in his eyes.

Watching Zeke walk off the mat, Michael couldn't help but feel a surge of nostalgia. Seeing his son in Cobra Kai, fighting with such ferocity, brought back memories of his own glory days in the 80s, when Cobra Kai was his life. The thrill of competition, the camaraderie, and the power it gave himโ€”it was intoxicating. He missed it. Badly.


The semifinals were set:

Miguel Diaz vs Xander Stone

Ezekiel Kreese vs Robby Keene


The tension in the arena was palpable as Darryl's voice echoed through the gym. The crowd, buzzing with excitement and anticipation, responded with enthusiastic applause as the finalists were announced. Each name carried its own weight, representing different styles, different stories, and different paths to this moment.

"Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate?" Darryl called out, and the crowd erupted in cheers. Miguel stood tall, his face a mask of determination. He had fought hard to get here, and he wasn't about to let anyone stand in his way.

"Will it be Ezekiel Kreese from Cobra Kai Karate?" Another round of applause filled the air. Zeke's eyes were cold, focused. He was ready.

"Will it be Robby Keene, unaffiliated?" The applause was smaller, but Robby didn't care. He was used to being the underdog, the lone wolf.

But that didn't phase him.

"And last but certainly not least, last year's champion, fighting out of Topanga Karate, Xander Stone!" The crowd roared, led by Xander's mother who shouted her support from the stands. Xander smiled, a confident but genuine expression that showed he loved the thrill of competition, but he had a different message to share.

Xander took a step forward, raising his hands to quiet the crowd. "I just wanted to say, even though I love to fight, we all need to fight together against hatred. And as I look around this arena, I pray for every race, religion, and gender that we can all live together in peace. Please join me in a moment of silence as we strive to end intolerance in our time."

The arena fell silent, but it wasn't a comfortable silence. Johnny, watching from the sidelines, scowled at the display. He leaned over to Miguel, his voice low and gruff, "Hey, kick that pansy b*tch in the face."

Miguel nodded without hesitation. "Yes, Sensei."

Zeke, standing beside Miguel, glanced over at Xander, a disdainful look in his eyes. "I wish I was the one doing it."

Miguel smirked, his gaze shifting toward Robby. "You'll get your rematch with Robby. Make it count."

Zeke nodded, his eyes narrowing as they fixed on Robby across the stage. The two locked eyes for a brief moment, and the air between them crackled with unresolved tension. Zeke wasn't going to let Robby slip through his fingers this time.

The moment of silence dragged on, much to the irritation of Darryl, who was eager to keep the energy high. Finally, he clapped his hands together, breaking the silence. "All right! First up, Stone versus Diaz!"

The crowd's energy surged as Miguel and Xander stepped onto the mat, facing each other. Xander's demeanor remained calm, almost peaceful, as if he was still lingering in the message he had just shared. But Miguel wasn't here for messagesโ€”he was here to win.

The referee signaled the start of the match. "Fight!"

Xander moved first, using his acrobatic skills to his advantage. He flipped forward, his body a blur as he aimed a kick at Miguel's head. Miguel barely dodged it, feeling the rush of air as Xander's foot whipped past his face. Xander landed lightly on his feet, immediately launching into another series of flips and strikes, his movements fluid and unpredictable.

Miguel tried to keep up, but Xander's unorthodox style was throwing him off balance. As Xander flipped again, Miguel misjudged the timing, and Xander's foot connected solidly with his side.

"Point, Stone!" the referee called out.

Miguel slammed his fist on the mat in frustration. He could hear Johnny's voice cutting through the noise. "Focus, Diaz!"

From the sidelines, Michael added his own encouragement. "Let's go, Diaz. Don't let him trick you."

Taking a deep breath, Miguel refocused. He couldn't let Xander's flashy moves get into his head. He watched Xander closely, studying his patterns, and waiting for the right moment to strike.

The match resumed, and Xander came at Miguel again with another series of acrobatic attacks. But this time, Miguel was ready. He dodged Xander's flips with newfound precision, anticipating where the next kick or punch would come from. As Xander landed from a particularly high flip, Miguel saw his opening. With lightning speed, he darted forward and delivered a swift, brutal kick to Xander's face.

Xander staggered back, momentarily stunned. The crowd gasped at the ferocity of the strike, but Miguel didn't hesitate. He followed up with a series of quick, powerful punches, driving Xander back across the mat. Xander tried to recover, launching into another flip, but Miguel was faster. He leaped forward, catching Xander mid-air with a perfectly timed kick to the chest.

"Point, Diaz!" the referee shouted.

The two fighters reset, but it was clear that the momentum had shifted. Miguel was in control now, his focus razor-sharp. He pressed the attack, not giving Xander any room to recover. Another flurry of strikes, and Miguel landed a crushing blow to Xander's ribs, sending him to the mat.

"Point, Diaz! Match, Diaz!"

The referee raised Miguel's hand in victory as the crowd erupted into cheers. Hawk, standing by the sidelines, pumped his fist in the air. "Let's go!"

Darryl's voice boomed over the loudspeakers. "Miguel Diaz is headed to the finals!"


The crowd murmured with anticipation as the referee announced the next match. "Next up, Kreese versus Keene."

Zeke's eyes locked onto Robby across the mat. The tension between them was thick, a palpable electricity that had been building ever since their first encounter. As Zeke prepared to step onto the mat, he noticed Johnny watching from the sidelines, his face tense, almost troubled.

"Something wrong, Sensei?" Zeke asked, a slight edge to his voice.

Johnny quickly shook off whatever thoughts were troubling him. "No. Show him what you got."

Zeke nodded, his gaze flicking briefly to Miguel and Hawk, who both gave him small nods of encouragement. Then, with a deep breath, Zeke jumped up to the mat, squaring off against Robby. The two young fighters faced each other, their expressions hard and unyielding.

"You ready for this?" Zeke asked, his tone low and challenging.

Robby didn't flinch. "Why not?"

Zeke smirked, a dark gleam in his eye. "It won't be like last time."

Robby's expression remained neutral, but there was a hint of defiance in his voice. "Yeah, we'll see."

The referee's voice broke through the tension. "Face me. Bow."

Both fighters turned to the referee, bowing respectfully before turning to face each other again.

"Face each other. Bow."

They bowed to each other, though there was no respect in the gesture, only the acknowledgment of the battle that was about to unfold.

"Fighting positions."

Both Zeke and Robby assumed their stances, muscles tense, eyes locked.

"Ready? And fight!"

Zeke wasted no time, launching into the offensive with a ferocity that caught Robby off guard. He dodged Robby's initial strikes with ease before delivering a powerful punch to Robby's gut.

"Point!" the referee called out. "One point, Kreese."

Robby doubled over slightly from the impact, but quickly forced himself to stand straight. As he steadied himself, a familiar voice cut through the crowd noise.

"Remember what you learned, Robby!" It was Daniel, his voice filled with urgency.

Zeke scoffed, dismissing Daniel's advice as he prepared for the next round. To him, Daniel's teachings were nothing but outdated nonsense.

The referee called them back to their positions. "Okay, fighting positions. Ready? And fight!"

This time, Robby was prepared. He moved with a fluidity that Zeke hadn't expected, blocking Zeke's attacks with ease. In one swift motion, Robby spun and delivered a sharp kick to Zeke's chest, sending him stumbling back.

"Stop!" the referee shouted. "One point, Keene."

Robby allowed himself a small, satisfied smirk as he watched Zeke's face contort with anger. He could hear Daniel cheering from the sidelines, his encouragement giving Robby the boost he needed.

Zeke pushed himself up, his glare burning into Robby. From the sidelines, Michael shouted, "No Mercy, Zeke!"

Zeke's mind raced. He had promised himself that he wouldn't let Robby win again. Not like last time. He needed to regain control of the match. "That was a lucky point," Zeke growled, his voice laced with bitterness.

Robby didn't respond with words. Instead, he smirked, a taunting expression that stoked the fire of Zeke's rage. The two fighters were called back to their positions, but before the referee could start the next round, Zeke shoved Robby backward, earning himself a warning.

The match resumed, and Robby, still calm and focused, managed to score another point with a well-timed strike.

"Point, Keene!" the referee announced, much to Zeke's growing frustration.

Zeke was furious now, his emotions threatening to spill over. His anger was like a boiling pot, and Robby's smirk was the last straw. "That'll be your last point," Zeke spat, his voice dripping with venom.

Robby, sensing Zeke's growing frustration, couldn't resist taunting him further. This time, it was personal, and Zeke's rage surged to new heights.

The referee called them back. "Positions, and fight!"

Zeke exploded with anger, his strikes coming faster and harder. He landed a few blows on Robby, each one driven by the burning desire to take him down. Finally, Zeke aimed a vicious kick at Robby's face, a move that should have earned him a point. But the referee didn't call it.

The referee waved his hand. "Block! No point!"

Zeke's face twisted with rage. "What the hell ref? You need to get your eyes checked?" he yelled, but his protest fell on deaf ears.

Zeke stormed back to his side of the mat, his eyes narrowed in fury as he noticed Robby's smug expression. The sight of it made his blood boil. Without thinking, Zeke shoved the referee aside and lunged at Robby, delivering a brutal kick to his shoulder.

The crowd gasped as Robby fell to the ground, clutching his shoulder in pain. The referee immediately intervened. "Hey! That's enough! Illegal contact. You're disqualified."

But Zeke was beyond reasoning. "Maybe you should get your fucking eyes checked. That kick was a point!" He shoved the referee again, his anger completely out of control.

Johnny stormed onto the mat, his face a mix of anger and disappointment. "What the hell are you thinking, man?"

Zeke turned to Johnny, his voice defiant. "I showed No Mercy, that's what we do, right?"

Miguel, watching from the sidelines, couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Dude, what the hell?"

Zeke fell silent, but a sly smirk began to creep across his face. "His shoulder is fucked up. Either he won't fight, or you got something to work with."

Miguel paused, his eyes narrowing as he considered Zeke's words.

Zeke had a point.

Robby's injury could be the advantage he needed in the finals.


The arena buzzed with anticipation as Darryl took the microphone, his voice echoing throughout the space. "This is it, folks. The moment we've all been waiting for. The final match to determine who will be victor and champion."

The crowd erupted in applause, each name drawing cheers and jeers from different sections of the stands.

"Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate?" Darryl's voice boomed, met with a loud wave of applause and cheers from the Cobra Kai supporters.

Zeke, standing with the rest of the Cobra Kai students, nodded approvingly at Miguel, who stood with a determined look in his eyes.

Darryl continued, "Will it be Robby Keene, unaffiliatedโ€”wait, what's this? Daniel LaRusso's gonna coach? Daniel LaRusso is gonna coach!"

A murmur spread through the crowd, growing into a massive cheer.

"I'm sorry, folks," Darryl said, unable to hide his surprise. "There's been a change. Robby Keene will now be fighting for Miyagi-Do Karate with former champion Daniel LaRusso as his sensei!"

The arena exploded with applause, especially from those who remembered Daniel's legacy and the Miyagi-Do philosophy. But not everyone was thrilled. Johnny and Michael, watching from the sidelines, exchanged angry, frustrated looks. Johnny clenched his fists, his jaw tightening.

Darryl, trying to keep the excitement in the air, added, "How about that? Good luck, gentlemen."

Johnny stepped closer to Miguel, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "You know what to do. You've trained all year for this."

Miguel's eyes were sharp, filled with determination. "Don't worry, Sensei. I won't let LaRusso or that kid go home a winner."

As Miguel prepared to step onto the mat, Zeke pulled him aside. "I never expected the kid who got beaten with a hockey stick would make it this far, but here we are."

Miguel laughed, shaking his head. "Crazy, right?"

Zeke's expression hardened, his voice dropping to a serious tone. "Just do me a favor. Fuck. Him. Up."

Miguel smirked, nodding, before turning to face Robby on the mat. The two opponents eyed each other with intense focus, ready to fight for everything they had trained for.

The referee stepped forward, commanding their attention. "Face me. Bow." The fighters turned, bowing respectfully to the referee before facing each other.

"Each other. Bow."

Miguel and Robby bowed to one another, though the gesture held no warmthโ€”only the recognition of the battle ahead.

"Fighting positions."

They assumed their stances, muscles coiled, eyes locked.

"Ready? And fight!"

Miguel lunged forward, his fists striking out with precision and speed. But Robby, calm and focused, blocked every strike, moving with the fluidity that only years of training could instill. Then, with a swift, unexpected kick, Robby struck Miguel in the chest, sending him sprawling to the mat.

The referee's voice rang out. "And stop! Point!"

Darryl's excited commentary followed, "Keene and Miyagi-Do get the first point!"

Zeke, watching from the sidelines, scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain. "Oh, so you give him the point but not me?"

The referee ignored the comment, raising his hand to signal the point for Robby.

Aisha, from the crowd, shouted, "No mercy!" Her voice blending with the calls from other Cobra Kai students.

Johnny leaned forward, his voice firm. "Remember the pitching machine. Don't get hit."

Miguel nodded, refocusing as the referee called them back to their positions.

"Ready? And fight!"

This time, Miguel was prepared. He dodged Robby's strikes with quick, agile movements, waiting for the right moment. Then, he struck, delivering a sharp kick to Robby's shoulder blade, followed by a powerful kick to his chest.

The referee stepped in. "Stop! One point."

The Cobra Kai students erupted into cheers, their voices filling the arena.

Darryl's voice boomed, "Diaz and Cobra Kai with the point. Now it's 1-1."

"Ready?" The referee's voice cut through the cheers. "And... fight!"

The fighters met in the middle, exchanging a flurry of strikes. Miguel, seeing an opening, targeted Robby's injured shoulder, landing a hard hit that sent Robby reeling. Seizing the opportunity, Miguel swept Robby's leg, sending him crashing to the mat.

"Point!" the referee called out, signaling another point for Miguel.

Darryl's voice echoed through the arena. "That makes it two points for Diaz!"

But before the fight could continue, Daniel called out from the sidelines. "Time! Time!"

Miguel scoffed, his voice laced with disdain. "Time?" He crossed his legs and waited, watching as Daniel spoke quietly to Robby, offering advice and encouragement.

Zeke, from the sidelines, watched with a smirk. He knew what Miguel was doingโ€”targeting Robby's injury, and he didn't care. To Zeke, whatever it took to win was fair game.

The referee called them back. "All right, Diaz. Let's go."

Robby returned to the mat, his face calm, his eyes closed for a brief moment as he centered himself.

"Fighting positions. And fight!"

Robby moved with renewed focus, blocking Miguel's strikes with one arm, despite the pain in his shoulder. Then, with a sudden burst of strength, Robby threw Miguel out of bounds, surprising everyone.

"Stop! Out of bounds," the referee declared. "No point. Out of bounds."

Miguel's frustration was palpable, but he quickly refocused as the referee called for the fight to resume. "Ready? And fight!"

The two fighters exchanged blows, their movements blurring together in a fast-paced exchange. Then, Miguel shoved Robby to the ground, his foot striking Robby's injured shoulder with brutal force. But before Miguel could land another hit, Robby executed an impressive two-legged kick while balancing on one hand, sending Miguel flying back.

Even Zeke had to admit it was impressive, though he would never say it out loud.

Darryl's voice rang out. "How about that? A two-legged kick!"

Robby, trying to maintain the spirit of sportsmanship, offered a hand to help Miguel up. But instead of accepting the gesture, Miguel seized the opportunity to grab Robby's arm and ruthlessly pulled it, wrenching Robby's shoulder out of place.

The crowd erupted in boos and gasps, horrified by the display.

Daniel shouted from the sidelines, "Ref! Come on!"

The referee stepped in, issuing a stern warning. "That's one warning for unsportsmanlike contact."

Miguel returned to Johnny, his expression proud. "I found his weakness, Sensei. It's his shoulder."

Johnny's face was troubled, the conflict clear in his eyes. "Look, I know we want to win, but it's got to be the right way. We don't have to fight dirty."

Miguel looked confused, his eyes narrowing. "Dirty? There's nothing dirty about winning, Sensei. You taught me that. Don't worry. I got this. No mercy."

Zeke, from the sidelines, turned and gave Miguel a nod of approval, his expression cold and calculating.

Darryl's voice filled the arena, heightening the tension. "Whoever wins the next point will be our new champion!"

The referee stepped forward, his voice cutting through the noise. "It's 2-2. Next point wins. Okay, good luck to both of you."

Zeke and Hawk shouted from the sidelines. "Come on, Miguel!"

The referee raised his hand. "Ready? And fight!"

Miguel and Robby clashed with everything they had left, their movements a blur of strikes and blocks. Robby, despite the pain in his shoulder, fought valiantly, his training and determination driving him forward. But Miguel, fueled by Zeke's words and his own sense of ruthlessness, targeted Robby's injury with precision. He caught Robby's leg, twisted it, and delivered a final, brutal kick to Robby's shoulder, followed by a powerful strike to his chest.

The crowd exploded in cheers, Cobra Kai supporters going wild.

Miguel let out a triumphant shout, "Hiyah!"

The referee stepped in, raising his hand. "Stop! Point! Winner!"

The Cobra Kai students erupted onto the mat, swarming Miguel in a frenzy of celebration. Zeke, Hawk, and the others dog-piled onto him, shouting and cheering.

Miguel grinned up at Johnny as he emerged from the pile. "Sensei, we did it!"

Zeke slapped him on the back, grinning. "No, you did it, man!"

Darryl's voice rang out over the cheers. "Who saw that coming, huh? I know I didn't. Without further ado, let me present the trophy to this year's new champion, Miguel Diaz and the Cobra Kai dojo!"

The trophy was handed to Miguel, who held it high above his head as the crowd roared. Darryl leaned in with the microphone. "Is there anything you want to say to the people, son?"

Miguel, still catching his breath, looked out over the cheering crowd. "I just want to say that if it wasn't for my sensei, I wouldn't be here, so this is for Sensei Johnny Lawrence and Cobra Kai!"

The Cobra Kai students began to chant, their voices growing louder with each repetition. "Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!"

The arena echoed with the chant, the name Cobra Kai reverberating through the space as Miguel stood victorious, the trophy in his hands, the cheers of his dojo surrounding him.


As the tournament crowd began to disperse, Zeke stepped off the mat, the thrill of victory still pulsing through him, though it was mixed with a tinge of frustration. He approached his family, and before he could say anything, Diana, threw her arms around him, pulling him into an overly affectionate hug.

"Mom, stop," Zeke protested with a laugh, trying to wriggle out of her embrace.

Sofia grinned up at him. "Not bad, big bro. That was pretty cool."

Zeke smiled at her, appreciating the compliment. But Sofia quickly turned to their parents, her tone shifting to impatience. "Can I go now?"

Michael chuckled, reaching for his phone. "Yeah, I'll call you an Uber. Your mom and I could use a night out anyway."

"Sweet!" Sofia said, her excitement palpable.

As Sofia bounded away, Michael turned back to his son, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You did great, Zeke. You were a big part of that win."

Zeke nodded, but his expression was clouded with disappointment. "Yeah, but I didn't win. Miguel did."

Michael squeezed his shoulder, looking him in the eye. "Maybe. But you helped him get there. And next year, Zeke, you'll be the one standing on top. We'll make sure of that."

Zeke's brow furrowed. "What do you mean, Dad?"

Michael smiled cryptically. "Oh, you'll see. But for now, go enjoy this moment with your friends."

Zeke nodded, a small smile returning to his face. "Thanks, Dad."

As Zeke walked away toward the other Cobra Kai students, Michael wrapped an arm around Diana's waist, leading her out of the arena. Just as they were about to leave, they ran into Daniel LaRusso, his expression tight with anger.

The tension between the two men was immediate. Daniel's voice was sharp. "So, Cobra Kai wins. You must be proud."

Michael smirked, his tone dripping with mockery. "Well, Daniel, you can't always be the winner, can you?"

Daniel clenched his jaw, clearly holding back a retort.

Michael, enjoying the upper hand, added, "I'd love to stay and chat, but Diana and I have a reservation at La Bella Notte in Encino. You know, a little place where the winners celebrate."

Daniel's face hardened, but before he could respond, Michael gently nudged Diana toward their car. "Enjoy the rest of your night, LaRusso."

As they reached the car, Michael helped Diana in and then took out his phone, dialing Kreese's number. The call connected almost immediately.

"Michael," Kreese's voice came through, low and gravelly. "I trust everything went as planned?"

Michael's eyes narrowed as he leaned against the car, his voice quiet but intense. "Yeah, everything's on track. What's next?"

Kreese's tone was laced with sinister satisfaction. "Now that Cobra Kai's back on top, we're going to make it stronger than ever. I'll fill you in soon."

Michael nodded, a slow, confident grin spreading across his face. "Looking forward to it."

He ended the call and got into the car, starting the engine. As they drove away, the future of Cobra Kai seemed more promisingโ€”and more dangerousโ€”than ever.

Meanwhile, back at the tournament, Zeke was heading toward his friends when he was stopped by Moon, her face flushed with anger.

"What the hell was that?" she demanded, glaring at him.

Zeke looked at her, his expression shifting into one of sarcastic amusement. "Oh, hi, Moon," he said, his voice dripping with mockery.

Moon's anger flared. "Why did you beat up Hawk like that? I thought you were friends. And what about that kid's shoulderโ€”you broke it!"

Zeke's expression hardened. "I'm always going to do what it takes to win. It's a tournament. You do what you have to do. And besides, Hawk was fine with it afterward."

Moon shook her head, her eyes filled with disappointment. "This is why we broke up, Zeke. Your anger, your aggression. What would've happened if we stayed together?"

Zeke's smirk faded, replaced by a cold, steely look. "You mean after you were locking lips with my friend less than a week after we broke up? How was I supposed to feel about that?"

Moon's expression faltered, guilt flashing in her eyes. "That was a mistake, Zeke. But you still need help. This angerโ€”it's not normal."

Zeke's lips curled into a smirk again. "I guess I have to thank you."

Moon blinked, confused. "For what?"

"For giving me the motivation," Zeke replied, his voice dripping with venom. "Kicking the shit out of your new boyfriend got that anger out of my system. Seeing you and him togetherโ€”now, I don't even care. And as for 'help,' you're not my girlfriend, and you're sure as hell not my friend. You don't get to tell me what to do."

Moon's face fell, her anger and frustration turning to sadness, but she said nothing.

Zeke took a step back, his expression unreadable. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to celebrate with my friends. Have a nice day, Moon."

He walked away without looking back, leaving Moon standing there, stunned and silent. Zeke's mind was already on the celebration ahead, the thought of Moon and everything they'd once had quickly fading from his mind.

He was done with her, and he didn't even care.


Johnny Lawrence stood in the dimly lit Cobra Kai dojo, the All Valley trophy heavy in his hands. The victory should have filled him with pride, a sense of accomplishment that he had once longed for. But as he looked at the trophy, his mind was clouded with doubt. The way his students had foughtโ€”the "no mercy" mentality that had defined his own youthโ€”was not what he had intended to pass on. He had seen the fury in Zeke's eyes, the ruthlessness in Miguel's actions. It all felt too familiar, too close to the mistakes of his past.

Lost in thought, Johnny barely registered the sound of the door chime echoing through the empty dojo. His head snapped up, eyes narrowing as he peered into the darkness.

"We're closed!" he called out, his voice gruff and edged with irritation.

There was no response. He set the trophy down on a nearby shelf and stepped out from behind the counter, his body tense as he scanned the room. "Miguel? Zeke?" he called out, wondering if one of his students had come back, maybe to celebrate or to talk.

But then he saw itโ€”a dark figure standing in the shadows, just beyond the reach of the dim light.

"Congratulations," the figure said, his voice smooth and eerily familiar. "You did what I always thought you could do. You won."

Johnny's blood ran cold. The voice was one he hadn't heard in years but would recognize anywhere. The figure stepped forward into the light, revealing a face that was as much a ghost from Johnny's past as it was a living, breathing nightmare.

It was John Kreese.

Kreese continued, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous satisfaction. "Cobra Kai is back where it belongs. Back on top."

Johnny's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of anger and fear welling up inside him. Kreese's presence here felt like the closing of a trap, the return of a shadow he had spent years trying to escape.

"Everyone closed the book on us," Kreese said, his voice filled with a chilling certainty. "They thought we were done. But now they see...the real story's only just begun."

End of Season One

A/N: For those who wanted Zeke to kick Robby's ass.

Oh don't worry. He'll have his chance.

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