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The shelves bumped against her chest as drums, as a heavy breathing and fresh sweat deopped from her tempers. His hot breath caused chills on her skin and the hand that gripped onto hers was soft but also possessive.

Those were the silent but not so silent afternoons at Mooneys now, when no clients weren't around, barely some people would be aware of what actually happened backstage, where two coworkers made great physical effort...in some other aspect.

-ERICA! -They heard Ethan yell from the front of the shop. -WE'VE GOT CLIENTS!

She could hear Joe's heavy sigh as he pulled away from her and zipped his pants. She didn'y feel mad though, actually found that funny and giggled mocking him.

-Don't be sad we'll find time to finish that later.- She smiled and kissed his cheek with tenderness.

-You know, I was thinking...-He hesited to tell. Truth is since Erica started working there, he has been thinking more and more about taking the next step in their relationship. -What do you think about going out someday?

-You mean a motel?

Erica no.

-No, as a uh....a da-

-ERICA! -Ethan shouted again.

-Duty calls.- She tapped his shoulder and promptly hushed to the cashier.

Joe relied his back on the bookshelf, thinking of a wise way to just tell the words but he couldn't. He just watche dher from her afar, with that shiny smile and friendly mannerism, enchanting everyone that spot her in that book store's apron.

I know I shouldn't hush things. I know that being patient and watching a relationship grow is essencial to its' meaning. I learned that in the hard way.

But as much as I enjoy this, I can't help but feel...incomplete.

It doesn't make sense actually.

You were supposed to he a romantic, that's what you showed me when we met, but when we do have the opportunity for romance...

...You just waste it.

And that is quite frustrating.

That doesn't mean I'll give up on us, Erica. I would never give up on us.

I would never give up on you.


It's not that I don't trust you, Erica, I just...want to know what is happening.

I mean, if you don't want romance, then there is something wrong, and I want to be sure about that.

So following you is the easiest way to do it.

You're not being so attentive as always, thank God, but I still need to be careful.

He adjusted the cap as he followed her figure through the campus crowd.

I need to be invisible.

He watched as she talked with some friends, nothing wrong as it seemed. The day was bright and there were so many students in that university that she could barely notice him.

Talking with Maggie again as usual. Could she have developed some sort of emotion towards you?

Reminds me of Beck and Peach...that would be a pain in the ass if it turns out to be true.

But no, Maggie started dating again recently and she seems happy with her full-of-testosterone-gym-afficionado-boyfriend.

As much as I have my...opinions...about Maggie, she seems to truly care about you, or maybe you truly feel comfortable around her.

I promised myself not to look over your texts after we started having our rendezvous, but this prolongued and tortuous situation left me without any other choice, Erica. I had to.

And when I saw them, I can often notice you leave hints to Maggie, such as "can I call you?" or "Can we talk tomorrow? It's important". I'm not sure if paranoid would be the correct term, but you certainly don't trust text messages...and you're not wrong about that.

But it just difficults the situation for me. Because now you obligate me to do this.

I just want to care about you Erica, that's all I want.

Joe continued to follow the two best friends until a more private area in the campus. A green park with an old monument in concrete already covered in moss adorned the center, as the two sat by an old bench, and the stalker hid behind some trees that surrounded the area, listening attentive to the conversation.

-So, what's causing these new face ecpression marks on you? Tell me. You already look 20 older because of these new wrinkles around your eyes. -Maggie mocked as she attempted to nake her best friend open up.

-It's nothing...-Erica tried to avoid the subject as she watched the sun above, shining as usual.

-You wouldn't call me if it wasn't important, Erics. You hate phone calls.

That is actually true. You despise phone calls, you try to avoid them as much you can, and even not trusting text messages, you will try, until your very last and left resource, to use them.

I still don't know what caused this refusal of yours to be like this, but this can be set aside for now. We have more important tasks to solve.

Like, why can I be your "fuck boy" but not your boyfriend.

Erica sighed, running her delicate hands through her face as she took in a moment to answer her friends question. She looked around the park, scanning the trees, while the stalker subtly hid himself behind the woods attempting his best not to be caught.

-It's Joe.-She replied.

It's me.

-So he's the problem.

I'm the problem.

-Not exactly him, it's me. I'm the problem.- Erica struggled to open up.- He is a great guy you see...

-But you don't want him.

-No, it's not that.

Yeah, it's not that, shut up Maggie.

-Then what is it?

-I feel like he wants to take the next step.

Fuck she knows.

-You mean...become your boyfriend?


-Thought you liked him...-Maggie made a face -Despise him being...him.

I almost forgot how...kind, Maggie is.

-And I do. I do. I really like him.-Erifa affirmed again, shaking her head and trying to pull away the dark hair strands that fell above her face. -But I felt this way before and...


-And it didn't end up well.

A hidden past?

-So you're afraid it might happen again?- Maggie suggested.- Girl...

-I don't want to upset him...he doesn't deserve that...even if that means that I have to let him go.

Wait- what is that supposed to mean?

-You're breaking up with him?-Maggie widened up her eyes. -Damn Erics-

-I can't keep...using him, Maggie, it doesn't feel right.-She brushed her hands on her jeans covered thighs.- Joe could be happier without me, so I'll let him do that.

No, no, no I couldn't. I don't want that.

Maggie tabbed her friend's shoulder and gave a kind smile with pity.

-That's really mature of you.-She nodded. -Want some help in formulating a speech or something? I'm quite experienced in rejecting guys.

Erica giggled for a moment, it was relieving to have Maggie around, she could ease any tension with a silly joke and a smile. That's why she was loved by everyone.

-Thanks...but I guess I'll just have to be honest with him.- She took a deep breath.- I'll do that after work today.

-Well, the best I can say then us...good luck.

Good luck for me, because I'll have to change your mind.


-Thank you for coming, bye!-Erica smiled as she closed the door and placed the sign of "We're Closed" on the door, calling it a day.

The sky was already dark as she saw Ethan leaving and prepared her stuff. But before she could do anything, she needed to regain courage and talk to Joe...who mysteriously had disappeared for quite a while now.


Joe?- She asked but no replied. - Joe??

-Down in the basement!-He yelled.

Well, Erica never went to the basement before, so it indeed was a surprise when he called her from down there, but she was naïve enough to just do as he says.

She cautiously went downstairs as she was surprised by the absence of light in the room. Stepping slowly, attempring not to trip on her feet, she continued to call for him with no response.

Until suddenly she saw small shimmering yellow lights, almost as fireflies hanging on the walls and iluminating a huge glass box filled with books in the center. She has never seen something as that before, and her eyes widened even more when she saw who was inside with the door open, holding a bouquet of flowers and dressing elegantly just for her.

-Joe...what is this...?-She mumbled still incredulous at the show of beautiful lightning.

-Taking my chance.-He gave a half smile as he stepped out of the box and stood up in front of her. He just then realized how nervous he was how his hands trembled while holding the flowers or how he tried not be all sweaty in her presence. He needed to keep it cool, win her back, and convince her to stay. If that didn't work...

....well, she was already in the basement.

-I...don't understand...-She shaked her head.

-I know I can not be the guy of your dreams.-He gave a half smile as Erica opened her mouth object against that statment, but he interrupted her- But I care for you, Erica...I admire everything about you..from your hopless romantic behaviour to your amusing intelligence and your wild side. Everything.-He could feel his heart almost escaping his chest from how hard it beated.- And that is why I can't keep myself from telling you what I feel, even if you don't feel the same, even if this is just...casual to you.

-What are you-

-I'm sorry, I'm in love with you.- He confessed in a whispery and clear sentence. Erica paralyzed at his words. - I love you so much that sometimes I can't even breathe...and I'd rather choke.-He chuckled. -You're everything I can think or dream about...you're all I wish and all I hope for...you're...-He sighed and smiled. -...you. And that is why you're so special.-Joe delicately handled her the flowers, holding her hands in his, so warm, so confortable, so addicting. His eyes lowered down in fear, but then turned to her brown ones. -I cherish you too much to just be an one night stand guy. And I'm sorry if that's rude but...but I can't stand that anymore.-She could feel his skin trembling against her palms. -I can't stand this while all I want...-He took in a deep breath. -...all I want is to he yours.

Erica was still frozen. For a minute he believed she wasn't even there, that her soul has left her body.

Did he scare her? Would she leave? Would she break up whatever they had and tell him to forget her? He couldn't handle those ideas. No, in his mind, he already planned a way to make her stay...any way to make her stay. Forever.

-...What if you don't want to be mine?-She suddenly said.


-What if you disappoint yourself? What if I'm not all you dream of? Could you still stay?

That idea was stupid to him. How could she not be who she is? She was simply perfect.

-Erica, I will always stay-

-I've hurt people in relationships before. I have been hurt before.-She finally said it out loud, her eyes crytalline with emotion. -Which is why...I don't want to risk of you getting hurt too.


-I realized that from the moment I kissed you in that car in our first date.-She finally solved the mystery he tried to solve for so long. -Because I knew I could be falling for you...but you...you didn't give up.-She gave a painful smile. -You insusted and made this mark in my brain...in my...heart.-She lelt it out softly.- When I saw you...no when I still see...you with any other girl...-She shook her head. -It makes my blood boil because...because I want you to be mine. Only mine.

Joe involuntairly smiled at the sentence.

-I want you to be mine.-He responded. -Erica please...-He continued to hold her hand.-Give us a chance, that's all I ask.

-You don't know what you're asking for, Joe...-She hesited.- It's better if we just...part ways and-

-I know what I want. I know you.-He confirmed louder decided and serious.- And I want you, Erica Souza.-He gave a small smile. -I know you're stubborn but...let me be the one to change your mind. Change it for me. For us.

For us. She liked the sound of that. A unit. A team.

-Are you willing to risk yourself being with me?-She asked in a fragile question.

-I'll risk everything for you.-He replied fearless.-I promise nothing will ever hurt you...no one.-He promised strongly. -This time it will be different.

Erica admires his soft, friendly and obssessive eyes once again, clueless to his maniac purposes. Was that the man she dreamed about? He indeed was passionate, caring, intelligent and simply breathtaking. He seemed too good to be true. Everything seemed too good to be true.

But she wasn't a little girl anymore. There were no shining kinghts in white horses who would save her. Joe wasn't a prince who would wake her from a deep sleep.

No, he was the villain, the curse himself.

But in her eyes, he was an angel.

And that made her helplessly agree.

-What do you say, Erica?-He asked again as a puppy. -Can you give us a chance?

Her lips quivered in aprehension but didn't back off from an answer.

-You better keep that promise.-She smiled softly, he felt his heart collapse inside his chest. -Don't you dare to break it.

-I'd never.-He chuckled as he slowly leaned forward, taking a glimpse of the rose invitaion in front of him.

He delicately set the bouquet aside, pulling her waist as her eyelids closed in advance, in the quietness of the room and the gleaming lights, as he sealed that vow with the sweetest of the kisses.

He did it. He had finally seduced her. Erica was his girlfriend, and no one would ever change that.

He wouldn't let them.

When no they pulled apart she was blushing but smilling, the hands placed on his chest as he couldn't stop staring at the person he most adored in this whole planet.

-So we're a thing now...?-She asked shy.-Like, I can call you my...

-Boyfriend?-He chuckled. She was simply adorable. -Yeah, I think so.

-Please don't tell em we'll have cringy nicknames.

-Oh, no, why not bubba?-He mocked as she slapped his shoulder- Ouch.

-I'll break up with you if you say that again.-She laughed as he wrapped his arms around her tighter.

-Okay, not bubba. Got it, hon.

-Fuck you, Joe.-She rolled her eyes.

-Only if you do.-He winked as she brusted laughing again.

-Oh...now I get the box-She pointed. His face became a bright red.

-N-No, that's not what-

-I was joking.-She smirked as he sighed relieved, but still nervous.-We'll think of a better nickname.

-Okay, I can accept that.

-Good.-She smiled as she rest her head in his chest again, absorbing the warmnes of his body and his light characteristic perfume.-Hey, Joe.

-Um?- He replied, still light headed.

-I...-She refused to say the word for a moment.-....I think it isn't nice to just let you sat it alone...so...-She took in a deep breath. -...I love you too.

His smile opened up wide and bright, that was the best day of his whole life.

He didn't say anything else, it wasn't necessary to. Just hugged her tight, almost not willing to let her go anymore, savoring that moment.

I know, Erica.

I knew that you would.

But you must know...

...I will always love you more.

Much more.

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