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"Shields.. That's- That's school property. That's something not to be toyed with." The boy spoke. Bender got up and walked over to me, keeping a lookout.

"At least one person isn't boring in here." He muttered. I nodded and successfully unscrewed the door, placing the screw into my pocket and going to sit down, Bender following behind.

"That's very funny, you two. Fix it, come on." Andrew scoffed, clearly annoyed by out behaviour. I sat down and smiled to him.

"Yeah, you should really fix that." The boy spoke. I turned around and faced him.

"What's your name?" I asked, not always wanting to refer to him as 'the boy'.

"Oh, um, Brian.." He replied back. I nodded and faced Bender who sat down.

"We're not geniuses, Sporto." He crossed his arms and put his legs onto the table. If we keep up this act, people might end up getting bored of us. I also wanted to deny his statement but I guess one lie could stay away for a minute.

"No, you're both assholes!" Andrew yelled back. I laughed to myself as Bender replied to him with sarcastic comments. "Fix the door!" Bender raised his hands and tried to quieten everyone down.

"I've done this before, I know what I'm doing!" I scoffed in response. I did not know what I was doing but I have done this before.

"Go fix the door!!" Andy kept shouting over Bender and I.

"Shut up!!" Bender slammed the table and everyone went quiet. We heard Vernon shout from the corridor and sat straight. He swung the door open and walked to the front of the library.

"Why is that door closed?" He asked, pointing to the door and staring daggers at us all. We all stayed silent and shrugged. He repeated his question but louder this time. His eyes met Bender's and I could see a rage build up inside him.

"How would we know? We're not supposed to move." Bender replied as he faced the table, avoiding the eye contact Vernon was trying to make with him.

"Why?!" He shouted at the girl. She seemed lost for words but kept eye contact with him.

"We're just sitting here, like we're supposed to." She eventually spoke. He nodded and walked over to Bender. A small sigh escaped her mouth.

"Who closed that door?!" He continued raising his voice to which I rolled my eyes. He noticed and went to shout at me before Bender interrupted.

"I think a screw fell out." He replied. He looked up slightly and made small eye contact with me before looking away.

"It just closed, sir." Andy avoided look at Vernon and faced the front, moving uncomfortably in his seat.

"Who?!" Vernon continued. The girl at the back made a squeaky noise before slamming her head on the desk in response.

"She doesn't talk, sir." Bender cleared his throat as the girl continued making noises in the back.

"Give me that screw.." He held his hand out, annoyed by Bender's responses. I wasn't sure what Vernon had against him but it didn't seem very teacher-like.

"I don't have it." He shrugged, still avoiding all eye contact with him.

"You want me to yank you out of that seat and shake it out of you?" He pushed on, angrily pointing at him.

"He said he doesn't have it, sir. Screws fall out all the time. The world's an imperfect place." I spoke up and Vernon shot around to stare at me.

"Miss Shields, if you have the screw, give it to me." His voice became stern and his eyes continued to stare daggers but my facial expression didn't break. I was used to lying to him.

"Excuse me, sir. Why would anybody want to steal a screw?" The girl added. I could feel Vernon start to get angry as he turned to face her.

"Watch it, young lady." He walked towards the door and started finding things to keep it open. He grabbed a chair and pulled it in front.

"The door's way too heavy, sir." Bender scoffed, a small smile appearing on his face. Vernon simply ignored him and let go of the chair and the door. It was quickly slammed shut and the chair was pushed out the way due to the pressure.

"Damn it!" He screamed. I could hear the rest of the students trying to hide their laughter as well. He came back in and placed his hands on his waist, looking at us. "Andrew Clark, get up here. Front and center. Let's go." He clicked his fingers and Andy sighed, standing up and walking over to him, reluctantly.

"Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up?" Bender complained, jokingly. "If he gets up, we'll all get up. It will be anarchy!" He threw his hands about whilst Vernon and Andy grabbed the magazine display and placed it in front of the door. "It's out of my hands." He continued. I watched as Andrew tried to climb over the display, failing and slipping off. I chuckled to myself and looked away. "That's very clever, sir, but what if there's a fire? I think violating fire codes and endangering the lives of children would be unwise at this juncture in your career, sir." He shrugged.

"Alright, what are you doing?" Vernon looked over at Andy. "Get this out of here for God's sake. What's the matter? Come on." He hissed as he watched Andy push the magazine display back in place.

"The school's equipped with fire exits at either end of the library." Brian corrected Bender.

"Show dick some respect." He replied, squinting his eyes. Brian nodded and looked away and Andy sat back down, irritated with Vernon's behaviour.

"I expected a little more from a varsity letterman." Vernon looked around at us before focusing on Bender. "You're not fooling anybody, Bender. The next screw that falls out is gonna be you." Bender leant back and muttered under his breath. "What was that?" He walked over to him and put his hands on his waist.

"Eat... My... Shorts." He repeated, unfazed by Vernons deathly look.

"You just bought yourself another Saturday, mister." Their 'argument' kept going for another five minutes whilst the rest of us looked around at each other. "Are you through?" His voice echoed through the library.

"How many is that?" Bender asked, leaning forwards in his chair.

"That's seven, including the one when you asked Mr. Vernon whether Barry Manilow knew he raided his closet." Brian counted on his finger and nodded once he finished his sentence.

"Now it's eight. You stay out of it." He turned to face him and lowered his hand.

"Excuse me, sir, it's seven." Brian corrected him.

"Shut up, Peewee." He scowled. Brian nodded and turned to face the front. Vernon held up his fingers in a 'bull' shape and starts to walk off. "You're mine, Bender. For two semesters, I got you. I got you."

"What can I say? I'm thrilled." Bender leant back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"I'm sure that's exactly what you want these people to believe. You know something, Bender? You ought to spend a little more time trying to do something with yourself, and a little less time trying to impress people. You might be better off." His glare nearly burnt through him.

"Sir, it's a bit unprofessional to speak to a student like that." I spoke up, smiling at Vernon. His eye twitched and he looked around at us.

"Right, that's it! I'll be right outside those doors.  The next time I have to come in here, I'm cracking skulls." He stormed out, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Fuck you!!" Bender screamed. I expected some kind of response but it was complete silence. "Fuck." He muttered under his breath.

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