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-what do you know about sirius black? asked the older man with red hair

-Only...only he escaped from Azkaban- answered harry

-And why?- asked the man again, since Harry didn't know the answer to that question, he shook his head- thirteen years ago... -continued- do you remember for...?

-voldemort? Harry asked, surprising Arthur Weasley.

-Don't say his name!


-at the end the end of black, but even now...he continues as his faithful servant -arthur counted as he moved harry a few steps so that no one could hear their conversation- and in his mind... you're the only thing that stands in the way of who-you-know coming back to power... -continued moving from place- and why he escaped from azkaban, he wants to find you- he said taking him by shoulders

-and kill me -finished harry deducing the following words from arthur weasley

-harry swear to me that no matter what you hear you will not go looking for black! -I whisper loudly

-Mr. Weasley... Why would I look for someone who wants to kill me? Harry asked.






-RON! Ron! -the redheaded woman ran all over the of kingcross station- oh! please don't lose it! Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, handing Ron the rat ONCE AGAIN through the window of the red train.

-I did n't want to inflate it but... I lost control -Harry commented while his two friends of him followed them looking for an cabin em

-that was cool! -Ron exclaimed at the green-eyed man's words.

-Hey, it's not funny, Ron! Harry was lucky he didn't get expelled! -I claim hermione

"Lucky I didn't get arrested," Harry added sarcastically.

-It was still great! - added the redhead there are place -said the girl with uncontrollable hair pointing to an "empty" booth

Upon entering the three boys noticed someone.

-Who will he be? -Ron asked for the person under the coat.

-Professor R.J Lupine -answered hermione

-you know everything! Because he knows everything? -asked the redhead

"It's written in her suitcase ,"- answered Hermione, pointing to the top of the cabin.

-Do you think he is asleep? Harry asked.

-That seems...why? -curiosity won the girl once again

-I have to tell you something... -Harry got up from his seat and closed the door

As the train moved forward and the mist surrounded them, Harry told them about what Arthur Weasley told him about Sirius Black.

-Let's see if I understand... Are you saying that Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to find you?! asked rum upset


"But they're going to catch him! The whole world is after him," Hermione added, trying to calm the boys and partly herself.

-sure, although... no one had ever escaped from azkaban -commented the scared redhead- and he is a maniacal and dangerous murderer.

-thanks ron... -answered harry sarcastically

out of nowhere the train stopped abruptly, Harry got up from his seat and poked his head down the aisle of cabins

-Why did it stop? -asked the girl- we haven't arrived yet

The train lurched, shoving the boy with the scar on his forehead back into his seat.

-WHAT'S GOING ON?! -asked the redhead with panic

-I don't know... maybe it broke down -Harry tried to improve things with his comment but it didn't work

the lights on the train went out and ron went to the window

-auh!...ron that was my foot -complained the brunette

-something is moving outside! -Ron commented passing saliva and trying to regulate his breathing

outside of that train you could see practically nothing, the day was opaque and dark and the fog did not collaborate, the lights that kept flickering went off cabin by cabin until reaching the one of the three young magicians

-I think... that... someone got on -commented the boy in panic while the train shook once again

It was starting to get so cold that every time they exhaled the air could be seen coming out of their mouths and noses, the window Ron had been watching through began to freeze, so much so that the water bottle next to it did the same. silence reigned in the place, you could hear the breathing of each person and even hermione could swear that she heard ron's heart beating faster than normal, everyone on the train was panicked even though they were trying to keep the silence so that no one will enter

-oh what the hell! -Exclaimed Ron when the train shook once again- what happened?

The three boys turned their eyes to the door in which they could clearly see how a kind of ... ghost of black and creepy color began to peek through the corridor, his horrible and long hand of him came out from between his cloak to slowly open the door. door of the cabin of the harry potter, when the door was opened, the breathing of that thing, whatever it was, was heard three times louder, terrifying and freezing the three boys.

he paused for a moment but then he turned his head towards harry slowly making the moment more torturous and somehow began to suck the Harry's life, his happiness, his soul, or so he felt.

The other two boys could only watch how little by little that thing ended the life of their best friend, since they couldn't even know what to do.

and there... just before that thing ended with harry potter, the person covered by the coat woke up, got up quickly and nimbly and pointed his wand at the thing was killing the chosen one, from the tip of the wand it began to sprout a VERY strong white light that blinded those present and somehow scared away whatever it was that had sneaked onto the train to hogwarts.

and while harry was audible the shrill cry of a woman fainted.






-HARRY! Harry! you are well? -Asked the brown-haired girl while she shook her friend so that he would wake up, when she noticed that he had already opened her eyes, she handed him her round glasses

-thank you... -said harry kindly raising his head from the seat

-Harry, eat this... -said a woman with dark brown hair down to her shoulders and thin features offering him a bar of chocolate- it will help with...the headache and dizziness -she added while Harry took the chocolate

harry somewhat confused and trying to return to his five senses he looked at the woman her eyes were the color of hazelnuts and she had a kind appearance

-what...was that thing that...came up? -Harry asked, adjusting his glasses.

-it was a dementor, they are guards in azkaban, I suppose he was looking for sirius on the train -the woman quickly added her full name, her tone changed to a cold one- sirius black, the... fugitive from azkaban- she said taking her eyes to the ground for an instant and quickly recovering- I think I should talk to the driver- come on! the chocolate, it's not poison -added the woman with a slight smile before leaving the cabin

The woman left the cabin and walked to an empty one and sat there, she lied about seeing the driver, but the need to get out of that cabin was making her desperate, upon entering the cabin she let herself fall into the seat tiredly, being Being back in that place was overwhelming, especially because of the good memories that reminded him that things would never be the same again and made him want to go back in time and shake his young her so that she would appreciate time much better... especially with them.

"I will always be with you rose... we arrived together, and... we will leave together. I promise you that"






the lights shone once more in the great dining room, the familiarity of the students was felt again, along with the joy of the freshmen, but there was some melancholy in the night thanks to the contention of the train; While the children sang holding frogs and drums, led by Professor Filius Flitwick, some talked about what their parents would think about the attack on the train and about the fear of some others about what had happened.

-Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! - said the professor with a long beard as well as his robe - I want to say a few words before our excellent banquet leaves you stunned, first ... I am glad to receive Professor RJ LUPIN, who has agreed to be the teacher of defense against the dark arts... good luck teacher! -Professor Dumbledore turned to see the woman who stood up slowly giving a sigh and faked a big and convincing smile at the situation, and with her head she made a gesture of greeting

-of course!... that's why he gave harry chocolate -hermione understood

-potter!...potter! -called the blonde oxygenating harry from the next table- did you pass out? -asked mocking- did you pass out, potter? -I ask with a haughty smile while his friends laughed under their breath

shut up malfoy! -the redhead shut him up, pouting

-how did he know? -asked the one with glasses

"Ignore him," said Hermione, annoyed by the Slytherins.

-our teacher...of magical creatures, has decided to retire to...spend more time with his remaining arm- continued the director of the school- fortunately, I am happy to tell you that the subject will be taught by our dear and great friend...rubeus hagrid -Applause filled the venue as the beloved ranger rose from the staff table causing it to shudder - finally a less than pleasant warning -the applause ceased- by ​​order of the ministry of magic hogwarts is going to be guarded by the dementors of azkaban, until further notice, notification that I dislike.

Everyone in the large dining room began to reproach each other and talk about what they thought, some in fear and others angry at such an action.

-the dementors will be stationed at each entrance- professor dumbledore continued- although they assured me that the dementors will not interfere in our activities... be careful, the dementors feed on your deepest fears and we cannot deceive them, they do not distinguish between the prey they pursue and the one who crosses their path -his words managed to frighten several- I must warn each student not to look for reasons to be harmed, it is not in the nature of a dementor to forgive, but understand! happiness can be even in a dark moment, just don't forget... turn on the light -she said lighting a candle to the right of him with a wave of her hand.






at the end of the banquet harry along with ron and hermione left the great hall

-let's go to sleep harry, tomorrow the first class is VERY early and I have to start studying for...

-the exams! yes, hermione, we already know -ron claimed with annoyance while she only frowned at him

-I'm coming... just... fine, let's go... -Harry, who had been waiting for the new DADA teacher to come out of the large dining room, decided to go to the bedroom first for something she thought would be useful


After he and his roommates were talking and laughing for some sweets that gave them the ability to make animal sounds, everyone fell asleep, except for himself of course, he made sure once again that everyone was asleep and He picked up his invisibility cloak from the trunk under his bed, put it on his shoulders and silently began to walk towards the door.

Leaving the common room, he completely put on the cloak that completely covered him, went down all the stairs of the gryffindor tower and began to wander through the corridors, he did not quite know what he was looking for, or it was just lack of sleep that made him make bad decisions, he just walked around for about twenty minutes, until without realizing it he was in front of the DATDA (defense against the dark arts) classroom, the door was ajar and in the distance he could hear voices He slowly walked until he was almost inside and began to pay attention.

-I don't really know why he asked ME to come teach at Hogwarts... -commented a female voice

-Well... really not many want the position, but it was not only for that reason that I sent for you, Miss Rose... you are one of the best graduates of your generation, not to say that you were the best -commented a male voice that Harry easily recognized

-He was the best, I wasn't... -added the woman- and I'm afraid I've come to think...Professor, that you only asked for my presence here as an act of pity for what happened years ago...

-Miss Rose... -the man tried to speak

-NO, professor dumbledore, I know that's how it is, I don't like that they feel sorry for me, I must say that I came to admire him in a great way, but after what... happened, for a while I felt a great hatred, although now I don't think it was entirely your fault, something in me won't let me trust you -the finished the woman

-and I totally understand Miss Rose, it's something that to this day I still haven't forgiven myself, I understand that you don't either, but let me tell you that whoever is here has nothing to do with what happened, if you're here it's because I thought he was the right person for the position- The man said calmly.

-I thank you for trust me as a teacher -answered the woman trying to sound more friendly

-well... I think it's time for me to retire, you should rest, the first day is always the longest... -said the man walking towards the door

Harry moved quickly, praying that the professor with the white beard and the somewhat funny hat hadn't heard.






" say you heard Professor Dumbledore and Professor Lupin...talking in the of DATDA room last night while you should have been asleep?" Hermione asked after everything the myopic man told them as they walked to the first class of the day.

"I think so..." replied the green-eyed

"So you didn't see them?" Ron asked.

-Well... I could see Dumbledore, but not Professor Lupin, I just... listened to her.

How do you know it was her? Could she be m gonagall? -Hermione said shrugging her shoulders.

-no!, I'm sure it was her, besides...dumbledore called her rose, and that's the first initial of her name, apart from the fact that the story they were talking about seemed to fit with the awkwardness she had yesterday at dinner- Harry replied leaving his friends without arguments.

-so, she studied here...and...something happened years ago that made her angry with professor dumbledore... -hermione said joining all the points of what harry mentioned

-exactly. and that's what I'm going to find out, something tells me that she met sirius black, I saw that when we talked to her on the train -he added with a tone that he already had a plan

"something tells me" that this year will not be peaceful at all -added ron sighing





HELLO!!! how are they?

What did you think of this first chapter?

up to a certain point it was the same as the prisoner of azkaban (the movie), but I must tell you that it will be VERY different, in addition to changing the cast of sirius :) XD

They like me?

what do you think rose is hiding?

What happened "years ago"?

Why does rose "hate" dumbledore?

That she will spend with Sirius?


remember to vote!

...Mischief done...

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