Chapter 1: Thunder Falls Just As Rain

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A/N: Before we start I just wanna say this was originally a roleplay. Josh is my friend's character. They wrote his paragraphs.

The splishing and sploshing of the rain hit the puddles as she walked by. Children running and playing in them as cars zoom passed. Her uniform getting soaked from the car now a ways away from her. The frown on her face was prominent as can be and the umbrella was broken.

The girl stopped by the streetlight to wait for the light to turn red. But she wanted to get home. She could jaywalk, but she can't afford to get a ticket. The cops rest by the street as they glared, waiting to see if she would try it. The light turns red and she walks on over to the next block.

It was a long morning for her. Such a morning in fact that she worked from four to ten at her three different jobs. Every single day. It was grueling indeed and she'd look like crap afterward, but it was worth it. The diner she worked at paid good money, but she got fired from it today. A petty reason really. 'The customer is always right' biz was still burrowing itself in her mind since her boss fired her. Where was she going to work now?

It pretty much paid all the bills.

Kennedi walked up to her house and unlocked the door, closing it right after. She threw the keys on the kitchen counter and rushed upstairs to do her daily regimen. Two hours pass by and she goes downstairs to make herself some food.

Dino nuggets to be exact.

To keep herself from dying of boredom, she turned on the music and sort vibed. Singing the lyrics to Gee from SNSD, bouncing around in the process of making the nuggies.


A pained gasp, once unmovable lungs tightening and cramping as the breath of life entered his body.
And as soon as his lungs began to fill with air, they were just as quickly crushed by an impossible pressure.

That's when josh finally gained some sort of consciousness, panicking and struggling to get himself out of whatever death trap he was in. What was he doing here? The last memory he had was being cornered by the police, and then everything went black.

He managed to dig himself out a bit, his torso bursting through the mud as he struggled to breathe with a body that hasn't been active for 50 years.

Josh's senses finally start to kick in, the sound of rain filling his ears while his vision slowly came back to him. He looked around, finally realizing the fact that he just dug himself out of the f u c k i n g g r o u n d.
Was he buried alive? how did he not die?

what in the fresh hell is happening right now?

Josh's deteriorated muscles strained to pull himself out of the mud, shaking from the cold rain pouring down on his body. he finally sat up, looking up to see... a house ?

Was he seriously buried in someone's backyard?

It still looks like someone lives in there, maybe he can reason with them and figure out where exactly he came from. Josh tried to stand up, but his weak body was still adjusting to moving. How long was he 6 feet under for?

Josh just tried to pull himself to the back of the house, using the window sill to help stand himself up, looking into the house. It looked so... different. Almost everything in there looked futuristic or wasn't even thought of yet. This shit didn't look like it belonged to even the wealthiest man in 1976.

He pulled on the window, suprised to see that it opened. He slid himself through the small gap in provided. The warmth from inside the house permeated through his bones, easing his shaking from the freezing downpour outside.

Josh leaned on the wall for support as he explored the house as quietly as possible, leaving a trail of muddy footprints behind him. His hazy brain struggling to grasp when, or even where he was right now. This felt all too surreal, like an episode of the twilight zone.

Kennedi took her dinosaur nuggies from out the oven and took a bite. Ah yes, too good. She wondered what actual dinosaurs would taste like- wait a minute. Was that a thump? She brushed it off as her cat jumping around. Her cat was pretty fat.

But then she heard creaking on the floor.

She put her nuggets down, turned the music off, and silently made her way to the back of the house. To her knowledge, the floor was wet as can be and the window was cracked. A wave of anxiety flowed over her. Someone was in her house. Someone was lurking nearby and could possibly take everything she owned. Kennedi went to the closet containing her bat and almost dropped everything when she looked back up. Her eyes widened and she fumbled backwards on her rear.

There down the dark hallway, a tall slender man who she couldn't see the face of, was standing there. L o o k i n g at her. Grazing and peering at her actions to see what she would do next. Kennedi felt all the color drain from her face as if she'd seen a ghost. Clutching her side, she stood there, staring back at him. She wouldn't have guessed she would die today of all days. The day she was fired from her good paying job.

The light of the moon shone through the window, the next wall and floor below illuminated from it. It only made this situation more frightening to her. Gathering the courage to speak, she stood up tall and frowned.

"What are you doing in my house?"


His sense of hearing still wasn't fully with him, but he noticed the sudden silence and he could never mistake the sounds of footsteps coming near, covered in the stench of fear.

He turned towards the sound, standing up straight. He tensed as he saw a girl, with a bat. He couldn't see much, his left eye was almost completely blind and the darkness definitely wasn't helping. But she definitely seemed more frightened of him than he was of her.

Josh flinched at every movement she made, watching her carefully with wide eyes. He was still shaking, absolutely drenched and weak. Would she even help him? She's probably going to call the cops.

And as terrifying as that might sound to him, a well known, and presumably dead serial killer, maybe they can give him some answers about himself.

He visibly struggled to speak, trying to mouth words that just came out as labored breaths. After a few moments, he could finally get a few things out.

"I...woke up in your backyard."

He spoke hoarsely, voice wavering and ghostly, only making him appear more terrifying than before.

"Where am I?"


In her backyard?

What kind of messed up stuff was this? Not only did she not believe him for one second, he wanted his location. He was trying to pull a hobo act, but she wasn't buying it. "Where are you? In my damn house now get out before I call the police." Kennedi clutched her bat tightly and took a step forward only to retrack in fear.

This was going nowhere. She'll have to call them now. And at that moment, she had to think of something. She got an idea and glanced toward him once before dashing upstairs to room to go get her phone. Kennedi searched and searched, the dark not helping her sight, until she was horrified. Her phone wasn't upstairs or downstairs.

She left it at the diner.

The girl didn't know what to think, she was going to get kidnapped or worse, killed. She knew her phone wasn't in her pocket when she left, but why? Why didn't she go back for it? Why wasn't she compelled to look for it as soon as she didn't feel it? There was a lot of questions going on in her head as she awaited her demise.

Josh frowned. Of course she didn't believe him. He didn't believe he just woke up from inside the ground either.

He wasn't leaving though, he needed answers from someone whether it was from her or the cops.

Walking around like he is, he was probably going to get arrested anyway.

Josh watched her dash up the stairs. She was calling the police, wasn't she? Why was she going up there? Most home phones were in the living room or kitchen, weren't they?

Despite the risk of him getting beat with bat, he still explored the bottom floor of the house, following to where the girl previously came from in the kitchen, looking around with his hands clasped close to himself, almost like he was afraid to touch anything in that room.

He looked down at his hands then, seeing a wedding ring. He was married, that's right. He had a wife, a dog. Too young for children but they were definitely thinking about it. He can't remember exactly who just yet, but just thinking about the word 'wife' made him feel some kind of bittersweet sadness.

Where was she?

Maybe she was the one to bury him, but why? he was alive, wasn't he?

Ken silently made her way down the steps and peeped that he was in the kitchen. The stairs l e a d to the kitchen. 'I'm screwed' She thought before gulping and clutching the bat close to her. She stood six feet away from him and cleared her throat. When he turned around she was shocked to her core.

Didn't she know him?

Where had she seen him before?

Oh yeah! From this documentary she saw. He was that serial killer the police had killed a back long time ago. It was tragic really. He had a wife and was planning on having a family.

Wait, wasn't he suppose to be dead?

Her legs felt like jelly and the bat fell on the floor with a clunk. She's looking at a dead man. A dead serial killer is in her house, standing on her kitchen floor, s o a k i n g w e t. You could say she was getting a little angry about the water then about him being alive. Ken took a deep breath and a frown moved onto her face.

"Listen dude, I don't know how you're alive, but I can't call the police soo I'm gonna keep you here. You're gonna live under my house and my rules. And if you try anything, Imma beat you with this bat, okay? Okay."

She put away her bat and sat down at the dinner table with her chicken nuggies. But she looked down at her food for a moment before sighing. He was probably hungry. Does he even eat? He's pretty much dead. Kennedi stood up and crossed her arms when looking at him. Just look at him, he was pretty weak.

"Are you hunrgy?" She asked and raised her eyebrow.

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