𝙄𝙑: π™’π™–π™žπ™©, π™π™π™šπ™§π™š'𝙨 π™ˆπ™€π™§π™š!

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All right, people, let's do this one last time. My name is Peter B. Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last twenty-two years I thought I was the one and only Spider-Man.

I'm pretty sure you know the rest. You see, I saved the city, fell in love, I got married, saved the city some more, maybe too much, my marriage got testy, made some dicey money choices - don't invest in a Spider-themed restaurant.

Then like fifteen years passed, blah blah blah super boring, I broke my back, a drone flew into my face, I buried Aunt May, my wife and I split up. But I handled it like a champion.

Cause you know what? No matter how many times I get hit, I always get back up.

And I got a lot of time to reflect and work on myself. Did you know that seahorses that they mate for life? Could you imagine a seahorse seeing another seahorse and then making it work?

She wanted kids and it scared me.

I'm pretty sure I broke her heart.

Flash forward, I'm in my apartment doing pushups, doing ab crunches, getting strong -

when this weird thing happened. And I gotta say, weird things happen to me a lot. But this was *real* weird.

You see, I was in New York, but... things were different. Also I was dead. And blonde. I was kind of... perfect. It was like looking in a mirror.

I have a feeling the thing that brought me here was the thing that got him killed. You wanna know what happened next?

Me, too.


"Peter Parker?" Y/N asked, puzzled.

"What did I do to him?" Miles asked, closely observing the man.

"I don't know, it was like you shocked him or something," Y/N replied.

"Cool," Miles said, offering a slight smile.

"Dude, not cool," Y/N responded. "I think you might have killed him."

"Oh... yeah."

As they inspected him, a flashlight suddenly flashed in their direction.

"What are you doing over there?" a police officer shouted.

"Oh no."

Panicking, the boys tried to escape but ended up falling backwards, connected by a web.

"You've got to be kidding me."

Miles ended up carrying the guy and bringing him to a nearby water fountain.

"Miles, bail out, I'll handle the cops," Y/N suggested, swinging over to where the cops were stationed.

"Chill, officers," Y/N tried to soothe them. "Our buddy's had a few too many drinks, still upset about Spider-Man."

"Raise 'em, kid," the cop demanded. "And take that mask off first."

"Fine, wasn't my first choice," Y/N responded, firing a web at the officers and pinning them to a wall.

"Later, officers!" Y/N yelled, trailing behind Miles, who had tethered them both to a speeding subway.

Miles clung on tight, gripping the Spidey-lookalike as the train raced above Brooklyn's streets. Y/N kept up, weaving his way behind them.

Flashing lights and sirens from police cars startled the duo.

Just as they were processing the chaos, the guy began to wake up.

"Who are you!" He shouted.

"Who are you?" Y/N replied.

"Are you two trying to kill me?" He replied.

"We're trying to save you!" Miles followed.

But as he said that, the train led the two into a traffic light, slamming the man's face into it.

"We're doing such a great job." Y/N replied sarcastically.

Suddenly, the train came to a stop, unraveling the web that Miles and the man had been attached to as they fell onto the ground.

"Maybe you guys can go around?" Miles asked, laying down in pain as the passerbyers walked above him.

"Alright, thanks New York."

Y/N landed beside them, helping Miles to his feet.

"What are we going to do with him?" Y/N asked.


The boys carefully transported the man to Aaron's apartment, securing him to the punching bag in the living room to avoid any legal issues on top of everything that had happened earlier.

"I'm dead serious," Y/N said. "Why does this guy look like Peter Parker?"

"Because I am Peter Parker," the man said, using his feet to face them, startling the duo.

As the man began to regain consciousness, the others' spider senses tingled.

"Huh, you both are like me."

"We have some questions," Miles said in a deep voice.

"For starters, why do you look like Peter Parker?" Y/N followed up.

"Didn't you hear me? I am Peter Parker," the man replied, trying to squeeze his way out of his restraints.

"Then why aren't you dead?"

"Why is your hair different?"

"Why are you older?"

"Why is your body a different shape?" Y/N asked.

"I'm pretty sure you just called me fat," the man said.

"Eh, you said it, not me," Y/N shrugged.

"You don't look too great either, kid," the man responded. "Most superheroes don't wear their own merch."

"Hey, I sewed this myself," Y/N defended.

"I wasn't talking to you, your suit's pretty cool."

"Are you a ghost?" Miles asked, ignoring the previous conversation.


"Are you a zombie?"


"Am I a zombie?"

"Not even close."

"Are you from another dimension?" Y/N asked. "A parallel universe where things are like this universe but different? And you're Spider-Man in that universe?"

"Was that really a guess?" The man asked.

"You don't even know," Y/N replied, now understanding who this guy was. "You must be Peter Parker, but from somewhere else."

"Yeah, that's what I've been trying to tell you."

Suddenly, Y/N fell to the floor, feeling the same glitching sensation he felt before.

"What happened to you?" Peter asked, still trying to get loose from his restraints.

"I don't think my body is used to being in the wrong dimension for so long," Y/N replied.

"This is great!" Miles exclaimed. "You can teach me just like Peter said he would!"

"Before he died," Peter scoffed. "Yeah, right."

"Look, I made a promise," Miles said seriously.

"Listen, both of you," Peter began, "here's lesson number one: don't watch the mouth, watch the hands."

He unraveled himself from the bag, kicking it towards the boys.

On command, Y/N let out his stingers, slicing the bag in half as Peter watched in surprise.

"I'll pay your uncle for a new bag," Y/N said, walking towards the window as Peter made his escape.

"Look, this will all make you better Spider-Men," Peter said, letting a web out.

But as he was about to swing away, his body began to glitch, sending him falling down the building.

"It's not fun, is it?" Y/N asked. "But seriously, are you good?"

"No," Peter groaned. "I don't think my atoms are too jazzed about being in the wrong dimension."

Then, he began to glitch once more.

"Look, I'm not looking for a side gig as a Spider-Man coach," Peter said, walking down the fire escape. "I got a lot going on in my other dimension, like a lot."

"With great power comes great responβ€”" Miles began before Peter stopped him.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," Peter exclaimed. "Don't do it! I'm sick of it."

Peter glitched again, falling down the stairs.

"Want my advice? Go back to being regular kids."

"I don't have a choice!" Miles exclaimed. "Kingpin has a supercollider! He's trying to kill me!"

"And I have to get home!" Y/N replied. "I'm not leaving until I know that thing's destroyed!"

Peter's interest was piqued, a supercollider?

"Wait, what did you say?" He asked.

"Kingpin is trying to kill me!" Miles repeated.

"Who cares about that? Where's the collider?"

"Underneath Fisk Tower." Miles replied.


"Where are you going?" Y/N asked.

"When it runs again, I'll just jump back in and get back to my life!" Peter replied. "Come on, kid, you can come with me."

"I told you, I'm not leaving until I know the collider can be destroyed," Y/N said in frustration.

"Suit yourself."

"Or everyone's going to die," Miles said.

"That's what they always say," Peter said sarcastically. "There's always a little time before everyone dies. That's when I do my best work."

"Aren't you gonna need this?" Miles said, flashing the override key.

"Oh, you have a goober," Peter observed. "Give it."

"Not so fast," Miles countered. "He called it an override key."

"Whether it's bypass, override, or virus, I always call it a goober. Give it."

"I need it to destroy the collider."

"I need it to go home!" Peter argued.

Miles put the key in his mouth. "I'll swallow it."

Peter webbed the key, securing it.

"The collider created a portal to get me here, and I need it toβ€”"

Peter paused, examining the key.

"Did you break this?"

"No... it broke," Y/N confessed.

"That's why I never had kids. That's why I never had kids," Peter repeated.

"What a shame," Y/N quipped. "You seem like you'd make a great dad."


"Can we make another one?" Miles asked.

"No, we can't do anything," Peter grumbled. "Thanks to you, I need to steal back what your guys took from Alchemax and make another one of these."

"If I don't disable the collider, my parents, my uncle, and millions of other people will die!" Miles shouted.

"You're okay with that, Spider-Man?" Y/N challenged.

"Yeah," Peter replied subtly. "Come on, P/C, might be your only chance."

Miles and Y/N froze, Miles sitting down on the side of the building they were climbing.

Peter looked over the edge, sighing as he saw the two together.

"What are you doing?"

"Making you feel guilty," Miles replied. "Is it working?"

Peter debated with himself, torn between returning home and helping these two boys he had just met.

His conscience battled, and he even tried screaming into his arm, attempting to persuade himself to head towards Brooklyn.

But his guilt ultimately won out.

"Okay, you two win," Peter sighed. "But come on, we don't have a second to lose!"


"I thought you said we didn't have a second to lose," Y/N quipped as he sat opposite the older man, who was enjoying a burger.

The three found themselves in a small diner, as Peter couldn't resist a quick meal.

"Mm. I love this burger." Peter gasped. "One of the best burgers I've ever had."

"In my universe, this place closed down six years ago, I don't know why. I really don't know why."

As Peter was indulging, the check came.

"Any of you got money? I'm not very liquid right now." Peter said.

"Can we focus?" Miles asked, slapping the table.

"Yeah, sure." Peter said, grabbing Y/N's burger. "You gonna eat that?"

"Nah, it's yours." Y/N replied.

"Thanks, kid."

"The other Peter said he was going to be showing me the ropes." Miles replied. "You got any Spider-Man tips you can show me now?"

"I got plenty." Peter replied. "Disinfect the mask. You're gonna want to use baby powder in the suit, heavy on the joints, you don't want any chafing."

Miles sighed. "Anything else."

"Nope, that's pretty much it."

"I think you're going to be a really bad teacher." Y/N said, shaking his head in amusement.

"Look up where Alchemax is." Peter said, ignoring Y/N's remark.

"It's a private technological campus near Hudson Valley." Miles said, gazing at his phone. "You can teach me to swing on the way there!"

Peter laughed.


The trio found their way onto a bus, taking a ride to Hudson Valley.

"I'm not swinging to the Hudson Valley, Miles." Peter explained. "Not after a hearty burger breakfast."

"I'm actually in agreement." Y/N nodded, "freshen our legs."


The three Spider-Men got off at the next stop, quickly slipping into their suits as the prepared to infiltrate Alchemax.

"That's a no on the cape." Peter said, looking over at Miles who made a makeshift cape to his suit.

"Why not? I think it's cool."

Peter grabbed the cape, ripping it off of Miles' back.

"Take that off, it's disrespectful." He said. "Spider-Man doesn't wear a cape."

Alchemax stood tall, centered in the middle of a large segment of woods.

"So, how do we get in?" Y/N asked.

"That's a good question," Peter replied. "What would I do if I were me?"

"Got it."

"Step one: I infiltrate the lab. Two: find the head scientist's computer."

"That lady with the bike is the head scientist. I saw her in this documentary at school." Miles said.

"He's not wrong, I watched the same one." Y/N said. "I think her name was Olivia something."

"Cool. Step three: I re-examine my personal biases."

"Step four: I hack the computer."

"It's not technically hacking." Miles said, as a matter of factly.

"Not now. I just lost my train of thought. Step five: download the important stuff. I'll know it when I see it."

"Step six: I grab a bagel from the cafeteria and run."

"So, what am I doing?" Miles asked.

"Uh, step seven: you two remain here. You're lookouts. Extremely important," Peter responded, stretching briefly.

"Look, man, you gotta teach me how to do Spider-Man stuff or I'm not gonna be able to help."

But Peter was already swinging away.

"Watch and learn, kid. I'll quiz you later!"

As Peter swung near the large building, Miles groaned in frustration.

"Why did I get stuck with the janky old hobo Spider-Man?"

"No kidding." Y/N replied, equally as frustrated.

He punched a rock, further explaining his frustration.

Miles looked at the fractured rock in shock. "That's new."

Before Y/N could react, the abrupt sound of a car pulling up jolted them both. Intrigue turned to apprehension as they witnessed a hefty man emerging from a large vehicle.


"Fisk," Y/N whispered with seething anger, his resentment stemming from Kingpin's murder of this universe's Peter, compounded by his own biases from the Wilson Fisk from his dimension, who he was not a fan of.

Y/N turned to Miles, who wore an equally frustrated expression.

"Miles, you want to learn how to web swing?" Y/N suggested.

"But didn't Peter tell us to be lookouts?" Miles questioned, his curiosity piqued by the offer.

"Yeah, but should we really listen to him?" Y/N countered, launching into the forest.

"Y/N, wait!" Miles said, following his friend by foot.

They scaled the wall of the building, trying to find a way inside.

As Miles fell through a hole in the ceiling, Y/N continued on his way, scaling the walls ever so slightly to avoid being seen by Kingpin or his enforcers.

Y/N continued his climb, watching the pipes above him as he followed Miles and Peter across the ceiling. However, a conversation between Kingpin and one of his scientists made him stop.

"If we fire again this week, there could be a black hole under Brooklyn. You see this? And this? This is multiple dimensions beginning to crash into each other."

Observing the diagram from a distance, Y/N's anxiety surged at the prospect of universes colliding head-on.

This situation was far more perilous than he had initially anticipated.

Continuing along the pipes above, Y/N carefully shadowed Peter and Miles, making his way closer to their destination. As he moved, he found himself directly above a blonde scientist, his Spider-Senses suddenly going haywire, much like they did when he thought about or was near Gwen.

A peculiar sensation tingled through his senses, almost like a psychic connection. It was as if he could feel that she was experiencing the same heightened awareness he was. Almost as if he could feel her emotions along with his own.

What is going on?

Y/N shrugged it off for now, sneaking away into a room where he noticed Peter was plugging away at a computer.

"What's up?" Y/N said, announcing his presence.

"Kid, help me with this." Peter asked, gesturing for Y/N to come help with the computer.

"It's Y/N." He replied. "Sure."

Y/N and Peter set off to work, but before they could continue, they noticed the other member of their small group was failing to come down from the ceiling.

"Miles?" Y/N asked. "What are you doing?"

"I can't move!" Miles whispered in a panic.

"Okay, relax your fingers!" Peter exclaimed. "We don't have time, just let go!"

"Be in the moment!"

"I am in the moment!" Miles argued, trying to pry himself away from the ceiling.

"Dude, they're right there!" Y/N said, gesturing towards the window where Kingpin and the female scientist were in a conversation.

You gotta unstick." Peter said. "What do you do to relax?"

Miles froze, before beginning to sing.

"Needless to say, I keep in check
She was a bad-bad, nevertheless
Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck
Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck."

"Oh for crying out loud." Peter said, putting his hands over his face.

"Great song though." Y/N replied, trying to stay positive about the embarrassing situation.

As Miles continued to sing, his fingers began to get unstuck, unfortunately, he wasn't paying much attention as he fell down.

"Teenagers, just the worst." Peter sighed.

"Uh, Peter?" Y/N asked, looking for his fallen friend. "Where is Miles?"

Peter leapt from the desk, searching around the office.

"Miles, where did you go?" He asked.

"I'm right here?"

"Where?" Y/N asked.

"Y/N, I'm right in front of you!"

Y/N reached out, poking something in the air as Miles yelped in pain.

"Dude, you just poked my eye!"

"Are you invisible?" Y/N asked.

"I think so." Miles replied. "Can Spider-Man turn invisible?"

"This is incredible." Peter said. "It's like a fight or flight thing."

But in the midst of their conversation, their combined senses tingled, alerting them to an unannounced presence coming into the room.

Miles disappeared, and Peter tried giving him the password in a quick manner.

"And I, will turn on the charm." Peter finished, as Y/N groaned in annoyance.

"Give me a break."

The woman entered the room, her expression a mix of shock and amazement.

"Spider-Man?" She asked, before looking towards the P/N suited teenager. "Two Spider-Men?"

"Oh hey!" Peter said, snapping his fingers. "Didn't see you there."

"Wow." She replied. "I'm kinda freaking out right now, you're supposed to be dead."

"Surprise." Peter exclaimed, before the scientist began observing him.

"Don't forget about me!" Y/N said, trying to play it casual.

The scientist continued to observe Peter. "A little bit of a gut, but you're a completely different Peter Parker!"

The scientist turned to Y/N, who lifted his mask over his head.

"Oh, that's a no no." Y/N replied, as the scientist grabbed his face.

"Wow, you must be Spider-Man from Earth 61." She gasped in shock. "You are a little young though, won't be much of an issue."

"Uh, thanks?" Y/N replied. "I'm flattered."

Y/N turned to the computer, where Miles was still struggling to put in the computer password.

The scientist pushed both Spider-Men into chairs coming from the ground, fastening them inside as she took some DNA samples.

"Wow, this is freaky." Y/N said, trying to free himself from the restraints.

"I'm just going to take the whole thing." Miles said, picking the computer up before making his way to the door. It was a comical sight, a computer floating it's way through the door.

As the scientist looked through her microscope, Y/N and Peter directed Miles to the door.

"Wow, just complete cellular decay." She said. "I've never seen anything like this."

She turned towards the Spider-Men.

"And obviously you've both been glitching."

"Glitching? No." Peter said, as he began to glitch. "What makes you say that? We aren't glitching are we Y/N?"

"No, not at all." Y/N faked. "I feel great."

"You stay in this dimension too long and you'll both disintegrate." She said seriously, making a stern face towards the two.

She was starting to freak Y/N out.

"Do you know how painful that would be, Peter Parker and Y/N L/N?"

"How do you know my name?" Y/N asked.

"You can't imagine." She replied. "And I for one, can't wait to watch."

"You are a very weird lady aren't you?" Y/N asked. "What is your name again?"

"Doctor Olivia Octavious."

She then stripped her white lab coat, revealing a black leather suit with four large mechanical arms coming from the back.

One of those arms, choke slammed peter onto the floor.

"I'm guessing your friends call you Doc Ock?"

"My friends actually call me Liv, my enemies call me Doc Ock."

"I got this, run!" Peter shouted, shooting a web towards the door allowing for Miles to escape.

Y/N let out his stingers, freeing himself from the chair as he tried to web the woman. Octavious shot an arm towards Y/N, slamming him into the wall.

"You really think that was going to work, Y/N?" She taunted, as Peter tried to fight back.

"I got a handle on it!" Peter called out in an attempt of reassurance.

"Yeah, I'm sure you do." Y/N choked, shooting a web towards a desk, bringing it towards him to slam Octavious in the face.

"Is this what they mean by 'getting handsy'? Because I'm not impressed." Y/N quipped, dodging the Doctor's attacks.

"You're both so chatty!" Octavious mocked, throwing Y/N through a window.

Y/N flew through the window, landing on top of a girl, who looked as if she was an intern.

It was Gwen.

"Gwen?" Y/N asked, as his senses continued to go haywire.

Gwen was speechless, she recognized the voice behind the P/C mask, but couldn't confirm for sure.

"Let's go!" Miles said, as Y/N helped Gwen to her feet and continued to run.

"You two didn't tell me you had an invisible friend!" Octavious mocked as Miles turned invisible.

"Would you give that back to me young man?" She asked. "It's proprietary."

Peter webbed Miles, sliding him across the ground as they maneuvered and dodged Octavious's arms.

The trio made their way through the building, eventually finding themselves in a public area filled with scientists.

"Now would be a good time to turn invisible." Peter remarked.

"Yep." Miles said, not turning invisible.

"Okay, not gonna turn invisible, let's get a bagel." Peter said.

"Don't mind if I do." Y/N said, grabbing a bagel from a nearby plate.

The three Spider-Men walked through the common area, trying to look as normal as possible.

However, they were doing anything but.

"Spider-Man?" A scientist remarked.

"You know it's funny." Peter confidently said. "I get that a lot."

"Hey." Miles followed up.

"What's up." Y/N said.

But then, every scientist pulled out a weapon from their lab coats.

"What are you doing?"

"Get back here!"

"They took bagels!"

The three panicked, sprinting out of the room as Miles and Y/N threw their bagels away, hitting a nearby scientist in the face.

A/N: The Bagel Effect

The three ran to the edge, as the scientists began to shoot towards them.

"Alright, you ready?" Peter asked. "Time to swing, just like I told you."

"You didn't teach him anything." Y/N said, swinging off from the ledge.

"It's a joke, team building!"

If their situation wasn't dire in this very moment, Y/N would have found Peter's remark to be funny.

Y/N continued to swing, watching from behind him as Miles struggled to swing.

"I can't do this yet!" Miles exclaimed.

"Everyone knows the best way to learn is under intense pressure!" Peter replied, swinging from the trees.

Y/N dodged the scientists shots, looking behind him to see Miles running behind them.

"Miles, what are you doing?" Y/N asked in confusion.

"I run better than I swing!"

"You gotta swing or they'll catch you!" Peter said.

Miles tripped, looking behind him as a tree was cut in half, and a set of four mechanical arms followed behind it.

It was Liv.

"Oh, boy." Y/N said.

Miles ran up a nearby tree, trying to evade the Doctor, who was hell bent on capturing the three Spider-Men.

"Come back here little boy." She cackled.

Peter began to throw out instruction towards the boy, who continued to run and dodge the Doctors attacks.

"Aim with your hips! Look where you want it to hit. Square your shoulders. Don't forget to follow through! Don't shoot off your back foot."

"That's too many things!"

"Then stop listening to him!" Y/N exclaimed.

"That's the best idea you've had all day!" Miles said, climbing a tree before launching off the top.

Miles shot a web, sticking it onto a tree as he swung off.

Peter bumped into Octavious, knocking her off balance.

"Nice, Miles! Good. You're doin' it." Peter encouraged.

Miles looked forward, swinging off a tree before realizing Peter was right.

He was web swinging.

"I'm doing it!"

"You're doing it!" Y/N replied, joining in on the excitement.

Peter joined the boys, encouraging Miles to release and thwip.

"Double tap to release and thwip it out again." Peter instructed.

"Thwip and release." Y/N followed.

"And thwip. Release. Thwip."

"And release." Miles finished.

"You're a natural."

"Thwip. Release." They all said.

"Feel the rhythm?"

"Thwip. And release!"

"Good, Miles."

"I gotta say, you guys are amazing." Miles said as they continued to swing.

"We're like a little team!" Peter said. "Me as the teacher who could still do it. You two as the students who can do it, just not as good."

"Better big three than Lebron, Wade, and Bosh." Y/N smirked.

"Okay, that's pushing it a little but I like the thinking!" Peter said. "Anything else you want to say to me?"

But then Peter glitched.

"Peter!" Y/N said, diving down to grab ahold of the computer. Miles followed, grabbing the cord, before it slipped out into the hands of Olivia Octavious.

Peter shot out a web, only to be caught by another web that shot him forward. Miles was caught too.

"Who did that?" Y/N said, as a black and white figure zoomed past them.

Webbed up to a tree, Y/N, Peter, and Miles watched in awe as she engaged against Doc Ock.

Her movements were a breathtaking blend of elegance and speed as she efficiently trapped Ock's flailing arms in a web cocoon, immobilizing her. A well-aimed kick to the face showcased her combat finesse.

In one fluid motion, she secured the essential computer, swinging over to where the trio was stuck.

With the poise of a ballet dancer, the mysterious Spider-Person posed before pulling off her mask, revealing none other than Gwen, shocking Y/N. A triumphant grin spread across her face.

"Hey guys!" she greeted.

"Gwen?" Y/N asked, still webbed up to a tree as Gwen looked at him in confusion.

"Who's Gwen?" Miles asked.

"Yeah.....do I know you?" She asked Y/N. The voice sounded very familiar but she couldn't be too sure.

Utilizing his stingers, Y/N expertly freed himself from his web bindings, gracefully landing on the ground. With a confident tug, he removed his mask, revealing his identity to Gwen.

Staring at him in astonishment, Gwen found herself facing Y/N, the boy who had playfully flirted with her and caused that adorable hair mishap. Though taken aback, her surprise gave way to a sense of realization that seemed to resonate with her suspicions.

"You know, this actually explains a lot," Gwen said with a knowing smile, a blend of amusement and a shared secret dancing in her eyes.

Just then, as if on cue, a wave of heightened sensory perception swept over both Gwen and Y/N, their Spider-Senses tingling in unison.

"Oh, you two know each other?" Peter asked. "Very cool."

"I'm from another dimension. I mean, another-another dimension." Gwen explained.

All right, people. Let's start at the beginning one last time. My name is Gwen Stacy. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the last two years, I've been the one and only Spider-Woman.

You guys know the rest.

I joined a band. Saved my dad.

I couldn't save my best friend, Peter Parker, so now I save everyone else.

And I don't do friends anymore, just to avoid any distractions.

And one day this weird thing happened. And I mean, like, really weird. I was blown into last week. Literally.

I landed in New York, but not my New York. Lucky for these folks, Spider-Man was there to save the day. My Spider-sense told me to head to Visions Academy. Wasn't sure why until – I met Y/N.

On top of that, I don't know how to explain it, but I've been having these, like, glimpses of a guy in my head. Emotions, thoughts, it's like I can sense him somehow. And guess what? That guy looks a whole lot like Y/N. But I'm not going to tell him just yet.

"I like the haircut." Y/N smirked.

"You don't get to like my haircut." Gwen replied sternly, but suppressing a small smile.

"Come on, you gotta admit it looks great." Y/N said.

"Let's go!" Gwen said, ignoring Y/N's flirty remark before swinging off into the woods.

"How many Spider-People are there?" Miles asked.

"Save it for Comic Con." Peter replied.

Y/N swung after them, catching up to Gwen as they reached the bus stop.


During the bus ride back, Gwen and Y/N found themselves seated side by side, their conversation flowing naturally.

"He broke this?" Gwen asked, raising an eyebrow as she inspected the broken key.

Y/N nodded with a wry grin. "Yeah. He's actually pretty embarrassed about it, so let's just keep that between us, okay?"

Gwen chuckled softly. "Got it. No need to make him feel worse."

A mischievous glint sparkled in Gwen's eyes. "You know, I've got an idea of where we can make a new one. And I promise, we won't let him anywhere near it this time."

"I like the way you think," Y/N agreed, a grin forming on his lips.

Their conversation shifted, veering into lighter topics. But ever so often, their glances would meet, brief exchanges that spoke volumes even in silence. Miles and the older Peter exchanged knowing looks, sharing amused smirks as they teased Y/N without a word.

"I'm sorry about your friend," he offered sincerely, knowing the weight of losing someone close.

"Thanks, Y/N," Gwen replied, her gaze meeting his. "It's kinda nice not being the only Spider-person around."

"Yeah." Y/N nodded. "Sometimes, having someone who gets it, who really gets it... it makes all the difference."

As the bus rumbled along, the two fell into a comfortable silence, the unspoken connection between them growing stronger. Occasionally, they exchanged glances, their smiles conveying a mutual understanding. One that would be proven deeper as time went on.

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