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2 Years Ago

Y/N trudged towards his home, his steps heavy with frustration. The fight with Flash had earned him a week-long suspension, a punishment for standing up for Glory.

What happened to Flash? He received no punishment, twisting the truth and claiming to be a victim of Y/N's abuse.

He knew his parents would have heard about it by now, and the thought of facing their anger only added to his already heightened emotions. This surely wasn't going to be fun, especially since Peter had agreed to their cage fight idea.

As he entered the house, the tension in the air was palpable. Jacob stood in the living room, his face filled with fury. Y/N couldn't help but make a sarcastic remark, attempting to diffuse the mounting tension. "Well, it looks like the news traveled fast. I see you heard about my little skirmish, Dad?" he quipped.

The response he received was not what he had anticipated. Jacob's face contorted with anger, his voice booming through the room. "Don't you dare take that tone with us, young man!" he bellowed, his frustration barely contained. "Why on earth would you be stupid enough to pick a fight?"

"I wasn't just picking a fight, Dad," Y/N retorted, his voice laced with determination. "Flash was bullying Glory, and someone needed to stand up for her. I couldn't just stand by and watch."

Jacob's face twisted with a mix of disbelief and anger. "And you think that justifies getting yourself suspended? Do you realize what kind of consequences this could have on your future?" he bellowed, his voice vibrating with frustration.

Y/N's patience wore thin as he countered his father's accusations. "Are you kidding me?" He asked, baffled. "I'm not throwing my life away, Dad. I was doing the right thing. Maybe you should be proud of me for once," he shot back, his voice laced with bitterness.

Jacob had never appreciated Y/N's interests, thinking his son was wasting his time on things that didn't matter.

Jacob scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "You think you're some kind of hero, don't you? But you're just throwing your life away, Y/N. If you keep going down this path, you'll end up with nothing."

The words cut deep, and Y/N's voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt. "I'm not throwing my life away, Dad. I was doing what was right. And my grades are fine. I'm not failing or anything."

Jacob's frustration escalated, and he pointed a finger at Y/N accusingly. "It's not just about your grades, Y/N. It's about your priorities, responsibilities. I see you spending all your time with that damn sketchbook of yours. You need to focus on more important things. Your art is nothing more than vandalism, Y/N. I know about your graffiti underneath the Brooklyn Bridge. It's punk, and it's illegal. You're going to get yourself into serious trouble."

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as his father mentioned the incident under the Brooklyn Bridge. He had worked so hard on that graffiti, believing it to be a work of art. But Jacob saw it as nothing more than vandalism.

The disappointment in his father's eyes stung, and Y/N felt his voice tremble with a mix of defiance and hurt. "It's not a waste, Dad. It's an expression of who I am. Nobody even sees it. I put so much effort into that design. Probably some of the best work I've done!"

Jacob shook his head, dismissing Y/N's words. "Art won't get you anywhere in life, Y/N. It's time to be realistic. Stop wasting your time on these meaningless pursuits."

The words hit Y/N like a punch to the gut, and he couldn't help but feel the weight of his father's disapproval. "So you think I'm a disappointment, huh? Is that what you're saying? That I'm a waste of your time?"

Jacob's face twisted in frustration, his voice laced with anger. "All I want is for you not to be an idiot for once, Y/N. Is that too much to ask?"

Y/N's eyes welled up with tears, his voice shaking with a mixture of anger and sadness. "Thanks, Dad. I didn't realize how big of a disappointment I was to you."

Without waiting for a response, Y/N turned and stormed towards the door, his heart heavy with resentment. He wanted to escape, to go to the wrestling match with Peter where he knew he would find support and understanding.

Jacob's anger flared, his voice rising, "You're not going anywhere! You can't just walk out of here!"

"I can, and I will!" Y/N said, "it's better than being here with you!"

As he slammed the door behind him, however, a crack appeared, shocking both Y/N and Jacob. The rupture a visible testament to the tension within their relationship.

Guess he never knew his own strength.

Jacob stood there, his fury steady, but a flicker of concern crossed his face. He realized that he had pushed his son to the breaking point. Turning to his wife, Jessica, who had been silently observing the argument, he demanded an explanation.

"Why didn't you back me up?" Jacob seethed, his voice filled with frustration.

Jessica, her own anger simmering, met his gaze defiantly. "I'm mad that Y/N got suspended, but not for the reason you think. Flash has been bullying him for years, and today, he finally stood up for himself and one of his friends. I'm proud of him for that."

Jacob's eyes narrowed, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, so now I know where he gets this free spirit from. Just like you, always defending his every move."

Jessica's voice grew stern as she defended their son. "He's never going to be like you, Jacob, and that's okay. You need to get off his back and stop expecting him to fit your expectations. He's his own person."

Frustration etched deep lines on Jacob's face as he mulled over his wife's words. In the depths of his stubbornness, he retreated, leaving for his office without another word.

Jessica watched him go, her heart heavy with worry for her son. She knew that Y/N needed their support, their understanding. She hoped that someday Jacob would come to realize that too. But for now, all she could do was be there for her son.


Y/N stormed into the wrestling arena with Juice Wrld's music blaring through his headphones, his frustration still boiling within him. He was fuming from the argument with Jacob, the hurtful words lingering in his mind. His Dad had made him feel like a disappointment, never good enough just because he was different from him. The words ate at him, and he just needed to cool down.

As he made his way through the bustling crowd, he spotted Peter, ready to go over their upcoming plan.

Peter noticed the anger etched across Y/N's face and immediately sensed that something was wrong. He approached Y/N with concern, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, what's eating at you, man?" Peter asked, his voice filled with genuine care.

Y/N took a deep breath, and the tension in his body slowly dissipated. He recounted the argument he had with Jacob, the heated words exchanged, and the harsh accusations thrown at him. "He found out about my suspension," Y/N admitted, frustration evident in his voice. "He was pretty pissed and said some things that made me mad. He also found out about the graffiti; I don't know how that happened. It's just frustrating, you know?"

Peter let out a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "Come on, Y/N, give the guy a break. He's just worried about you, even if he doesn't always express it the right way," Peter said.

Y/N scoffed, a mix of bitterness and amusement. "Yeah, I guess worrying about me means belittling me and making hurtful comments about my art. Real loving father, huh?"

Peter sighed, understanding the pain behind Y/N's words. "Look, man, I'm not saying it's okay or excusing his behavior, but sometimes people say things they don't mean when they're angry or scared. It's not an excuse, but maybe it helps to remember that he's only human."

Y/N nodded, acknowledging Peter's point. He didn't want to dwell on the argument any longer, as it only added fuel to his frustration. "Whatever, Pete. Let's just focus on our plan."

Peter grinned, glad to see Y/N shifting his attention to something more positive. "How are we going to pull this off?"

Y/N's eyes sparkled with excitement as he delved into the details of their plan. He explained how he was confident that he could last five minutes in a cage match against Crusher Hogan, an exhibition wrestler.

If he succeeded, they would win a thousand dollars, money they needed for themselves.

Using his powers and a costume he designed to conceal his identity, all the pieces were put into place.

Peter listened intently, his enthusiasm matching Y/N's. They discussed strategies, potential challenges, and how they could use Y/N's newfound abilities to their advantage. The excitement of their plan helped distract Y/N from the lingering hurt caused by his father's hurtful words.

As the time for the match approached, Y/N's anger transformed into determination. He was ready to prove himself.

As they made their way to the dressing room, Y/N couldn't help but feel adrenaline coursing through his veins. The thought of stepping into the ring, facing Crusher Hogan, a formidable wrestler, and showcasing his abilities was both exhilarating and stressful. This could go horribly wrong, and he could get seriously hurt.

But he was ready for the challenge.

"So what are you gonna call yourself?" Peter asked in anticipation.

Y/N smirked, putting on the blue mask he made for himself.



Five hours had passed since the argument, and Jacob's concern grew by the minute. It was unlike Y/N to go dark for so long without reaching out to anyone. Regret gnawed at Jacob as he replayed the harsh words they had exchanged in his mind. He couldn't believe he had said some of the things that he did.

He knew he had pushed his son too far, and now he feared he had pushed him away completely.

Seeking guidance, Jacob turned to his wife, Jessica, who shared his worry for their son. She had noticed Y/N's absence as well, and the concern in her eyes mirrored his own. As they sat together, Jacob poured out his remorse, acknowledging the mistakes he had made in their argument.

Jessica listened attentively, her voice filled with empathy and understanding. "Jacob, I understand that you have expectations for Y/N, but sometimes we need to be realistic. He's not going to be exactly like you, and that's okay. He's his own person, an amazing kid with his own dreams. We have to let him find his own path."

Jessica guided Jacob's attention to her phone where a vibrant mural painted with graffiti caught their eyes. It was Y/N's artwork, the same art that Jacob had previously dismissed as "punk" and "vandalism."

But now, as he studied the intricate details of the mural depicting the cityscape, he couldn't help but admit that it was an impressive piece of art.

Jessica smiled warmly, pride shining in her eyes. "Look at what Y/N created, Jacob. It's not just graffiti; it's a reflection of his talent, his creativity, and his unique perspective on the world. You've got to give him the space to spread his wings, to explore his own passions and interests."

Jacob nodded, feeling a mixture of guilt and gratitude for his wife's perspective. "You're right, Jess. I've been too hard on him, trying to mold him into something he's not. I need to accept him for who he is and support him."

Jessica encouraged Jacob to take action, to go out and look for Y/N, to make amends and rebuild their relationship.

"He needs to know that you're there for him, that you love him unconditionally. It's not too late, Jacob. You can still mend things with him."

Her words resonated deeply. With renewed determination, Jacob set aside his pride and ego, realizing that his son's well-being and their relationship were far more important. He couldn't let his ego and expectations drive them apart any further.

Leaving the house with a sense of purpose, Jacob embarked on a search for his son. He retraced Y/N's usual spots, hoping to find any trace of him.


"I have no idea how we pulled that off!" Peter exclaimed. "You actually pinned Crusher Hogan!"

The crowd loved him; he was one of the first people to ever take down Crusher Hogan. In less than five minutes, to be exact.

Y/N wasn't sure if it was going to be a problem, as the advertisement said to last five minutes in the cage, and he took him down within three. Maybe they'd get more winnings than what they anticipated.

"I know, right?" Y/N said, following Peter towards the back office. "I say we go out and celebrate properly afterward."

"The announcer did get your name wrong though," Peter mentioned.

"Yeah, that really made me mad," Y/N said, rolling his eyes. "but it doesn't matter, let's go get our money."

Entering the fight promoter's office, the boy watched as the money was counted in his hand. As he kept on counting, Y/N began to grow slightly concerned.

"Something wrong?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, why are you still here?" The promoter said.

"Excuse me?"

"Get out of here!"

The teenager raised his brow, looking at the three Benjamin Franklins set down in front of him.

"But the ad said $1000," Y/N seethed, "where's the extra $700?"

"It also said five minutes, and you pinned him in three. That's all you're getting, now leave."

Y/N was really starting to get mad. "I need that money."

The promoter leaned over with a devilish smirk. "Not my problem, now get out of here."

Y/N was furious, grabbing the money hastily before shooting a remark towards the scam artist.

"Douchebag," Y/N whispered, walking outside before meeting Peter, who was waiting patiently.

"How did it go?" Peter asked, to which Y/N rolled his eyes.

"We got scammed, only $300 for pinning him in three minutes," Y/N seethed, "we got swindled, man."

"Those numbers don't even add up," Peter said, downtrodden at their rotten luck. "I guess I'll take $150, and you get the other $150."

Just as the boys were splitting their winnings, two men barged into the office, one holding a gun to the promoter's head, and the other throwing a sack towards the ground.

"Hey, what the hell?"

The man clicked the gun, showing his seriousness as he beckoned the promoter to fill the sack.

"Put the money in the bag," they demanded.

Y/N and Peter walked towards the elevator as Y/N pulled out his phone, recovering numerous texts from his parents along with a voicemail from Jacob.

He looked at the time; he had been gone for hours and hadn't been keeping track. He knew he had to have a conversation with his Dad, but maybe with time, he was more at ease.

As the boys were waiting, the men who had barged into the office rushed towards them, carrying the sack of winnings in their hands.

"Hey! They stole my money!" The promoter shouted, rushing out of his office.

A security guard tailed them, trying to stop the robbers. "Stop that guy!"

Y/N glared at the promoter, still angry about being scammed out of his rightful winnings. He stepped aside, allowing the robbers to enter the elevator they were trying to get into.

"Thanks, kid," one robber said as the door closed, breathing heavily.

The security guard made it to the elevator, trying to call it back up to no avail.

"What the hell is the matter with you?" He turned to face the boys. "You let him get away!"

He walked away and alerted the other guards, "call the cops!"

The promoter, winded and alarmed by the recent events, walked up to Peter and Y/N.

"You could have torn those guys apart. Now they're getting away with my money."

"Now you know how we feel," Peter quipped.

"Not my problem," Y/N followed up, repeating the same words the promoter said to him.


As Jacob wandered the dimly lit streets, he couldn't help but replay the argument in his mind. He regretted the hurtful things he had said and knew he needed to make amends.

But as he walked further into the deserted alleyways, he suddenly found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Two criminals, fleeing from a recent crime, bumped into Jacob in their haste to escape.

"Hey, watch it!" Jacob exclaimed, trying to regain his balance.

One of the criminals turned around, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and fear. "You're in our way, old man. Move!"

Jacob tried to step aside, but the other criminal blocked his path. "No witnesses," he muttered, pulling out a knife and pointing it at Jacob.


Y/N walked down the dimly dark streets after seeing Peter off at his house. Scrolling through his phone, he noticed countless messages and missed calls from both parents, expressing their worries about his whereabouts.

He knew he needed to talk to his dad, to apologize and try to move past what was said.

As he continued down the street, he heard commotion up ahead. Following the noise, Y/N was met with a terrifying sight. Two masked criminals were holding a random civilian at knifepoint.

With haste, he put on his blue mask from the event and stormed over, yelling at the masked criminals to back off.

"Hey!" He yelled. "Get away from him!"

The criminals were taken aback by the sudden appearance of the masked hero, and fear gripped them. They hastily retreated, leaving the innocent civilian behind. Y/N made sure the man was okay before turning his attention to the fleeing criminals.

However, as the criminals dispersed, Y/N's heart sank as he recognized the face of the civilian they had targeted.

It was his own father, Jacob, clutching a knife wound in his stomach.

"DAD!" Y/N cried out in horror, rushing to Jacob's side. "No, no, no, this can't be happening."

"Y/N?" Jacob said weakly, disoriented.

Y/N teared up sadly, trying to slow down the bleeding. "Yeah, it's me Dad, I'm here."

Jacob looked up at his son, his breaths labored. "Y/N," he whispered, "I... I'm sorry..."

"No, no, don't say that," Y/N pleaded, tears streaming down his face. "You're going to be okay. I'm going to get help."

Jacob's voice was weak, but he managed to utter one last phrase to his son, "I'm so sorry, Y/N... I love you."

"You're going to be okay, Dad, you're going to be okay," Y/N said, tears streaming down his face as he continued to apply pressure to the wound. But Jacob's eyes started to close again, and his breaths became shallow.


But he received no response, as his father was lifeless.

Jacob L/N had died.

Tears began to stream down Y/N's face as he cradled his father's lifeless body. Regret flashed through his head as he realized how serious this was.

"I'm so sorry, Dad," Y/N muttered sadly as he continued to cry.

A witness nearby called for help, and soon enough, the sound of sirens filled the air. The police arrived, attempting to question Y/N about the incident, but he was silent, still trying to process the situation.

"I called your Mom, son," George Stacy, the police captain, said. "She's coming to pick you up at the station."

"The station?" Y/N asked hesitantly.

"We need to get your statement on what happened tonight," George said calmly, trying to console the boy. "I know you're hurting, kid, but we need to know what happened. Just follow me to the car, and we'll take care of everything."

But Y/N was in no condition to provide a statement; all he wanted was to see his Mom, to be left alone to process and grieve. He just wanted to take back his argument with Jacob, take back everything, and hope this was a nightmare, a nightmare he would soon wake up from.

As Y/N followed the officer to the police cruiser, he overheard another officer relaying some information to the captain.

"They found the suspects; they were heading south on Fifth Avenue. They got them cornered in an abandoned warehouse down that way."

Y/N heard the conversation, and his head filled with vengeance, with rage. He wanted to get revenge on those who took his Dad away. He knew he had to find those men and make them pay for what they had done to Jacob.

Without another word, Y/N broke free from the officer's hold, sprinting down the street as Captain Stacy called his name.

Y/N sprinted down alleyways, grabbing his mask from his bag as he climbed on buildings, jumping from rooftops in an attempt to get closer to the criminals. He wanted nothing more than to avenge his Dad.

Y/N leaped off the building, sprinting quickly towards the warehouse mentioned by the officer.

Y/N arrived at the warehouse, catching his breath as he observed his surroundings. Police cars scattered the area as they awaited the suspects to surrender.

Y/N knew he couldn't just walk right in, as he would be spotted quite easily.

So he went on top of the building, climbing the exterior of the warehouse before dropping through a topside window.

The dimly lit warehouse was filled with an eerie silence and filled with numerous unused and abandoned trinkets.

As he moved through the shadows, he could hear the faint voices of the criminals getting louder. They seemed unaware of the impending danger.

Y/N took a deep breath, knowing that he had to confront them head-on to get the justice he sought. He silently scaled the walls of the warehouse, looking for any sign of the men.

Suddenly, after hearing a piece of wood fall onto the ground, Y/N maneuvered in the direction of the noise, finding the criminals huddled together, arguing amongst themselves about what they should do next.

Filled with rage and taking advantage of the situation, Y/N jumped off the wall, slamming his fist into one of the men in anger before incapacitating him against the wall and launching into a fury of punches. His mind was filled with anger.

In the midst of his attack, Y/N's senses tingled from behind him, alerting him to the other man coming from behind.

Leaving the area briefly, Y/N dodged the attacks of the other criminal effortlessly, who ran up to fight the boy.

Y/N slammed him against a wall, preventing him from any sudden movements as he continued his fury.

"Hey, go easy on him!" the other criminal shouted.

"Yeah, like you went easy on my Dad?" Y/N retorted, looking back angrily.

"You deserve everything that comes to you."

After feeling like they deserved enough, Y/N removed the mask, and what he saw before him shocked him beyond belief.

It was the criminal from the promotional event.

The one he refused to stop when he had the chance.

Y/N stammered, walking backward as he tried to comprehend everything.

Alone in his thoughts, Y/N felt a piece of metal pressed onto his head.

"End of the line, kid," he heard from the other end.

Y/N's anger resurfaced, and before he could react, a set of bone-like spikes emerged from his wrists.

That was new.

The criminal gasped, backing up as Y/N crept closer and closer.

"Please, don't hurt me," he begged. "What are you, some kind of mutant?"

Y/N didn't say anything, slashing the man's face as he cried out in pain, before knocking him unconscious with a single punch.

Y/N carried the unconscious bodies of the men towards the side, pinning them against the wall for the police to arrest them. As he left the building, he found solace on a nearby rooftop.

He wanted to be alone; so much had happened, and the guilt began to eat at him.

If he had stopped those men, Jacob would still be alive right now.

He could have stopped it.

And he didn't.

And now his Dad was dead.


Present Day

Y/N sat in his room, mindlessly staring at a blank piece of paper. It had been a few weeks since he had fought the Rhino, and after the beating he took, he wasn't sure if he would even come close to bringing him down.

It had been two years to the day since his Dad's death as well, so that wasn't helping anything.

Bringing himself out of his thoughts, Y/N pulled out his phone and listened to the voicemail his Dad left him on that fateful night.

"Hey, Y/N. It's your dad. Listen, I wanted to talk to you... I mean really talk. I know we've had our differences, and I've been hard on you, but it's because I want the best for you. I see so much potential in you, son, and I don't want you to waste it. I wanted you to have the opportunities I never had as a kid. Maybe I let my ego get in the way, thinking I knew what was best for you."

"But I realize now that you are your own person, with your own dreams and passions. Your art, Y/N, it's something special. It's a gift you have, and you owe it to the world to share it. And not just your art, but your character, too. You've shown me strength and courage, especially when you stood up for that kid at school. That takes guts, son. I didn't realize that then, but now I do."

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you, Y/N. I may not always show it the right way, but I do. I want you to embrace who you are and use your gifts to make a difference in this world. You have the power to impact others, to make a positive change.

Remember this, with great power comes great responsibility.

Call me back, son. Let's go to that 24-hour diner you like, and we can talk. I want to hear your side of things, and maybe we can find some common ground. Take care, Y/N. I love you."

With great power comes great responsibility.

It was a timeless lesson, one that Jacob had instilled in his son long before Y/N had gotten his powers.

Those words had an echoed meaning for Y/N. To use his talents for the good of other people, to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Using his powers responsibly to protect the innocent.

He had failed to save his Dad because of his own shortcomings; he couldn't let that happen to anyone else.

Not if he could help it.

But now, his father's words echoed with a new sense of determination. His city needed him, and he couldn't hide from his responsibilities any longer.

With newfound determination, Y/N stood up, opening his secret compartment holding his P/C and S/C suit. Something he had not put on for several weeks.

Remembering the information Peter had shared about the Rhino, Y/N knew he had a chance to take him down with several key factors.

He learned beforehand that Rhino was actually Aleksei Sytsevich, a Russian mobster in service to the Maggia criminal empire, and was a formidable opponent in terms of brute strength, but he lacked intelligence and common knowledge.

Peter really should be in the FBI if science doesn't work out.

He also remembered Peter's insight into one of Sytsevich's limitations.

He could only run in one direction at a time due to his immense strength and the weight of his rhinoceros-like armor. That knowledge would be his advantage.

With renewed determination, Y/N threw on his suit and swung out of his house, the Spider-Man suit clinging tightly to him. He knew he couldn't let the Rhino continue to wreak havoc in the city, destroying neighborhoods in an attempt to eliminate rival empires of the Maggia.

As he swung towards the scene of destruction, Y/N's heart pounded with adrenaline. He was scared, but he pushed those fears aside.

As he landed near the Rhino, he couldn't help but taunt, "Hey, Rhino, you miss me?"

Rhino turned to face him, a sneer on his brutish face. "Well, well, if it isn't the little bug. I wondered where you'd been hiding all this time. Scared of me, were ya?"

Spider-Man smirked, refusing to show any fear. "Scared? Nah, just wanted to give you some time to enjoy your little tantrum."

Rhino's eyes narrowed with anger, and he charged at Spider-Man. But Y/N was prepared, remembering the information Peter had shared about the Rhino's one-directional charge.

As Rhino barreled towards him, Y/N used his webs to anchor him in place. "You're really predictable, Rhino. One trick, and that's it," he taunted, moving back and forth to avoid Rhino's charging path.

Frustration grew on Rhino's face as he failed to catch the nimble Spider. "You little bug! Stop running and fight me like a man!"

Spider-Man continued to mock Rhino's intelligence, baiting him further. "Fight you? With pleasure. But I'll be the one doing the fighting, while you just keep charging like a dumb-dumb."

Knowing that angering the Rhino would make him easier to predict, he moved back and forth, using his webs to stabilize the furious Rhino before going on the offensive.

However, the Rhino's brute strength proved formidable. He retaliated with forceful strikes, and the fight quickly turned into a brutal and intense showdown.

"Oh God, this isn't good," Y/N muttered, realizing that he was in the exact same scenario he was in during their last fight.

He knew he needed to come up with a plan, and fast. Then, it struck him – the Hudson River.

"Come on, Rhino! I bet you can't catch me!" Spider-Man shouted, swinging away from the brute while ensuring the safety of the bystanders.

Rhino roared in anger, determined to catch the elusive hero. He followed Spider-Man's every move, crashing through the city with relentless determination.

Spider-Man led Rhino towards the Hudson River, knowing that he needed to contain the situation before it spiraled out of control. He swung with precision, ensuring that Rhino couldn't harm anyone else in the process.

"You want chase of goose? I'll give you chase of goose!" Rhino bellowed, as Spider-Man weaved through the city, keeping a safe distance from his powerful foe.

"Uh, yeah sure," Y/N replied. "You could call it that."

Spider-Man weaved through the streets, using his webs to swing from building to building. He mocked the brute's inability to catch him, all the while leading him away from populated areas.

Finally, he reached the Hudson River. "Last chance, Rhino! Give up or take a swim!"

"Never!" Rhino bellowed, charging at Spider-Man.

"Well, I warned you."

But Spider-Man was prepared. With a quick movement, he shot a web at a group of rocks near the shore, pulling himself away at the last moment. Rhino, unable to stop his momentum, crashed into the water, his massive form sinking as the webs kept him trapped.

"You can't swim very well, can you?" Spider-Man taunted, as the Rhino struggled to stay afloat.

Panicking, the Rhino tried to swim back to the shore, but Spider-Man's webbing quickly immobilized him, securing him to some rocks. The Rhino roared in frustration, but there was little he could do to escape.

"You'll pay for this, bug!" Rhino bellowed, struggling to release himself from the web's hold.

"Goodbye Rhino, I'll come visit you at the zoo sometime!" Y/N saluted, swinging off into the distance as the police arrived.

Captain Stacy quickly called for a crew to assist in getting the Rhino back to shore. They needed all the manpower they could get to handle the large man.

Stacy was grateful for Spider-Man's intervention, though his Deputy, Yuri Watanabe, didn't share his same sentiments. She couldn't understand why he held the vigilante in such high regard.

Rhino, now defeated and humiliated, knew that he was at the mercy of the law.

He couldn't imagine what punishment awaited him now that he had failed the Maggia so spectacularly.

And from previous experiences, he knew that they did not take failure well.

"Hey, Cap." An officer called out to them. "How the hell do you think we're gonna get this suit off of him?"


Y/N stood in front of his father's grave. The cemetery was filled with the soft autumn wind, and the sky was tinged with the colors of the evening sun. It had been a while since Y/N had come to visit his dad, and the emotions of two years ago resurfaced once again.

"Hey Dad, it's been a while," Y/N spoke softly, "I'm sorry I haven't been here as often as I should. There's just been so much on my mind since... since you left."

He took a deep breath, trying to find the right words he wanted to say. "I miss you, Dad. I wish you could be here. You always seemed to have the answer to everything, and I know you'd know what to do about... about all this."

A part of him couldn't help but wonder if Jacob could have helped. He couldn't help but wonder if his father would have been able to guide him through the challenges he faced as Spider-Man.

"Mom's doing fine, she misses you every day, but you know her. She's tough as nails, just like you always said," he said, a smile curling up on his lips.

"But don't worry, I remember your lesson, Dad," Y/N continued, his voice getting louder. "With great power comes great responsibility. I'm doing my best to live up to that, to make sure others don't suffer the way I did that night."

Y/N touched the headstone, placing some flowers onto the ground before it.

"I'm doing my best, Dad, to be a better version of myself and to impact others, just like you said," Y/N continued. "I know you'd be proud."

Tears welled up in his eyes as he spoke from the depths of his heart. "I love you, Dad," he whispered, taking his hand off the gravestone. "I'll see you later."

With that, Y/N swung off into the distance with a renewed purpose. He knew Jacob would be proud of him, and he would continue to make him proud.

Unbeknownst to Y/N, a mysterious man had been watching the whole interaction from a distance. Wearing a dark suit and sunglasses, he had been observing from behind the cover of trees. As Y/N swung away, the man called someone on an earpiece, relaying what he had just witnessed.

"I saw something your boss would want to hear," the man spoke cryptically into the earpiece. "It's about Jacob L/N."


Hells Kitchen, New York

The dimly lit room was filled with tension as the Maggia crime families gathered around a large oak table, their faces obscured by shadows. Don Rigoletto, the head of the Maggia family, sat at the head of the table, his eyes cold and calculating.

"Failure, that's all I see here," one of the Don's sneered, slamming his fist on the table. "Aleksei Sytsevich was supposed to eliminate the Inner Demons, but he couldn't even handle a teenage punk like this Spider-Man."

Another Don chimed in, "And now we're losing money, profits. We can't compete with those damn street kids anymore!"

Don Rigoletto remained unfazed, a smug smile playing on his lips. "Gentlemen, there's no need to panic. I assure you, I have everything under control. I am more than capable of taking over New York's criminal empire."

His arrogance only fueled the frustration of the other Don's. They knew that the Rhino's failure and Spider-Man's interference posed a serious threat to their operations.

"Rigoletto, you're living in a fantasy!" one of the Dons spat. "We need a change in leadership. Someone who can actually get things done and deal with that menace. He's just a teenager for Gods sake!"

Before Rigoletto could respond, the room fell silent as the doors swung open. A dark figure stepped into the room, his imposing presence filling the space.

"I believe you all have a point," the figure spoke, his voice deep and commanding. "And as such, I am here to claim what's rightfully mine."

Gasps filled the room as Wilson Fisk, the infamous businessman but secretly the Kingpin of crime, revealed himself. His large muscular frame and towering stature sent chills down the spines of the gathered Dons.

"You?!" Don Rigoletto scoffed. "You think you can just waltz in here and take over? I've built this empire from the ground up!"

In an instant, Fisk's hand shot out, his powerful grip closing around Don Rigoletto's neck. With a sickening snap, Rigoletto's body went limp, lifeless.

"You were nothing more than a placeholder, Rigoletto," Fisk sneered, tossing the lifeless body aside. "A change in leadership was long overdue."

The remaining Dons were paralyzed with fear, unsure of how to react to the sudden power shift. Fisk took control of the room, laying out his demands with a chilling confidence.

"From now on, you will all answer to me," Fisk proclaimed. "And there will be changes. Some of you may find it in your best interest to volunteer your services to me."

Amongst the silence and hesitation, Elaine Coll, one of Fisk's ruthless enforcers, silently appeared behind him, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous intensity.

The Don's exchanged uneasy glances, knowing that they had no choice but to comply with the new Kingpin.

"But above all," Fisk continued, his voice dripping with malice, "Spider-Man. I want him dead, and I want his head on a silver platter. Make it happen, and you'll find favor with me."

Nervous glances were exchanged. Fisk was without a doubt ruthless, cunning, and he had the resources to back up his threats. He was everything their previous leader was not.

"I suggest you all cooperate if you want to continue breathing," Fisk warned, the room falling into an unbreakable silence.

Michael Chiklis as Wilson Fisk


Y/N lay down on his bed after returning from his nightly swing and bid his Mother goodnight. Sliding his headphones on, Y/N began to doodle in his sketchbook, capturing intricate details with every dab of his pencil, all while his headphones blared his favorite music.

Unbeknownst to him, a dark pool opened up in the ceiling of his room, almost like a black hole.

Y/N glanced upwards, his eyebrows twitching in confusion.

"What the?"

Suddenly, the portal began to pull him and the contents of his room inside. Surprisingly, Y/N began to glitch, feeling the portal's pull on his body. Panicking, Y/N shot a web towards the wall, trying to create some resistance to the portal. However, it did not go as planned.

The web snapped, leaving Y/N to glitch out and get sucked up inside, leaving the contents of his room in a disheveled mess.

End of Arc I

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