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Earth 928B

Nueva York

As the portal deposited them onto an elevator, the teenagers quickly shed their masks, eager to catch a breath after the adrenaline-filled events. Even Hobie, known for his cool demeanor, removed his mask effortlessly.

Miles couldn't help but marvel at Hobie's suave aura. "How are you even cooler under your mask?" he quipped.

Hobie, ever the epitome of chill, simply replied, "I was cool the whole time."

Y/N couldn't suppress a twinge of jealousy towards Hobie's effortless charm, but begrudgingly had to admit that the guy was pretty cool.

Leaning against the elevator's glass, Y/N and Miles peered out at the futuristic metropolis sprawling before them. The sight was awe-inspiring.

"Whoa... are we in the future?" Y/N mused, his eyes wide with wonder.

Anya chimed in with a tentative confirmation, "Kind of?"

Jessica, ever stern and focused, quickly interjected, "Don't talk, please? Thanks."

Miles, oblivious to Jessica's brusque manner, muttered to Y/N, "What's her problem?"

Y/N shrugged, too mesmerized by the futuristic cityscape to care about Jessica's attitude. "I think we are, man."

As the elevator came to a halt, Gwen nudged Y/N, drawing his attention back to the present. "Over here," she whispered.

Y/N, Miles, Gwen, Anya, Pav, and Hobie followed Jess out of the elevator, stepping into a larger building. As they entered, they were greeted by a bustling scene, with spider heroes of all shapes and sizes darting around the area.

Among the chaos, voices echoed in the air, each one seemingly asking a different question or making a different observation.

"Anyone spot the Spot?"

"Where is Spot?"

"What's up Gwen, who're the new guys?"

Miles couldn't help but express his awe. "Wow," he breathed.

Y/N echoed his sentiment, "No way, this is wild."

Anya clarified, "This is the lobby."

Miles, surprised, questioned, "Really?"

Gwen welcomed them with a smile, "Welcome to Spider Society..."

The sight before them was nothing short of incredible. Spider heroes from different universes swung and walked across the walls, their varied appearances and abilities a testament to the diversity of the multiverse. For Y/N, who had only known of other universes in theory, seeing it all firsthand put everything into perspective.

Miles, ever curious, inquired, "What happened to that elite strike team?"

Gwen explained, "A lot of these are part-time."

As Y/N glanced over at Gwen and Hobie walking together, a pang of jealousy surged through him. He needed answers, especially regarding Hobie's feelings towards Gwen. Deciding to confront him, Y/N sought out Hobie's attention.

Interrupting their conversation, Hobie turned his attention towards Y/N. "Gwen, how much have you told them?" he asked.

Anya, feeling the tension, nervously interjected, "There's nothing to tell."

Hobie pressed on, "About their place in all this?"

Gwen admitted, "A little..."

Hobie's tone grew serious. "You know he's going to be angry."

Before Gwen could respond, Y/N caught Hobie's eye and gestured for a private conversation. As Gwen shot him a suspicious glance, she continued walking alongside Miles and Anya.

Y/N pulled Hobie aside, a tinge of urgency in his demeanor. "Alright, man," Y/N began, "I just need to know. Do you... you know, like Gwen?"

Hobie, feigning confusion, raised an eyebrow. Y/N sighed, cutting to the chase. "Did anything happen between you two? I just want to know."

Hobie, amused, chuckled, "Why's it matter to you?"

Y/N, a bit frustrated, replied, "I just... do."

Hobie's laughter continued, but he could see Y/N was serious. "Alright, calm down. Nothing's going on between me and Gwen. She's like a younger sister to meβ€”nothing more, nothing less. I've been in this game for a while to keep her and my drummers out of trouble."

Y/N, relieved, apologized for persisting. Hobie reassured him, "No harm done. And between you and me, mate, Gwen used to talk about you consistently. You've got nothing to worry about."

Y/N nodded, appreciating the reassurance. "Thanks, Hobie. You're pretty cool."

As the tension eased, Y/N noticed Miles glitching out. Anya rushed over to help him up, and Jessica threw him a purple band.

Miles, excitedly, exclaimed, "My own watch!"

Y/N corrected him, "It's not a watch."

Jess clarified, "He's right. It's a day pass."

Miles, realizing, said, "Oh..."

Jess concluded, "It's just to keep you from doingβ€”" Miles glitched again. "That."

Y/N, Miles, and the others continued to navigate through the bustling Spider Society headquarters, encountering various Spider-People, even an unconventional spider car.

A couple of Peter's greeted Gwen and Anya, to which Anya responded casually. Y/N introduced himself, but their presence seemed largely ignored.

As they continued walking, the teens encountered more spider heroes, including an unusual spider car.

"Hey Gwen, Hey Anya," greeted one of the spider-persons.

Anya returned the greeting, "Hey Peter's."

Y/N introduced himself, "What's up, I'm Y/N."

Miles added, "We're new recruits."

However, they were ignored by the others.

Jess addressed the spider car, "Peter, can you take some Spiders to deal with this Spot mess?"

The spider car whisked away a few spider people, leaving Y/N bewildered. "Was that a car?"

Miles shrugged, "I wouldn't call it a mess, more like a success in progress."

Y/N persisted, "Are we ignoring the fact that I just saw a car that can shoot webs?"

They resumed walking, and Jess addressed another spider-person named Ben Reilly, who was dramatically clutching onto a wall.

"Sorry, I can't talk right now, thinking about my past," Ben replied.

"We need you, for some reason," Jess insisted.

Ben continued to muse, "That was a particularly harrowing memory."

Concerned, Miles asked, "Is he okay?"

Before Y/N could respond to Miles, he accidentally bumped into someone. Quickly helping them up, he found himself face to face with a spider-person sporting a blue and red suit, adorned with four large legs protruding from her back.

Y/N offered an apology, "Hey, I'm Spider-Man."

The girl responded with a teasing tone, "No way, I think we all are."

Y/N gestured to her unique appendages, asking, "Are those real?"

The girl chuckled, "Oh, God no. I can just grow them... That sounds so weird out of context."

Y/N laughed along, saying, "Don't worry, nothing about this life isn't weird at all. I'm Y/N."

Before the girl could introduce herself, Gwen intervened, obviously jealous, "Y/N, can we move?"

Realizing the situation, Y/N nodded, "Yeah, she's probably right. I'll see you."

The girl teased Gwen playfully, "Yeah, see you around, new guy. Gwen, jealousy doesn't look too good on you."

Gwen retorted, "Shut up, Mattie," before shooting a web at Y/N and pulling him along, clearly displaying her jealousy.

Y/N smirked at Gwen's reaction, knowing that she was obviously jealous.

Y/N and Gwen joined the others, and as they did, they encountered individuals confined within large concealed spherical cages.

Y/N questioned, "What are these things?"

Lyla explained, "Anomalies, those who wound up in the wrong dimension."

Jess added, "We kick their butts and send them home."

Gwen remarked, "It's not that interesting."

Lyla went on to reveal, "We got a bunch of Doc Ock's."

Miles, intrigued, commented, "That's interesting."

Lyla continued, "A Moosterio, Missterio, a video game guy."

Y/N excitedly said, "I love video games!"

Lyla noted, "Another video game guy."

A Spider-Man questioned, "Are you talking about me?"

Y/N, confused, asked, "What?"

Lyla listed off more anomalies, "An interesting Kraven, a boring Scorpion."

Y/N, curious, peered inside a bubble to see an actual Scorpion, much smaller and less menacing than Scorpia from his dimension.

Lyla mentioned, "A Prowler..."

Miles, concerned, asked, "Prowler?"

Anya clarified, "It's not your Prowler."

Y/N and Miles observed a man dressed in a Prowler suit who looked nothing like the Prowlers in their respective universes.

Prowler, noticing their gaze, remarked, "You know it's rude to stare."

Y/N, unsettled, muttered, "Freaky."


Miles found himself engrossed in conversation with a spider person, reminiscent of an avatar, while Anya, seething with jealousy, attempted to tear him away from her.

Meanwhile, the group shifted their attention towards a large and menacing machine.

Y/N questioned, "What is that?"

Anya responded nonchalantly, "Oh, yeah, that's a weird machine."

Hobie chimed in, "On top of having a great name."

Gwen added, "The go-home machine."

Miles, incredulous, remarked, "Seriously?"

Hobie, concurring, said, "Right, mate?"

Gwen voiced her opposition, "I vote against it."

Y/N agreed, "I can see why."

They watched as a rhino-like villain was pulled into the go-home machine, while the larger spider-like machine encased it within a sphere, trapping it inside.

The girl explained, "It takes whatever DNA your universe is from and sends you there."

Y/N and the others watched in horror as the character became trapped inside, glitching out before the machine flashed, causing it to disappear, presumably sent back to its universe.

Anya, anxious to leave, urged, "We should go."

Miles turned to bid farewell to the girl, "I guess I'll see you around?"

Anya, impatiently, intervened, "I said, let's go!" her jealousy evident in her tone.

Miles acquiesced, "Okay, okay, I'm coming."

The girl wished him luck, "Good luck out there, man!"

Miles responded with a quick "Bye!" before joining the group.

As they walked away, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched, despite there being nobody else around except their group.

It was a weird feeling, but he couldn't shake it off as they neared their destination.


My name is Miguel O'Hara. I'm this dimension's one and only Spider-Man. At least I was. But I'm not like the others. I don't always like what I have to do. But I know I have to be the one to do it.

I've given up too much to stop now


As they entered the dark room, Miles grabbed some empanadas for Miguel, as recommended by Anya.

Hobie grabbed a device off the wall, scoffing, "Bet this doesn't even do anything."

Miles retorted, "Maybe it did before you ripped it out of a wall!"

Hobie dismissed it, "Propaganda, bro! It distracts you from the truth."

Y/N chimed in, "And what's that?"

Hobie cryptically replied, "I got Scooby Doo, mate. Because that's what they want."

Miles, perplexed, questioned, "Okay?"

Hobie continued, "Why do you even want to be a part of this for?"

Y/N, half-jokingly, responded, "Because I want a watch?"

Hobie challenged him, "So get your own watch? I bet you got a nice setup, nice parents."

Y/N's tone softened, "Well, I got my Mom..."

Hobie assumed, "Bet she's nice."

Y/N nodded, "Yeah, I mean, we got into some arguments recently, but I know she's just concerned and wants what's best for me. But besides her, I have nobody. I'm lonely, and I just want to see my friends."

Miles empathized, "Same here. I know they mean well, even if we fight."

Hobie remarked, "That's quite the shame."

Y/N, confused, tried to ask Hobie what he meant before he interrupted, ominously stating, "Because this is probably what you don't want."

Miles, curious, asked, "Then why are you here?"

Hobie shrugged, "I'm just looking after my drummer is all."

Miles tried to defuse any tension, "Y/N...," knowing Y/N's crush on Gwen and his previous jealousy of Hobie.

Y/N assured him, "It's fine, we talked earlier," fist-bumping Hobie.

Miles shared his sentiment, "It's just like Y/N said, I want to be in a band, I want to see my friends, and... I need a watch to do that."

Y/N nodded in agreement, "Yeah, because right now I just have my Mom and that's it."

Gwen interrupted, urging them to move along.

Hobie acquiesced, "Alright, squashed! Just make sure you know what you're fighting for before you enlist," his words lingering ominously in the air.

Y/N and Miles exchanged glances, pondering the significance of Hobie's advice. What was he on about?

As the man on the larger futuristic computer slowly descended downwards, Gwen pre-empted Y/N's unspoken thoughts, "Yeah, I know it's slow."

Y/N was taken aback, "I didn't even say anything."

Gwen replied, "Didn't need you too," their connection allowing her to pick up on his unspoken cues.

As the man approached, Y/N recognized the suit and demeanor even from behind - Miguel O'Hara.

Anya introduced them, "Miguel O'Hara, meet Miles Morales and Y/N L/N!"

Y/N acknowledged, "Well, well, we meet again. Officially this time."

Gwen shot him a warning glance, sensing the tension between Y/N and Miguel.

Miles attempted to break the ice, "Te traje una empanada."

Anya was surprised, "ΒΏQuΓ©?"

Miles grinned, "What? I speak some Spanish," shrugging casually.

Anya teased, "Learn something new every day," smirking playfully at him.

Miguel casually tossed the empanadas to Miles, but his excitement quickly faded as he threw them away.

Miguel sarcastically remarked, "QuΓ© maravilla."

Y/N was perplexed, "Bro, that was good food."

Miles, eager to redirect the conversation, expressed, "Listen, I'm really excited to get going. I got some fresh new ideas on how to catch the Spot."

Miguel appeared disinterested, muttering to himself, "Uh, huh, yeah, right," as he threw a large piece of equipment towards Miles, who managed to dodge it.

Miguel muttered under his breath, "He's worried about Spot," before addressing Miles directly, "I'll worry about Spot!"

Miles, bewildered, questioned, "What did I do?"

Y/N echoed his confusion, "Dude, what the hell?"

Gwen interjected, attempting to diffuse the tension, "Miguel, it's not his fault!"

Y/N, still perplexed, asked Gwen, "What?" confused by her statement.

Miguel directed his frustration towards Y/N and Miles, accusing them, "You blew another hole in the multiverse! Both of you!"

Anya jumped to their defense, "They don't know any better!"

Y/N, feeling the weight of the accusation, admitted, "I know... Wait, no I don't."

Miguel shifted his focus, reprimanding Gwen, "But you. Did. Gwen! Anya, I trust you to make sure she doesn't make mistakes like that!"

Anya defended Gwen, "It was an accident!"

Miguel, exasperated, turned to Hobie, who was lounging nearby, "And you!... I'm just gonna try and ignore you... I just can't, I can't even."

Miles, bewildered, asked, "What's happening?"

Then, a familiar voice caught everyone's attention. Peter, walking alongside the ceiling in a pink jumpsuit over his Spider-Man suit, joined the scene.

Peter greeted, "Hey, Miguel! Go easy on them; they had a terrible teacher! They had no chance!"

Miles and Y/N joyfully greeted Peter with a hug, exclaiming, "Peter!"

Gwen questioned, "Peter?"

Y/N added, "Peter!!"

Peter joked, "Miles! Y/N! Don't be afraid of my friend Miguel over there; he just looks scary. He's got no bite."

Peter playfully teased Miles, "You guys are growing up on me; you look great!"

Miles responded, "You look... solid."

Peter, inspecting Miles, humorously asked, "Define solid. What happened? Are you bleeding from your armpits?" He lifted Miles' arms to check his suit. "Don't worry about the suit; we'll get you a new one."

Turning to Y/N, Peter complimented, "Y/N! You look great; the hood's a cool addition!"

Y/N grinned, "Well, thanks. I have been working out a bit."

Gwen teased, "Clearly."

Peter joked, "Alright, stop flirting, you two."

Y/N and Gwen simultaneously denied, "We're not flirting!"

Y/N noticed a baby carrier in Peter's front, and realization hit him. "Wait a minuteβ€”"

Suddenly, a red-haired baby with web shooters shot out from behind Peter.

Peter exclaimed, "Maydayβ€”"

Miles reacted, "You have a baby!"

Peter confirmed, "I have a baby!"

Y/N was thrilled, "This is amazing!"

Peter talked to his daughter while she climbed the walls of Miguel's room. "Don't forget to keep your little day pass on, honey!" He glanced at Miles and Y/N's wrists. "Oh, you got one too; I didn't know they made those for adults."

Hobie chimed in, "Kid's an anarchist."

Peter playfully chased his kid up the walls. Before catching her, he pulled out his phone.

Peter proposed, "You wanna see pictures?"

Anya remarked, "She's right there; we canβ€”"

Y/N, intrigued, said, "I mean, if you insist."

Peter scrolled through pictures of his daughter, showcasing various expressions. As they watched, the four friends exchanged glances, realizing how much Peter had changed since a year ago.

Peter exclaimed excitedly, "Hold on, Miguel, look at this. Miguel's gonna love this." Then, turning to the others, he said, "You know, you're the only Spider-Man who isn't funny. We're supposed to be funny!"

Miguel, attempting to maintain focus on the conversation while Mayday crawled around him, replied, "The fate of the multiverseβ€”"

Peter interrupted, "You always lose me with that. You say 'the fate of the multiverse,' and my brain dies!"

Peter then caught a whiff of something unpleasant.

Peter wrinkled his nose and commented, "You guys smell that? Mayday took a crap."

Anya grimaced and remarked, "We really didn't need to know that."

Peter walked off with the baby in hand as Miguel resumed speaking.

Miguel addressed Miles and Y/N seriously, "Miles, you and Y/N disrupted a canon event."

Y/N questioned, "Canon event?"

Peter interjected, "He wasn't thinking. That's not how he works!"

Miles retorted, "That's insulting."

Y/N defended their actions, saying, "What are you upset about? We saved those people."

Miguel ominously descended towards them, sending a chill down Y/N's spine.

Miguel stated, "And that's the problem."

The room fell silent as Miguel instructed Lyla to provide information.

Lyla, confused, asked, "Huh? What thing?"

Miguel instructed her, "What do you mean, what thing? The information explainey thing."

Lyla complied, and the room transformed into a light blue hue, with a single light descending from the ceiling.

Miles inquired, "What's this?"

Miguel explained, "This is everything."

The single light formed into a large plant-like structure with bright, distinct web-like lasers sprouting from it.

Y/N asked, "Can you be a little more specific?"

Miguel, annoyed, replied, "Can you not talk for a second?"

Y/N acquiesced, "Yeah, sure."

The tree transformed into a myriad of orange lines, forming an intricate web.

Miguel O'Hara explained, "This here? This is all of us. All of our lives woven together... in a beautiful web of life and destiny..."

Miles realized, "The Spider Verse..."

Miguel corrected, "Spider Verse? Huh, that's... stupid. It's called The Arachno-Humanoid-Poly-Multiverse."

Y/N quipped, "That's worse."

Miles and Miguel shared a moment of questioning the name Miguel had given. The Arachno-Humanoid-Poly-Multiverse didn't sound any better.

Miguel admitted, "Which sounds... stupid too, I guess."

Y/N pressed, "And these nodes where the lines converge...?"

Miguel explained, "They are the canon. Chapters that are a part of every spider's story every time. Some good. Some bad. ...Some, very bad."

The scene panned to Spiders leaning over their guardians in various universes, including Miles over Uncle Aaron, Gwen over Peter, and Y/N over Jacob.

Aaron Davis urged, "Just keep going..."

Miles addressed his Uncle Aaron, "Uncle Aaron..."

Past Y/N mourned, "I'm so sorry, Dad," cradling his father in his arms.

Y/N whispered, "Dad..."

Miguel pointed to an illustration, depicting a police captain's death.

Miguel continued, "This one, Event ASM 90? A Police Captain close to Spider-Man dies saving a kid from falling rubble during a battle with an arch-nemesis."

In front of the illustration, a holographic render showed a Spider-Man cradling his universe's George Stacy.

The Spider-Man expressed remorse, "Captain Stacy? I'm so sorry!"

Y/N couldn't help but glance sadly at Gwen, realizing that in another universe, it was her father.

He then observed another hologram of Spider-Man mourning over a fallen police chief, crying with scars on his face.

Miles asked Peter, "That happened to you?"

Jess revealed, "And me."

Y/N looked toward Hobie, who nonchalantly responded, "Hey, what of it?"

Miguel emphasized, "That's how the story's supposed to go."

Hobie, Peter, Jessica, and Gwen stared up at screens depicting different Canon Events, as Miguel continued to explain.

"Canon Events are the connections that bind our lives together. And those connections can be broken. That's why Anomalies are so dangerous. Inspector Singh's death was a Canon Event. You weren't supposed to be there, and you weren't supposed to save him. That's why Anya tried to stop you."

Miles found himself in the middle of a holographic recreation of the Mumbattan Fight, specifically when Anya grabbed Miles's arm.

Anya exclaimed, "Miles!"

Miles pondered, "I thought you were trying to save me..."

Anya admitted, "I was, I... I was doing both."

Y/N looked suspiciously at Gwen, who avoided making eye contact.

Y/N questioned, "You knew about this?"

Gwen hesitated, "Y/N-"

Miguel continued, "And now, Miles, because you changed the story, Pavitr's dimension is unraveling. If we're lucky, we can stop it. We haven't always been lucky."

Y/N was confused, you save people, and the universe is simply destroyed?

That's just not right, it didn't make any sense.

Miles defended, "That-- That wasn't me. That was the Spot!"

Miguel explained, "It's what happens when you break the Canon."

Y/N protested, "So we just have to let people die? Do you know how screwed up that sounds?"

Gwen attempted to intervene, "Y/N, please-"

Y/N insisted, "It's just not right...."

Miguel responded, "I never said it was easy."

Miles questioned, "How do you know?"

Miguel revealed, "Because I broke it once myself. I found another world where I had a family. Where I was happy -- at least, a version of me was. And that version of myself was killed. So I replaced him."

A brief flashback depicted Miguel seeking out the other Earth, trying to stop a mugger, getting shot, and then Present Miguel taking his place. The holograms showed the dimension collapsing, citizens in distress, and Miguel running through the streets with his daughter.

Miguel's Daughter pleaded, "Daddy? Dad! Please, help!"

Miguel continued, "I thought it was harmless. But I was wrong."

Further holograms displayed the dimension collapsing, the Spider Society failing to save citizens, and Miguel, in costume, holding his disappearing daughter. The scene shifted to Peter standing next to him.

Miguel questioned, "Isn't that right, Peter?"

Peter somberly replied, "Yeah..."

As the holographic destruction unfolded, sending shards towards Y/N and Miles, Miguel's words echoed in their minds.

Miguel: "You break enough Canon, you save enough Captains...You save enough people, And we could lose everything."

The holographic webs shattered and disintegrated around Miles, leaving him breathing heavily. He paused, absorbing the weight of Miguel's warning.

Miles gasped out, "...My Dad is about to be Captain..."

He crouched down, the pain evident in his expression, as everyone watched in concern. Y/N, overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation, began to remember the haunting vision he saw in Mumbatten.

"I saw something back at the collider with Spot," Y/N murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, while Miguel fixed him with a piercing gaze.

In an instant, a searing surge of pain sliced through Y/N's mind, replaying the very vision that had haunted him back at Alchemax:

Crumbled edifices.

Lifeless forms.

Chaos unfurling.

Amidst the grim scene lay Jessica L/N, motionless on the unforgiving ground.

This wasn't your everyday daydream; it was a glimpse into destiny itself, a bleak tapestry of what lay ahead.

"I'm gonna take everything from you, like you took everything from me."

Y/N's heart raced as the truth hit home.

Jessica L/N, his own mother, was destined to meet her demise.

A shaky breath escaped him. "My mom... she's going to die."

"Spot does it."

Tension gripped the room as Miles confronted Miguel about the impending danger to his father. The holographic projections painted a grim picture, revealing the potential fate of Miles' dad and Y/N's mom. Desperation fueled their pleas as they demanded answers from Miguel.

"Mom..." Y/N muttered, his thoughts consumed by the vision he witnessed in Mumbatten. Miles, equally distressed, pressed for specifics. "When does it happen?"

Miguel, reluctant to share the painful truth, averted his gaze. Miles, driven by frustration, turned to the others, demanding a timeline for the tragedies about to unfold.

"When does it happen?!" Miles urged, desperation evident in his voice.

"In two days. When he's sworn in," Miguel finally admitted, the weight of his revelation hanging heavily in the air.

Y/N, grappling with the impending loss of his mother, demanded information. "What about my mom? What about her?"

The spiders said nothing, all looking at Y/N in a serious manner.

Y/N's frustration escalated into anger. "When the hell does it happen!?"

Sighing, Miguel consulted Lyla for more details. "Three days."

"I'm sorry," Miguel whispered, his voice heavy.

Miles, feeling powerless, implored Miguel. "Send me home!"

But Miguel shook his head, his expression grave. "I can't do that. Not now."

The somber reality sank in, and Y/N, overwhelmed by emotions, lashed out. "Send us home! Now!"

Miles, desperate for an alternative, faced Miguel. "What am I supposed to do, just let him die?"

Miguel, with a subtle nod, confirmed the painful truth.

Miles turned to Gwen, hoping for a glimmer of hope, "What about your dad? He's a Captain, right?"

Gwen's response was subdued but resolute, "Yeah."

Y/N's voice quivered with anger and despair as he confronted the others. "So I'm supposed to let my Mom die? Just like that? And that's it? You just aren't gonna do anything about it? Okay, what about Uncle Ben?"

His eyes bore into Peter's, searching for some semblance of understanding. But Peter could only offer a wordless apology, his silence speaking volumes.

Y/N's frustration boiled over, his voice laced with bitterness as he shoved Peter away. "Would that have been okay if you knew, and you just... let it play out?!" he demanded, his tone cutting through the tense silence.

Peter hung his head, the weight of Y/N's accusation heavy on his shoulders. "If not for Uncle Ben, most of us wouldn't be here. I'm so sorry," he murmured, his voice laden with remorse.

But Y/N wasn't interested in apologies. "Save it," he spat, his anger palpable.

Miles echoed Y/N's frustration, his voice filled with incredulity. "So we're just supposed to let people die, because some algorithm..."

Lyla interjected, her shock evident, but Y/N wasn't finished. "No, he's right. We're supposed to let some stupid theory say that this is way things are supposed to happen? You know how messed up you all sound?"

Gwen, sensing Y/N's escalating frustration, attempted to intervene, her voice trembling with emotion. But Y/N's anger and sense of betrayal were palpable as he turned on her, his words cutting deep. "You were right Gwen, you should have never came back to see me," he spat, his anger directed at the person he once thought cared for him.

Gwen's tears welled up, her heart breaking at the realization of the pain she had caused Y/N. She had never wanted him to find out like this, and she could feel him slipping away from her.

Miguel's words hung heavy in the air, emphasizing the weight of the decision ahead. "You have a choice between saving one person, and saving an entire world. Every world," he explained, his sincerity evident in his voice.

Miles, determined and idealistic, interjected confidently, "I can do both! Spider-Man always-"

But Peter, his voice tinged with regret and weariness, countered, "Not 'always'..."

Miguel's tone softened as he spoke from experience, "We all want to live the life we wish we had -- believe me, I have tried. And the harder I tried, the more damage I did. You can't have it all."

Y/N's voice was filled with desperation as he pleaded, "I already lost my Dad because of my own shortcomings, if I lose her.......I have nobody left. That's it."

Anya, overcome with guilt and sorrow, offered a tearful apology, "Miles, Y/N, I- I'm so sorry. We never wanted you to find out like this-"

Miles, feeling betrayed by the revelation, lashed out in pain, "So you knew, all along. I wish you never came back Anya."

Anya's tears flowed freely as she struggled to find the right words, her heart heavy with remorse.

"Miles-please." She said softly, as if trying to find her way back.

Surrounded by the Spider Society from all sides, Miles and Y/N realized the gravity of their situation. Hobie's earlier warnings echoed in their minds.

"Being Spider-Man is a sacrifice. That's the job. That's what you signed up for."

Y/N's anger surged once more, unable to accept the notion of sacrificing his mother for the supposed benefit of the multiverse.

"You think I signed up for this? You think I wanted this to happen? You know nothing about me!"

Miguel sighed, his frustration palpable as he attempted to reason with them. "I know you're upset, and I get what you're feeling right now, but this is for the greater good. You don't have to understand it, but you need to accept it."

Just as tensions reached their peak, a new voice cut through the turmoil. Peni Parker emerged from her mech, tears glistening in her eyes as she addressed Miles and Y/N. "Miles...Y/N," she began softly, her presence a beacon of hope in the midst of despair.

Miles, bewildered by the sudden intervention, questioned Peni's presence. "Peni...? What is this? Is this an intervention or something?!"

As another Spider person joined them, the Spectacular Spider-Man, he tried to console the boys. "We know it's hard. But it's the truth, boys."

Y/N, seething with anger and despair, confronted the newcomers. "Is that why you are here? To let us down easy?"

Peter attempted to reason with them, his voice filled with sorrow. "Hey, hold on, hold on-- look at me."

Y/N, overwhelmed by emotions, lashed out with his stingers, a tangible expression of his anger and defiance. "Don't. Come. Near me."

Hobie, the voice of dissent, chimed in with an unexpected agreement. "There we go."

Jess responded, "Hobie, you're not helping."


Miguel observed the scene, noting Y/N's volatile reaction with concern. Meanwhile, Gwen stepped forward, her voice soft and gentle as she implored Y/N to lower his guard. "Y/N, please put the stingers away and let's talk about this."

Miles, still seething with anger, echoed Y/N's sentiment. "You've done enough, Gwen."

Y/N relented, retracting his stingers at Miles's urging, but his resolve remained firm. "He's right."

Peter attempted to reason with them once more, his voice tinged with sorrow. "Guys, please understand--"

Y/N's voice cracked with emotion as he voiced his deepest fear. "If I lose my Mom, I have nobody left. Nobody. You can't just ask us not to save them."

Miguel's response was firm, unwavering. "I'm not asking."

With a swift movement, Miguel trapped Miles and Y/N inside a red laser cage, their attempts to break free met with resistance.

As Y/N unleashed his stingers in a desperate attempt to break free, he noticed something peculiarβ€”a yellowish liquid emanating from the tips, aiding in cracking the cage.

Gwen and Anya's voices carried concern and confusion as they watched. "Stop that!" "What are you doing?"

Miguel's rationale was cold and calculated. "We let them leave, it'll only do more damage, you both know that!"

Gwen, ever empathetic, attempted to reason with him. "Miguel, that's enough!"

Hobie, offering guidance amidst the chaos, reminded Miles to focus his energy. "Hey."

But Miguel's resolve remained unshaken as he walked away. "We just need to hold you a few days! Sorry it had to end like this, boys."

Miles, channeling his frustration into action, unleashed a powerful venom shockwave, shattering the cage and incapacitating the Spider Society in one fell swoop.

Y/N's voice cut through the chaos, urging Miles to flee. "Miles, run!"

The two took off running, their footsteps echoing in the tense silence as Miguel angrily pursued them, his determination unyielding.

"Miles! Y/N!" Miguel's voice reverberated through the room as the Spider Society stirred into action, following after the fleeing duo.

The chase was on.

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