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Let me set a few things straight:

1- This is about my life, so all events have already happened. No need to fret over them now.

2- Some topics are personal, so please respect me and my decisions as told, and do not bash others included.

3- Please understand that I don't want your sympathies, so don't be like "do you need a hug?" Because A, I'm not a hugger and B, saying that makes me feel mocked.

4- Some topics are mature. (No in-depth detail, but enough that you'll understand without me actually saying.) I will flag these with ⚠️

5- These are my stories, not a book of made-up oneshots. All of these actually happened. If you don't agree with something, too bad.

6- For privacy reasons, I may change the names of some people. You will know one that I will talk about, so I will only refer to them in vague detail.

7- This is mostly for me. Some of these things have been on my heart for a while, and I need to let them out.

8- These are in no particular order, so I'll try to put dates or a time frame of when they occurred.


*No part of this work should be used in any way, shape, or form; no part of this work should be reproduced, copied, or plagiarised. This work is intended to offer insight into my life and to potentially help someone who has been through events similarly to me. All events are true, with only few exceptions. All names have been changed to protect the identities of parties involved. All opinions, statements, and expressions have been made/said [apparent] in the past, and I may or may not share them at this particular moment. If any part of this work is reproduced, plagiarised, or copied, actions will be taken to stop you.*


~This work is dedicated to my son, without whom I most likely would not be here. ~


~"And with all the changing seasons of my life, maybe I'll get it right next time..."~
-"Estranged" , Guns N Roses


With all that said, let's get onto the anecdotes!

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