Doodles 💕✍🏼

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This morning I texted M good morning, and they didn't reply for like 2 hours so I suspected they were either super busy at school or they left their phone at home.
It turns out they did leave their phone at home, because my mom texted me about it saying M's dad didn't want me to think they were ignoring me.
My mom said "be careful what you type", which made me worried M's dad told my mom what I texted to M.
i honestly wasn't that worried about the "good morning 💕" text, I was more worried about another text I sent saying the kid sitting in front of me in class was high on a weed cookie his friend gave him as a joke.
If my mom saw that, she'd probably jump to the conclusion that I was trying edibles at school too and she'd never let me have any privacy again. I'm absolutely not doing drugs of any kind, but my mom doesn't trust me anyway.
But O assured me that M's parents don't read their texts, so I don't think my mom knows.
I'm still a little disappointed that I can't text them every 2 minutes, but I'll be fine.
I was walking down the hall at my school when I saw two people walking together and linking arms in a cute couple way, and it made me start thinking about what it'd be like if M and I went to the same school.
We'd probably hold hands constantly and cuddle in every class.
I'm not always super sad that we're not in the same school. I've kinda gotten used to it. But occasionally I wonder what it'd be like and it makes me significantly more sad.

Anyway, here are the doodles:

This one sorta shows how when I'm texting M at school it feels like they're with me in a way. Not fully with me, but a part of them.

This one's just hand practice

I just wanted to draw M and I cuddling because it makes me happy :)

I told M I was drawing something yesterday, and they asked what it was so I sent them this. It's them. They know it's them. I think they thought it was cute.
And guess what? They drew me as well.

And they made me look so adorable 😭
When I told them I loved the art they said "aw really???"
in my head I was like "DID YOU NOT THINK I'D BE INFINITELY AMAZED?????"
Seriously, they seemed surprised that I liked it which was so sweet <333

Aaaand that's all, I hope y'all are having a great day :)

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