noah ayers

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Noah Oliver Ayers

None really, although his siblings like to call him Ollie, just to drive him crazy, but he goes by his first name, Noah.

21 years old




English is his first language, but he also can speak broken sentences of French and Spanish, so if he went to either country he would probably be able to survive and speak the language.


He has a scar on his knee, from when he was in highschool and slammed his knee into the gym floor while playing basketball. To say the least, it messed his knee up for a while.

He has only one tattoo, and it's a fairly simple one, which is his father's first and last name on his wrist, written in his father's handwriting.

He has no piercings, and he probably won't ever get any, but never say never.


Noah can be related to many of the words used to describe a perfect leader, especially whenever it comes to smart, as he is a very wise individual, and many know this, or have at least heard of this.

Noah is  a very outspoken person, one who likes to say whatever is on his mind, and often whenever he does this he comes off as very rude, but he doesn't care. He isn't meaning to be rude, but he allows people to gather their own opinions on him, and once those opinions are formed he rarely bothers with trying to get people who dislike him to like him, as he feels no need to seek for validation from anyone other than himself, and he isn't one to admit his mistakes, so he is rare to try and make it up to someone.

If people actually stick around him, they'll be quick to learn of how intelligent he is. He likes to tell his friends, and the family members he gets along with, fun and random facts each and every day. He also is a very fast thinker, able to strategize and think of different plans and ideas in the matter of just a few minutes, but to do so he must be in silence. One way to catch his interest is to sound intelligent. He has never had interest in girls in the past that sounded so dumb and idiotic. He knows that women can be smart, and he knows that some of them are and still act dumb, and those are the types of girls that he doesn't like whatsoever. What's the point in being smart if you're not going to let anyone KNOW that you're smart and use your intelligence for good?

Once people become close to him, they'll learn that even besides his outspoken manners and his intelligence that he can be rather nice, just a majority of people are thrown off by how outspoken he is, and at that they simply leave him alone. He himself isn't a big socializer himself, so he doesn't mind the fact that he doesn't make many friends out of the tons of people that he meets.

Sitting on the front porch of his parents house. The country. Animals. Especially turtles. Mythology books. Painting. Watching random YouTube videos. Cliff diving. Swimming. The ocean. Fall weather. Spring weather too. Owls. Taking runs in the morning.

Too cold of weather. The wintertime, since almost all trees and plants wilt and die. Being in photos. When his hair gets messed up by the wind. Too windy of days. Cold water. The mountains because they're too cold. Snow, unless he really wants for it to snow. Most gyms, people are judgemental of each other.

HEIGHTS- He has a horrible fear of heights, and has ever since he was a young child. He's had many falls from high places, and honestly he's surprised none of them sent him into cardiac arrest tbh.

FIRE- He's recently gained the fear of burning, as he cannot stand the feeling of being burned, and just the thought of dying in something, such as a fire, is absolutely horrible in his eyes.

ELEVATORS- My man will not be getting stuck in an elevator, he often chooses to take the stairs over the elevator over few of getting stuck in one.

Security Guard at an Airport

Oliver Ayers, 56, deceased
Olivia Ayers, 54, alive

Alexei Ayers, 25, alive
Alexis Ayers, 22, alive
Natasha Ayers, 19, alive

His father, Oliver Ayers, passed away two years ago in an unexpected fire at his workplace. Ever since he's had a huge fear of fire and tends to freak out at even the smallest things, such as a fire drill. Those scare the hell out of this dude, seriously.

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