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Written by Foreseer

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The Ardaelians are a diverse population, ranging in many different colors, shapes and sizes. These many types of dragons are separated into a few main tribes, which are described here. The main habits of all the dragon tribes are also described here. Please note that dragon tribe "personalities" are in fact stereotypes, and do not apply to all members of the tribe. The descriptions are just a summary of the average dragon's personality and are not intended to be taken seriously.

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-- NOTE --

These fantribes may have similar names to others that have been created already, but share no connection to them. These have been created by me without any reference, so if there is a similarity, it was not intentional.

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BlossomWings can be any color, including gradients, but may not be any shade of gray naturally. Patterns vary among BlossomWings, but are uncommon to find. They have two small moth-style feathery antennae stretching up from their head, which are always either yellow or white in color, and cannot curl or fold. Doing so forcefully may damage the antennae. However, this does not cause the dragon pain, so dragons are given a choice on whether to keep their antennae or not. If removed, the antennae become green bud-like stumps protruding from their forehead, which eventually disappear. They have elegant horns which curve back, the tips pointing upwards. The horns are always white or black, but never anywhere in between, and each horn is surrounded by a ring of leaves. Their body build is slender and curvy, with long necks, elongated, skinny snouts and long tails and limbs. Their tails are absent at birth, being only a stump growing from a bud covered in broad green leaves, but eventually the stumps fall out and a long, slender tail grows in its place, often tipped with a flower bud or a tuft of leaves. Sometimes, thorns line the top of the tail. Their eyes can be any color except for gray and black, and can be multicolored and/or have different colors for each eye as well. Such color combinations are common among BlossomWings. Their most distinctive feature is their wings, of which they have four- they have petal-shaped wings with some crinkled bits along the edges, and may have a gradient or pattern as well. The color of the wings may vary from the body, but also cannot be gray or black in color. They can fold these wings together when in resting position, so it appears they only have two. BlossomWings may flap all their wings in sync or have the top pair flap at different intervals than the bottom pair. Their wings are wet, thin and wrinkled at birth, but gradually straighten out as they grow older. They also have yellow glands on the back of their legs which look like thick, flat stripes, and emit a wonderful, flower-like scent. Over time, the colors of a BlossomWing may dull, turning a darker shade of their usual color or even fade to gray and black if old enough. BlossomWings have a lighter version of their scales for their underbelly, and it has no patterning. Naturally black BlossomWings are very rare, and their distinctively strong scent of roses is a valuable perfume often sold in luxury shops.


BlossomWings range from many different personalities, but often, their color influences their personality. Red BlossomWings are quick to anger and have a rather short temper, orange BlossomWings tend to hold grudges or display jealousy, even being obsessive at times, yellow BlossomWings are positive, excitable and cheerful, green BlossomWings are cautious and always careful, never chancing to take risks, blue BlossomWings are moody and often tend to stick to themselves, and purple BlossomWings are quiet and reserved, often keeping many secrets. Of course, most BlossomWings are a mixture of these personalities, and not all BlossomWings follow this pattern of behavior. Overall, BlossomWings take great pride in their apperances, and will display their flashy wings any chance they get. They strive to get as close to perfect as possible, making sure to keep themselves clean and tidy all the time. Beauty is prized in their society, and fashion shows are held regularly. Often, the prettiest BlossomWing is chosen as queen instead of the eldest or most responsible royal. That is why all BlossomWing royals look strikingly pretty. BlossomWings are also judged by the nicest scent, which means they hate smelly things with a passion.


BlossomWings can emit a wonderful scent from glands in their legs, which distracts and dazes opponents. Often, it is sold as perfume. Each BlossomWing has its own distinctive scent, some more common than others. The rarest scents are prized in their fashion industry, the rarest being the rosy scent of black BlossomWings. BlossomWings are also very light, and can use their wings to drift along wind currents and get carried around with little to no effort.


The Flower Fields


Queen Rosebud


Flowers, some herbs, pretty scents/plants

-- OTHER --

BlossomWings are terrified of bees, for some reason. They also hate dirt and bad smells.

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MossWings have hard gray, white, brown or black scales that are rough and may be speckled with darker gray, white, black or brown flecks, which can be kind of shiny. They have broad snouts and green, blue, amber, orange, yellow, gold or black eyes. Their tails are thick and can be short or medium length, and they are rather strong. They have moss, small ferns and other plants growing on their head, backs and tail. Their wings are normal looking, often the same color as their body and may be draped with moss and vines if the dragon is old enough.They are big, and can be a foot or two taller than average dragons sometimes. Their horns are large, curve like a ram's, and are any shade of gray or brown except white and black. Their horns also striped with either a darker or lighter color. Their underbellies are darker than their body and can be a different color as well as having the ability to be speckled.


MossWings are known to be very strong and oftentimes imposing, but are actually rather gentle giants. They enjoy relaxing noises and the company of nature, as well as being alone and having time to contemplate their thoughts. They are fiercely loyal to their family and friends, and will make sure to protect them as much as possible. They always keep their promises, and if you break one, they will oftentimes hold grudges against you. They love taking care of animals, too, and will care for anything sick or injured. That is why most MossWings learn to heal and become doctors. Gardening is another favorite pastime of theirs. They hate fighting with a passion, but will fight when needed and are actually decent at it.


The scales of a MossWing are incredibly hard, and cannot be damaged easily. This gives them some fire protection and extra armor, and it often hurts to try to scratch them using your claws. They can also photosynthesize using the plants on their back, meaning they can go for longer without food, as well as absorb water from rain or from the ground. Some also have leafspeak, and those who do typically have more plants on their back. The oldest MossWings have a chance to develop future sight as well, but there have been no instances of a young MossWing receiving this power.


Hovura Swamp

-- RULER --

King Sphagnum


Types of moss, rocks, minerals, some swamp/forest herbs or plants

-- OTHER --

MossWings can brew potions and cast spells, but this is not a natural power of theirs. They are also limited in what spells they are able to cast. Spells are often passed down from family to family in detailed grimoires, and the oldest and largest grimoires often sell for plenty of money. New spells are always being discovered.

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RuneWings are dark shades of black, blue, purple, green or red, and have strange glowing markings similar to a SeaWing's on their body, along their tail, on their wings and on their legs, except they are rugged-looking and shaped like strange runes. These patterns always glow, and will only stop glowing if the RuneWing is dead. Each Runewing has a unique pattern, which acts much like a fingerprint and aids in identifying them. Their underbellies are slightly darker than their body. If a body part with a rune on it is separated from the dragon's body, it will also stop glowing. Crystals glow on a RuneWing's back, and can be any color. Smaller crystals shaped like spikes grow on a RuneWing's head, neck and tail, as well as the back of their ankles. RuneWings are not born with these crystals- they grow in a year or so after birth. Their eyes can be any color, or even multicolored, but are always covered with a misty haze. They have a somewhat normal build with a thick tail, and a crystal spike on the tip of their snout. Their crystals may glow, but this is rare. Their wings are the same color as their body, but the membrane shimmers and sparkles in a gradient and is dotted with silver scales like a NightWing's. Gradients are often black paired with another color or two colors that match well with each other. Sometimes, there are three colors in a gradient- often being either warm colors or cold colors. They can also be lighter or darker variations of the same color. Their horns are gray, straight, short and striped.


RuneWings are very secretive, and their living habits are unknown.


RuneWings are able to cast spells in their native language, make potions quite efficently, have a better memory than most dragons and may be able to understand other languages. Some can read minds or see the future, but this is rare and luck-based. The chances to develop these powers are heightened if the dragon has a royal bloodline. They also have enhanced hearing, and can detect vibrations in the air if they practice enough.


The deepest parts of the Brightstone Caverns, in hidden areas

-- RULER --

last known ruler was Queen Arixxa


RuneWings have their runes "read" by an elder, and their name is determined by what their runes say. Most of their names are fantasy-like. (Their names may be derived from a Latin translation)

-- OTHER --

RuneWings have their own language- Runic. So far, only RuneWings speak this language. They are also incredibly rare, because their crystals are highly prized but only removable if the RuneWing is dead. Therefore, many other dragons take to "crystal hunting." That is why RuneWings have largely disappeared from the surface of Ardaelia. They are also referred to as CrystalWings, and have poor sight. They rely on their other senses to survive.

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HaloWings are white, cream or black with golden markings all over their body and a golden underbelly. These markings are either metallic or glow. Their eyes are golden, blue, green, gray or yellow, although at times these eyes are absent entirely. The absence of eyes does not affect their ability to see, and oftentimes dragons with no eyes cover them with their head wings, which all HaloWings have. These wings follow the same patterning rules as their normal wings. They have two, four or six wings, which are feathered and also patterned with the same colors as their main body. Their wings can be a completely different color than their main body. Their tails are long and have between two and six miniature feathered wings on the ends, all of which can move individually and follow the same patterning rules as their original wings. Their tails are tipped with golden orbs or stars for royals. Their horns are gold and curved back and point upwards, and if they are royal, have golden strings dangling from them with moons, clouds and stars attached to the ends. They have some chest fur covering the frontal part of their underbelly as well as a tuft of fur on top of their head, and long golden claws. Claws are often decorated with intricate glowing markings. Their body build is slender and elegant, with narrow snouts, long tails and horns. Their ears can be normal or elongated. Every HaloWing has between one and three halos, with each one signifying their level of power. The halos float inside of one another like rings around a planet. One halo is the weakest, two halos have normal powers and are the most common, and three halos identifies a royal. These halos glow, and are also solid, which means some royals decide to decorate their halos with gold jewelry. Halos can be added or taken away, but there can be no more than three halos on a HaloWing, and a HaloWing cannot recieve three halos unless they recieve it from a royal or have done an especially good deed. HaloWings can also hide their halos. Exiled HaloWings have no halo and white markings. Halos can also be cracked and/or shattered in battle, and when this happens, the halo will turn white, sort of like a battle scar. Depending on the damage, halos can be repaired with magic. However, damaging the halo causes pain to the dragon. The halo of a queen glows brighter than normal.


Contrary to their name, HaloWings are rarely nice, especially to each other. Flashiness and power are the two things that matter to HaloWings, and dragons with one halo or no halo are looked down upon as a disappointment. Royals in particular are cold and unforgiving, and gaze with scorn upon the general public. They are snooty and care only for themselves and dragons from other tribes. Exiled HaloWings are rather different from normal HaloWings. They are honest and feel other things besides anger and resentment. All HaloWings are deeply religious, and if a visitor breaks even one religious rule the queen often casts them out of the kingdom.


No Halo ~ None

One Halo ~ Minor spell-casting, shoots a beam of light that can temporarily blind others and cause minor burns

Two Halos ~ More spell variety, stronger beam of light, minor future sight, speed + endurance upgrade

Three Halos ~ Most spells accessible, beam of light can permanently blind and also start fire, future sight, better speed, strength and endurance

Queen's Halo ~ Powerful spell that allows queen to "power up" and move very fast as well as being very strong for a minute or two, beam of light is comparable to a laser, reliable future sight (they can look into the future at any point in time), change the halos of others


Angel Isle

-- RULER(S) --

Royals ~ Queen Divinia

Exiles ~ Mystyyk


Fantasy-like names, angelic-sounding things

-- OTHER --

There is a great civil war going on between the Royals (normal HaloWings) and the Exiles (exiled HaloWings). The reason why has been lost to time, but Angel Isle has been obscured by large storm clouds and torrents of rain ever since the start of the fighting. Royals and Exiles are not permitted to interact with each other besides battling at this point, and can be arrested by either side if it is found that they did so. Such HaloWings are shunned by their entire tribe and often go on to live lives in other kingdoms.

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CosmoWings are black with a starry pattern on their wings, spikes, claws and eyes that look like they are a portal into space. They can be tinted purple, gray, blue or a mix of these. Sometimes, comet patterns are portrayed sailing across their wings. They can have two or four wings which feel like thick, cold goo and can be pierced through using any object without harming the dragon. After the object inside has been removed, the wing reseals itself. Their wings are also very reflective. They have white scales on the tips of their tails and on their talons as stripes or scatterings of "freckles," and they can control whether these glow or not. Some also have these same scales like freckles on their snout. Their body build depends on their gender- females have a thin build and males have a stockier one. They are tall and their wings look like normal dragon wings. Their horns are straight, long and feature the starry pattern as well. Their tail tip is shaped like a crescent moon and also has the star pattern.


CosmoWings have varied personalities and are so different it is impossible to determine what the personality of the average CosmoWing is.


CosmoWings can have future sight, although it is uncommon, and the strongest future seers are simply called "Seers". They also fly rather fast and can cast minor spells, as well as being able to enter/change other's dreams and communicate that way.


Glowworm Caverns

-- RULER --

Queen Saturn and King Jupiter


Planets, stars, celestial bodies, space occurrences, fantastical names

-- OTHER --

CosmoWings are also referred to as DreamWings because of their dream-altering powers.

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ArborWings are similar to LeafWings- they can be any shade of green and may have flecks of gold. However, their wings may be leaf-shaped or normal-shaped, and they can have tall, branching antlers instead of horns. Their horns are a shade of dark green or brown with golden stripes, and their antlers are any shade of brown or dark brown. Alternatively, their antlers may be made of twigs growing out of their head, and have leaves or buds on them. In spring, buds turn into flowers and bloom, and in autumn, their leaves turn orange, red, gold or brown and fall off. The leaves grow back in the spring. It is possible for a dragon to have both antlers and horns, but this is rare. Their horns are straight and face back. Plants grow on their back and on/around their horns or antlers. Examples include bushes, ferns, mushrooms, wildflowers and small tree saplings. Roots cover their sides but never grow farther than the dragon's underbelly, and don't grow very thick. The largest ArborWings can have full-fledged trees or even small forests on their back. Their body build varies, and their vegetation depends on their personality. The colors of their plants match their behavior. ArborWings have brown, hazel, gold, green or amber eyes. Most ArborWings are the size of an average dragon, but some can grow very big the older they get, as their bodies never stop growing until they pass away.


At first, ArborWings are shy and quiet, but once you get to know them, they are quite chatty. They love to gossip and are extremely optimistic. They love to garden and bask in the sun and are friendly to everyone they meet. They are known for taking in stragglers lost in the forest and guiding them back to their homes. However, little is known about this mysterious tribe, as their villages are isolated and scattered throughout the forest.


ArborWings have leafspeak, and can photosynthesize better than MossWings. The oldest ArborWings have a weak version of future sight, and most ArborWings also have an innate sense of danger. They can shoot sticky sap from their fangs, which can trap and entangle dragons. (Yes, that's how sticky it is.) They also like to weave, and they can understand and communicate with animals.


Ivybrook Forest

-- RULER --

Queen Baobab


Trees, plants, flowers, mushrooms, forest animals

-- OTHER --

ArborWings are an ancient offshoot of LeafWings. They're also strict vegans. Pets are referred to in the tribe as "friends," much like a dragon would speak of another. They are treated very well and often have the same accommodations as a normal dragon.

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CloudWings are white, gray or blue with a pale blue or gray underbelly (if white) or a white underbelly (if blue or gray). Their horns are medium sized (although this varies) and can be gray (if their body color is not gray) or white and point backwards, curving downwards at the tips, and are striped with gold, pale blue (if white) or white (if gray), but never a mix of any of these colors. A ring of fluffy white fur that looks like clouds surrounds the base of their horns. Their eyes are gold, pale blue, dark blue, white, blue gray or gray, and their body build is thin with a long tail, thick horns and a long, skinny tail. They can have a pair of feathered wings that are light blue or gray (if body is white) or white (if body is blue or gray) that curve around their head, but can flap on their own, as well as the same type of miniature wings on their ankles or tail (with a maximum of four wings on the tail). A ring of cloud fluff goes around their talons (which are a blue-white fade if your body is blue, a gray-white fade if your body is gray or a gray-white/blue-white fade if your body is white, from top to bottom), around their tail tip and around their neck and extending down to the frontal part of their underbelly. Their main wings either have feathers or are also covered in cloud fur. If they have feathers, they may have four wings. Feathers (if applicable) are brightly colored and vary greatly in terms of patterns. Cloud fluff is normally gray (if white) or white (if blue or gray). There is a glowing yellow orb at the end of their tail that creates electric sparks sometimes.


CloudWings are bright, extroverted and bubbly, and they enjoy socializing and showing off their talents. They are childish at heart and love playing games, especially tag. They'll play this game while flying. CloudWings are not known for being the brightest of dragons, however- which shows why not many make it into the Academy.


CloudWings can shock other dragons with the orb on their tail, which can cause burns and temporary paralysis. The strongest CloudWings can control the wind, summon storms or control the weather entirely. The queen is able to create and control hurricanes and tornadoes. They also easily drift in the wind, as they are very light. Their fur is very fluffy, and when removed it grows back in a couple of days.


The Skyclaw Mountains

-- RULER --

Queen Cirrus


Clouds, birds

-- OTHER --

The feathers and fur of CloudWings are made into expensive clothing.

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SirenWings can be any shade of blue with a darker or lighter blue underbelly, and have three glowing dots under their eyes. Their horns are dark gray and curve backwards and up slightly. They have normal wings with light blue webbing, and blue, green, purple, orange or pink eyes. Their tails are very metallic and can be any color besides black, as well as having patterns. When it touches the water, the tail fuses with the SirenWing's back legs, allowing them to swim faster. They have gills on their neck. Black-tailed SirenWings are rare, much like black BlossomWings.


SirenWings are flirty in general, and are pretty and attractive. They like to pull pranks and are rather mischevious, but they like to keep their secrets. It is rare that they fall in love, but they don't really fall in love with their tribe. When someone else does manage to catch their eye, nothing will stop them- and it's extremely hard to resist their charm.


They can sing a beautiful song that is distracting and can hypnotize at its best, but is usually not that loud. They can also breathe underwater, see in the dark and swim very fast.


Shipwreck Islands

-- RULER --

Queen Shore


Fish, ocean-related things

-- OTHER --

SirenWings are a relative of SeaWings. They also love to swim at night.

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FairyWings can be any color except gray or black, but must always be pastel colors. Their wings are shaped like butterfly wings, except with pointed tips, and are semi-transparent and tinted any color except gray/black. The interior is tinted a lighter or darker shade of the exterior wing or a different color entirely. Both wings must match colors. Their wings are small but can still support the dragon's weight, as their body is small too. Their horns are white with pastel stripes (all in one color), but can be replaced or accompanied by antlers (males) or antennae (females). Antennae are pale brown, white or pastel with small, mint-green leaves on them, and antennae are black, pastel yellow or white, rather small and can curl up. Pastel flowers on pale green vines wind around their horns, and the interiors glow. Their tail is long and skinny, and ends in a crescent tip with an orb floating in the center, which also glows. This orb can be shaken around when the FairyWing is moving or when someone manually moves it, but it always eventually drifts back to the center of the tail and is impossible to remove from the tail.


FairyWings are silly and love having fun, playing little games and goofing around. That doesn't mean they're not serious at all, though. Old FairyWings are very wise and hold a lot of wisdom. FairyWings always make sure you're okay with their antics to avoid making you uncomfortable or getting you hurt- they care about all their friends. They also love animals.


Young FairyWings can levitate using a special cloud of sparkles that can be any color but gray or black. Older FairyWings can see the future, and all FairyWings can communicate with animals. They can also drift along the wind and cast spells.


Scattered in small villages throughout forests and caves

-- RULER --

None- the oldest FairyWings govern each village independently


Fantasy names, flowers, forest-related things, animals (male only), flowers (female only)

-- OTHER --

The villages act like individual kingdoms- they can be at peace or at war, be allied or be against each other, fight for territory or have truces, etc.

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The dragons of Ardaelia have many different rituals and practices that you should know before proceeding in order to understand the book. They are listed below. However, not every dragon tribe does all of these.

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When a dragonet turns 7, a ceremony is held celebrating their coming of age and picking their job (if applicable). The size of the ceremony depends on the importance of the dragonet and their family- a peasant might have a smaller ceremony than a royal. On this day, dragonets recieve presents, special ceremonial food is served, a feast may be prepared, and a speech is read commemorating the dragonet's achievements thus far and their future goal in life. After this, the dragonet will begin their apprenticeship.

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Dragons do have a religion in Ardaelia- the Divine Faith. The churches are run by a group of the wisest dragon from every tribe, which is referred to as "The Order" because their names are kept a secret. It teaches that if you worship the Divine Creator, the one who created the world and watches over it every day, you will go to the afterlife and join the stars in the sky with the Divine Creator, and all your dreams will come true. However, if you are unfaithful, your soul will vanish when you die and be sent to the Whispering Cavern, where bad souls are trapped for eternity, and you will eventually be forgotten. The HaloWings are the normal center for this religion as they happen to be the tribe which practices it most, but it's fallen out of practice since the war.

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There are various small academies dotted around Ardaelia, but the largest is the Sageleaf academy. Its founder was a FairyWing named Sageleaf, who wished to spread knowledge to all the tribes of Ardaelia.

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When a dragonet turns 4, they begin their apprenticeship with an older dragon who educates them on the job they wish to preform. This dragon always preforms the same job as the apprentice. Over the course of 3 years, the dragonet will assist their mentor with their job until they have learned to preform all the tasks required of the job. Even if there is no age gap, it is frowned upon for a dragonet to fall in love with their mentor (or the other way around), even if they have already ended their apprenticeship. Certain jobs are not eligible for apprenticeship, such as the ones chosen by royals, and depending on the job dragons may undergo a second apprenticeship later on after a promotion or job change.

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-- HOMES --

Homes vary depending on the tribe. They are listed below:

BLOSSOMWINGS ~ Domes woven of leaves, vines and twigs

ROYAL BLOSSOMWINGS ~ A treehouse covered in vines and flowers that hangs in several platforms from a large tree

MOSSWINGS ~ Mud brick huts, hanging pods made of carved wood or thick woven vines with balconies around them or stone huts

ROYAL MOSSWINGS ~ Large treehouse with balcony surrounding it in the middle of a tall mangrove tree

RUNEWINGS ~ Caves carved into the stone lit with candles, mushrooms and crystals, no doors or glass windows

ROYAL RUNEWINGS ~ A castle carved into the stone, stained glass windows portraying ancient stories and scenes

HALOWINGS ~ White brick or marble houses with gilded inlays, carvings and Greek-style pillars

NOBLE HALOWINGS ~ Large, two-floor mansions of the same material as normal HaloWings with fancier carvings, gemstonr and gold inlays, balconies and courtyards

ROYAL HALOWINGS ~ Marble castle with large gold statues and gemstone/gold inlays, large royal yard with fountain, paths and benches, many balconies, stained glass windows, large pillars, domed roof with stained glass, exotic wooden doors with golden handles and intricate carvings

EXILED HALOWINGS ~ Wooden huts built by hand or patchy silk tents

COSMOWINGS ~ Stone buildings with no doors or windows, lit by special crystal lights

ROYAL COSMOWINGS ~ Observatory-style castle with domed glass roof, stained-glass stars all over tinted windows, mossy "gardens" in front of castle, vines along walls, stone brick walls and drawbridge over frontal river

ARBORWINGS ~ Small treehouses, pods hanging from trees made of carved wood or woven vines, platforms hanging from trees, spaces between tree roots, large tree hollows, empty tree stumps

ROYAL ARBORWINGS ~ Large treehouse with smaller platforms surrounding it, two floors, balconies, spiral staircase leading down

CLOUDWINGS ~ Buildings carved into the peaks of mountains, no glass windows (just curtains), log cabins, wood or stone huts

ROYAL CLOUDWINGS ~ Stone castle on top of a mountain with large wall surrounding it, many colorful flags and banners, expansive railed balconies, arched windows with stained glass

SIRENWINGS ~ Small coconut wood huts, underwater prismarine or sand brick homes with seaweed curtains, underwater caves

ROYAL SIRENWINGS ~ Spiral-shaped prismarine castle with a pointed top, many windows with blue, green or multicolored stained glass, smaller arches following path leading to entrance, seaweed curtains, arched doorway with no door

FAIRYWINGS ~ Small treehouses, hanging platforms, woven vine-pods, empty stumps/tree hollows

ELDER FAIRYWINGS ~ Large hanging platforms with thatched wooden huts on top, straw or palm leaf roofs, decorated with curtains of flowers, vines, moss or ivy, often surrounded by thick forest and separated from the rest of the village, ladders leading to the top, no doors and empty windows, exterior decorated with plant life

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-- JOBS --

Every Ardaelian recieves a job once they complete their apprenticeship. They are listed below. They are not listed in any specific order. Keep in mind that these are the main most common, popular and important jobs, and there are others not listed here.

BISHOP ~ Works for the Order. Manages all the churches in a specific area.

PRIEST ~ Works for the Order. Preaches at a church.

SCHOLAR ~ Works at an academy. Teaches students, runs the building, etc.

HIGH SCHOLAR ~ These wise dragons are specifically chosen by royals to work in the castle and study there. They tell their findings to the royals and may occasionally educate princes and princesses.

ROYAL GARDENER ~ Tends to the Royal Gardens of royals.

BUILDER ~ Collects construction materials and builds homes.

MERCHANT ~ Travels around cities, towns and villages to sell various items.

ALCHEMIST ~ Dragons who experiment with things to make new discoveries.

SORCERER/SORCERESS ~ A dragon who practices magic spells for a living. These dragons may work for royals/alchemists, serve in armies, preform in shows or sell their magic items.

CRIMINAL ~ While this is not technically a job, criminals do exist in Ardaelia. They rob, murder, and do all sorts of atrocious things.

ENTERTAINER ~ These dragons normally travel through cities and preform shows. Some may use magic, animals, music or wacky inventions. Dragonets flock to their stages to watch them play. Certain entertainers may be chosen by the royals to preform in palaces for parties and special events.

ARTISAN ~ Creates items to sell at stalls in cities and villages.

SEER ~ Has visions, creates prophecies and interprets the meanings.

FARMER ~ Grows food and raises animals to sell.

HUNTER ~ Hunts animals to sell their meat and resources. They may also harvest natural resources such as berries.

HEALER ~ Normally works in cities. They use herbs and magic to heal dragons.

SOLDIER ~ They are enlisted in the Royal Army of their tribe and do things like guarding the castle and fighting in wars. Soldiers have specific sub-ranks which determine their place in the army.

DRAGON HUNTER ~ These dragons hunt specific types of dragons for the valuable resources they carry, such as RuneWings, and sell them to make a profit. These dragons normally come from tribes which are not hunted very often.

ROYAL GUARD ~ These dragons have attained very high ranks in the army and gained the personal respect of their royals. They serve to guard the royal family personally and while on tours.

SERVANT ~ A dragon who works for royals or nobles.

ROYAL ATTENDANT ~ A servant who does exceptional work and/or is close to the royals may get promoted to this role. Royal Attendants get increased pay and work specifically to meet the demands of the royals they work for. Royals take pride in these servants.

COOK ~ Makes food and sells it.

SAILOR ~ Transports large amounts of items by boat. Works in groups.

CAPTAIN ~ Commands groups of sailors and makes sure everything runs smoothly.

MESSENGER ~ Delivers messages from dragon to dragon in the form of spoken word or letters. These dragons mainly work within their tribe.

ROYAL MESSENGER ~ Delivers messages between royals. These messages may be between royals from the same tribe or different tribes. Often, the royal messenger delivers messages from their ruler only.

ROYALS ~ Usually, only members of the royal families are eligible for this role. The king and queen govern their tribe and create rules for their subjects to follow as well as enforcing them. Occasionally, a ruler is overthrown or they die with no suitable heirs. Then a non-member of the royal family who has done good for the kingdom, usually a noble, might be chosen for this role. This is the HIGHEST role.

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The money used in Ardaelia is the scale. (Not dragon scales, coins.) The different types of scales are below.

ONE SCALE ~ Bronze-colored, small coin with a sapling on it.

FIVE SCALES ~ Silver-colored, slightly larger coin with a tree on it.

TEN SCALES ~ Gold-colored, large coin with a hawk flying on it.

FIFTY SCALES ~ Large silver coin with a dove carrying an olive branch on it.

ONE HUNDRED SCALES ~ Large gold coin with two mushrooms on it.

FIVE HUNDRED SCALES ~ Large silver coin with bumpy rim and a castle on it.

ONE THOUSAND SCALES ~ Large gold coin with bumpy rim and a picture of Mount Solias on it.

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