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I walk down the stairs of the Sway house to see the boys all in the living room. Bryce notices me and a smile breaks out onto his face.

"Well if it isn't Mr. Anniversary Man." He teases. I roll my eyes playfully, plopping down on the couch beside Blake. "Your little post was cute, made me tear up." Blake says, patting my back.

"Not me, I was threatened." Vinnie pouts. All the boys roll their eyes, not surprised that him and Jadah were being so hostile towards one another; they always were.

"I can't believe it's been a year of y'all together." Noah says. Everyone nods their heads, agreeing. "More like two, we all knew the minute Josh laid eyes on her they were gonna get together, remember the bet we made?" Bryce says.

My eyebrows raise at the last part of his sentence. "You guys made a bet on us?" I ask, surprised.

Everyone nods and I turn my head to Bryce. "What? I don't regret it. Best two hundred dollars i've ever made." He shrugs. I shake my head at their antics, not too surprised.

"It was crazy, seeing you guys like fall in love in front of our eyes." Blake states. "Do you think she's the one?" Vinnie asks.

I nod my head, pretty quickly might I add. "Honestly, yeah. She's changed my life completely. It's to the point where I don't think I could see myself with someone else." I confess.

"So you're in love? Like in love?" Noah asks. I nod my head, a small smile forming on my lips. "I really wanna marry that girl." I reveal, surprising myself.

I look over at the boys and they all have surprised looks on their faces. A smile spreads on Bryce's face before he speaks.

"Then do it."

"So do you know where he's taking you?" Nailea asks, laying across my bed. "I don't know, he told me it was a surprise, and he knows i'm not that fond of surprises, so I hope it's good." I tell her, standing in front of my mirror.

Josh told me to dress really casual, so I had picked out a simple skin tight anime tee and some low rise jeans. I was especially curious as to where we were going that would require such casual clothing.

"Well it has to be good, it's your one year, it's very hard to screw up an anniversary." She laughs, causing me to chuckle.

Nailea stays silent for a few seconds, before sighing. "So, how are you feeling?" She asks. I briefly look back at her, waiting for her to elaborate. "Come on, you've been through hell and back with this boy for the past year and you've finally made it to a safe spot for you two, it must feel nice." She explains.

I smile softly, realizing her statement was right. We had been through hell and back. From people trying to sabotage our relationship, to hospitals, and we always tried our best to stick together.

"It does. It feels amazing." I agree. She smiles at me, coming behind me and putting her hands on my shoulders. "You are incredibly whipped." She shakes her head laughing.

"What?" I ask, laughing with her. Her laughter dies down, and she looks back at me. "You can see it in your eyes. Any time someone says his name there's nothing but complete love and adoration in them." She says.

"You haven't had that look on your face in a long time J, i'm proud of you." She smiles.

"Is it weird that I can see myself spending the rest of my life with him?" I blurt out. Nailea raises her eyebrows, giving me a questioning look. "He just treats me so well, I could've never imagined that I deserved the kind of love he shows me. He didn't even stop loving me when I screwed things up before. I don't want to make that mistake again Nai." I explain, the painful memory of our break up coming to mind.

"Then don't. Spend the rest of your life with him. No one's stopping you."


Josh knocked on his room door, not wanting to scare Jadah as he walked in. "Come in." He hears her call. He twists the knob on the door, entering the room. He smiles when he sees her in his closet, reaching for a high shelf, failing to reach it.

She rests her feet back onto the ground, her tippy toes growing tired from her reaching. She looks over at her boyfriend standing in the closet doorway with his arms crossed, a look of amusement on his face. "Aren't you like 5'8?" He questions.

Jadah rolls her eyes, crossing her arms and matching his stance. "Sorry that the you keep your hats in the highest shelf in the closet, idiot." She rolls her eyes playfully. Josh puts his hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt. "Well happy anniversary to you too." He jokes.

"Would you just get the black hat for me please?" She pleads, tilting her head at him. He smirks at her, reaching over her head and grabbing the hat that she wanted. He pulls his arm back down and as Jadah goes to reach for the hat, Josh quickly pulls it behind his back, stopping her.

She sighs heavily, raising her eyebrow at him. "Uh uh, gimme some first." He says lowly, tapping his lips. Jadah rolls her eyes, giving him a blank look.

"Really Josh." She sighs. He nods his head, leaning down a little closer to her face. "If you want it, just give me a kiss." He shrugs. She didn't budge. The couple often found themselves being stubborn to one another like this, just for the fun of it.

Seeing that she wasn't going to fall for it, he added a little more motivation. "Man those strawberries I just ate were really good" He teases, knowing strawberries were her favorite. Seeing a small smile on her lips, he knew he'd gotten her. "One kiss and you can taste it." He smiles innocently.

Jadah sighs, leaning upwards, her lips meeting his. Josh instantly wraps his free arm around her waist, pulling her into him, smiling into the kiss. Jadah pulls away, a ghost of a smile on her face. "Happy anniversary, I love you." She smiles at him.

"I love you too." He replies, finally handing her his hat. "Now are you ready to go?" He asks, walking back into the bedroom.

"Yeah, are you gonna finally tell me where we're going?" Jadah asks, grabbing her phone from the dresser. She picks up Josh's keys, tossing them in his direction. "Not a chance." He says, catching the car keys with ease.

"You'll have to wait and see." He smiles, walking out of the door after her.


When the couple pulls up to a hockey rink, Jadah gives Josh a confused look. He backs the car into a space, looking at her as he takes the key out of the ignition. "Don't tell me we're doing hockey." She warns.

Judging by the smile on her boyfriends face, she already knew the answer. Anyone who knew Josh knew he loved hockey. It was the Canadian in him shining through.

"If I kill myself on that ice, make sure Ariana Grande is there or i'll haunt you." She points at him.Β 

"You won't kill yourself, I got you." He reassures her. He steps out of the car, coming around to Jadah's side and opening her car door. They make their way to inside the building, hand-in-hand, Jadah looking around at all of the hockey posters in amazement.

They go into the locker room to change into the hockey gear, Josh cracking jokes about how funny Jadah looked in all the pads and protective gear.

They made their way into the rink, and Jadah notices that it's completely empty. "You rented out a whole rink?" She asks, looking at Josh with a shocked look on her face. He nods, meeting her eyes. "This is our time, I didn't want anyone else interrupting that." He shrugs, making Jadah's heart warm.

The two put on their helmets, Josh getting onto the ice first. "See, it's not that hard." He shows Jadah. She stands on the edge of the soft carpet, looking at the ice with slight fear in her eyes. "Here i'll help you." He tried, holding out his hand and grabbing hers.

She reluctantly steps onto the ice, holding onto Josh for dear life. She gets her other foot on the ice, sighing of relief when she didn't completely kill herself.

"See you got it. Now you know how to regular skate, so just do that." He instructs her. She follows what he says, getting the hang of being on the ice.

Josh spends about 30 minutes teaching Jadah how to hold a hockey stick. Man was she bad at this.

"Okay now that you have that, i'm gonna teach you how to flip the puck." He tells her. He explains to her how to do it, showing her an example.

Her first try was as horrible as she expected, she couldn't even get the puck onto the hockey stick correctly, her and Josh having a laughing fit at her failure. After a few tries she finally got it, and attempted the flip.

To their surprise, the puck flew in the air momentarily, successfully landing. Jadah throws her arms in the air, jumping up and down from excitement. In her excited state, she slipped on the ice, falling on her back.

Josh rushed over to her, getting on his knees to help her. "Babe, you okay?" He asks frantically, searching her body for any damage. When she doesn't respond, he starts to worry.

"Babe, there's no way you fell that hard, are you hurt?" He asks her again, pulling her head onto his lap. When silence envelopes them again, he panicks, all of his sense flying out of the window.

He leans down, pecking her lips. "Babe, seriously get up." He tries, worry etched in his voice.

His eyes start to water as he grabs her face in his hands. "Jadah no, no don't do this." He calls to her, his voice wavering.

"No, this can't happen, I was gonna marry you bro, we're forever." He says, a tear rolling down his cheek. As he reaches for his phone to call Bryce, he hears a giggle.

He looks down at his girlfriend, confused. When a smile breaks out onto her face and she opens her eyes, laughing, relief hit his body.

"I actually flipped a hockey puck." She smiles. Once he realized that she tricked him and he'd said all that he did, he rolls his eyes at her, getting up from his kneeling position. "Don't do that Jadah." He huffs.

"I'm sorry baby, I had to get you back for teasing me earlier." She shrugs.

"By pretending to be dead on our anniversary?!" He sighs heavily. Jadah didn't realize that the prank hit him so hard, as the boy skated towards the carpet, getting off of the ice. She had heard what he said, and she felt really bad for the prank because he sounded so genuine.

Josh sits on one of the benches, taking off his gear. Jadah quickly catches up with him, sitting next to him on the bench and doing the same. "I'm sorry Josh, I didn't mean any harm." She tries, but he wouldn't make eye contact with her.

Truth was, he couldn't look at her because the thought of him looking at her and her being gone shattered his heart. He meant every word he said to her and he'd been thinking about what Bryce said earlier that day a lot. She was quite literally the boys everything. Without her, he wouldn't be who he was today.

He honestly couldn't imagine life without her, and he didn't want to have to.

"I meant what I said over there." He says, catching her attention. They had gotten all of their gear off by now, and we're sitting against a wall, hands intertwined, as Jadah drew circles on the back of Josh's hand, him watching her.

"What?" She asks, acting confused even though she knew exactly what he meant. He gives her a blank look, knowing that she was stalling. "I meant it Jadah, I want us to be forever." He says to her.

"We are." She says to him, bringing his hand to her lips, kissing it. He shakes his head, and Jadah looks at him confused.

"I mean for real Jadah. I wanna marry you. You're it for me" He tells her, not an ounce of silliness in his voice. Jadah looks at him, the same look on her face. "I wanna marry you too Josh. You're the only person for me. You're it." She says, her voice soft.

They sit in comfortable silence for a bit, Josh thinking about the next words he was going to say, Bryce's words ringing in his ears.

"Then do it."

"Then let's do it." He says, looking into Jadah's eyes

"Do what?"

He sighs, looking at their hands held together. He squeezes them, causing Jadah to smile softly.

"You wanna get married?"


ᴛᴇᴅ α΄›α΄€ΚŸα΄‹

there will be an epilogue so don't be afraid that i ended it like that.

but that's it for the help guys:((

i love this book so much it's my baby. it took me a month to write this chapter because i wanted it to be perfect.

i just wanna thank you guys so much for the support on this book. it means so much to me and i've met so many amazing mutuals because of this book so it's extra special.

but now that this book is finished i can focus on my other fics a bit more and update more frequently for you guys.

thanks to everyone who read this book, supported it, voted for it, and shared it, i love you so so so much and stay bad<3

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