𝖎𝖝. Yes, having vampires sex 𝘤𝘢𝘯 lead to pregnancy

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Yes, having vampires sex can lead to pregnancy

"NO, EMMETT, WE CAN'T EGG PEOPLE'S HOUSES." Thalia scolds Emmett, who has his arms crossed to his chest, sitting as if he was a kid being lectured or being told 'no.' if he weren't so muscular and buff, Eden would have looked at him more seriously.

But Eden was just laughing hysterically, "It was so much fun when you were traveling." Emmett grumbles, looking at Thalia with a pout, with her just shaking her head, but with a smile on her face, she walks towards Carlisle's office with a book in hand.

"Emmett," Thalia warns with a teasing smile as she looks behind her should.

Emmett nods his head with a pout. "I promise I won't." then Thalia enters the office, shutting the door behind her.

"Stop laughing. It isn't even funny." Emmett scowls at Eden, laughing loudly, with Rosalie just looking at her wife with a smile, flipping over wedding magazines.

"Oh, but it is. You just look like a man-child." Eden teases Emmett. With Emmett extending his middle finger towards her, Eden sticks her tongue out.

"You're no different than a kid," Emmett grumbles, rolling his eyes. Eden grins, "You're so huffy when I tease you."

"Am not." Emmett denies.

"You are."

"Am not."

"You. Are."

"Am. Not."

Christopher walks towards the living room with a newspaper in hand as he sits down on the couch. "You are, Emmett."

Emmett threw his hands up in the air in exasperation, "Oh, so now you two are ganging up on me."

"Yes." Eden and Christopher say in unison.

"Rosalie," Emmett complains to her. Rosalie, without looking up, then says. "Stop being a sore loser, Emmett."

"What the fuck!" Emmett exclaimed and was about to say something until they heard a loud gasp from Alice upstairs. Then Alice sped into the living room, with a worried Cordelia following behind.

The playful bantering atmosphere faded, replaced with a guarded and heavy aura.

"What is it, Alice?" Cordelia asks worriedly, placing a hand on Alice's cheek. Then Alice hastily says, "I can't see Bella's future. It went black."

"What?" Eden asks worriedly, with furrowed brows, standing up from her seat. She walks towards Alice and looks at her, asking for permission, then her palms release purple vapors as it surround Alice.

Eden looked around Alice's sector of Bella's visions, which was all black. Eden then leaves Alice's mind, "Call them. Now." Eden orders her, and Alice nods, taking her phone out and dialing Bella's number.

Eden places a hand on her forehead. They were thinking of any possibilities of what could happen. Bella and Edward have been on their honeymoon for 17 days now.

Rosalie approaches Eden, placing a hand on her shoulder, and asking her a silent question, "I didn't see anything," Eden whispers, and Rosalie purses her lips, leaning on Eden's shoulder. Eden wraps an arm around her waist.

"What's happening?" Thalia asks worriedly as she and Carlisle exit the office, as well as Esme in her gardening clothes. Christopher approaches Esme, leaning on her ear as he whispers what is happening.

Eden walks towards Carlisle and Thalia, "Alice couldn't see Bella's future."

Thalia and Carlisle look at each other, then Thalia looks at Alice, "I haven't felt anything." Thalia tells them, meaning she hasn't felt any deaths, which made them feel a bit relieved, but it doesn't answer the fact why Alice couldn't see Bella's future anymore.

"Hi, Alice," Bella greets with a hoarse voice. They all listened intently to Alice and Bella's conversation.

"Bella? Bella, are you okay?" Alice asked worriedly. Cordelia rubs her back.

"Yeah. Um. Is Carlisle there?" Bella asks.

"He is. What's the problem?" Alice tells her while looking at Carlisle.

"I'm not...one hundred percent...sure..."

"Is Edward all right?" she asked warily. Alice walks toward Carlisle and then demands, "Why didn't he pick up the phone?"

"I'm not sure."

"Bella, what's going on? I just saw-" Alice halts as she looks at Eden with Eden shaking her head. They didn't want to make her worry.

"What did you see?"

There was a silence.

"Here's Carlisle," Alice finally said, handing the phone to Carlisle.

"Bella, it's Carlisle. What's going on?" Carlisle asks her with a calm voice. It's one of the things Eden admired about Carlisle, who always seemed relaxed in every stressful situation.

"I-I'm a little worried about Edward...Can vampires go into shock?" Bella asks him, and Carlisle suddenly gets worried. Eden looks at him. They all know that when it comes to Edward, Carlisle always gets worried.

"Has he been harmed?" Carlisle's voice was urgent. Thalia looks at him worriedly, and she places a hand on his chest.

"No, no," Bella assures him.

"Just..taken by surprise."

"I don't understand, Bella."

"I think... well, I think that...maybe... I might be," Bella takes a deep breath, then continues, "Pregnant."

The whole family went into shock.

"Did I hear that right?" Christopher asks, dumbfounded.

"What?" Emmett asks confusedly.

"Impossible." Eden managed to utter. She looks at Carlisle, and Carlisle looks at her. They were both thinking the same thing.

Immortal Children.

"Vampires can't procreate," Rosalie says, and Eden interlaces her hand with hers. It took some time for Rosalie to accept that vampires cannot have children because their bodies don't function like humans. Their bodies are frozen, dead. Their organs don't work anymore.

With a long pause. Carlisle's medical training kicked in. "When was the first day of your last menstrual cycle?"

"Sixteen days before the wedding," Bella answers quickly.

"How do you feel?"

"Weird," Bella tells him, continuing. "This is going to sound crazy-look, I know it's way too early for any of this. Maybe I am crazy. But I'm having bizarre dreams and eating all the time and crying and throwing up and... and... I swear something moved inside me just now."




The word is repeated in Eden's head. She tried to recall every legend she had read from Volturi's archive dedicated to vampire myths around the world.

Filipino Danag, the Hebrew Estrie, the Romanian Varacolaci, and the Italian Stregoni benefici.

"Edward wants to talk to you." Bella then says. "Put him on," Carlisle says with a strained voice.

"Is it possible?" Edward asks quietly.

They all looked at Carlisle for an answer.

Carlisle, with a sigh, says, "It is possible, Edward,"

"And Bella?"

"Take a flight back home. I'll run some tests, and it's better to ensure her condition is not critical." Carlisle tells him as the call ends.

The questions erupted.

"Vampires can procreate?"

"What happens to Bella?"

"Are they going to proceed with the pregnancy?

Carlisle says as he raises his hand, motioning them to halt their questions. "I know just as much as you. We don't know how it is possible,"

"Maybe it's just a scare." Emmett tells them, and they look at him, "What? Happens to humans all the time,"

"Eden, to my office, please," Carlisle tells Eden as they both walk towards the office, closing the doors as Eden's purple vapors surround them.

"Carlisle." Eden starts, then says. "I know you're going to ask me if I know anything, but I don't. I haven't even heard or read such a thing, a human being pregnant with a vampire?" Eden tells him, resigned.

"Eden, I know this is too much to ask, but maybe-" Carlisle was cut off. Eden shakes her head, saying. "No. I'm not doing Fate readings anymore, Carlisle. Not since Diana."

Eden promised herself that she was not doing any Fate readings since Princess Diana died. Eden saw her fate, the car crash. She couldn't do anything, she tried to alter her fate, but it could not be undone. If it weren't for the car crash, it would have been a different kind of accident.

And it traumatized her, seeing someone so close to her and knowing that Diana would die. Eden didn't take Diana's death easily, she blamed the crown, but she could never associate herself with mortal affairs. It would risk her kind's exposure.

"Alright," Carlisle agrees with a sigh as Eden exits the office with Rosalie waiting for her. Then Rosalie takes her hand, leading her out of the house. Eden was confused to no end. Then they stopped just about the treaty line.

"Bella called me." Rosalie starts, and Eden looks at her and nods, encouraging her to continue. "She needs my help. Edward doesn't want the baby."

Eden purses her lips, "Sweety, we don't even know if it is a baby."

"Think about it, Eden. Bella is a human who can bear children. It is possible." Rosalie tries to convince her, then Eden shakes her head, "You know about immortal children, sweety."

"Eden." Rosalie's voice is firm, and Eden looks at her, and she knows it is serious when Rosalie uses her name instead, "Immortal children are created, with our venom, not made with sex. They've been on a honeymoon for 17 days."

Eden ponders and sighs, "It's not our business to interfere with their affairs, Rose."

"And it's not Edward's decision to decide what to do with Bella's body." Rosalie counters and Eden walks towards her, nodding in agreement, "Okay, we'll support, Bella." placing a lingering kiss on Rosalie's forehead as Rosalie leans in on Eden's hold.

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