𝖛𝖎𝖎. Wedding of the century

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Wedding of the century

EDEN ENTERS ALICE'S ROOM, helping Bella prepare. They decided to start the day early and check if everything was set and ready to go. Bella sat in front of the vanity mirror as Alice began to gush, with Cordelia seated at the end of their bed, observing.

"What did Eden say about beauty sleep?" Alice scolds her as she pats down some concealer under Bella's baggy eyes. Eden just got her wedding dress out of the closet and started smoothing the wrinkles out of the beautiful satin fabric.

"Bad dream," Bella admits sheepishly. "Wedding jitters," she adds, giving Alice an apologetic smile.

"Is this really necessary? I'm going to look plain next to him no matter what." Bella frowns.

Alice then says, "No one will dare to call you plain when I'm through with you."

"Only because they're afraid you'll suck their blood," Bella mutters, leaning back in the chair and closing her eyes.

"That is completely normal to be nervous about your big day. I was on my first wedding." Eden assures as she recalled her and Rosalie's wedding back in 1948. She was a nervous wreck that only Edward managed to calm her nerves and deafen overthinking thoughts as she started to paint Bella's nails.

She hears Rosalie's shoes clicking through the hall and enters the room, and she slowly stops at the doorway. The three look at her, and Eden gives her an encouraging smile.

Rosalie glided past the bathroom door in a shimmery silver gown with her golden hair piled up in a soft crown on top of her head

"Do you need some help? I can do her hair?" Rosalie offers, gesturing to Bella's hair.

"Really?" Bella is shocked at Rosalie's offer. She just shakes her head and walks toward Bella. Eden smiles. She knows Rosalie is having difficulty accepting Bella's decision to become one of them.

"Sure," Alice said quickly. "You can start braiding. I want it intricate. The veil goes here, underneath." Her hands started combing through Bella's hair, hefting it, twisting it, illustrating in detail what she wanted. When she was done, Rosalie's hands replaced hers, shaping Bella's hair with a feather-light touch.

Alice moved back to Bella's face, wearing a big smile on her face.

"Please, I'm not offended by your choice of groom," Rosalie tells her.

"Just my lack of respect for mortality," Bella comments with a small smile.

"Essentially," Rosalie answers.

"Weddings!" Alice chirps. Her voice is gentle and filled with happiness. "They bring everyone together!" she adds, and Eden just laughs as Alice brings them in a group hug.

Once Rosalie received Alice's commendation on Bella's hair, she was sent down by Alice to check if the guests were well seated. Eden bid her goodbye, saying she'll see her downstairs.

They hear Renee and Charlie walk up the stairs, "Are that graduation caps?" Charlie asks confusedly.

"How creative!" Renee comments enthusiastically and opens the bedroom door and enters, and sees Bella

"Oh gosh, you're so beautiful!" Renee gushes. "Oh, honey." she starts tearing up.

"Crap, my mascara," she curses. Eden walks toward her and gives her her handkerchief. "Thank you." and she just nods.

"Charlie, get in here!" Renee calls Charlie.

"You sure? I don't wanna..." They look at him with a grin, and Bella seems shocked at how good Charlie looks on his flannel, Charlie notices and he chuckles, "I know, I look hot."

"You look dashing, Charlie." Eden comments, and Charlie looks at her in confusion, "I'm Eden, one of Carlisle and Thalia's adoptive daughters."

Charlie then nods and says, "Yeah, I remember Thalia telling me about you, the one who studies abroad?" Eden answers with a nod.

"We thought you needed something blue," Renee begins, and Charlie opens a velvet box, revealing a hair comb with beautiful blue sapphires.

"And something old besides your mother." Charlie teases her ex-wife, and she scoffs but smiles.

"Nice," Bella quietly mutters.

"It was grandma Swans," Charlie informs her daughter, and Bella reaches out to touch the comb.

"But we added sapphires," Renee points out while looking at the comb.

"It's beautiful, you guys," Bella gives Alice the comb, which sets it in her hair carefully with Eden's help making sure her masterpiece won't be ruined.

"It's your first family heirloom!" Renee gushes, "Pass it to your daughter and her daughter," the four look at each other and frown, knowing that Bella will not have kids anytime soon.

"Mom," Bella stands up and is about to hug her mom.

"I love it," she tells her, only to be stopped by Alice.

"No smudging my masterpiece," Alice warns the two.

"She's right," Renee agrees.

"If you excuse me, I need to get ready. The wedding dress is in the wardrobe." Eden tells them, and Alice nods.

Eden went to her and Rosalie's bedroom and walked towards their walk-in closet, and saw her dress hanging on the rack. She took it out of the dress cover, unzipping it carefully, revealing a deep shade of purple, a silk dress with a sharp V-cut front, sheer long sleeves, and a long slit on the side.

Eden went down the stairs and walked towards the backyard turned wedding venue that was booming with lights in the trees that glimmered, white flowers beautifully blooming, giving a sense of earthy and nature with its green, white, and brown combination, mimicking the life that the forest could provide, and it all felt dreamy and ethereal.

Rosalie smiled as she waited for Eden on the patio. "You look gorgeous, honey." Eden approaches her and gives her a peck on the lips, "Insanely beautiful, my love." as she twirls Rosalie around, Rosalie laughs, making Eden's smile brighten.

As soon they greeted the guests, it looked as if they were the ones getting married because the crowd was looking at them-especially the humans.

"Who is the girl beside Rosalie Hale?" She hears someone whisper, and Eden hides a smile, "Isn't that the one who studies abroad?" She listened to another whisper, so they decided to greet them.

"They're coming here."

"Okay, okay, okay, act normal." Another says.

"I hope you guys are talking about the decorations," Eden greets them as she gives them a polite smile. They all nod in unison, then she asks, "I didn't catch your names?"

"I'm Mike." Says the blonde.

"Jessica," Says the brunette.

"Angela," Says the one with the glasses.

"Eric," Says the one with black hair.

"Oh, you guys are Bella's classmates?" Eden asks, and they nod again, "I'm Eden Cullen, one of Thalia and Carlisle's adoptive daughters," then she looks at Rosalie fondly, "And Rosalie's girlfriend."

They look at each other in shock, then at Eden and Rosalie.

"We never really see you at school." Jessica tells her, and Eden nods, answering with the usual lie she tells, "I study abroad, in London, actually."

Mike was about to ask something, but then they heard Alice say it was about to start, "We'll finish this conversation after the wedding?" Then Eden and Rosalie laughed silently as they sat down in their seats.

"Did you watch their faces when I told them you're my girlfriend?" Eden asks Rosalie with a giggle, her nodding with a smile, "It was so worth it."

Then they hear Mike say.

"I didn't know that Rosalie's type were girls. I shouldn't have been asking her to go on a date." They laugh again.

"Please, you didn't even approach her," Jessica counters.

"If she didn't glare at me all the time. I could have." Mike says confidently. Eden shakes her head. Eden sees Cordelia at the end of the row with an easel paint stand. As she starts to paint the background, Eden notes to herself that she needs to see the result of Cordelia's live painting.

Then, the guests all rose as Bella and Charlie headed down the aisle. Bella's eyes were glued to her soon-to-be-husband. She felt a hand interlacing hers, and she looked at her side, seeing that Rosalie was looking at her, and she smiled.

"I remember our many weddings together," Rosalie whispers as she leans her head on Eden's shoulders. Eden places a kiss on Rosalie's forehead. "And every wedding feels like the first."

The vows came, and Eden couldn't help but feel happy for her brother. She witnessed every glance of loneliness, every word of sadness when they talked about love, his eyes with deep longing when he saw her and Rosalie's affection for one another, and now he finally had someone.

Rings were exchanged until Mr. and Mrs. Cullen shared a kiss to signify their union.

The crowd rose to their feet, and cheers erupted from the crowd as they watched the couple happily as they walked down the aisle as husband and wife. Then they proceeded with the reception, which was held on a different side of the yard.

It was just twilight over the river; the ceremony had lasted exactly the right amount of time, allowing the sun to set behind the trees.

"You bitch." A voice from behind says, and Eden turns around, seeing Kate approach her with a big smile on her face, "Kate!" Eden exclaims as they hug each other.

"And where have you been?" Kate asks as she pulls away. As she also hugs Rosalie, Eden answers with a chuckle as she wraps an arm around Rosalie's waist, "Just got home from Austria three weeks ago to help plan this wedding."

"All these travelings and you never visited us." Kate pouts and Eden and Rosalie laugh. It has been a long time since they visited Alaska. Eden looks at Rosalie, saying, "Maybe we should visit for a while, sweety?"

"Of course!" Rosalie agrees, looking at Kate, "After all, Alaska is my second home."

"Your first home then?" Kate asks curiously.

Rosalie looks at Eden, "My wife, of course. I'm home whenever I'm with her."

Kate groans, "Too much sweetness must escape." As she walks away with a wink, Eden smiles. As they gathered around their respective tables, Eden sat between Rosalie and Eloise, who was beside Jasper.

Eden shakes her head as Emmett taps the mic. "I'd like to propose a toast," Emmett declares. Raising his glass of champagne, he grins, "To my new sister. Bella, I hope you've gotten enough sleep these last eighteen years because you won't be getting anymore for a while."

"Bloody hell," Eloise muttered, shaking her head but couldn't hide her smile. She knows that the humans in the crowd interpreted Emmett's speech, that it was related to sex, which she knows that Emmett intended to do, but also because that after the honeymoon, Bella plans to turn into a vampire, taking her right to sleep.

Then Jessica Stanley stood and went forward, and Rosalie told them. "This is going to be so good."

"Well, Bella was just like everybody else, totally mesmerized by Edward," Jessica starts as Eden realizes, "This girl has a crush on Edward, doesn't she?"

"Yup." Rosalie and Jasper answered in unison, and Eden couldn't control her large smile.

"Or 'The Hair,' as I call him. Um... and then suddenly, Edward is all about Bella. Even though she's not the captain of the volleyball team." Jessica says, trying to cover her jealousy with a laugh.

"Poor thing got rejected by Edward, didn't she?" Eloise asks them, and Jasper answers, "Six times."

"I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Or the president of the student council." Jessica brushes off, and Eden says quietly, "Someone takes the mic from her."

As Charlie, Alice, Esme, and Thalia went forward for their speeches, Eden stood up from her seat, walking towards the front. Edward asked her if she could give the last speech, which would be an honor for him as Eden is his first sibling.

Eden looks at Bella and Edward and smiles at them as Emmett claps loudly, "Thank you, Emmett, for the support." Eden laughed, as did the crowd.

"I gotcha, sis," Emmett says, and Eden raises her glass. "Ever since we were little, Edward and I have always talked about loving someone," Eden starts. She needed to alter some things in her speech. She couldn't say that she and Edward met in the year 1920 when Edward woke up from his transition as a vampire.

"We both longed for someone to love and, of course, be loved, and we thought we never deserved to find love," Eden looked at Edward as they both recalled their conversation. "So we started to talk about what love feels like, and if it does feel spectacular as some described, then I met my person, and spoiler alert, love feels wonderful," Eden smiles as she winks at Rosalie.

"Then I told him about it, how amazing it feels to love and be loved as one deserved, and I saw the longingness in Edward's eyes. He kept asking me on when his turn was, and I couldn't give him an answer. Instead, I told him not to rush love. It comes unexpectedly. And he was not happy with that answer." Eden rolls her eyes at him, and Edward smiles.

"Then he met Bella, and when I got home from London, it was the first time I saw Edward smile, genuinely, unlike the times that I force him to smile."

"I couldn't help but thank you, Bella, for bringing a smile to his face. It was honestly a relief because his face is always so broody," Eden laughs, and the crowd, too, laughs loudly. "And I wish you both a happy marital life full of life, love, and laughter." Eden ends her speech as Edward stands up and walks toward her, giving her a tight hug. "Thank you, Eden."

Eden pats his back, pulling away and giving him the mic as Eden returns to her seat beside Rosalie, with Rosalie taking her hand, interlacing it with hers. "It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone to who you can bare your soul to and accept you for what you are. I've been waiting, for what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. With Bella, I feel like I can finally begin. So I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever."

Eden smiled at him as they raised their champagne glasses. As the speeches were exchanged, the event was quickly moved to the dance floor, which Eloise and Jasper promptly dominated. Rosalie and Eden danced slowly with Eden's arms wrapped around Rosalie's waist and Rosalie's on her neck.

"You know, you finished high school again." Eden starts, and Rosalie hums, "You can travel with me again for the next five years."

"I know, and I couldn't wait to spend all my time with you," Rosalie replies as she places a deep kiss on Eden's lips. "Where would you like to go first?"

"I think we should take Kate's offer. In Alaska, it has been a long time," Rosalie tells her, and Eden nods, "Whatever you want, sweety."

The wedding was a huge success.

Author's Note:
- I love my wifeys so much🥹

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