𝖝𝖎. Reeks of death

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Reeks of death


It had been two weeks since Edward and Bella came home from their honeymoon, and then it brought Eden great shock when Bella came rushing to Rosalie's arm at the airport. After a lengthy discussion that Bella would not abort the baby as days passed by, her pregnancy rapidly progressed.

It looks as if Bella is ready to give birth. And the pregnancy did not treat her well. There were deep circles under her eyes, dark circles that resided on her haggard face became thinner, and her skin seemed tight as if it might her bones might break through it.

She looked fragile and very, very sick.

And she would puke nothing every ten minutes. She couldn't stomach any nutrition at all, they tried to feed her intravenously, but she's just not absorbing it. Everything about her condition is accelerated.

They can't figure out what the baby wants.

They tried to research some things, but the internet is not reliable for humans who get pregnant by vampires. And Eden thought at first if she could ask the Volturi for archives, but that would just create suspicion.

Suspicion from the Volturi is the last thing they need. From what they know, Bella turned into a vampire when she got married.

Alice was getting frustrated, she was still looking at her visions, but she was only getting headaches while doing so. One of the first things Edward asks of Eden is to look into Bella's fate which they fought over.

Eden is never going to look into someone's fate ever again.

The tension that surrounded the household grew thicker and thicker by the day, and it didn't help that Edward was getting frustrated about why they were so supportive of the pregnancy that was slowly killing his wife.

Which they ignored. They didn't blame him. He was already grieving Bella.

The sound of a motorcycle pulling up in the driveway made them panic, they weren't supposed to have visitors, but of course, as soon as they recognized the scent, they felt relieved and annoyed.

Jacob Black.

Bella sits up with Rosalie's assistance. And Carlisle answers the door with their hopes of Jacob just minding his own business and going home, but highly unlikely.

"Hello, Jacob," he said, calmer than Jacob would have expected. "How are you?"

"I heard Bella made it back alive," Jacob says.

"Er, Jacob, it's not really the best time. Could we do this later?"

Bella looks at Edward as he says, "We can't let Jacob know."

"Why not?" she asks him. "Are we keeping secrets from Jacob, too? What's the point?"

Eden sighs. Staying silent. No. We're keeping secrets from his pack that could potentially take the vampire baby as a threat to their little town.

Edward looks at Eden apologetically.

"Come in, please, Jacob," Bella croaked more loudly.

They hear Jacob's angry footsteps approaching. Rosalie blocks his way from getting further.

"I'm glad you came." Bella tried to smile. Jacob was glaring at Rosalie. Eden rolls her eyes, and she isn't going to smother Rosalie with her overprotectiveness when they both know Rosalie is the overprotective one in the relationship.

Jacob tried to move, but Rosalie was constantly blocking his way. "Close enough, dog." Rosalie spits out, and Eden grins. "What's your problem?" Jacob asks. He was generally confused.

Eden sighs, tilting her head. "Well, if you want an answer, the problem is..." Eden stops pondering and then says with fake enthusiasm, "You!"

Jacob looked at Eden, who was sitting cross-legged beside Bella, and thought to himself, who was this? And with red eyes? Beside Bella?

"Rose, it's okay," Bella tells Rosalie as she moves out of the way. Jacob walks toward Bella, saying, "You look terrible." eyeing her up and down. He can't remove his smile from his when he finally sees that Bella is still human.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you too," Bella tells him with a shaky smile. "So, are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?" Jacob asks. Bella looks at Eden, then at Rosalie.

"Can you two help me up?" Bella asks. Eden nods, standing up to her feet as she wraps an arm around Bella's waist, with Rosalie assisting her, withholding Bella's arm. Bella stands up as the blanket that covered her pooled to the floor, and her shirt has risen, revealing her bruised stomach.

"You did this!" Jacob yells as he approaches Edward angrily. Emmett grabs Jacob, knowing that Edward will take every punch Jacob would throw at him.

"We didn't know it was possible." Carlisle reasons, trying to calm Jacob as much as possible. Thalia then sits and assists Bella in sitting as Eden approaches Edward.

"We don't know. Ultrasounds and needles and needles won't penetrate the amniotic sac." Carlisle informs him. Alice speaks up, "I can't see it either. I can't see the baby."

"We've been researching for legends, I've tried to recall every archive I've read in the Volturi's library, but there isn't much I can remember that has proof that this can happen," Eden tells him as Jacob looks at Eden and then at Carlisle.

"Why haven't you done anything?" Jacob demands.

"Because it's not up to you to make the decision," Thalia answers with a calm voice, but her expression says otherwise. Jacob looks back at Carlisle and commandly yells out. "Take it out of her!"

"This is none of your business, dog." Rosalie spits out, annoyed and angry.

"Rose." Esme warns, "All of these aren't good for Bella."

"Carlisle." Jacob speaks up, begging, "You have to do something!"

"Enough!" Eden shouted, her voice commanding, and they all turned to look at her. Eden never used that tone, and Carlisle recognized it enough that it was the tone she used when they were still with the Volturi.

Eden approaches Jacob slowly, yet with a manaced look on her face that Jacob can't help but recoil. "You barged in on our home uninvited, yet you demand something that isn't even for you to demand about. It is not you carrying the baby, so if you don't have a fucking uterus!" Eden stops, then jabs a finger to his chest. Cordelia smiles. She was enjoying this. She isn't even going to deny that.

"You go, girl!" Christopher cheers, Esme looks at him, and he mimics a hand zipping up his mouth.

"You don't have a say in anything." Eden stops, and Rosalie grins. Oh, she loves it when Eden does this. Eden looks at Edward. "You. Stop mopping around, and do something with this mutt before I lose my temper." Eden then says, her voice calming, that it scared Jacob how it could switch that fast.

"You know what happens when I lose my temper, Edward? I kill someone, and we both know who I'll be targetting," Eden tells him as she glances at Jacob, and Edward nods as he shivers at Eden's very graphic thoughts. They both exited the house.

Eden takes a deep breath and smiles as she turns around, looking at Bella, "I'll be hunting. Emmett, come with me." Eden says as she approaches, Rosalie giving her a peck on the forehead.

Emmett pumps his fists. "This is going to be fun!"

"Don't get too excited," Eden says as they both run outside and go towards the forest, they hunted for an hour. And now Eden and Emmett are on opposite sides of each other. Emmett cracks his knuckles as he stretches his legs. Eden rolls her eyes.

"Give me your best shot." Emmett grins as they are about to start and spar each other. They heard a loud gruesome growl, and they looked at each other as they both sped toward each other. They stood side by side.

They see a black wolf, "Fucking hell." Emmett utters out, and Eden replies, "We can't kill them. The treaty is still in place." They both look at each other, and they both nod.

They ran as fast as they could. Emmett yells, "I didn't know I would be fucking reliving temple run!"

Eden then yells, "I'm hoping on your back!"

"Why?!" Emmet asks, and Eden rolls her eyes, "Trust me!"

"Fine!" With that, Eden runs towards him and hops on his back. She looks behind as she opens her palms, releasing her purple vapors, and with the mists wrapped around the shapeshifter's body, Eden moves her hands, throwing the shapeshifters toward the nearest trees.

"That was awesome!" Emmett says as he looks back. Then they reached the backyard, with Eden hopping back down the ground, and the family rushed towards outside.

"What the fuck was that?" Eden questions, approaching Rosalie, who was looking at her worriedly.

"That was what I was about to tell you, and you can't hunt anymore," Jacob says, and Eden snaps her head towards him as he is beside him in a flash. "Emmett, hold him," Eden tells him, and Emmett is quick to listen.

Eden opened her palms as the vapors from her palm were released, and Jacob was terrified. He can't even manage to move because of Emmett's large arms holding him in place. Eden looked through his mind.

Jacob told the pack what had occurred earlier. And they planned to attack.

"Paul, Jared, and I will take on Edward and Rosalie. I think, from the information Jacob has brought us, they will be the ones guarding Bella. Carlisle and Alice will also be close, possibly Esme and Cordelia. Brady, Collin, Seth, and Leah will concentrate on them. Whoever has a clear line on-we all heard him mentally stutter over Bella's name-the creature will take it. Destroying the creature is our first priority." Eden sees Sam's black wolf form, ordering the others to continue.

"There are no loopholes tonight. You, Jacob, are going to fight the Cullens with us. You, with Quil and Embry, will take care of Eden, Christopher, and Emmett. You are obligated to protect the tribe. That is why you exist. You will perform this obligation."

Eden takes her back her vapors as Eden grins, her smile sadistic.

"Eden." Carlisle walks towards her, placing a hand on her shoulder. Whatever she saw in Jacob's memories, she didn't like it. Carlisle didn't like the look on Eden's face. It reminded him too much of when he was with the Volturi with her.

"He told on us. They already have a strategy on how they will take us down." Eden tells them, and they all went guarded.

"What did they say?" Alice demands with Cordelia by her side. "They plan on taking Edward and Rosalie first. Which bad move, by the way, because you won't touch a single strand on my wife's head." Eden tells Jacob with a taunting smile. Jacob gulps. Rosalie crosses her arms, a smile playing on her gorgeous face.

"And you thought that Carlisle wouldn't kill for his family. Carlisle and I were the ones who founded this family together." Eden tells him with a grin. Carlisle squeezes her shoulder with a nod. "We would do anything for each other, even if it means killing a pack of useless mutts who dare to attack us. Let them come." Eden says as she signals Emmett to let Jacob go, and he does by throwing him towards the ground.

"They threaten one of us, and they threaten all of us."

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