Chapter 25: Leach Wars!

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Aaron's POV

Last night was a very good comfortable sleep. The bed is nice, and bouncy, the pillow is perfect. And these sheets. They're to die for.

I got up and headed down for breakfast. All the heroes seem satisfied. Or. Almost every hero...

"I've never seen eggs so perfectly hard-boiled. The odds are ten trillion to one." Cameron stated.

"Maple Bacon? Haha! Let's never lose again!" Mike cheered.

I noticed Courtney's dissatisfied look.

"Something bothering you?" I asked.

"Mm. Yeah. It's not all perfect. Hey, Butler? I've got a problem. This juice is at least 5 percent too pulpy. I thought you were supposed to cater to our every-" Courtney started but the Butler was back before she could finish." Oh. That was fast. But I'm sure it won't be.*stops and takes a sip* Perfect."

I playfully rolled my eyes. Classic Courtney.

"Well Courtney? Are you satisfied?" I asked.

"Yeah. This orange juice is perfect." Courtney grinned.

"Well. I'm glad that your satified." I grinned, sipping my lemonade.

"Okay. What is with you and lemonade? You have the choice to drink orange juice and other breakfast related drinks."

"Guess it's just my preference." I answered.

"Attention campers, forest recon in five, over!" Chris said over the loud speaker.

I sipped the rest of my lemonade and left out the Spa hotel with Courtney.


Both of the teams were walking. Me and Courtney were walling behind Duncan and Gwen.

Me and Courtney gave her a sharp glare. I know she did that stink bomb on purpose. Then with that fake apology.

"Ugh! Courtney and Aaron are glaring at me again. Can you make them stop?" Gwen asked Duncan.

"Love to. But right now I'm blanking her like she's blanking me. So. No can do. But let me know if you catch her looking my way."

"Can you at least do something about Aaron?"

"Eh. Sure."

Duncan gave me a sharp glare. I rolled my eyes and glared back. These two are just horrible people.

Honestly. After me and Courtney win the million, I just want to move on and forget these two ever existed.

Me and Courtney walked past Gwen making her heavily sigh.


Both teams met up with Chris and he started to explain how todays challenge is going to work.

"At ease soldiers. Let's all welcome back exiled hamster, Sam." Chris said.

Chef arrived with Sam.

"Hey Sam. How was exile?" Zoey asked.

"Aside from the blinding hunger and bear attacks pretty good actually." Sam fell over.

Me and the Hamsters went to see if he was okay.

"Don't worry buddy. We smuggled you breakfast." Mike told Sam.

Everyone but me and Courtney pulled out breakfast.

"You bots are expert level awsome. Maple bacon power pellets." Sam said.

"Courtney. Aaron. What did you bring Sam?" Sierra asked us as me and Courtney exchanged slight panicked looks.

/Courtney and Aaron:"No one told us we were doing that." We both stated.\

Chris continued to explain the challenge.

"Welcome to today's experiment with pain thresholds. Get ready for an ingenious twist on the war-movie challenge from season two." Chris got a TV projector."These are two weapon caches in the heart of this forest. The big one is filled with state of the art paintball weaponry. And the little one has a bunch of crudy old paintball slingshots. Whoever gets there first their pick, and you've gotten pick off him the competition."

"Looking forward to it." Courtney aimed at Gwen.

"You get one point for each opponent you splatter. First teams to six points wins. And one of the losers will get a dishonorable discharge tonight, flush 'o shame style." Chris told us.

"Paintball again? Oo! Original! What a twist." Duncan said sarcastically.

"Oh yeah. That... One of the conditions of my parole is that I can't use or be around hard projectiles like paintballs. So instead, you'll be using... leeches." Chris told us.

We all complained about how gross and vile that is.

"As winners of yesterday's challenge. The heroes get one full minute head start. Ready, set," Chef shot a tiny water pistol.

Me and the heroes cheered and took off running. Sam started to fall behind, but Mike and Sierra assisted him.


We kept running. Obviously, we wanted to keep our advantage over the villians.

"Move it! Hustle! Or so help me, you'll never see another sunrise" Courtney told Sierra and Mike

"I'm sure they're doing the best they can Court." I panted.

"Does anyone know where the heart of the forest is exactly?" Sierra asked.

"I'll go get a better look." Zoey told us.

She did some fancy tricks and maneuvering and managed to get into a tree high up. All of us were impressed and shocked seeing her fancy maneuvering.

"Over there!" Zoey pointed as we all ran in the direction that Zoey pointed in.

"Need Dakota. She can carry me around like a game guy." Sam stated.

"That makes sense since-" Cameron started.

"You are a real-life game guy." Sierra and Cameron said together.

"That's nice guys. But can you talk while we keep running?" I told them.


The big crate was in sight.

"The big one! Go for the big one!" Courtney exclaimed.

Then out of nowhere, the Villainess Vultures arrived at the scene.

"Whoa. Where'd they come from?" Mike asked.

Heather blew raspberries.

"Haha! Suckers!" Duncan pointed.

"The small one! Go for the small one!" Courtney exclaimed as we all ran behind her.

Courtney opened the crate. Courtney picked up the bucket of leaches.

"Gross." Courtney stated

"Guess this is the low-tech crate all right." Mike stated.

Sierra happily picked up one of the crates.

"Aw. Cute. I think I'll call you Codys." Sierra hugged the bucket.

Me and Courtney exchanged a look. The villians got guns and a cannon.

"Come on guys. Let's separate ourselves from the villians." I stated as we walked off.


We made some distance from the villians. Sierra and Mike continued to hold Sam and Zoey and Courtney held our bucket of leaches.

"Of course the villain get machine gun shooters. We'll never beat them with these puny slingshots." Courtney stated, looking at the slingshot, comparing it to how much more effective a gun would be.

"Sure we can." Cameron stated.

"If we're stealthy and score first." Cameron and Sierra high fived.

"Ugh! Nerd love. If you kiss in front if me, I will throw up." Courtney stated.

"Oh. We're just friends, right Sierra?" Cameron asked.

"Huh?" Sierra started staring at Cameron weirdly.

"Uh. Nope. Nothings wrong Cocameron." Sierra laughed." All good."

"A cave! Sam can rest in there while the rest of us take on the villains." Zoey pointed.


We put same in the cave.

"Powers level low." Sam stated.

"Should someone stay to gaurd him?" Mike asked.

"I'll do it. I owe him for not bringing him so breakfast." Courtney stated.

"Okay. Stay safe. I'll come back to check on you. Come on heroes. Let's roll." I leaded as everyone aside from Courtney and Sam left out the cave.

/Courtney:"This is what the smart leaders do. Hang back and let the foot soldiers take the leaches to the face. Except Aaron. Leeches aren't really Aaron's forte. Though he left me to stay and watch over Sam. I'm actually hoping he comes back to check on me. He's always good company."\

"We have to find the villians before they find us." Zoey stated.

"Agreed. We're going to need a strategy." I stated.

"Stealthy forest maneuvers. This sound like a job for Svetlana." Mike said and gasped trying to change his personality.

/Aaron:"Mike is a very interesting character. I kinda wonder what it's like to have MPD. Probably hard, but like I wonder how your mind works when you have it. Eh, not gonna think to hard about it."\

"Oh goodie! She's my favorite." Sierra clapped.

"Svetlana? Is that you?" Cameron asked.

Mike heavily sighed.

"Nah. Still me." Mike told us.

"Okay. Well, then let's split up. We'll cover more ground. If any of you see one of the villians, fire at them and run. Try to make sure you hit them, but stay at a distance so you won't get hit. One shot and your out." I stated as everyone nodded in agreement.

"Good idea. Go team!" Zoey started.

"Go team!" We all did the same thing as we did on the beach last time.

"And. Break." I stated as we all headed off in our separate paths.


I climbed into a tree and played it safe. I was being cautious and letting my senses take over. All those years of meditation, don't fail me now. Chris kept stating the current condition of the team.

I then heard a discussion.

"Just pretend Mike is Courtney and you'll clobber him in no time." I heard Duncan tell Gwen.

"Wait? Do you really think I've been attacking Courtney on purpose too?" Gwen asked.

"Pretty much. Yeah." Duncan shrugged.

"You really think I could be that vengeful? You don't know me at all."

"Ah ha!" Sierra exclaimed about to shoot but somehow shot herself.

"It feels just like Cody's kiss!" Sierra exclaimed before fainting.

I facepalmed at her failed attempt to shoot. I pulled out my slingshot and ready my aim. Duncan noticed me.

I shrugged and fired at Gwen. Duncan jumped in the way protecting Gwen.

"Ha! Take that! Dud-can!" I pointed.

/Aaron:"That was for breaking Courtney's and not once feeling bad about it!" I smirked.\

Gwen glared and started firing at me. I quickly hopped out of the tree. Gwen noticed Cameron about to fire but Gwen took out her anger on Cameron and shot him multiple times.

"The villians score again. But the heroes still lead 4 points to 2." Chris annouced.

I climbed back up in the tree is was in. Gwen dropped her gun and got down to check on Duncan.

"Wow! I can't believe you took a leech for me." Gwen looked at him.

"Well. Guess you don't know me that well either huh." Duncan smiled at her.

I know you well enough. Thanks for distracting Gwen. I focused my aim and fired right at Gwen face.

"Gah! Ow!"

"Didn't see that one coming did you?!" I smirked." Shouldn't have let you gaurd down Gwen."

I hopped out of the tree and and dashed off.

After taking them down, I went to go see how Courtney was doing in the cave.

"Courtney? It's me. Aaron." I whispered.

"Aaron. Good. Glad you came back to check on me. I have a hiding spot." She told me.

I joined her behind a rock.

"So. Did you have any luck hunting?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah. I got Gwen and Duncan." I grinned.

"Nice work." We high fived.

We then heard someone walking in the cave.

"Smells like sweat and bacon. Sam." Jo stated.

"What do we do if she finds us?" I asked.

"Stay behind me and follow my lead." Courtney demanded.

"Got it."

"Ew. Ew ew. Ew. Ew." Courtney grumbled, picking up a leech.

Courtney aimed and fired. She missed.

"Time to start evening the odds." Jo stated.

We gasped.

"Follow my lead!" Courtney shouted.

"Okay!" I followed.

We both took off running from her shots.

"Get behind me!" Courtney stated.

"Okay." I hid behind her.

She's smart so I know she has a plan. She picked up Sam and used him to protect us. If I knew this was her plan, I wouldn't have went along with it.

"Five points to three. It ain't over yet." Chris said on the announcer.

"Let's make it 5 to 4." Jo walked up to us with her gun.

Zoey tried to fire and missed.

"Nice try apology breath. Grah! It's jam." Jo complained.

"Nice try mean nickname giver!" Zoey insulted.

Jo threw the container of leeches and Zoey ducked under them. She caught one and shot Jo.

"Not sorry." Zoey clarified.

"This just end with a final score of 6 points to 3. The Heroes win! Although some of them didn't behave all that heroically. Courtney. Aaron."

"My survival instinct kicked in." Courtney defended.

Zoey and Jo gave us a look.

"Anyone would have done the same."

"Yay! We won." Sam coughed out a leech.

"Sorry Sam." I apologized.

/Aaron:"I did not know Courtney intended on using Sam as a human sheild. Just for the record. Sorry again."\


We headed to the elimination ceremony to see one of the villians send home a teamate.

"Welcome back Villainess Vultures. Second elimination on a row." Chris chuckled."Way to lose. Now. Get ready to cut someone loose. It's voting time." Chris told us.

"Don't worry Sam. No one's gonna make you go back to Boney island twice in a row. Right guys?" Zoey asked.

"It's not that. While Sam was in exile someone trashes his game guy." Cameron informed while Sam held up the broken device.

"What?" Zoey exclaimed.

"Who would do such a thing?" Sierra asked.

"Ha. I know right? It's so totally unexplainable." Mike nervously chuckled.

That sounds suspicious.... Does Mike have a grudge against Sam or something?

"The votes are in. But before I annouce our loser du jour. I need a Hamster to volunteer for exile."

"Oh! Oh! Me me!" Cameron volunteered.

We were all confused. Why is he so eager to go to Boney Island.

"Don't you think someone else on your team might be more deserving of a night on Boney Island? *Cough cough* Courtney or Aaron." Chris coughed.

"That's okay. I want to go." Cameron stated.

Chef ushered Cameron away from us.

"Good luck Cameron." Zoey told him.

"He's so little. Maybe the animals won't notice he's there." Mike hoped.

"Alrighty then. Onwards and flushwards. The following villians are safe. Gwen, Alejandro, Duncan, and Scott. Heather and Jo. You're on the edge. Heather for being a pain in the keister. And Jo for being a pain in the keister who also took out her own teamate in todays challenge." Chris explained.

"He should've ducked." Jo pointed.

"And tonight's flushy is Jo." Chris said, throwing the last marshmallow to Heather.

"What! Are you all nuts?" Jo asked.

"But before we get flushing, I wanna do a little reshuffling. Today, one villian acted more like a hero. And two heroes acted more like villians. So, pack your bags and switch your teams Courtney, Aaron, and Duncan."

All of us gasped.

"I don't wanna be a villian." Courtney defened.

"Yeah. We're not evil. We're the good guys." I defened.

"And I dont wanna be a lamo-hero." Duncan stated.

"Yeah yeah. Yeah yeah. Just do it." Chris told us.

Duncan sighed.

"It was fun while it lasted." Ducnan stated kissing Gwen's cheek.

Me and Courtney got up and headed to the villians. Duncan approached us.

"At least now you have to stop blanking me and admit I exist." Ducnan told her.

"Yeah. You exist. SO WHAT?!" Courtney stomped at him.

"I think I like the blanking better." Ducnan walked off.

I patted Courtney's shoulder. She's over him. Good.

"So. Uh. Hey. Welcome to the team." Gwen stepped and tipped over a pale that had leeches in it.

The pale landed right in Courtney. Courtney threw the pale off.

"Ah! Courtney!" I quickly started picking the leeches off of Courtney.

I turned around and sharply glared at Gwen

"I swear. I didn't see the pale."

Chris laughed.

"Pure evil."


We went to see Jo off.

"Any final words?" Chris asked Jo.

"Just flush it already." Jo stated.

Chris flushed her down the drain.

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