Chapter 27: The blue harvest moon

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Aaron's POV

Me and the villians were enjoying our privileges. I took another glass of lemonade and headed outside.

I noticed Courtney standing to herself, looking a bit bummed out. I took a sip of my drink and approached her.

"You Alright Courtney? You seemed a bit bummed." I stated, sipping my drink.

Courtney heavily sighed.

"I don't know. I feel like I'm missing something. But what? What could it possibly-" Courtney started.

A bird that conveniently looked like Scott landed and laughed sneakily. Courtney gasped.

"Scott! I actually miss that scuzzball. I wonder how he's doing on Boney Island." Courntey pondered.

"I'm sure he's okay. This is his second season." I told her.

Chris then started an announcement.

"Evening campers. Gather around the starting line for a big announcement." Chris told everyone.

I finished my lemonade and the teams gather around the starting line. Scott was then dropped on the floor in front of us.

"Oh my gosh. Are you okay?" Courtney asked, concerned.

"Why wouldn't I be. That was nothing." Scott got up and cracked some bones... ouch.

"Well. Good. Because we have a challenge to win. Get it together." Courtney stated.

"Yes mam." Scott straightened up.

"Good news you guys. As a special treat, it's time for an extremely dangerous night time challenge." Chris stated.

"How is this 'good news'?" Gwen asked.

"Entertainment value. Hello! This one is gonna be ratings gold! In a nod to seasons four buried treasure fiasco, your challenge is to race to the far end if the island. First team to get every member across the finish line wins. And someone from the losing team will be taking the big flush." Chris told us.

"Sounds easy enough." Duncan stated

"It does doesn't it? But, tonight's full moon is an extremely rare blue harvest moon and. Let's just say it has an 'unusual' effect on the islands animals." Chris chuckled." Villainess Vultures, you won yesterdays challenge so, you get the map with the faster route across the island. Heroic chumpsters. You get to wear nifty bacon hats and sausage tails. Which should add to the fun when you come face to face to the islands friendly creatures. And by friendly I mean deadly." Chris laughed again.

"This will be a piece of cake." Heather looked at the map.

"On your marks-"Chris started.

"You mean a piece of pie." Alejandro corrected Heather.

"Get set-"

"Listen you-" Heather started but Chris blew his horn.

We all took off running as fast as we could. We were ahead of the heroes by a good bit. I noticed the moon change to a cool blue.

An aligator was in front of us and was wagging its tail like a dog.

"Um. Since when do gators do that?" Courtney pointed.

"This moon is like no other. It must be causing the animals to become their opposite." Alejandro explained.

"Wow! Alejandro. You're so smart." Heather smiled happily.

"Excuse me?" Alejandro asked, a bit frightened by Heather's sweet act.

Heather then started hugging the aligator. This is a bit disturbing. We kept running ahead.

We encountered a group of bunnies. Me, Gwen, and Courtney quickly reacted and ran off.


"Hurry. There's no time to waste. Hurry up Heather. You have the map." Alejandro told her.

"Yay! Running! Good work guys. We're half way to the finish line. Yippee! This is fun!" Heather hopped happily.

"Okay. This is sufficiently weird." Gwen commented.

"I know. Why is Heather being affected by the blue harvest moon?" Courtney agreed.

"Maybe it only has an effect on certain people." I guessed.

"Maybe she's part wolf." Gwen guessed

We all laughed at Gwen's comment. Courtney coughed, realizing she was talking to Gwen as if she was her friend and ran up ahead.

I kept up with Courtney's pace. I'm not fully sure if Gwen actually changed. But until Courtney gets an actual apology, we're probably not gonna be talking to her often.


We managed to find a bridge.

"A rope bridge? Obviously it's a trap. We should go around." Gwen suggested.

"That'll take three times as long." Courtney stated.

"Well I'm not crossing that thing. And anyone with any brains will follow me." Gwen started to leave us.

"What if you get lost? Every member of the team must make it over the finish line for us to win." Alejandro stated.

"Besides, if you don't come with us we'll miss you so much." Heather stated happily causing Alejandro to shiver.

"If you take that detour, you'll cost us the game. That's your plan isn't it?! Admit it!" Courtney pointed.

"I'll see you on the other side. You know. If you make it." Gwen stated.

"Good luck!" Heather waved." Come on guys! Nothing to be afraid of!"

"Except you." Alejandro grumbled.

"Maybe someone brave should cross it first and make sure it's safe." Heather asked happily.

"I'll do it. Back home we have a special way to cross these bridges." Scott stated.

Scott prepped himself and Scott ran across the bridge as if he were in a horror movie.

"Like I said. Nothing to it. Um are beavers normally nice or normally evil?" Scott asked.

The beaver bit Scott. Scott pushed the beaver off of him and the beaver bit off one side of the Bridge.

"No!" Me, Heather, Alejandro, Courtney whined.

"Gah! Not helping!" Courtney yelled.

Scott continued to have trouble with the beaver.

"Good job. Keep it busy. Shall we go?" Alejandro asked.

We all started to carefully cross.

"If I don't die on this bridge I'm going to kill Gwen for taking the long way around. And causing us the challenge." Courtney grumbled.

Heather then slipped but then was caught by Alejandro.

"I knew you still cared." Heather smriked.

We managed to get across the bridge. The beaver continued to bite Scott's butt. Courtney snatched the beaver off of Scott.

"Chomp this freak." Courtney used the beaver to chomp down the bridge.

"Now the other team can't use the bridge. Brilliant plan Courtney." Alejandro complimented.

"But if Gwen can't make it around the pit, the bridge is no longer an option? Is it?"

"She's right. Terrible plan Courtney." Alejandro sided with Heather.

"Why wouldn't Gwen be able to make it around the pit? Besides, this practicality ensures all of the heroes having to take the pit. If they can do it, I'm sure she can to." I glared at Alejandro.

"Besides. That's Gwen's problem." Courtney tossed the beaver.

After crossing the bridge, we kept going the along the path of thr map.

"Gwen?! Ugh! Where is she?" Courtney asked annoyed.

"Maybe she's at the finish line already." Alejandro answered.

"Hopefully." I nodded.


We kept running until we saw the finish line and Chris standing on the other side of it.

"Welcome to the finish line villians. Seems like you're still missing a player." Chris stated.

"What? Gwen's not here yet?! Gwen! Ugh! I knew she'd sabotage us." Courtney stated.

A deer then started chasing Courntey. I was about to step in until Gwen came in with a stick and defened Courtney.

"You. You saved me." Courtney said, shocked about Gwen's action.

"You'd do the same if our positions were reversed." Gwen smiled.

"Well. Of course I would." Courtney smiled.

/Aaron:"Maybe Gwen did change. For the better, maybe. That actually seemed like a genuine act of kindness."\

The deer broke the stick Gwen was using to defend Courntey. The deer was getting close.

"Oh no. No touching the CIT." I glared.

I ran up to the deer and kicked it as hard as I could.

"Woah! Nice save." Gwen grinned.

"Uh. Yeah. Don't mention it." I said. Still not sure how to feel about Gwen.

I grabbed Courtney's hand and helped her up. Gwen got herself up.

"Courntey, Aaron, Gwen! The moon curse is over! Hurry!" Alejandro told us.

Yes. Because we couldn't tell.

"They know it's over. They don't need you to narrate blahlehandro." Heather insulted.

The heroes ran passed us but Mike randomly stopped running. Me, Courtney, and Gwen quickly dashed passed him.

"And the villains win again." Chris annouced.

Me and the villains cheered.


We headed to the peanut gallery to watch the heroes vote off one of their teamates. Gwen heavily sighed, watching the heroes walk by.

"Wish I was on the heroes team." Gwen said.

"Aw. Cheer up Gwen." Duncan smiled at her.

He kissed her cheek.

"There. That should do it. You think she was watching?" Duncan asked happily.

Nope. She's into Scott now.

"Argh! I can't do this anymore. It's over!" Gwen pushed Duncan away from him.

"What just happened?" Duncan asked confused.

Did Gwen just dump Duncan? Wow. Didn't see that one coming.

"Okay peps. Each of you is a loser in your own right. But the villains won the challenge so they've earned themselves another night of luxurious luxury at my spa hotel." Chris said.

"I volunteer for exile on Boney Island." Scott volunteered.

"Sure. I don't care." Chris shrugged.

"What! No! Why?" Courtney asked sadly.

"Sorry babe. I gotta find that invincibility statue." Scott grinned.

The helicopter took him by the head and took him away. Courtney sadly sighed.

"He'll be back tomorrow morning Courtney." I comforted.

"Okay people. Tonight we-" Chris started.

"Wait!" Cameron exclaimed.

"Now what?" Chris asked annoyed.

"I VOLUNTEER FOR THE FLUSH OF SHAME!" Cameron volunteered, shocking some of the team.

"NOOOO" Sierra screeched.

"Cameron? Why?" Mike asked.

"Sorry Mike. I would like to help you with your, um. Problem. I just can't take any more of, you know. THIS!" Cameron said hinting at Sierra.

"Well isn't this the perfect way to introduce the suprise twist. Today's ejected hero is tomorrow's new villian." Chris annouced.

"What?" Cameron said in shock.

"That's right. Instead of flushing Cameron. I'm sending him over to the villians side." Chris annouced as us heroes gasped.

The friendly trio gasped and Sierra sighed sadly. Cameron talked to Mike and then came over to us.

"Um. Hi." Cameron said awkwardly.

"Hello. Cameron was it? Welcome to the villians teams." I welcomed.

Yeah. This is basically the team that only cares about themselves.

We headed to the Spa hotel.

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