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Chapter 8 - Rob the Rich

With some trepidation, Harry and Hermione arrived in the Great Hall for dinner - to find Ron sitting alone at the very end of the Gryffindor table. Slipping into the free places across from him, they both warmly greeted their friend - before asking him why he was sitting by himself.

"Oh, Neville and Luna will be here soon. They still sit with me, though the rest of Gryffindor don't want to know the traitor - including four of my family."

Beating Harry to the obvious question, it was Hermione who asked him why.

"Well, my new girlfriend's a Slytherin."

"Please, not Pansy?" Harry received a light cuff from Hermione for that.

"There's nothing wrong with Pansy..." She was interrupted by both boys answering her at the same time, and with identical answers too.

"Hermione, she's kissed Draco!"

That had all three of them laughing as they were then joined by Luna and Neville.

As Luna was hugging them both, Neville wanted to know if they were up to date with the current situation. "So, he's told you then?"

Hermione was shaking her head. "That he has a Slytherin girlfriend, yes - but no names yet. Harry's just relieved it's not Pansy."

Looking at his two best friends, Ron broke the news. "It's Millicent Bulstrode."

While Hermione stared at Ron in disbelief, Harry turned around - and what he saw had him getting to his feet. Harry moved directly over to the Slytherin table, and spoke to the girl also left sitting by herself. "Miss Bulstrode, would you care to join us for dinner? Unlike here, you will be amongst friends."

Witnessing the hateful glares coming from the rest of her house helped make Millie's mind up. She'd never been popular amongst the rest of the Slytherins - more suffered than sought after - but, since news of her relationship with Ron broke, they stopped even acknowledging her existence. "Mr Potter, I would be delighted to join you."

Offering his arm, Harry leading Millicent Bulstrode to the Gryffindor table halted all conversation in the Great Hall. A forceful glare from Harry was enough to ensure none of the Gryffindors would say a word against the girl, at least not within his hearing. Neville had sat next to Ron but now moved so his girlfriend could sit there. Sitting on Ron's other side also placed Neville between the new couple and the rest of their house, something all his friends noticed and approved of. After seeing Millie to her new seat beside Ron, Harry did the same on the other side of the table, with Luna sliding in at Hermione's free side.

"Now, I've a feeling your story of becoming a couple is going to be sickly sweet, and Hermione and I had our lunch interrupted, so can we eat dinner first?"

Millie's laughter was almost musical, not something they expected from her large frame. Then again, none of them had ever heard her laugh before.

"Potter, you're nothing like I expected." Being told by Harry they were now on first name terms had Millie blushing, again something none of them had suspected her capable of.

"Ron, I already like your friends - your real friends."

With that, they all tucked in to dinner - though Harry and Hermione were still arguing via their rings.

'Millicent Bulstrode?'

'I know, shock for me too, but look at Ron. He was sitting here by himself because he's now dating Millie. He surely knew that would happen, yet still went ahead and dated her anyway. His entire face lit up when I led her over here, and she is obviously facing the same problems in her own house. We have to accept this, Ron is clearly happy with her. I don't know how they got together, we really don't know anything about Millie. Let's take our time and get to know her.'

They were getting better at communicating through their rings but Hermione still nodded in answer, before sharing her disappointment. 'I would have expected this response from the rest of our year group but his three brothers and sister, that must hurt.'

'Well, we have the power to make him very happy.'

This had Hermione turning to face him, and attracted attention from Neville and Luna. Ron and Millie only had eyes for each other and wouldn't have noticed if they'd burst into song. Harry decided he knew just how to start things off.

"Neville and Luna, how would like to come on holiday with us? Your gran and dad have already given their permissions. We're leaving from the platform in King's Cross and where we're going has its own private beach."

That these were two lonely people, who were now enjoying having friends, meant their answers were always going to be yes. Luna never actually said yes, they just assumed Luna hugging herself before emitting a loud squeal of pleasure was her way of accepting. Harry then turned his attention to Ron, only for his friend to shake his head.

"Millie and I have just gotten together, we were planning on spending time visiting each other over the holidays..."

"Ron, you have to go. We can still see each other when you come back."

With a smile at how this girl was putting on a brave face and encouraging Ron to go with them, Harry then played his trump card. "There's room for Millie to come along too, and still time for her to get her parents to agree."

With all eyes now on her, Millie visibly wilted. She wasn't exactly used to people wanting to be in her company. "Oh no, I couldn't possibly..."

Putting on a sweet voice, Hermione gently teased the large Slytherin. "Oh that's a pity. Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot are coming too. After Susan's aunt initiated the trial that saw my betrothed's godfather become a free man, Harry felt inviting them was the least he could do."

While their three friends congratulated the couple over their betrothal and Sirius being free, Hermione never took her eyes off Millie. She clung onto Ron's arm and the round of congratulations was barely finished when Millie announced she would send an owl home to ask for permission. This clearly made Ron's day but Harry had a word over the bond with Hermione before saying anything out loud

'I thought you were teasing her, but you actually wanted Millie to go?'

'There is no way I would want my new boyfriend to go off on holiday with a couple of pretty and unattached girls. Millie was always going to change her mind the minute I mentioned Susan and Hannah.'

"Now I don't want anyone getting too hung up about not having the appropriate clothing. My betrothed here has only two school uniforms to his name, so we will certainly be going on a few shopping trips - magical and muggle."

It was a nervously excited Millie who plucked up he courage to ask a question, it felt strange not to call him Potter though. "Harry, I'm assuming they will be adults present? My parents are bound to ask, and we don't have time for owls to be flying back and forth between us."

"You can tell your parents that Lord Black will be present all summer, as will the Steward of Houses Potter and Black. We'll have other guests too, as well as a fully qualified healer staying with us. We will be checking out some tutors, doing some training, flying and swimming, as well as Hermione organising shopping. To be honest, the closest I've ever been to being on holiday was staying with Ron at the Burrow. So feel free to throw any of your suggestions for holiday activities into the mix."

If anything, hearing that saw the excitement levels mount amongst the group. Hermione though had something else that needed saying. "Ron, your mum insisted Ginny and the twins should be invited too. That might prove awkward, the way things are at the moment, but everyone is being invited to holiday at Lord Potter's home. Anyone abusing his hospitality will swiftly find their bags being packed."

While realising that this would mean both he and Millie would need to curb the exuberance in their relationship somewhat, Ron was pleased to hear that news. "You might want to have a word with the twins on what exactly counts as abusing Harry's hospitality. I hope spending all their time pranking me or Milly counts as abuse."

Getting a couple of nods in agreement, Ron then rather sheepishly brought up a subject none of them were comfortable talking about. "Perhaps hearing you two are betrothed will stop Ginny walking around making puppy eyes at Harry, and blushing like a beacon every time he notices."

That saw Luna doubled up with laughter. Wiping tears from her eyes, Luna was finally able to let them know what she found so funny. "Good luck with that, Ginny's been planning her wedding to the Boy-Who-Lived since she was seven. Harry slaying a giant basilisk to save her life only made that crush stronger, she now thinks fate's decreed becoming Ginny Potter is definitely in her future."

Harry let out a loud groan of annoyance, before deliberately banging his head off the table. The five who were having dinner with him couldn't hold back their laughter, and didn't even try. When Susan and Hannah approached, asking if they could join them, Harry remembered his manners and invited both girls to sit. Susan sat beside Harry, while Hannah moved round the table to sit beside Neville.

Hermione noticed a slight change in Luna's demeanour when Hannah slid in beside Neville. She also noticed the gap between them and the rest of their house had diminished. Yes there were now more people sitting at their table but that couldn't explain how much the gap had closed. There were Gryffindors sliding along the table, hoping to hear what they were talking about. That two of those Gryffindors were Lavender and Parvati was not surprising in the least. Hermione knew they were bound to be heard discussing their holiday and couldn't help but smile at imagining those two's reaction. She was certain her roommates would be approaching her tonight, trying to blag an invitation. She was also certain that no such invitation would be forthcoming. Susan was currently whispering to Harry but Hermione wasn't worried in the slightest, she heard every word over their bond.

"Harry, my Aunt Amelia mentioned going on holiday with you, she also said to keep it secret."

This had Harry smiling. "It's okay, Susan. Everyone sitting here is going on holiday with us too, and are already in on our plans - what little plans we have."

Hermione then started filling them in on those plans, knowing Parvati and Lavender were now close enough to hear every word. Understanding exactly what she was doing, Harry got in on the act.

"You'll have to excuse my betrothed, she's getting a little carried away. Hermione, you mentioned shopping three times, and that's scaring Neville and Ron." This had Susan and Hannah asking to see Hermione's ring, Millie too now felt confidant enough to ask for a look, while Lavender and Parvati were turning green with envy.

As Hermione was showing off her ring, she was also having a conversation with Harry. 'Thanks a bunch, those two are going to be insufferable now.'

'Hey, we're only here two more nights. I'm going to have Ginny following me about for weeks...' A smiling Hermione had to concede that he did indeed get the worst of the bargain. There was also now no way news of their betrothal wouldn't be all over Gryffindor by tonight, and all of Hogwarts would know by breakfast. All they had to do was avoid Dumbledore and Snape for one day and they were free. Since they intended to spend that day under Harry's invisibility cloak inside a bathroom that everyone avoided, they should be fine.

The fact that there were now members of all four houses sitting at the one table was always going to draw the attention of the staff. In fact, it was only Albus ordering Severus to remain seated that stopped the Head of Slytherin interfering when Harry led Millie over to the Gryffindor table.

"Severus, no school rules are being broken. You have no grounds to intercede."

Snape sat seething, Slytherins should not be sitting at the Gryffindor table. When the group was then joined by a pair of Puffs, Pomona just had to comment.

"Isn't it wonderful to see our students put aside their differences and get along. I'm so sorry Minerva is missing seeing this. Is there any news from her yet, Albus?"

Knowing this would have to come out anyway, Dumbledore broke the news that was sure to cause an upset. "I received an owl from Minerva just after lunch. In it she stated her wish to leave Hogwarts, immediately. I'm now left not only needing to find a new defence professor, but one for transfiguration too. The position of Deputy will also need filling, along with a new Head of Gryffindor, and I would appreciate the help of my remaining Heads of House while we strive to get Hogwarts ready for September."

Albus thought his remaining three Heads of House would now be willing to do a lot of extra work, since he'd just dangled the carrot of becoming his Deputy by the end of summer. He was rather swiftly debunked of that notion.

"Oh I'm sorry, Albus. I have already made plans for the holidays, plans that could easily bloom to consume my entire holiday actually. Of course, I will keep you informed by owl if those plans change." Having watched Potter just unite students from all four houses, Pomona was more interested in his job offer now than ever.

It was soon a double slap in the face for Dumbledore as Filius regretfully stated that he would be unavailable too. Albus knew Severus went on a two week potions gathering trip every year, but would then be available. The thought of Severus visiting the homes of first year muggle-borns filled Albus with dread, and also sent shivers down his spine. His only other option however was to do it himself, not something he enjoyed - or had done for over four decades. Albus had no idea his summer and staff problems would become far worse in the weeks to come.


On entering the Gryffindor common room, Harry knew he was effectively abandoning Hermione to be interrogated by the gossip twins. Both understood that would be happening anyway, and that speaking to a set of actual twins was a matter of urgency. Since they had the bond though, they were never alone and either could call for help if things got out of hand. Managing to get Fred and George into a corner, Harry waded right in.

"I'm disappointed in you two, dumping family like that. Didn't you learn anything from ignoring your sister for the whole of her first year?" Harry knew that was harsh, but at least now he had their full attention.

"Hey, below the belt, Potter."

"Yeah, you weren't here. We tried to be supportive, Percy was taking him to Madam Pomfrey to check for love potions..."

"Ronikins pulled his wand on him."

"Good for Ron."

This had both twins staring as Harry in disbelief. "You do remember our brother Ron, 'all Slytherins are evil' Ron - that brother?"

"You may find this hard to believe but sometimes people actually grow up. Have a talk with your brother, a real talk rather than just telling him what you think. If anything, you are the ones acting out of character here. Since when did you two ever agree with Percy?"

Seeing that got to them, Harry pushed on. "That's actually only one of the reasons I'm over here. How would you two like to spend part of the summer staying abroad as a guest of Lord Potter? Your mum has already agreed but you can't prank Millie or Ron either, not without getting sent back home for abusing my hospitality. Now, to make up for that hardship, a certain Padfoot and Moony will also be my guests - you interested?"

It was fun watching these two as they tried to play it cool, Fred eventually had enough control of his emotions to speak. "We might be interested, but what's the catch?"

It was time for Harry to initiate his cunning plan. "You two get to tell your sister she's invited too. Slipping into that conversation that the beautiful Miss Granger is now my betrothed is also a requirement."

Both twins smiled at that. "You have a deal, Lord Potter."

George though was a bit more pragmatic. "We'll certainly tell Ginny you're betrothed to Hermione. No promises whether it will make any difference in her behaviour though, Ginny's had a crush on you since she was about five."

As Harry groaned in annoyance, Fred immediately changed the subject. "Just where abroad are we going for this holiday?"

Harry's explanation of sun and private beaches had both twins ready to leave there and then. Throw in meeting Padfoot and Moony, Harry was considering himself lucky to make it out of that corner without getting seriously kissed by a couple of Weasleys. Now that would have really made their sister jealous.


By breakfast, news of Lord Potter and his Betrothed was indeed all over the castle. The shock was somewhat short-lived though, the Daily Prophet proclaiming Sirius Black innocent proving a much juicer topic for discussion. One glance at the staff table made Harry's mind up they needed to act now.

"Guys, I can feel Snape's eyes boring into my back. There's no way he's going to let this go, so Hermione and I will disappear for the day. It's better if you don't know what we're up to, you can't be made to tell what you don't know. We'll see you here for the feast tonight."

As he and Hermione left the Great Hall, all their friends noticed Snape rise and hurriedly leave too.

A fearful Milly watched on while speaking to the group, a group that still included all four houses. "I don't think I've ever seen Snape in so foul a mood. Do you think those two will be alright?"

With total confidence, Ron declared they would. When his girlfriend wanted to know why he was so sure, Ron drew the five of them into a close huddle before offering an explanation. "Harry has a family heirloom that shows him where every single person in the castle is, he will be able to stay one step ahead of Snape. He also has another heirloom that will render him and Hermione invisible. They won't be caught."

Hearing that saw Millie getting a tad upset. "I thought Slytherins were supposed to be the sneaky students, not bloody Gryffindors. No wonder Malfoy's been outclassed on every level since our first year." That Millie was smiling by the end of her rant set Luna off laughing. Since Luna had the most infectious laugh, she was soon joined by everyone else. Since Neville was back sitting beside her, while Hannah was across from them on Susan's left, the little Ravenclaw was in a brilliant mood.


His father's cloak just provided a bonus they certainly weren't expecting. Hearing hissing coming from nowhere, and the sinks starting to open, Myrtle shot straight into her favourite u-bend and swore to herself she was not leaving it until all the students were gone for the summer.

Closing the sink again, Harry was now offering Hermione encouragement to try speaking in parseltongue. After an hour, Hermione was ready to give up.

'This is bloody hopeless. Neither of us know whether I'm hissing or talking. Thanks to our rings, it sounds the same to both of us now.'

It was a lovely sunny day outside, and the desire to sit out by the lake cuddling with Hermione was a strong one. Harry though was determined to give her every chance at being able to cast a shield that would protect her from Death Eater spells.

'We're being stupid here. We can't tell the difference between parseltongue and English but that doesn't mean we can't get someone in here who could.'

Hermione was about to counter that they didn't want to give this secret to their friends when Harry conjured a Garter Snake, and had it curl around the water tap.

~Friend, when you understand what me or my mate say, please tell us so~

As the snake nodded, Harry was still coaching Hermione. 'I always find it easier to talk to an actual snake, rather than a symbol of one. Try it again.'

As Hermione gave it another try, the little snake looked at her strangely.

~You are clearly not a speaker, like your mate, but I almost understood what you were saying.~

Hermione spun around and kissed Harry. 'Thank's for believing in me. I think what we have here is a problem with pronunciation, one of the hardest things to get right when learning another language.'

This had Harry smiling. 'It's Wing-GAR-dium Levi-O-sa all over again, only this time let's leave out the part where we meet the troll'

With renewed vigour, Hermione was once more back on task. Ten minutes later, she had the sinks open. It took another fifteen to get them closed again but, after that, she soon had it down pat. Hermione was now bouncing with excitement, and wanted to know when they could work on the shield.

Taking a minute to think, Harry erected the invisible shield and asked Hermione to fire a stinging hex at him. She duly obliged, and had to move quickly when that hex was reflected back at her.

'We know what this shield was specifically designed to do, but it's still a shield. It should be able to reflect minor curses from non Death Eaters too. When practicing, I'll aim to just miss you. If you manage the shield, my spell will bounce right back at me.'

It was a different Hermione who now kissed him, her kisses were different too. 'When you let your intelligence out to play, it does funny things to my insides.'

'When you kiss me like that, it lets me know how lucky I am. Let's get out of this toilet and enjoy what's left of the day. Dobby has a picnic lunch all prepared, just waiting on us calling him. Knowing Dobby, I hope you're hungry.'

Harry understood there would be some shield practice too. There's no way Hermione wouldn't want to explore learning another new thing, and he wanted her to have that protection in her arsenal as quickly as possible.


The couple sneaked into the leaving feast at the last possible moment, and left the instant it was over. Their friends all knew why they were behaving like this, and couldn't fault their reasoning. Snape had just set the record for most points removed from students in a single day. That it was the last day of term just showed what an absurd arsehole he really was. With Gryffindor being presented with both the Quidditch and House Cups at the feast, that certainly wouldn't have improved his mood any either.

It was in his dorm however that Harry was faced with a confrontation he knew was inevitable. He was approached by a clearly uncomfortable Ron.

"Mate, about this holiday. I don't know how to say this..."

"Ron, I'll save you the trouble. For this holiday, everyone is my guest. I learned all about hospitality when I stayed at the Burrow, after you and the twins broke me out of the prison I was locked in. That was my best holiday ever, so I have a lot to live up to this summer. Thankfully I've got Hermione to keep me right. I think I can tell you now that we'll be holidaying somewhere in Italy. I don't even know what currency they use there, the magicals or the muggles. Hermione and I are heading straight to Gringotts tomorrow to get everything sorted out, so we won't be on the train. We'll meet you on the platform then take a portkey straight from there. When we go shopping, Ron, everything's on me. There will also be spending money for everyone, and it will be the same for everyone. Okay, Hermione will probably have a bit more but you know what I mean. You okay with this?"

Thinking about it for a moment, Ron nodded in agreement. Harry knew him so well, Ron didn't want to be seen as some charity case. He could see it wasn't charity however if everyone was being treated the same. The idea of spending the start of their holidays with Millie was bloody brilliant, and having some cash to spend on her too was an unbelievable bonus.

"Just relax and have a good time. If you could keep Ginny out of my hair, that would be really appreciated."

That had Ron blushing. "She hasn't left her dorm all day. Percy got one of the female prefects to check on her. Word is she's been crying her eyes out since hearing you and Hermione are betrothed."

"I never meant to hurt her, and certainly never led her on. Merlin, we've barely said two words to one another all year. It was your mother's idea that Ginny go on this holiday. You know I don't mind Ginny, but I just see her as your little sister. If this is too awkward for her, perhaps your mum will change her mind on the platform?"

Shaking his head, Ron shot that idea down in flames. "Ginny is nothing if not persistent. Hermione will be walking down the aisle to you and my sister will still be hoping you'll say no, I want to marry Ginny. We've all tried to talk to her about it but it's bloody scary how obsessed Ginny is with you."

"You should try it from this side, mate..." it was only after he'd said the words, Harry realised how gross that sounded. A rather green looking Ron certainly got Harry's point though.


The four of them walking down Diagon Alley certainly drew a lot of attention. Then again, Sirius Black walking down Diagon Alley with Harry Potter would always draw attention. Hermione ran her fingers over the crests on her new robes, easily the finest she'd ever owned. Sirius appeared to read her mind, answering Hermione's unasked question.

"You are betrothed to Lord Potter, hence the Potter Family crest. Harry is also my heir, which is why he wears both crests. You doing the same sends out very powerful messages. It very publicly proclaims Lord Black approves of this match, which I most certainly do. I've gone from facing death to walking down Diagon Allay a free man, in the space of a week, and all thanks to you two."

His praise had Hermione blushing, her mind was still as sharp though. "You said messages, plural. What else does it say?"

Wearing a wide grin, Sirius knew they would both like this bit. Sirius put on his 'Lord Black' persona to answer that question. "It also declares you will be Lady Black too, firmly closing the door to any families with daughters that may harbour the mistaken illusion that you would share Harry."

The look of shock on both their faces had Sirius and Remus grinning. It was blatantly obvious to them these two would never invite another to share their relationship, Hermione's robes put that message out there.

"We will be sneaking in and out the Ministry but those robes of yours will cause a stir in Gringotts, and probably a riot on platform nine and three quarters. I guarantee you Hermione's robes will be front page news in tomorrow's Prophet."

Wishing they had known beforehand, but wholeheartedly agreeing with everything Sirius just said, Harry and Hermione quickly got their heads back into the game. "Good, we won't be in Britain to see it, and it might deflect away from what we're going to be up to today. Don't worry, Remus, Hermione and I have this covered. You just need to handle the introductions."

It was a worried Sirius who spoke sotto voce to Remus, making sure the other two could hear as well. "You did tell them never to prank a goblin? I know you would but Harry has the same look James used to wear just before he pulled off a major prank. Guys, I don't want to swap Azkaban for the goblin catacombs. Rumour has it they're worse, though I can't think of anyone who got out of there to spread that story."

Their eyes may have sparkled with mirth but none of that was displayed on their features as they walked into Gringotts - the required ten minutes early for their appointment.

After being led to Barchoke's office, and Remus handling the introductions, everyone now understood this was Harry's show. He didn't disappoint.

"Barchoke, I need a meeting with Ragnok. I need it today, this morning actually, and I need you to arrange it for me."

The little goblin studded Harry intently before doing something none of them expected, he burst out laughing. Removing a hankie from his immaculately tailored suit, Barchoke dabbed his eyes and wiped his forehead while regaining his composure.

"Lord Potter, I admire your sense of humour, but what you ask is impossible..."

"No Barchoke, just not easy. Today I intend to become the richest wizard in Europe. The goblin who gets me in to see Ragnok will handle all my banking needs. If I don't get my meeting with Ragnok today, I'll have to make new plans - including who I do my banking with. At that point I would imagine Ragnok's anger would be mighty, and see quite a few heads rolling across the floor."

Barchoke was once more using that hankie to mop his brow, the little goblin was now sweating profusely. "Lord Potter, please. You must understand my position here, I'm going to lose my head either way..."

"Oh, did I forget to mention this meeting I'm requesting is in regards to secure vault number seven? There is also no need to stand on ceremony when it's just us here, we prefer to be known as Harry and Hermione to our friends."

All four could see the visible relief that gushed through Barchoke, though only Harry and Hermione currently knew why. With barely a bow, and shouting over his shoulder he would return soon, Barchoke shot out of his office as if fired by a cannon.

The door had hardly slammed shut behind the goblin when Sirius was demanding some answers. "What the bloody hell was that all about? No one gets to see Ragnok." Remus could only nod in agreement, too shocked at what just happened to speak at the moment.

A smiling Hermione calmly answered them. "Only Ragnok has the authority to deal with vaults numbered one to nine. Barchoke now has a valid excuse to set the meeting up, and simply mentioning vault seven means Ragnok won't keep us waiting."

Remus though he might know the answer but simply had to ask. "And what is to stop anyone just saying that, as a way to meet with Ragnok?" He hated Hermione's answer every bit as much as Remus though he would.

"Simple, we go into this meeting and if it doesn't concern vault seven, we won't be coming back out."

There was no more time to discuss anything, Barchoke was back - and looked as if he had run the entire way. "Please follow me, and try to keep up. The Director hates being kept waiting, almost as much as unscheduled appointments. Not a good way to start a meeting."

Harry tried to reassure the goblin, along with Sirius and Remus. "Don't worry, Barchoke, we got this covered. You are about to become a very busy, and a very rich, goblin."

There was no time for any more, they had arrived. The instant Harry and Hermione spotted Ragnock, both bowed deeply. Remus and Sirius followed their lead but also kept their mouths firmly closed, the wrong word here could literally see them losing their heads.

"Sincere apologies for the interruption, Director, but this is not something that could be written down. You of course know what's in that vault, and will have guessed what I'm about to do. You will also understand secrecy in this matter is paramount."

Glancing around the large room, Ragnock nodded that he trusted every goblin here. Harry then got right to the point.

"The half-blood bastard Tom Marvolo Riddle arranged with you to lease vault seven. He set the password as 'pure-blood supremacy' and I require the objects he placed in there to be brought to your office - as per the security arrangements you both put in place."

Acknowledging that phase one of the security had been complied with, Ragnok barked out orders that saw a swift response from his staff to carry them out. Four seats appeared and the group was invited to sit, with Barchoke standing behind them. Refreshments were politely refused as they waited on the contents of vault seven being delivered.

At the side of the room, a long table was made ready for the items. It probably felt much longer than it actually was before some small bejewelled chests, about the size of a loaf of bread, were being arranged on the table provided. After the fourteenth such chest was placed upon the table, Harry and Hermione rose and walked over. The first chest in line just happened to bare the Malfoy crest. Harry used his parseltongue abilities to hiss the password, resulting on the chest springing open. Harry lifted out the Gringotts vault key that was stored inside.

"Having complied with all the security arrangements put in place, this key now gives me unlimited access to the Malfoy vaults. Is that correct?"

A shocked Ragnok could only nod. Sitting on that table was the means to control fourteen of the richest, and darkest, families in Britain. This Potter boy clearly had the knowledge needed to claim the vault keys, would he possess the balls to use that power was the question the Director was asking himself. He didn't have to wait long for his answer.

"I want this vault emptied of everything except one knut, and a note my betrothed will supply. Every coin is to be placed in a new vault, set up as the Potter Institute of Sorcery and Spells account. Unrestricted access to me and my betrothed, Remus Lupin is allowed access on transactions with a hundred thousand galleon limit. More names will follow as the Institute gains a staff."

Harry stopped to give everyone else a chance to catch their breath. He'd managed to even surprise Hermione by giving her unrestricted access to the new vault.

"Jewellery, furniture, family heirlooms - that kind of thing - placed in a separate vault. All property deeds will be claimed, any shares in businesses too. When Barchoke has information on the lists of items involved, we can then sit down and see where we go from here. Please understand, it is more important to me to crush my enemies, rather than squeeze each last knut out of every transaction."

Barchoke was sweating again, and this time the Director's eyes were on him too. He was quickly writing down Lord Potter's instructions, helped by them being the same for each vault. His betrothed had all the notes prewritten for each as Barchoke discovered Lord Potter was a man of his word, he was going to be a very busy, and very rich, goblin.

Harry stopped at a particular chest, he turned to address Ragnok. "Director, we know why Riddle didn't die that Halloween night. I would like to say his method is as abhorrent to us as we know it is to the goblin nation. I am hesitant to claim this vault, as I suspect the owners are crazy enough to have stored one of these abominations in their vault - in clear breach of Gringotts laws."

Ragnok could only think of one item that fitted the criteria Lord Potter was alluding to, and the very thought of one of those in his bank made his blood boil. Now was not the time to lose his temper though, especially not at the bank's new largest depositor. Largest depositor by a very large margin too.

"If the new owner of the vault requested that all items be checked, no blame on anything found there would be attached to them."

Sighing in relief, Harry asked if every item in all of his new vaults could be checked, and that he would of course pay Gringotts for the service. Between them, they came up with the plan to store all dark items in a separate vault, awaiting Harry's decision on their disposal.

There was of course no decision to be made on the horcrux Harry suspected might be in the Lestrange vault, it would be destroyed immediately after being identified. All parties were in full agreement on this.

After Harry had opened the last of the chests, and Hermione handed over her fourteenth note, the teens returned to their seats. Everyone in the room realised that British magical society had just taken a massive shift. To where however, no one was quite sure. Wars had been fought over sums a great deal less significant than those involved here today. It was difficult to raise an army though when you had effectively lost all your money, property and businesses in one fell swoop. Even more so when you didn't know who had carried out the deed.

Ragnok was almost afraid to ask if there was anything else Gringotts could do for the young lord, both he and Barchoke were mentally bracing themselves when he said yes.

Pulling a slip of parchment from his pocket, Harry handed it to Barchoke. "This property and business are currently mortgaged. I want to buy those mortgages from whatever bank currently holds them, and then ward my new properties. This has to be done as quickly as possible, and then set up a new mortgage for the existing customers at one percent."

Barchoke almost dropped his quill at hearing that. "One percent is way lower than anything Gringotts offers. You could charge a lot more than that, and they would probably still be paying less than they are at the moment."

Nodding, Harry then filled in the missing information. "The customers are muggles, muggles by the name of Granger. I'm already stealing their daughter, I do not want to be accused of stealing their gold too."

The silence in the room was broken by the second bout of goblin laughter they had heard today. This time though it was Ragnok who broke protocol.

"Lord Potter, when I received your request from Barchoke here, I knew you would either be a wise man or dragon food. Still, charging your future in-laws minimal interest shows you as a very wise man indeed. It shall be done. Since Barchoke also booked the restaurant for you, we know you have a meeting with the Grangers at four. We will do our utmost to have the purchases in place by then, warding can follow as soon as you like after that."

Nodding in relief, Harry deliberately didn't look at Hermione. They needed to stay focused and were keeping their communication to a minimum level. He knew that would change though the instant they left Ragnok's office. It was now time to address the last item on their agenda.

"It is our intention to open a school for witches and wizards. This school will be in Italy, thus avoiding interference from the Ministry and Dumbledore. We intend to do all our business through Gringotts and would appreciate any help, advice or introductions you could supply us with." That they would pay for any such service was understood and appreciated by all.

It took a lot to impress Ragnok yet this young wizard had just done so time after time. Any other pureblood with a twentieth of Lord Potter's resources would be making outrageous demands of Gringotts. Here was someone who not only recognised he needed help, Lord Potter was not afraid to ask for advice - and was prepared to treat them as partners and pay for that advice too. Lord Potter appeared to understand the golden rule, spreading gold around ensured everyone profited. Ragnok would personally contact their branch in Naples, and ensure Lord Potter got the best deals from all the businesses in the Naples magical district.

Harry was beginning to think there was a bit of seer in him, since they hardly stepped out Ragnok's door when a barrage of mental questions from Hermione hit Harry hard enough to see him physically wince.

'One at a time, love, even our bond can't handle that many questions at once.'

'What the bloody hell was that all about, buying my mum and dad out? Are you intending to blackmail them or something?'

While Harry winced once more at Hermione's tone, he couldn't fault her questions. 'We both know how stubborn they can be. If I own the properties, they get warded whether your parents agree or not. They have no idea of the danger they could be in, but are obstinate enough to refuse our help. I promised you I would do everything in my power to keep them safe...'

'...and I all but accused you of blackmail, sorry.'

Harry didn't want Hermione to be sorry. 'You understand that if they tried to keep you from me, I would do everything in my power to change their minds. You are my anchor, love, I can't do any of this without you by my side. I still hope to convince your parents that a summer in Italy is their best option, we both know that's unlikely to happen.'

Hermione could only agree.

They were so wrapped up in each other, both forgot about the outside world - other than following Barchoke along the corridor.

The marauders were behind them, Sirius nudged Remus. "They're doing it again."

"Yeah, though they're usually a lot better at hiding it than this."

"Do you think we should mention it?"

"No, they'll tell us when they're ready to."

Raising his voice so Harry and Hermione would hear him, Remus was able to say that he'd already sorted all their holiday spending requirements with Barchoke yesterday. It was now time to head for their second meeting of the day, in the Ministry of Magic. All four wondered what shocks that would supply.

|Thank You For Reading|

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