𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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|Took the midnight train goin' anywhere|
|Their shadows searching in the night|

"My momma wasn't really scared when she got her Hogwarts letter. Matter of fact, she was glad that her and uncle Frank got their Hogwarts letter. That letter was the key to them getting away from their aunt and uncle and she was going to use it......" ~Antares "Taylor" Sirius Black

Year: 1971, London, Britain
Setting: Diagon Alley

• • • • • • • • • •

Susan tightly gripped Frank's hand while the duo walked quietly next to their aunt and uncle as the four of them made their way towards Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Gringotts Wizarding Bank was the only bank in the wizarding world and was owned and operated by goblins. It was created by a goblin called Gringott in 1474. Its main offices are located around the North Side of Diagon Alley in London, England. Susan had her mum's necklace safely tied around her neck.

Frank had their father's wand in his free hand and Susan kept her father's Two-Way Mirror in her handbag whereas Frank left Amelia's photo album under his bed at home. He didn't want anything happening to it while he made his way into starting a new life.

A depressing aura hovered over Susan and Frank, both siblings walking surly with their shoulders slumped, their heads hanging lower than their self-esteem's.

"Stand up straight, the pair of you. We are Longbottom's, walk with pride and confidence. Understood?" Evelyn scolded the siblings, not getting an answer from the children.

Susan was busy biting her tongue so she wouldn't get slapped like she did yesterday. She felt Frank brush his thumb against the back of her hand, helping her release the anger starting to build up inside of her. She hated the way Evelyn talked to her. But she's been keeping her anger deep down inside her for Frank and she wasn't going to let it go in this moment right here.

From Diagon Alley, a set of white stairs leads up to a set of burnished bronze doors. The doors are flanked by a goblin in a uniform of scarlet and gold. This is the entrance to Gringotts, and it leads into a small entrance hall and another set of doors. Engraved on these silver doors are the words: "Enter, stranger, but take heed of what awaits the sin of greed for those who take, but do not earn must pay most dearly in their turn. So if you seek beneath our floors, atreasure that was never yours, Thief. You have been warned, beware of finding more than treasure there."

Susan took notice of these words as Frank mumbled an understanding response at Evelyn. Susan, however, remained silent. Evelyn looked down at Susan, "Do you understand?" She repeated herself and Susan only sent her a death glare.

Evelyn uttered nothing about her death glare but the four walked through foreign doors. Through these doors, also flanked with goblins, was a vast marble hall long counters stretching along its length with doors leading off to the vault passageways with around a hundred goblins sitting at them. The vaults extend for miles under the city and are accessible through rough stone, complex and interconnected passageways by means of magic carts that are operated by goblins.

Dragons and other mysterious beasts lurk in the depths as additional security devices.

In contrast to the grand marble of the entryway and the main hall, the passageways to the vaults are stone and dimly lit with flaming torches. They slope down to a track, upon which run little carts controlled by the goblins.

These carts take visitors deep beneath the surface of the earth, through a "maze of twisting passages," to the vaults. They walked up to the front desk and looked up at the main goblin. Susan glanced around at all the freaky-looking goblins and was rather impressed instead of scared.

She didn't know such creatures existed.

Alfie led the group to the centered goblin. Frank tightened their hand holding, his breath hitching in his throat as he avoided eye contact with the creature. "Excuse me, we're here to enter Vault 710," Alfie said after the main goblin seemed to have been ignoring them for hours.

The main goblin leaned over the desk, "Identification," He responded with a grin, something Susan backed away from. Noticing how the goblin made Evelyn uneasy and a little bit frightened, she slowly crept back towards it. 'I like goblins.' She thought with a smirk as Frank gave her a questionable look but she ignored it.

Alfie held up his brother's key, "I have a key. These are the kids of you know... '65...." He whispered. The goblin knowingly nodded before leaning back down. Susan and Frank exchanged looks with each-other but both siblings kept their mouths shut even though they were thinking the same thing.

What was that about?


Both siblings were feeling queasy in the fast-moving carts; Susan putting on a front better than her brother. Frank's cheeks were turning a pinkish green, his eyes closed in response to the intensity of the wind. He wrapped his free arm around his stomach and tried his best not to let it all out, "We'll be there in a few," Susan assured him, wrapping her arms around him.

Frank said nothing, laying his head down on her shoulder and felt a sign of relief hit him when they finally came to a stop. Everyone stepped out without any problems, minus the young pair feeling the room spinning but contained themselves. Susan turned her attention towards the single vault not too far from in front of them.

"Anne, this vault was our parents'.... does this mean it belongs to us, too?" Frank questioned in awe but Susan did not answer. She would rather keep her mouth close.

"Well, it isn't big. It's rather small - more like medium. I suppose it'll make do. Oh, Merlin, never expect much from your brother, huh, Al?" Evelyn criticized as her curled brown hair lifted abruptly in different directions. Alfie's lips pressed together hearing his wife's criticism. His golden Ministry hands were placed on her shoulders, "Now, now, Eve. We mustn't critique the vault in the same placement as the Black's. You are insulting them," He gestured his hand for her to tone it down a bit. Alfie admired the Black's more than he admired her. Susan guessed it was because of his friendship with the father of the grey-eyed boy.

The vaults themselves vary in size and security. The largest, most well protected vaults belong to the oldest wizarding families and lie deepest beneath the surface. Those vaults closer to the surface seem to be smaller and have fewer security precautions surrounding them - they use keys, for example, rather than requiring the touch of a goblin to gain access.

Once they were inside the vault, Susan fell in love. The couch was cream but inlaid with a fine green silk; leaves embroidered so delicately that they might have landed there in spring and just sunk in, but you could know they took hundreds of hours to sew. The white walls are linen, the kind of white that is untouched by hands and devoid of dust. There is no television, no bookshelf, no dining table, only the chairs arranged around the bespoke fireplace which leaps with a gas flame.

"Thank Amelia for bringing life to it," the goblin explained.

Susan's neck snapped in his direction, glancing down to reach his height, "You knew mum...?" Susan asked him, the dullness in her eyes leaving for once.

Evelyn snatched Susan by the arm , "Loathing daughter, loathing father, loathing mother!" Evelyn scolded as the goblin sneered. Frank sped walked behind the two, trying to catch up so he can grab his sister. Susan's mind reminded her to stay silent; she tried her hardest to keep her lips together. Her brown hand clenched, the feeling of hatred boiling more inside of her. Alfie stopped his wife, much to Frank's surprise. The goblin rolled his eyes as Alfie secretly whispered out of fury to Evelyn, scolding the behavior she was showing.

While the grown ups had their attention on each other, Frank pulled out a small pouch and began putting galleons in it for Susan so she could have some galleons of her own. He slid the pouch in her handbag without her noticing and observed all that was around him. He could get used to coming back here just to relax.


Susan and Frank's Supply List:


~Three sets of plain work robes (black)
~One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
~One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)
|Please note that all First Years are to carry their name tags at all times|


~The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk
~A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
~Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
~A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
~One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
~Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
~Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
~The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble

•Other Equipment:

~1 wand
~1 Cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
~1 set of glass or crystal phials
~1 telescope
~1 set of brass scales
~An Owl, a Cat, or a Toad

• • • • • • • • • •

First stop: Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions

Madam Malkin's for All Occasions, also known as Madam Malkin's Robes or simply Madam Malkin's, was a shop in North Side, Diagon Alley. Students get their Hogwarts School uniforms hereand, and wizard and witches can also purchase dress robes, travelling cloaks, and also, on very rare occasions, invisibility cloaks.

Susan looked around with her little brother and continued to hold his hand, "Why do we buy our robes here if we do not know which House we'll get sorted into?" Frank asked her, "Justice, it clearly says black robes," she pointed out. Frank slapped his forehead, earning a giggle out of the witch.

Evelyn stopped whispering to Alfie and looked down at Susan, "Come on. I need to see what's your size. Frank, you go with Alfie. No back talk," Evelyn instructed and pulled Susan along towards many skirts, grey blazers with the emblem of the house the pupil will be in, plain white shirts, house themed ties, grey knitted v-neck jumpers, et cetera.

Susan cocked her head at the thought of wearing a grey blazer under her robe. Well, more clothing. "You'll be fitted. Turn around," Evelyn instructed, not wanting one of the workers around the half-blood.

When Susan didn't move, Evelyn took it upon herself to spin the stubborn witch around and looked at the tag on her dress: 12-14. Evelyn nodded and the shopping began.

• • • • • • • • • •

Second stop: Ollivanders

Ollivanders was a wand shop founded in 382 B.C. Located in South Side, Diagon Alley in London, England. It was owned by the Ollivander family, widely acknowledged to be the best wandmakers in Great Britain.

Because Frank had their father's wand he refused to come inside, so him and Alfie waited outside while Susan and Evelyn made their way in. It wasn't crowded like Madam Malkin's Robes but it had a few families in there checking out their children's wands.

Susan wandered off on her without Evelyn who was looking at the wands, "Awe, what a pleasant surprise! The year came faster than I expected. Auror Longbottom's daughter..." A voice came from behind her and Susan jumped, spinning around to face the man. She backed away a little.

He looked like Albert Einstein on crack.

"Whom are you?......" She asked him and then continued, "...And how do you know me?" Ollivander jumped down off his ladder and directed her attention towards a section of slim black boxes all stacked on top of each other. Ignoring the question, he hummed crazily as he skimmed through the boxes. Susan wrapped her arms around herself, "Are you the owner..?" She pressed. Ollivander didn't face her but still nodded, "Indeed." He answered.

The old man with wide, pale eyes shining like the moon tapped his fingers together, "Ms. Longbottom, what is your wand hand?" His soft voice questioned. Susan frowned, not understanding what he meant. "Your dominate hand?" He edged on, his creepy eyes lingering onto the piles of wand boxes. She rubbed her arm as she looked anywhere but at him, "I write with both..." said Susan awkwardly. Ollivander hummed before he picked up one of the boxes and handed it to her, "This is a Cypress, Unicorn, 13 1/2", Slightly Yielding. Beautiful..." He soothingly rubbed the box as the girl awkwardly searched around for Evelyn.

"Test this one out," He told her with a smile. 'You still didn't answer my question. He's the owner. He answered it. Obviously! But how does he know my dad? Maybe you've been here before? Maybe. He knows dad.' Susan thought to herself, jumping at the sight of a tape measure appearing. The tape measure began measuring the outline of her body, following the girl wherever she tried running to, "Aht, aht," Ollivander butted in, "You must be measured for your wand. We match the wand length to the size of our users. Don't worry," He said as he handed her the box. Susan sighed, wanting to get back to her brother and opened it.

The second voice in the back of Susan's head came when she wasn't about to draw. She was sitting in the corner late at night rocking back and forth, her arms wrapped around her knees that were brought to her chest. The first words the second voice told her was: 'Don't worry about Evelyn and Alfie, Susanne. You can always steal another one soon.' And the voice stuck with her since then. You can call her insane but she said she'd lose her mind if she wasn't able to draw.

Luckily for her, she was able to steal another drawing notebook when they were kicked out the house again.

Susan picked up the wand from the inside and looked up at him, "Well, Ms. Longbottom, don't just stand there. Give it a swing," He told her, aka rushed her out of excitement. Susan moved the wand only a little bit before the wand was snatched out of her hand. She frowned as they exchanged looks before she slowly put it back in the box.

"Definitely not that one. Try this one," He told her and handed her a Beech Wood with Augurey Tail Feather, "Let's see if this one would work," He told her and Susan swung it, but Ollivander snatched it out her hand at once. Becoming frustrated, Susan facepalmed, "You're not giving me a chance to use them!" She exclaimed, her fist shaking in fury. Ollivander, remaining in his calm state, picked up her hands and put another wand in them, "Cedar, Dragon, 13 1/2", Quite Bendy. Try this one, Miss Longbottom," He suggested and Susan sighed before she hesitantly flicked her wrist with the wand and, as expected, Ollivander took it away from her.

"Try this one, my dear," He told her with a smile. 'Sigh...' She thought as she gripped the wand, feeling a warm sensation while she swung it. She looked at an grinning Ollivander, "Interesting.... This is the Crude wand, Miss Longbottom. I suspect you will do great in Defense Against the Dark Arts. See - Crude wands are made with the hairs of dead Drumstrang humans. They are specifically better at dueling," He told her.

"I'm sorry. Made with the hair of wha-"

Ollivander gently pushed her in the direction of Evelyn, "I'll see you at the counter. You make sure Mr. Longbottom comes in here. A wizard's wand only works with said wizard," As he softly spoke the sentence, Susan gave him one more awkward and scared glance before she ran off to Evelyn. Maybe she didn't hear him correctly.

"I've found my wand. Let's pay for it and go," She said to her and Evelyn glared at Susan for the harsh tone she was using. If she wasn't going to the Platform after this instead of the house than she would have gotten the beating of a lifetime, "Watch how you speak to me, whore," Evelyn sneered at her and her voice was full of deadly venom.

Susan fist balled up as she stopped herself from popping Evelyn in the mouth and took a deep breath. 'Keep this up and you can actually make it. I doubt it. Having to control myself has been becoming harder and harder. Just think about Frank crying face and you'll be fine. You can't let your anger out. You'll kill somebody. Fine. I just want to get this over with.' Susan thought and waited behind Evelyn who was paying for her wand.

Susan walked out the old store with Evelyn and Frank immediately asked to see her wand. She pulled out the box and opened it so her little brother could see it, "Woah, Anne! Your wand is blue! Or is this turquoise? Whatever color it is, it's beautiful. What type of wand is it?" He asked her as they followed up behind their aunt and uncle.

Susan put the slim black lid on top of her opened box and put it back up, "A Crude wand apparently. The creepy guy said it's made with human hair.. " Susan told Frank and Frank laid his head down on her shoulder, "Well, we won't have to worry about seeing him any time soon," He said and Susan nodded in agreement.

As the four were walking, some girl sped past them on a skateboard with a cat behind her. Susan jumped back and her instincts immediately made her push Frank on the upper sidewalk so he wouldn't get injured.

The girl's parents stopped chasing her to catch their breaths right in front of the four who were scared out of their mind, "Who was that?!" Alfie basically shouted and the man cleared his throat as he stopped wheezing, "Our daughter Alice!" He answered before they ran off to find their skateboarding daughter through the mist of the crowded pathway.

Susan and Frank looked at each other with the same expression, "He needs to workout more!" They said at the same time and Frank laid his head back on Susan's shoulder.

Evelyn and Alfie fixed themselves and rushed for Susan and Frank to hurry up so they could make it to their next destination. Susan had no idea what it was until she saw the sign in front of them and saw a smile make its way on to Frank's lips.

• • • • • • • • • •

Third stop: Eyelops Owl Emporium

Eeylops Owl Emporium was a chain of shops that sold owls and supplies, such as food, necessary to care for them. It had three locations in Glasgow, Leeds, and London. Susan and Frank walked in and was met with different types of Owls including: Barn owl - 10 Galleons, Brown owl - 10 Galleons, Screech owl - 15 Galleons, Snowy owl - 15 Galleons, Tawny owl - 10 Galleons, Barred owl - 11 Galleons.

Susan looked around at all the owls, resisting the urge to walk out. The screeches, awing and feathers mixed in the air. Her eyes landed directly on the creepy-looking one that sent chills down Evelyn's spine: the Screech owl.

Screech owls are typical owls (Strigidae) belonging to the genus Megascops. Twenty-one living species are known at present, but new ones are frequently recognised and unknown ones are still being discovered on a regular basis, especially in the Andes.

"I want this one," She said to Alfie. He immediately scoffed in disbelief, "This ugly thing? What? You want something that will actually make you look pretty?" Evelyn butted in. The bird let out a scream causing Evelyn to jump.

'I definitely want this bird. It's creepy looking and it's scaring Evelyn and Alfie? You definitely need this bird. I know that.' Susan thought and smirked to herself.

Frank on the other hand found a pretty Snowy owl that kept brushing himself against his hand. The snowy owl (binomial name Bubo scandiacus) was a large owl of the typical owl family Strigidae. It was very recognisable due to its white feathers, yellow eyes and black beak. It was one of the largest species of owl and in North America was on average the heaviest owl species.

Susan reached in the cage to touch the owl but an employee slapped her hand, "You are not allowed to touch until you buy. Besides, most witches goes straight to the Snowy owl. You are, however, allowed to touch the Snowy owl. You cannot touch the Screech owl though....." He said and Susan frowned, ".....Because it's deadly. We've had incidents with it before. Screech owls hardly finds any owner that they liked," He explained as Susan's eyes filled with joy. She had to get that owl.

"I'll take it!" With no hesitation, her hand went to touch the owl again. Alfie's eyes searched around for possible betters owl, not wanting to be seen with the one she chose. They couldn't trust her. One wrong move of disapproval and she'd possibly cause a scene. The store watching in embarrassment as she threw a tantrum? They weren't heading back home; they wouldn't be able to punish her.

The employee chuckled as he picked up the owl cage and walked over to the counter, "What do you think you're doing buying that hideous creature?" Evelyn scolded her but Susan ignored her and sat Frank's owl down next to hers on the counter. Alfie and Evelyn were forced to buy the 'hideous creature'. They didn't want to make a scene. Susan kept swinging her owl purposely close to Evelyn so she could jump.

They had their clothes, pets and wands. They needed their books and their other supplies and they would be done, "Why is he staring at you like that?" Frank asked Susan and Susan shrugged before looking at her owl.

"I'm going to have to name him soon. It has to be something scary to fit him," Susan said and Frank nodded, following his sister to their next destination.

• • • • • • • • • •

Fourth stop: Potage's Cauldron Shop

Potage's Cauldron Shop was the first shop one encountered when entering North Side, Diagon Alley from the Leaky Cauldron. It sold all types of cauldrons, displaying them in a stack outside the shop, under a sign which read: "Cauldrons - All Sizes - Copper, Brass, Pewter, Silver - Self-Stirring - Collapsible." It was owned by Madam Potage.

Susan and Frank both tried walking in at the same time through the half-way small door and almost got stuck but luckily Frank was able to squeeze through, "Already embarrassing us?" Alfie asked them but Susan ignored him and held up her owl causing him to turn his attention back towards his wife.

Susan sat her owl down next to Frank's and looked at all the cauldron's, "We're going to need this for one of our classes?" Frank asked her and she shrugged, picking one up but it was too heavy and she quickly put it back before she dropped it, "And I hope we won't have to carry these around," She said and Frank laughed a little.

Alfie came over and picked up one, "Little less chit chat. The faster we get this over with the quicker you two can be gone out of our sight," He said and Susan mocked him making Frank fully laugh.

Susan looked behind her and Frank and saw the same skateboarding girl laughing at her parents outside the window as she was jumping on top of higher objects, "Do you think she'll be in our Year?" Frank asked Susan as they were both looking at her. Susan only did a small shrug, "I really do not care. Socializing is not my list," She said and Frank did not respond but instead grabbed her hand and continued watching the girl.

Evelyn and Alfie snapped the two siblings back into reality and Alfie clicked his watch, "We have a schedule to keep. Let's go," He said and they grumbled, grabbing their cages and following up behind them.

• • • • • • • • • •

Fifth stop: Scribbulus Writing Implements

Scribbulus Writing Implements was a shop in Diagon Alley that sold quills, ink, and parchment. It was located next door to Quality Quidditch Supplies. Susan liked the smell inside of the shop and how warm it felt inside.

She looked around with her eyes and saw Alfie grabbing all they would need. Clearly he was rushing because the faster they were through, the faster Susan and Frank could be gone. Susan had to admit that leaving her aunt and uncle for an entire school year sounded like the best vacation but having to be around kids and people ruined the entire idea.

Because she was shielded away from everyone so much, she learned that the best type of peace and mind was when she was alone or with her brother. She didn't want to get bothered and the last time she actually communicated with a kid her age she got beat repeatedly for it.

So, you can call Susan the anti-social type but it was only because of the past events she's been through. It's like how all the past events caused her to get a second voice in the back of her head.

It's also like how the past events caused her to be so angry but she's been trying to contain that anger because, like what the second voice said, if she was to release it than she'll murder anybody in her way. Literally. So, that's why it's best for the young girl to keep her anger inside.

"Where are we going after this?" Frank asked Evelyn and Evelyn pulled out the list that was in her jacket. She read over it and crossed out the destination they were currently in, "We have to get the telescope, glass, brass scales and the books. We'll be done after that and we're off to the Platform," She answered and Susan sighed.

'I have to socialize with others. I know I will have to. Now why are you upset? Because I don't socialize. The only person I ever really talked to was my brother. And he's the only person I want to talk to. Yeah, but you're getting away from the abusers. Be happy.'

"I am," Susan said aloud instead of in her mind. Frank looked at her, "You're what?" He asked her and Susan realized she said it aloud. She sighed, "Nothing. I'm tired," She responded and walked out behind Evelyn and Alfie.

• • • • • • • • • •

Sixth stop: Magical Menagerie

Magical Menagerie was one of the shops where students bought their pets and supplies. Outside the shop, there were cages of pets on display. It was very cramped and noisy with every inch of wall covered by cages. It sold all kinds of animals - poisonous orange snails, a giant jewel-encrusted tortoise, sleek black rats that are very intelligent, owls, ravens, cats of every colour, Puffskeins, a Transforming rabbit and much more.

Susan mouth dropped, "Why didn't we come here to buy our pets?!" She asked them and Evelyn ignored her question just like how Susan has been ignoring them. Evelyn and Alfie walked in first like always while Frank tried to get Susan to come in but she stubbornly refused to, "No! They took us to a place full of nothing but owls when this entire palace of animals was over here! You could've gotten one of these uniquely beautiful creatures instead of your plain owl! I know how much you love nature so I know you would have enjoyed all of this. Especially this funny-looking rabbit," She ranted on and Frank knew his sister had a point but it was far too late.

"We can always come back next year. Just come on, Anne. The sooner we get this over with; the better," He tried convincing her but she was just too stubborn. After a few more attempts she gave in and stood on the sidelines while their aunt and uncle bought everything.

Susan let out a sigh once they were done and was glad they had one more stop left before they went to the Platform. She had to admit that the shopping was easy, minus her and Evelyn slick comments towards each other, how crowded it was and how it seemed that it took them forever to find what they needed since other families were quick to grab them.

But overall, they made it through and Susan couldn't have been more grateful. She walked side by side with her brother and felt really short around all the tall people that seemed to have been towering over her. After all, she was only 5'1" surrounded by people who were 6'0" or so. But it is to be said that every Longbottom female starts off short but ends up tall.

Susan was really hoping that was the case with her because she couldn't handle having another panic attack again from thinking that all the tall people around her was closing in on her.

• • • • • • • • • •

Seventh stop: Flourish and Blotts

Flourish and Blotts Bookseller was a bookshop in North Side, Diagon Alley, about halfway down the street on the left hand side. Established in 1654, it was where most Hogwarts students purchase their schoolbooks. The shop was filled with shelves stacked to the ceiling. Susan was amazed by the shop and knew that this was considered Heaven to any bookworm that walked in for the first time.

"What if the books were to fall?" Frank asked her and Susan shook her head rapidly. If any of those books started to fall than she was heading straight for the door and she was taking him with her.

The two siblings spent their entire time talking about the possibilities of the books falling on top of Evelyn and Alfie and killing them while Evelyn and Alfie struggled to keep hold of their books. Finally, they were done with the shopping and they had to make their way to the Platform, "This should be fun," Susan and Frank said at the same time and both siblings nodded at one another.

• • • • • • • • •

Last stop: Platform 9 3/4

Susan pushed her cart alongside Frank's while rolling her eyes whereas Evelyn was threatening her about upholding the respect The Longbottom family's. Her rant consisted of her telling Susan not bring anymore embarrassment to it or there will be consequences.

Same ol', same ol' with Evelyn.

"You already told me this, Evelyn. You've been telling me this since I've got my letter. I won't embarrass the family more than I've already done," Susan said sarcastically and Frank snickered a little bit. Evelyn snapped her fingers, "I do not find anything funny and I suggest you watch your tone, Susanne. Because you two will be coming back soon and there's a lot that could be waiting for you. So like I said, make sure you do not embarrass the family any further than you already have and represent our name with pride. The Longbottom's are a well respected family. Got it?" Evelyn restated and Susan did not answer.

She didn't want to answer. She knew good-and-well her father did not care about 'representing' the Longbottom family's name and she didn't care either. Anything that means the world to Evelyn, including the Longbottom's family name, Susan did not care about.

All Susan wanted to do was board the Express so she could get some peace and quiet and so she could draw. She was finally getting what she wished for: to get the hell away from Evelyn and Alfie. Evelyn caught Susan by the arm. "Got it?" She asked again as her grip tightened. Frank yanked his sister's arm away from her and Susan rubbed it."Got it. Can we go now?" Susan asked as Frank glared at them hardly.

Evelyb scoffed before nodding and standing up straight, "You can go. But remember what I said," Evelyn reminded her and Susan and Frank walked away from them with their carts. Frank continued to glare at them before facing forward.

"I hate them. Especially her," He said and Susan kept a straight face even though her arm was throbbing in pain, "Same here. But don't worry, we're getting away from them. We're getting our opportunity," She said and Frank sighed. All he could think about was how Lanky was left alone with them.

"Do you believe Lanky will be okay?" He asked her and Susan didn't answer until they boarded the train. She honestly didn't know if Lanky was going to be okay but she didn't want him worrying, "She'll be fine. She's smart and she's strong. She can handle herself. I'm sure of it," Susan answered and the two siblings found an compartment to themselves after searching around for a bit.

Susan closed the compartment door and sat down next to her brother, pulling out her drawing notebook and handing him his nature book, "So, what do you think the future has in store for us, Anne?" Frank asked her and Susan let out a gush of air, starting to work on her drawing.

'What does the future have in store for us? What will happen at this new school? Don't worry about it. Just live life at this moment. You've been through it all, Susanne. Whatever the future has in store for you won't match what you've been through. You might get knocked down nine times but you'll get up ten. You're right. Glad I have you.' Susan thought and then knew how to answer Frank's question.

"Live life in the present, Frank. Don't worry about what the future holds. The future is holding whatever event for a reason. Just be glad that you're living in the present," She answered and Frank nodded, opening his book. Susan relaxed a bit and escaped to her favorite world: drawings.

The two read and drew in quiet and didn't mind not speaking. But once this train stops, it won't just be the two of them anymore. Everyone gets added as a plus one on a path that was only meant for you. Now it's time for the true story to begin.

The Story of Suzin Black.......

|Thank You For Reading|

Author's Note: First off, I apologize for any spelling mistakes, missing words, half sentences, etc. I was basically rushing through this chapter because I am so excited / nervous to get Susan's Hogwarts journey started. I tried my best with this chapter and it was longer than all of the other's but I really do not care. As you can tell Susan has been gaining more and more attitude towards Evelyn because she's sick of her crap. It won't be that long before Susan can let all of that anger that she's been containing out and I cannot wait. You also read about how Susan is short. She won't be short for long because Persia White is tall. You also read about how Susan has never socialized with anyone other than Frank. This is true and she has been shielded away from everyone her entire time of living with them. But anyways! ('But anyways' is always my transition word XD), Susan got her first ever wand in this chapter and a creepy-looking owl that she mainly wanted because it scared Alfie and Evelyn. I am about to show you how her wand looks and how her owl looks. I am also about to show you how she looks:

Eleven year old Susan:

Susan's Crude wand:

Susan's wand box:

Susan's owl:

Susan's drawing for this chapter:

Continuing part 2: Now about this chapter.... the meaning behind why she drew this is sort of sad, okay? You see how the hand is gripping the bleeding rose tightly like they don't want to let it go? You see the pool of blood under the bleeding rose and how the bleeding rose is tilting down because it's dying? Well, Susan drew this to represent her parents and her. She's the hand and they're the bleeding rose. Susan is tightly holding on to their parents for dear life as the years continue to fly past. The representation of the hand not wanting to let go is Frank. They're both holding on so tightly to their parents even though they know they're not coming back. The blood represents the fact that the more they cling on to their parents, the more it's killing them because they know they're not coming back. The pool of blood represents the fact that everytime they mourn for their parents, they lose their happiness more and more. But feel free to tell me what you think.

Extra note: Whelp, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and her journey will begin next chapter. I'm going to try my best to get accurate facts about The Marauders and please do not bash me for any mistakes, okay? Just keep it at professional criticism. I'm trying my best here. Thank you all so much for reading this and don't forget to give me your feedback.

Question: What did you think of the chapter?

|Love You All|

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