𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧

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|Freedom is like religion to us; Justice is juxtapositionin' us|
|Justice for all just ain't specific enough|

"My mum hated hearing the word justice so much; it made her think of uncle Frank. It made her think about his insanity. And it made her think about how she wasn't there when her brother needed her the most. So, Neville and I went out of our way to avoid using the word justice....." ~Antares "Taylor" Sirius Black

Year: 1970, London, Britain
Setting: The Longbottom Palace
Note: This chapter won't be long

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Susan, as normally, was locked away in her bedroom sketching down the drawing of a hand trying to save another one from falling. Her mind flooded with many thoughts on the situation she was stuck in as she heard the sound of fake laughter and fake talks outside her bedroom in the living room.

She was forced to stay put in her bedroom until the guest were gone and she couldn't leave unless it was time for dinner, where she wasn't going to get much of it since they didn't care about feeding her.

She heard the sound of her mum's voice saying "I love you" and the sound of her father's voice saying "I'll always be there for you" in the back of her head. She heard the sound of Evelyn saying "You worthless rat" and the sound of Alfie saying "Just die already" coming into play in her head.

She gripped her Muggle pencil tightly and heard the sound of her mum's voice saying "Susanne, come say goodbye to Augusta" and the sound of Evelyn voice saying "Thank Augusta for dropping you off here, you embarrassment" in her head.

She remembered the dream of her parents coming back and taking her and Frank away from Evelyn and Alfie. She remembered crying tears of joy and her feeling happy.

She also remembered her waking up and realizing it was only just a dream.

She refused to let herself cry because of the voices and the painful dream. She had to fend for herself in the cruel world. She had to fend for her and her brother against Evenly and Alfie. She had to deal with her problems alone. She had to take care of her brother alone. She had to deal with being sick alone. She had to deal with not knowing what the woman body went through alone. She had to deal with being isolated away from people alone. She had to survive alone. She had to protect Frank alone. She had to deal with feeling empty alone. She had nobody.

Nobody had her back. She only had herself.

Nobody stood next to her and fought with her. Nobody held her when she cried. Nobody held her hand and gave her a coat when they're kicked out of the house in December. Nobody told her she was pretty. Nobody told her she was worth something.

Nobody did anything for her because she was alone.

It's like how she was alone in her bedroom all the time away from people because she was an worthless embarrassment to their family. Younger her tried believing she wasn't but it was true.

She continued to sketch and let her hand move on its own. She remembered getting an entire chair thrown at her yesterday because she muttered something under her breath. She remembered blacking out and waking up in the hospital. She remembered wondering if there was anybody out there who felt the same pain as her.

She wondered if there was anybody out there who could come save them and adopt them. She would rather get adopted than live here with them.

Any place was better than living with Evelyn and Alfie. They hated her because of what their parents did. Not to mention Evelyn was jealous of Amelia since Amelia could have kids and Evelyn couldn't. But clearly Evelyn had some ugly ways and her not being able to have any kids was her punishment.

Susan didn't feel bad for Evelyn when she overheard the conversation about her not being able to have kids. She felt as if Evelyn deserved it. Susan thought about how she did nothing to these people and they started abusing her. What vile person abuses children because of their hatred towards their parents? The children did nothing. The children are innocent. However, Susan knew Evelyn and Alfie weren't the only one's who hated their parents.

Clearly others did if they murdered their mum and father.

Augusta had to hate them if she dropped their kids off at those people house.

Evelyn and Alfie treated Susan like she was an house elf.

They knocked her confidence down. They almost killed her. They hurt her for no reason. They choked her for no reason. They had no reason or excuses for the things they were doing to her. She did nothing to them when they first came here minus being the innocent six year old she was and they just started treating her like crap. Her and Frank's parents were already taken away from them and then they came and took all the happiness out of Susan for no reason.

"Anne, are you okay?" Frank asked her once he walked in and closed her door behind him. Susan didn't answer him. Instead, she continued drawing. The thoughts made her furious and her hand moved way faster than it should have. Frank took notice of this and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as his sister's hand was moving at lightning speed.

He walked over to where she was sitting on the floor and sat down next to her, "What are you drawing, Anne?" He asked her and Susan didn't meet his eyes.

She didn't want him knowing that she was trying not to cry. She had to be strong for him. She had to.

She couldn't keep being weak and helpless. She had to be strong for Frank. But being so strong all the time was becoming harder and harder to do. Being strong after all she's been through was fading away. She was feeling weak and tired all the time. She was so tired and she was still basically a kid.

She didn't understand what her and Frank did to deserve the life they had. She truly wished it was traded for something better. All she wanted to do was give Frank a better life but she couldn't do that and that made her want to cry because her brother deserved better than the life he was provided.

And Susan couldn't cry over the thought; she had to be strong.

She took deep breaths and stopped sketching to wipe her eyes. She wasn't specifically crying but the tears were threatening to fall, "Anne...... are you crying?" He asked her and Susan forced a chuckle to play it off. She cleared her throat and held up her sketch, "Do you like it?" She tried changing the subject. Frank stared at her for a while before nodding. He grabbed her drawing notebook and examined the drawing.

"Why are you drawing two hands?" asked the naive and confused wizard.

Susan let out a real chuckle this time. She went back to darkening it a little and Frank watched her out of interest. He's never seen her draw before, he only saw them after she was done. Her hand glided across the paper swiftly, dancing with the pencil in her hand as her wrist choreographed the speed. Susan went back to her thoughts and jumped to the thought about Frank talking to her about Reñe.

She remembered him going on and on about her getting justice for how her father was treating her, her brothers and including their mother.

Sometimes the mother said nothing because she was too afraid. Susan remembered Frank going on and on about how she needed justice for how Evelyn and Alfie was treating her. She remembered him going on and on about justice for every abused child out there in the world.

Susan stopped sketching and lifted her head up, "Brother, do you know how you're always talking about abused children getting justice?" Susan said and Frank looked at her, nodding as an answer.

He prepared himself for the next question Susan was most likely about to ask him. Susan put her drawing notebook down and interlocked her hands, "Do you know what justice means?" She asked him. She's been listening to him talk about it non-stop but she never stopped to ask him if he actually knew what the definition of justice was.

Well, she technically wanted to hear what he believed the word meant.

Frank thought about it for a moment. This has been sitting on him for some time now, "The quality of being fair and reasonable," He answered after a moment of thinking. Susan gave her brother 'the look', "And where did you find that out from?" She interrogated and Frank looked away from her.

She continued to give him 'the look'. 'The look', as Frank calls it, was the look of an older sister who knew her younger brother did something he wasn't suppose to or she knew he broke one of the rules they were suppose to follow.

It's something like that but Frank calls it 'the look'.

Frank gave in after trying to avoid it, "I snuck into uncle Alfie's study while he was gone and read most of the words in the dictionary," He admitted to his sister and Susan thought about that.

She squinted her eyes at him and her mind went back to all of the justice he was talking about, "And you liked the word justice better than all of the others?" She guessed and Frank nodded.

He felt that justice would bring happiness to the people who was getting it and he immediately thought of her.

Susan getting justice after all the abuse she's been through made Frank love the word.

"And what's an example of justice?" She questioned him. Frank shrugged before answering, "Alfie and Evelyn getting locked away for how they've been treating you. That's justice," He answered and a small smile formed its way on to her lips.

She liked his example very much and it warmed her heart, "So, that's why I like the word justice so much. It reminds me of you and you being happy," Frank continued.

'I love my brother.' Susan thought.

She picked up her drawing notebook, "I'm going to start calling you justice," She told him and Frank laughed while asking why. Susan finished her drawing.

"Because it's all you've been talking about. Plus, justice leaves a smile on people faces and you leave a smile on my face," She told him cheekily. Frank couldn't help but smile at that and laid his head down on her shoulder.

He continued to watch her draw while they sat in silence. Susan would ask him what did he think her drawing meant and she didn't mind hearing him trying to come up with a meaning behind it.

So, this was how Susan got the nickname Justice for Frank: because it brought smiles and happiness to people faces and he made her smile and she made him happy........

|Thank You For Reading|

Authors Note: I apologize for any spelling mistakes, missing words, improper grammar, use of the same word, etc. I'll go back and check it over it. I wasn't going to create this chapter at first but I thought about how it wouldn't be right to not explain why Susan started calling Frank 'Justice.' I mean, I can't just have something appear out of the blue without an explanation. And justice was what he mainly started to talk about her around so she thought it just fit the best for him, you know? This chapter was suppose to be short since the meaning behind why she started calling him 'Justice' wasn't that bad and this chapter was basically like a tiny flashback sort of??? It was more of a memory than a chapter?? Like more of a random moment than a chapter?? Whatever. I tries. Taylor's the one telling her story, not Suzin. Suzin's dead. But anyways! I hope you all enjoyed this short chapter and we're starting the Hogwarts Journey next!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 I wasn't going to create this chapter at first but I did so whatever. Anyways, Susan's drawing in this chapter was clearly two hands but they weren't just any ol' two hands. They represented something like all of her drawings did:

Susan's drawing:

Continuing part 2: The first hand is a man's hand. That hand is Frank's hand. The second hand is Susan's hand. Susan is falling and Frank is trying to grab her hand and save her. She has her hand out because she know her brother will save. Their hands aren't too far from eachother but the reason why she didn't draw him saving her because she already fell just when their fingers touched. So she was already long gone and he was left with remembering the feeling of his sister's fingers before she fell to her death. Susan's drawings had all types of meaning behind them and she likes to show them to Frank so he could guess what's the meaning behind them. He didn't guess this one correctly but Susan let him believe what he wanted to. Anyways! I hope that you all enjoyed and once again I apologize for any mistakes. Give me your feedback on this chapter and I'm sorry if it seemed like it was rush but it wasn't. I can go back and add some more if you want. I am so nervous to start on her Hogwarts years but I'm a strong Virgo and I'm going to conquer this nervousness! Thanks for reading once again and thanks for sticking with this crappy ass book for this long.

Question: Do you think Susan's nickname for Frank fits him? Why?

|Love You All|

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