𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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|She can grow it from her womb, a family; Provide lovin' overlooked and unappreciated, you see|
|You need a woman's touch in your place; Just protect her and keep her safe|

"My first cycle moment will never be forgotten. I was using the loo and saw that I was bleeding. I was frightened but because I didn't know anything about it, I was scared to tell my mum. I still remember her being downstairs and I ran down nearly in tears. My stupid self thought I was dying. My mum's first cycle moment was a little bit different....." ~Antares "Taylor" Sirius Black

Year: 1970, London, Britain
Setting: The Longbottom Palace

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Susan hugged her pillow close to her stomach, sleeping uncomfortably quiet on her floor as her aunt and uncle were having the time of their lives in the main room with their Pure-blooded 'friends'. She dreamed about her parents. She dreamed about someone taking Frank and giving him to a nice family that loved him and treated him well. She dreamed about getting more pages in her drawing notebook to draw in.

She was officially out of pages. She almost cried over the thought of having to deal with them without her drawings. When she finally let the feeling of happiness sink in, destruction struck. Life wasn't fair. Susan learned that the hard way. Drawing was her happiness and it was gone in the blink of an eye. See how she can't be happy for nothing? It's apparently not meant for Susan to have it. She's miserable with them. Point blank period.

Plus, that's what her aunt said to her one day; randomly standing in her doorway and felt the need to knock her confidence down or so.

Her words made Susan realize something, that's all: there will always be people that'll tell you, you can't do anything. Always prove them wrong.

"You're going to always be a miserable in this house. Self-pity gets you nowhere. You're going to grow up having nothing, ending up alone like others of your type. Nobody would ever want to stick around and love someone as sad as you. You will never marry. You'll never find a Wizarding job. You'll be nothing. You're talentless, ugly, sickening. Merlin, how did I end up having to take care of you? You're not worth my time." ~Aunt Evelyn, 1970

Susan noted for Frank to watch out for people like her aunt. Those were the people he'd have to prove wrong. That's one lesson she taught herself and that's one lesson that will lead to the biggest happiness she could have. But we're not on that topic yet.

So here Susan was, laying on the floor, trying to sleep off the aching pain she could feel in her abdomen. A pain of her insides being twisted together, precisely being pulled, as if there was a knife slicing the edging of them.

Her aunt and uncle invited their close friends to come have tea with them and they were being the loudest group of fake friends; worsening the headache the young girl grew beforehand from the stomachache.

The lot always smiled in each other's faces while talking behind each other's backs. But that's their friendship apparently and Susan knew not to speak on it.

She stirred in her sleep a little when her dream shifted. She started dreaming about a gush of blood sweeping down a long pipe; she ran from it with anxiety overflowing her speed-racing heart, an expression of fear making its way on to her brown skin. She panicked at the sudden tone change in her dream and jumped up immediately, being met with a weird feeling between her legs.

Glancing down to have a look in her trousers, one of the loudest and heart-rending screams escaped her lips, "I'M BLEEDING!!!" She freaked out, continuing to sob.

Evelyn rushed in only a few seconds after her screaming, "What is wrong with you?! Bloody hell-" She started to fuss, raising her hand to slap the girl as she sped over to her, but stopped when she was met with a widened eyed Susan looking up at her in panic.

Evelyn ran back to close the door before hurrying over to her niece. Using her common sense, there was obviously something out of the ordinary going on, "What did you do, you rat?" She hissed at her and began police-searching the younger girl. Not knowing how to react to blood, Susan allowed her aunt to violate her comfort space. Evelyn's eyes glanced at the stain underneath the girl. Blood.

Her trousers were stained as well, damped with tiny spots of blood. Sighing, Evelyn stopped herself from face-palming. Right. Susan was clearly clueless about what she just got for the first time, "Oh, are you dumb? Honestly, did your mum ever tell you? That woman," Evelyn asked her as Susan was shaking at this point.

That would explain the pain, Susan believed. She was slowly dying.

'Why would my damn mother tell me about me dying?!' Susan thought angrily and Evelyn didn't wait for her reply. She rushed for her to get up and called for Lanky to come, requesting the house-elf to close the door behind her.

Susan had no idea what was happening to her but she probably guessed this was the aftermath of the pain she felt in her stomach before she fell asleep. Susan continued to shake, "You've ruined my carpet but I can expect this, you disappointment," Evelyn told her while they waited for Lanky.

Susan didn't hear her. She was thinking about who would take care of Frank and what he would do once she's in the ground at her funeral.

Lanky shakily opened her bedroom door and peeked in, "Yes, Mistress Longbottom?" She asked her, her voice quaking at the thought of saying something wrong again and getting the iron.

Susan's eyes filled with tears as the lump in her throat grew. 'I've lived a bad life.' She thought to herself and Evelyn whispered something in Lanky's ear causing Lanky's eyes to widen and for her to rush out, not before closing the door.

Evelyn then walked over to Susan's closet and opened the doors before looking at the tiny clothes she had, "I don't remember buying these," Evelyn said. 'Because I stole them. But I didn't think about stealing a funeral dress.' Susan thought and Evelyn sighed before walking back to her bed.

"You've had your first period. Stop freaking out. You are so dramatic," She told her and used her wand to pull the sheets back before lifting the sheets and the blanket up, "What's that?" Susan asked her but Evelyn didn't answer.

She only muttered something about Lanky taking all day and she'll get punished if she didn't hurry up.

Susan kept sniffing and Lanky came in with a small crossbody bag, "Took you long enough. Take my wand and put these wherever you do the laundry," Evelyn instructed her.

This was honestly the nicest Evelyn has acted towards the both of them but Susan was too scared to notice it. Lanky did as she was told and gave Susan a comforting look before walking out and closing the door behind her.

"A period is a cycle every woman experiences. It lasts 7 days with me. But yours will likely be different. I don't know how Half-blood's experience them. In this crossbody bag are pads. You will put these in any pair of trousers you wear. Stop your crying, they help your body more than harm it," She informed her and Susan stopped crying.

Evelyn sighed, "I will grab you a pair of pants, an over sized jumper and more trousers at the store. Don't get used to me buying you things. I just don't want to take any risk with one of our guests' children finding stains on your clothes or whatnot. Now go to the restroom. Speed walk there because it will feel weird. I'll be there after I find you something," Evelyn instructed and because she seemed to know more about this than she did, Susan listened and did as Evelyn told her to.

Susan sped walked up the stairs to the restroom like her life depended on it and clutched the crossybody tightly in her arms, "My mum didn't teach me about this. She didn't get the chance to," She muttered to herself as she closed the restroom door.

She still felt like Evelyn was most likely lying and that she would be dead by tomorrow but she couldn't process any words. She didn't know woman had blood coming out of them.

How disgusting is that?

But this could explain that pain she felt before she fell asleep. It felt like her stomach was tightening or something. She didn't want to feel it again. She knew that for sure, "Mrs.... can I come in?" Lanky softly asked and Susan shakily opened the restroom door.

Lanky had a pair of pajama pants, an over-sized shirt and other accessories. 'That was fast.' Susan thought and let her in before closing the door.

Lanky reached up and sat it all down on the counter before walking over to the bathtub and starting the water up. She turned back to Susan, "Mistress Longbottom said that youse needs to takes a shower, gets dressed, and lays down," Lanky informed her and Susan nodded, feeling a bit uncomfortable with her in there.

Lanky noticed her uncomfortable-ness and told her she'll be back and left out.


Susan wrapped her arms around her stomach and walked uncomfortably down the stairs.

The puffy Maxi pad didn't feel so good and it made her hate walking, "One step at a time," Lanky guided her, walking with the young girl while holding her hand.

Evelyn appeared around the corner, "Your little brother is up and our guests has left. You can go sleep in his bed while we take him to his piano lessons at The Li Family mansion. We'll be directly back in an hour and I expect to see you sleeping. That crossbody bag is for you to keep and you will come and get me whenever you run out of pads," Evelyn told her and Susan did a slow nod before walking past her with her head down.

She felt extremely quiet and didn't feel like talking. Evelyn fixed her some tea while she was bathing for the pain in her stomach. She explained the Wizarding world were still behind on products for ladies and their cramping. Lanky was about to walk with her to Frank's room but Evelyn yelled for her to go clean the clothes and she rushed off to do it.

"You need to lay down. You look more horrible than before," Evelyn told her, walking off to Alfie who was calling for her.

Susan slowly walked to her brother's bedroom uncomfortably and pushed opened his door without a word. Evelyn asking her did her mum ever tell her about periods kept getting to her.

Her mother did die when was only five.

Her mum never got the chance to teach her about her body. She was only five when they were murdered.

Evelyn seems to keep forgetting that or either her mum started way too early with her. Susan knew her mum would have at least tried to teach her. Susan couldn't help but let Evelyn's words sink in.

Her mum was taken away from her at an early age. Most witch's are hugging their mums right at this moment and here Susan was thinking about how she would never get the chance to hug her ever again.

How she would never hear her voice ever again. How she would never get one of her mum's lessons ever again.

All of these thoughts came from Evenly's words.

'She knew the question would hurt me. She knew the question would get to me. She's the vile knowledgeable person with the words to hurt me.' Susan thought but she pretty much figured that out a long time ago.

They've been staying with her for about five years now and all she's ever done was put Susan down emotionally and physically. Susan then started to feel empty because of it and she still feel empty but she hasn't told Frank about her emptiness because she doesn't want him to worry.

She's been trying to control her anger because she doesn't want Frank to cry again or see her like that. She's been bottling up all of her anger. She hasn't been able to draw in a while and she's about to lose her mind but she's keeping it to herself because she knew if she told Frank then he would try and steal one just to make her happy.

Aren't little brothers just the best?

"Anne, are you okay?" Frank's voice brought her back to reality. She didn't respond as he wrapped an arm around her and walked her to his desk so she could sit down. Susan blinked a few times before facing him, "You have piano lessons today. Remember to pay close attention and do not let the Li girl distract you. Make me proud, Frank. Tell me how it goes when you come back," She told him with a small smile and Frank returned the smile. He grabbed a book from under his desk and gave it to her.

"Here goes one of my nature books you got me. You can read it while I'm gone. I'm actually getting better and as for Reñe.....she's so beautiful. Anne, you should see the way her and her brother's gets treated!" Frank told her and Susan continued to smile. 'He fancies her.' Susan thought and pinched his cheek.

"I bet she is beautiful. But we have to worry about ourselves, Frank," She told him and Frank sighed and rubbed his book.

"She deserves to get away from them. Just like you deserve to get away from our aunt and uncle! Just like how every abused child deserves to get away from their abusers! All witches and wizards that are getting abused deserves to have freedom," He preached as Susan let out a sad chuckle.

He always did talk about justice for the abused. He half-way saw what it did to his older sister and he didn't want it happening to anyone else. Justice was what Frank believed she deserved. Justice was what Frank believed every one deserved if they were innocent and were considered guilty.

"Frank, be quiet before they hear you. I do not want to fight today," She told him and Evelyn came in and told Frank to come on. He gave Susan one long-lasting hug and told her that he loved her before walking over to their aunt. He gave her one last glance before they headed out and Susan opened his nature book. She couldn't help but admire Frank. He's been so into justice lately.

Her mind then jumped back to the thought of her mum. It's been clear to her that she would never see her again but now that she just found out about this period thing it made her feel the lump again in her throat.

She would never get taught about woman-hood, or whatever you want to call it, by her own mum. She'll be lucky if Evelyn ever give her the time of day to teach her about it.

She would have to learn everything on her own because her mum was dead, "What a life I have. What a sadistic, emotionless, lonely, depressed, angry life I have. What did I do to get put in this position? Why me? Why nobody else? Why me? What did I do?" She asked herself and sighed once more. She was alone. She had to face all of her problems alone. She had no one to answer her questions because she was alone.

She felt empty because in reality she was alone......

|Thank You For Reading|

Author's Note: I don't know what to say about this chapter. I tried my best? Anyways! Well, her journey is about the begin. Next chapter is based in 1971 and that's the start of The Marauders Era. I'm not going to lie, I'm so nervous about typing it. I don't want to get anything wrong and there's no book for the damn Marauders so I'm going off of head-canons, Pintrest, facts, Harry Potter Wiki and Quora. I'm asking you all to bare with me through her Hogwarts years and I want you all to remember that I'm trying, okay? It won't be accurate but as an perfectionist I want to have all The Marauders Era facts I can get so I won't mess up. You'll see how her relationships with every person she learned to hate and love came about. You'll see how her relationship with her future husband started and you'll see who caused her to snap. You're going to find out why she changed and why she got her tattoos. You're going to read how Susan Longbottom became known for using her fists more than her wand. You're going to learn why her wand chose her and the meaning behind the Prologue. You're going to learn how she dropped some people and picked some up. You're going to learn everything about Susan Longbottom because it's time for her era.

Continuing part 2: Groping together how Susan started to feel and change over the years has been a struggle with me. I don't want her to be all depressed because I don't want to make any one sad but then again..... look at her life. I had Reñe happy and I had Susan sad. Those aren't just the two outcomes of being abused but those are the two that I chose for specific reasons. Susan's theme is happiness. She wonders will she ever get it. Reñe's theme is peace. She wonders will other's find it. You'll find out more about Reñe in her own story. But in this chapter you saw how Frank already knew Reñe before Hogwarts because he took piano lessons at her parents mansion. She never participated in them because they always had her outside and, like Frank, Reñe loved nature and connected with it. They both match well but I know what I'm going to do in the future. But anyways! I hope that you all at least enjoyed and I still appreciate you guys sticking with this story for this long. Don't forget to tell me your feedback and you can let me know if there's anything I need to change or not. I started off with three chapters for the same year but now I'm most likely going to go four chapters or maybe five. It depends on if I'm not feeling too lazy or try not to create another chapter. But remember to bare with me through her Hogwarts years and prepare yourselves, okay? Thank you all very much for reading and remember Susan's journey is no where near finished. Matter of fact, I'm just getting started and you have the pleasure of joining me.

Question: What are your thoughts on how Susan feels?

|Love You All|

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