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Demetri and Robby decided to keep silent about Fleur for now, wanting to figure out their next move before approaching her incase she'd run.

"No, no, Demerit, you know this." Daniel spoke as they cleaned the cars off in the dealership the next day, "Wax on with the right hand. Counter clock wise with the left."

"You know, at first maybe he wasn't wanting us to do his dirty work, but now he definitely is." Fleur nodded her head as she glanced over her shoulder from where she'd been cleaned the car.

"Mhm." Demetri nodded, a sudden sense of weird around her. He didn't want to say he didn't trust Fleur, but she'd lied about so many things to him at this point. Demetri knew she did it to protect herself, yet he still felt down about it.

"Hey, i'm sorry for how I reacted yesterday. I know you were just trying to help and I should have seen that sooner." Fleur spoke as she made sure Daniel hadn't been watching before walking over to Demetris car, "If you truly think it's the right call, i'll come stay with you."

"You will?" Demetri asked her, feeling much more at peace now that they'd been looking at each other, "I really do think it's what needs to be done, especially right now."

"What do you mean?" Fleur asked, eyeing the sudden look of panic that crossed his eyes.

"With summer getting closer to the end!" Demetri redeemed himself quickly with a laugh, "Gotta have a address to head to school, right?"

Fleurs face fell as she realized school was something she'd have to do now, though she wasn't sure exactly how she could do it, "Right. Well I already have to pay this months rent so i'm gonna stay this last week there and then i'll be at yours once it's over."

"Great." Demetri spoke with a tight lipped smile, watching her disappear past him once again.

"It's a perfect way for you to make more friends before school starts." Sam spoke as the group got out of her car. Fleur spoke of her panic for a party the whole ride over, "Plus, Moon is great, she's going to love you."

"There's a lot of people out here already." Chris spoke as Fleur moved to walk next to Demetri, feeling her chest getting tighter at the many people.

"Yeah, I guess Moon must have invited other kids from school." Sam shrugged her shoulders.

"I only brought Trivial Pursuit." Demetri said as he held his board game up. Fleur stopped at the steps as Demetri turned, letting the others walk first, "You coming?"

"I don't think this is a good idea." Fleur admitted as she tugged on her fingers some, "I know Sam thinks I should meet more people, but I just-i'm not good around a bunch of people."

Demetri could imagine how difficult it was for her. Two years of pure isolation from the world and now suddenly, being around people. She'd only felt it for two months and sometimes even just five people in the dojo over whelmed her.

"I know you get panicky around a bunch of people." Demetri said as he got off the step quickly and stood infront of her, "And we can leave if you really want to. But Moon is actually kinda cool and I don't think many people are cool."

Fleur had to laugh at his words, "You don't even think i'm cool."

"No, but your shoes are cool." Demetri nodded while looking down at the blue combat boots, "You wanna go in there?"

Fleur looked up at the large house before grabbing his hand, "Lead the way, Han Solo."

As the pair made it up the steps, they joined Sam and the others at the door. Demetri and Fleur walked in close behind after Chris opened the door, the house flooded with people on the inside as well. Fleur glanced around with wide eyes until she felt a pair staring at her. As she looked forward, the realized they many Cobra Kai students staring holes at each of them.

The hard stare down was cut short by two figured walking in. Fleur recognized Miguel, meeting him once when she headed to Demetris and he was leaving. A taller, pretty girl was by his side as she glared hard at Sam. Fleur glanced between the two, looking up at Demetri for answered before the unknown girl spoke up, "Let's go."

"Sam!" a gentler voice rung, cutting the tension.

"Who was she?" Fleur asked Demetri, "She really doesn't like Sam."

"No kidding." Demetri commented, pulling his eyes away from Eli, who continued to stare at him harshly, "You know, maybe you were right about not coming here."

Fleur grabbed Demetri before he could turned around and leave, "If I have to stay in Anxiety City, you have to stay in Anxiety City."

"Fleur, come here." Sam waved her over, "This is Moon."

"You were right." Moon gasped as she suddenly hugged Fleur tightly, "She is such a cutie."

"Aw, she is, isn't she?" Demetri asked as he patted the back of Fleurs head, "Like a flower."

Robby slapped him in the arm with a questionable look, only getting a knowing one back.

"Your house is so nice." Fleur spoke as she pulled away from Moon, "And you smell so good."

"I make my own perfume." Moon laughed as she laced her hand with Fleurs, "Come on, i'll show you and let's try the vegan pigs in a blanket."

"Well, there she goes." Demetri huffed, looking over at Sam with a glare, "Moon took her!"

"Sorry!" Sam rose her hands in defense.

"Oh my god, I love this song!" Fleur announced, shaking Robby suddenly. Moon, who'd made her a drink that had a lot of Malibu in it, managed to get Fleur loose and calm her panic, "Robby! Do you wanna dance?"

"I'll just... guard your drink." he nodded his head, taking her drink as she ran off.

Demetri, who had just spoken up about Doctor Who and managed to get through to Eli a tad bit, saw his blue eyes focused on Fleur, "Who even is this chick?"

"Fleur." Demetri spoke with a loud sigh, "Shes crazy cool."

"She looks like a nerd." Hawk spoke, watching her terrible dance moves let loose in the middle of Moons living room, "She's hot."

"Yeah, she took her pants off infront of me." Demetri laugehd as Eli gave him a odd look before his eyes focused on Moon and Piper, who'd been connected at the lips, "Don't beat yourself up about it, man."

"Soft speak with a mean streak." Fleur sung as she spun in a circle slightly, feeling on top of the world, "Nearly brought my to me k-my kne-"

Fleur fell over her words as her eyes glossed over a moment, her heart thumping uncomfortably hard in her chest.

"Cigarette daydream, you were only seventeen." the music echoed into the basement.

"Let me out of here! Please!" Fleur begged from the other side of the door, beating on it violently as she cried, "Dad, please!"

"You can drive all night, looking for the answers in the pouring rain."

A string of gasps brought Fleur back, gasping slightly as she blinked multiple eyes to shake the memory off of her. Her eyes moved over to find Demetri covered in a drink now, Eli standing above him with a smile before walking off.

"Hey, Eli!" Fleur called out as she grabbed her drink out of Robbys hands. When he spun around to look at her, Fleur threw the Malibu rum in his face, "You're such a piece of shit milksop!"

More gasped and "oohs" rung as Hawk stood with the Malibu in his face, glaring at you, "You're dead!"

When he lunged at her, Robby stood infront of Fleur immediately, "Back the hell off."

"Yeah?" Eli asked with a laugh, shoved Robby suddenly, "What are you gonna do about it, Keene?"

Before Robby could react, hitting of red solo cups was heard and Demetris voice over the microphone, "I'd like to make a toast, to Eli Moskowitz."

There was a murmer of confused words and questionable looks. Fleur glanced over at Hawk and saw the slightest bit of panic in his eyes. Demetri laughed suddenly, "Oh! I'm sorry. Some of you might know him as Hawk. But underneath that crazy clown cosplay and whatever manic panic he dumps in his hair, he's still good old Eli. My Binary Brother. Well, he was my binary brother. You know what he is now? A real zero."

Fleur held back a laugh as she leaned on Robby slightly, the headace throbbing in her forehead.

"All right, that's enough, Demetri!" Eli called out to him.

"Don't let that angry red hairdo fool you. He's a big softie. We watched every Harry Potter movie together. And he bawled like a baby when Dobby died." Demetri mocked into the mic as a few people laughed around them, all engaged in Demetris speech, "In the words of Eli's hero, Steve Jobs. 'I've got one more thing.' Have any of you heard of sleep enuresis?"

"Don't." Eli spoke, clearly trying to be intimidating but coming out more of a beg.

"That is the medical term, of course. In the Kings English, it's good old-fashioned bed-wetting." Demetri laughed as everyone did the same, all looking at Hawk in disgust and humored faces, "And Eli here is a pro. My mom even had a special air mattress for sleepovers. And she called it Eli's Waterbed."

Laughter echoed again before Fleur heard cups thrown behind her. Glancing back, Eli was storming his way, "You're a corpse!"

Fleurs hand collided with his chest suddenly, "Back off, or i'll make you."

Hawk slapped Fleurs hand away. Chris stood up close after, "Hey! You're gonna have to go through me first."

"Stay out of it, traitor." Mitch glared.

"Hey! Don't touch, em." Robby spoke up immediately after.

"Or what?" Aisha asked with narrowed eyes.

"Or i'll drown you in Moons pool." Fleur threatened, shoved Hawk hard, "Carful though, it might have a chemical in it that turns your pee blue."

"Guys! Stop. We're friends." Moon hurried over, getting between the pair of trios.

"Oh, I smell a rumble!" a older man spoke up a few feet away.

Fleur smirked before the blue lights suddenly flashed her way, sirens wailing in the air.


"Fleur!" Demetri yelled out, jumping off the stage and grabbing her immediately, "Come on!"

kylie speaks

sigh. next chapter
is sad.

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