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"Demetri, what is your problem right now?" Robby complained after Demetri called him and made him come over as soon as possible, "Why couldn't I bring Sam?"

"Because she'd just tell her dad and this isn't something we can just tell anyone." Demetri said with a insane look, "Are you ready? Because your mind is going to be blown."

Robby waved him off as Demetri sat done at his computer quickly. Robby eyed his wall with wide eyes, seeing ripped out newspapers, bus tickets, blurry photos from security tapes, and Fleurs name written in red right in the middle, "Dude-"

"You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone what i'm about to show you." Demetri said with a serious look his way, "If anyone finds out, I don't know what'll happen to Fleur."

"You're starting to freak me out." Robby admitted as Demetri turned his laptop Robbys way. A man, he looked older with dark eyes and messed up hair that was starting to bald, "Who's that?"

"Derek Ruelf." Demetri spoke as Robby glanced his way again, "I found a photo of him and Fleur in her bag, she was younger, like two years younger."

"So? Maybe it's her dad." Robby shrugged, not understanding his point to any of this.

Demetri flung out of his seat and hurried over toward his wall, pointing at the newspaper first, "In 2001 Derek Ruelf was charged with allegiant kidnapping in Allentown, Pensilvania. They had a court hearing but his story seemed too innocent to charge him of anything. He was set free after the hearing and then met..."

Demetri then pointed to a photo of a dark skinned woman with piercing green eyes, "Andi Murphy. She was a recent graduate at the Lafayette College, in Easton Pennsylvania."

Demetri then flipped through a few books before finding the one he dog eared with a small paper on the inside. He held it up and showed a wedding photo of Andi and Derek, "They were married not even a year later, it was in the news because she just lost a huge trial in court and the family was so angry, they wanted to publicly humiliate her."

"Harsh." Robby commented with a nod of his head, "What was the trial?"

"The daughter of Savanna and Steven March went missing in Allentown and Andi brought in the wrong suspect and jailed an innocent man." Demetri spoke fast, eyes wide and panting heavily, "When the families other daughter disappeared, all hell broke loose."

Robby walked closer as Demetri pointed to a smaller photo, "Andi lost her job because she over stepped in the case and continued to search and find whatever she could on the two missing girls. The whole time, she was pregnant herself while her husband worked all day to try and provide for them now that they had no income."

"Demetri, if this is a trick question you drug me out of b-" Robby began, staring to become annoyed from how tired he truly was.

"It's not, just listen, this is important." Demetri spoke, Robby glanced over at the energy drinks by his bedside table, "Andi gave birth to Dereks child nine months later, at this point they had barley enough money to get by. She refused to her another job because she obsessed over who this kidnapper was and why she or anyone else couldn't find him."

Demetri pulled the tack out of the wall and pulled the newspaper from under it, "Andi made a statement to the police that she missed her daughter, Daisy Ruelf, growing up because of how she'd obsessed over this case for, get this, fourteen freakin years!"

"Damn." Robby said with a eyebrow raise, "Why was it so important to her?"

"Because nothing about the case made sense." Demetri spoke with a nod of his head, feeling heard finally, "It didn't make sense how one innocent little girl went missing and the second the wrong man is in jail, the sister goes missing. He could have chosen any other kid to make himself seem less likely to be the same kidnapped but he didn't, he wanted someone to find him, wanted that attention."

"Right." Robby nodded, looking at the wall quickly as he got more invested, "Wait, go back, why was she talking to the police? Did she find the guy?"

"They didn't find him, but they know exactly who he is." Demetri nodded with a grin, feeling suddenly proud, as he yanked the photo off the wall, "He was the one who kidnapped those two girls."

"Derek." Robby spoke, staring at the photo, "Her husband was the kidnapper? Holy shit."

"Exactly, he let the two girls go, from what i've gathered, they're back in Allentown." Demetri nodded, taking the photo back and laying it down on one of the books.

"I thought you said they didn't find him?" Robby asked with a odd look.

"He let the girls go, but not without something better." Demetri said as he yanked the police statement off the wall, "He wanted something bigger, something absolutely no one saw coming."

Robby looked down at the statement, reading it over a few times, "Derek Ruelf, the kidnapper of Annabeth and Allison March, lets the two girls go after confessing to his wife that he'd been the one to take them fifteen years ago. He hit her over the head, when she'd woke up Derek and their daughter, Daisy, where gone."

"And the note he left." Demetri said as he pulled it from the wall, "He tapped this to Andis head."

You'll never see her, as if you ever have before.

"He took his own daughter?" Robby asked in disbelief as he looked up at Demetri, "How's that even possible?"

"They looked everywhere in Pennsylvania, put up wanted posters, 24/7 police watches, road blocks. There was absolutely no trace of Derek or Daisy anywhere." Demetri said as he pointed to the blurry security cameras, "All they could make out was this blurry footage of two people, that somewhat matched their description, getting off on the trains in New Port, Rhode Island."

"New Port? That's where-" Robby began before he stopped, a sudden hit of realization hit him, "That's not- it can't be possible, it's a coincidence."

"Derek Ruelf kidnapped his own daughter in February of 2017, I did a research paper on the case for one of my classes. When Fleur showed up, I knew i'd seen her somewhere before, I was certain. You weren't there, but when she first got here she was running. I went by her house, she lives in a sketchy hotel with no parents and has only two bags." Demetri spoke as Robby stared at him, waiting for something to change, waiting for Demetri to tell him anything different, "I know you've seen how paranoid and on edge she constantly is, and her lack of knowledge that happened in the past two years."

"It's a coincidence." Robby spoke out loud, more to himself then Demetri.

"I wanted to think so too." Demetri said before he laid a piece of paper face down on the wall, "That was until I looked at Derek and Daisy's last name. Ruelf, now look at it backwards."


"Holy shit." Robby breathed out as he took a few steps backward, "Holy shit."

"And if you weren't convincing enough!" Demetri yelled out, yelled because he felt like everything made sense for once and he wasn't feeling like he was going insane. When Demetri turned the photo over, Robby fell on his bed with a loud breath and look of disbelief.

A wanted photo of a younger version of Fleur, kidnap victim by her own father, written right under it.

kylie speaks

holy shit this was
such a joy to write
and a relief! but now
that demetri knows,
and robby for that
matter, how is this
going to play over
with fleur?

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