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"Hey, do you know you're my best friend?" Fleur asked as her and Demetri walked out of the small shop, their chocolate flurries in their hands, "I've never had a best friend."

"Aw, Fleur. Am I really your best friend?" he gushed, hitting his spoon with hers, "Cheers."

"Yes, like literally. I mean, I love Robby and Sam, but we didn't bond the way we do." Fleur spoke, from her heart at that as she looked over her shoulder, "I just wanted to tell you."

Demetri paused as Fleur kept walking, stopping and looking back, "Why are you stopping?"

"What was that for?" he asked suddenly, a point of his finger, "Are you going somewhere?"

"Just back to my apartment." Fleur spoke with a odd look, "I was gonna drop you off at your-"

"No, not that." He waved her off with a huff, "You sound like you're saying bye, are you leaving? Because you can't just say i'm your best friend and that you think i'm the hottest person alive and then leave."

"I never said you were the hottest person alive." Fleur laughed at him as she held her flurry in one hand, "But i'll say it just to make you feel good about yourself."

"Fleur, i'm ser-" he began, a begging manor in his eye.

"Demetri, you are the hottest person alive." Fleur grinned as she nodded at him, "Now, you don't have to convince yourself I said it. Now lets go, I wanna know if Draco pusses out or actually kills Dumbledore."

Demetri sighed as he watched her start to walk off, back to her skateboard. She left him in the shitting lighting of the shop before he yelled out so she could hear, "Please don't go."

Fleur turned around, a sad look in her eye as she didn't bother changing the subject again. Demetri sighed as he waved his lanky arms slightly, "I don't want you to go. I like hanging out with you, and you're the only person in the world thats ever fully believed in me."

Fleur stared at him a moment, her left eye glistened, "I'm not going anywhere."

"Do you promise?" he asked her seriously, "You have to promise."

"I promise." she said immediately, a sad smile on her face as he grinned back.

Fleur gasped when she woke up, putting a hand on her heart. The knocking on the other side of her door caused a panic to form in her chest, getting out of bed. She clutched her fist by her side, pushing on her tip toes to see who was there. The fear disappeared but panic still stood when she saw who it was.

"I know you're in there, Fleur! Open up!" Demetri called out from the other side, "Your neighbors are not gonna like me yelling this early in the morning."

Fleur huffed as she pulled on a pair of pants, pushing some empty noodles into the trash can before pulling open the door. Demetri, who was clearly a morning person, stood on the other side with two pieces of paper in his arms. Fleur grabbed the front of his science tee, pulling him into the room and shutting the door behind her, "What are you doing here? My neighbors are insane, you're lucky they didn't bust your nose in."

"The fact that you even say that is exactly why i'm here." he spoke back, looking around at the hotel room that looked only one punch away from falling apart, "So this is where you live?"

"Judgment much?" Fleur scoffed at him in disbelief, locking her door back as he turned back to look at her.

"I'm not judging you for living here." he said with a stupid look her way, "I'm judging you for lying to me. You said you had parents. So unless you and your parents spoon every night in a twin size bed, you lied."

"For this reason exactly." Fleur snapped at him, more so because she was embarrassed more then anything, "It's really not any of your business, Demetri. Could you please leave?"

Demetri laughed in disbelief, "Absolutely not."

Fleur huffed as she stared at him, a shrug of her shoulders, "I'm not gonna apologize for lying about something that could get me in trouble with the police and put in a foster home. Is that what you want?"

"No!" he said quickly with wide eyes, "I just want you to be okay."

"I am okay. I've been taking care of myself all my life, this is exactly that." Fleur spoke as Demetri looked down when he saw her face was red in embarrassment and eyes suddenly full of emotions, "How'd you even figure it out?"

"I sort of robbed Mr.L." Demetri said as he held up the two papers, "The first one is your so called parents signature to join Miyagi Do and the second one is your signature on the receipt for the flurry yesterday. They're the exact same so I figured you wrote both."

Fleur had to snort, "Okay, Sherlock Holmes."

Demetri reddened as he gave a small smile, "I was just worried, that's why I over stepped."

"I think we're both well over over stepping." Fleur nodded with a tight lipped smile, "Are you gonna tell anyone?"

"I won't if you sleep at my house." Demetri spoke as Fleur gave him a absolutely insane look, making panic cross his eyes, "Not like that! On a air mattress, or i'll sleep on the air mattress! This part of town is dangerous and you can get your lock open with a bobby pin."

"I'm not sleeping at your house, are you crazy?" Fleur asked with a look of disbelief, heading toward her suit cases to grab a change of clothes.

"Well would you rather be murdered? Because the crime rate for this area is craz-" Demetri began before stopped when Fleur dropped her pajama pants, stepping out of them. Demetris eyes went wide as his jaw was nearly on the floor, watching her pull on the pair of black shorts before pulling a flannel over the tank she already wore. When she looked up, he looked away quickly, "I- What was I saying?"

"Dunno, I stopped listening when you starting saying I need to move in with you." Fleur rolled her eyes, heading to the open bathroom just two feet away and grabbing her tooth paste, "Is is sweet? Yes, so sweet. Is it stupid? So stupid! I'm perfectly fine here, moving in and causing a burden is the most insane idea you've ever had. And that's saying a lot."

"My mom doesn't care, she likes you!" Demetri said, falling on the tiny bed and watching her brush her teeth. Fleur, being oddly short, leaned over the sink more as she rolled her eyes his way in the mirror, "I can see you rolling your eyes."

Fleur spit out the toothpaste, "Good!"

"I didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice." Demetri declared as he rose to his feet with a huff, "You either take up my offer or i'm gonna have to tell Mr.Larusso."

"Demetri! What the hell?" Fleur asked him in disbelief, "No you aren't!"

"I'm worried about your safety, I absolutely will!" he spoke back with wide eyes, "I know something is going on, and whatever it is, you clearly want me to know."

Fleur stared at him, "Get out."

Demetri looked like he'd heard the most off the wall news he'd ever heard in his life, "What?"

"I said get out." Fleur repeated herself again, "You clearly don't get it like I thought you would, and I don't want to look at you right now."

"I do get it. Why can't you just talk to-" he began before the bathroom door shut, the lock going on the other side, "Fleur!"

"Go away, Demetri!" she called back as he huffed in disbelief, leaving the slips of paper on her bed as he rose to his feet. Demetri paused before he could reach the door, looking down at Fleurs suit case. He glanced back at the closed bathroom door before bending down and pulling out a small locket that laid on top. When Demetri flipped it open to look inside, his eyes widened.

The photo inside was of Fleur, she looked two or three years younger, her hair a dark black color and cut a lot shorter. She was smiling, her face pressed up to a mans face who was smiling alongside her. Demetri snapped the photo on his phone immediately, because he knew the man, he knew his face perfectly.

And he exact knew what he did back in February of 2017, in Easton Pennsylvania.

kylie speaks

just a filler chapter
but such an important

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