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THEY WATCHED AS VANA WAS TAKEN FROM THEM and led out to a ship. shock was written on their faces, but fear rose in their chests; what was going to happen to her given that she was a jedi?

"this...isn't good." tech was the first to speak, his eyes still focused on where vana once stood.

"no, it's not. how are we supposed to go through with the plan now?" echo anxiously asked, turning to his friends. hunter was silent; he had no idea what to do. he turned to his brothers and exhaled slowly.

"at least she's in. now we just have to figure out how we get inside, too." he softly commented. it shouldn't be that hard; the empire probably already knows where they are. so, what if they make themselves obvious?

"how are we gonna do that?" wrecker asked.

"well, there's no doubt in my mind the empire knows we're here. we have two options: get off the planet before they can find us or wait until they come back." tech states, his eyes flicking back down to his datapad.

"you really think she'll tell them where we are?" echo asked, anger creeping up into his chest.

"no, someone caught her with her lightsaber, meaning someone also saw us." tech further explained. it wasn't looking good for either party. vana could be killed the second she steps foot on whatever planet she's going to. they could be killed the second they're found. they were going to need to tweak the plan, as they always do.

"alright, so who else does the empire want besides the jedi?" omega spoke up this time, inferring that she'd be the bait they used.

"no no, no no no! we're not using the kid, that i'm not arguing on." hunter argued, staring his brothers dead in their faces. omega placed a hand on hunter's forearm, showing him that she wasn't afraid.

"it's the only way the kaminoans won't kill you guys. you will at least be alive to find vana and crosshair." omega tried to convince hunter that it was their only option, but he didn't like it. over the time omega had been with them, hunter felt himself growing attached to her. she was just a kid, living in a world that's constantly changing.

hunter didn't want to admit she had a point. omega was the only other thing that the empire wanted back. if they "handed her over," maybe they wouldn't be killed, maybe they'd just be imprisoned, and they could find crosshair and vana.

"she's right, you know," wrecker agreed solemnly. he had grown close to the girl, and he would hate to see her go, but he knew that to get their brother back, it was a must.

"we will come back for you, that's for certain. we go in, find vana and crosshair, grab omega and head back out. vana might be able to take the chip out of crosshair's head if we make it in time." hunter couldn't believe he agreed to this plan, but if anyone knew about reckless plans, it was the bad batch. the others nodded and decided that they'd leave and head to kamino themselves, 'giving' back omega.

omega didn't doubt that they'd come back for her, even though going back was scary for her. she took her hands out from behind her back, holding the twin lightsabers that vana gave her before she was arrested. omega told vana she'd take care of them, even though she had no idea how to use them.

"where'd you get those?" hunter asked, seeing the lightsaber hilts in omega's hands. the others turned to look, omega's small hands holding the delicately designed weapons.

"vana gave them to me before she was arrested. she said they're safer with us than the empire." omega explained. her voice wasn't as cheery as it usually was; there was a somber ring to it. while living on kamino, she had heard stories of what was done to the dead jedi's lightsabers; she didn't want vana's to suffer the same fate.

"how're we supposed to hide those? if we go in and are arrested, they'll take our weapons and anything on us." echo voiced. there were many factors they weren't considering, but he learned from his time with the bad batch that was normal.

"vana was trained on kamino, right? she had to have a room or something." omega was hopeful she'd make sure her lightsabers weren't destroyed.

"that room probably isn't what it used to be; it's worth a shot, though." hunter answered. ever since vana was arrested, anxiety shook hunter's chest. he knew she was a jedi and could handle herself, but instead of being a keeper of the peace, she's the enemy; he didn't want to get to kamino and see them carrying her body on a stretcher too.

after a long silence, it was decided they were going to leave. the five of them grabbed their things, quietly walked out of the house, and back to the havoc marauder. once onboard, the members of the bad batch sat uneasily in their seats.

"next stop, kamino."

AHHHHH ok so i wanted to get in another update before the week continues because home girl is BUSY. i'll be away working a horse show friday-sunday so i won't have time to update then. so here's a short little chapter that i'm not too proud of but here it is anyways. enjoy and remember i love you all!

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