09 ; waltz

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Ivy and Harlow made their way towards the back of the class. They hoped the farther away they were from their Headmistress, the less likely they'd be asked to dance. The Ravenclaws sat towards the right of the room, while the Gryffindors sat as far away as possible towards the left. The two houses didn't get along quite well after Ravenclaw won the match that caused the Gryffindor team to lose the quidditch cup the previous year. Unfortunately for the two houses, there was no getting out of this lesson.

"I can not believe I am spending my free period doing this." Harlow groaned. "This time was dedicated towards my beauty sleep."

"If I don't pass my O.W.Ls this year, I'm blaming it on this stupid ball." Ivy replied.

The two continued to have small talk until they heard the doors opening. Their Headmistress came in with a big smile on her face. She wasn't a fan of the tournament, but she loved teaching the students the annual waltz, and even though she wouldn't admit it, she did love to embarrass a few of the kids for her own amusement.

"Hello everyone." McGonagall greeted as she entered the room. "I hope you all are as excited as I am." She joked.

She soon took notice to the glares being sent from each house. The Headmistress wasn't one to believe in house supremacy, in fact she actually hated that some students wouldn't talk to each other because of their house. A splendid, but awful for the students, idea popped into her head. She quickly took into account of how many students there were, and created a long list of partners.

The smirk growing on the Headmistress' face soon caught Ivy's attention. She had hoped that Harlow and her could pair up to learn the waltz, but she soon realized her wish wouldn't be granted today. In fact her nightmare would be granted instead.

"I don't like the look on her face." Ivy whispered towards Harlow. "She's sneaky, who knows what she has up her sleeve."

Harlow looked towards McGonagall realizing the smirk she was wearing. "I swear if I am paired up with one of the boys," Harlow groaned. "she knows my hatred for men hopefully she'll take that into consideration."

"Listen up you lot." McGonagall called out towards the students. "You know how much I love when houses get along with each other, don't you?"

A couple of groans were let out by different students knowing where this was headed. Some students even tried making their way out towards the side doors, but were unsuccessful as soon as they caught her eye.

"Headmistress!" Fred called out raising his hand pretending to be well-mannered.

"No Fred there will be no exceptions." McGonagall replied not bothering to here his question.

"Headmistress I believe I am allergic to feathers, therefore I will not be able to be paired with a Ravenclaw." Fred stated. "I would hate to miss the waltz because of my allergies."

"You do realize we aren't birds." A Ravenclaw called out. "That's like saying you're a lion, and lets be honest you are no where near a lion."

"You take that back!" Fred called out. "I'll have you know I am very majestic, strong, and courageous."

McGonagall rolled her eyes annoyed of the bickering. "Fred and Lila that will be enough." She said glaring in between the two. "You two can continue this argument as partners."



"I won't be repeating myself." She said looking back towards her board. "Also what have I told you about that nickname."

"I think it suits you well."

"Get to that dance floor Weasley."

The Gryffindor and Ravenclaw made their way towards the center of the room waiting for the rest of the students to be called. James gave a thumbs up towards Fred, but all he received was a middle finger.

"I assume the rest of you all know the pattern." McGonagall began. "Next off we have Roxanne Weasley and Kaleb Doorsmith."

Harlow and Ivy patiently waited for their names to be called out. Ivy thought of many things she could do to get out of this situation, but she knew she wouldn't go through with any of them.

"Mrs.Nyx," The Headmistress called out catching Harlow's attention. "you are very persistent on letting me know your hatred for man kind, and since I don't want a boy jinxed today you can pair up with Mrs.McKeen."

"At least it's a girl." Harlow told Ivy before making her way towards where the Gryffindor girl was standing. Ivy watched as they began to engage into a simple conversation. Her thoughts were soon interrupted once she heard the Headmistress call out a certain name.

"Mr.Potter." McGonagall called out.

"Your favorite student is here." James said kneeling on one knee kissing the Headmistress' hand.

"Do not joke around James, I already had enough with your cousin." McGonagall said swatting his hand away. "Go ahead and kiss Mrs.Blane's hand, she'll be your partner for today."

Ivy's eyes widen hearing what the Headmistress had just said. Although she wasn't overjoyed, she had seen it coming. There were only a few students left, and she rather have James than one of the other Gryffindor boys who thought they were big-shots, well then again James thought he was one too.

James made his way towards Ivy getting on one knee. He knew how much she hated attention, and thought it'd be funny to cause a scene. He was dreading having to dance with her, so why not make the most of it.

"Lennon Blane will you take my hand in marriage." James stated slipping a piece of loose string from his uniform around her ring finger.

Ivy rolled her eyes unamused of his actions. "Stop trying to be funny, and get your arse up." She replied swatting his hand away.

"Two girls rejected you in the span of five minutes James, you're losing your touch." Fred called out from the other side of the room.

James rolled his eyes before standing up. He watched as Ivy picked at her nails, a habit he had seen her pick up on.

James started to notice everyone grabbing their partners by the waist. "Shall we my lady." James told Ivy as he extended his hand.

"We shall not," Ivy grumbled. "but it seems like I don't have a choice." She finished placing her arms around James.


"That went better than I expected." Harlow said as they made their way out of the room.

"Speak for yourself." Ivy scoffed.

Ivy had spent the last hour dancing with James, at first she thought it'd go smoothly considering James knew how to dance, but she was very wrong. The boy pretended as if he had no clue to what he was doing, he constantly stepped on her toes and made her fall not only once, but twice. They bickered the entire time and Ivy sent a jinx towards his feet causing him to go out of control. It was a miracle the two hadn't ended up in detention.

"Lennon you owe me a pair of new shoes." James called out making his way towards the pair, Fred following not far behind. "You ruined them with that jinx you sent."

"There wouldn't be no jinx if you hadn't have dropped me twice." Ivy argued. "Also I know those are your favorite pair, why do you think I was even more tempted to send the jinx. It was quite funny don't you think Harlow?"

"I agree Ivy, seeing James humiliate himself is truly the high light of my day." Harlow replied.

"You two think you're funny don't you?" James questioned.

"We have our moments." Harlow snickered.

"Watch your back Lennon, I have a prank with your name written on it." James said. "How do you feel about blue hair?"

"I think I'd rock it, right Harlow?" Ivy replied not wanting to feed on to James' tricks.

"You'd rock anything." Harlow said wrapping an arm around her bestfriend.

"You two are giving me a headache." James said massaging his temple. "Fred do you have firewhiskey back at the dorm?"

"Always do."

"That is our cue," Ivy said. "We will leave the two horny teenagers to act cool and get drunk in the middle of the day." Ivy finished turning her back on the two Gryffindors.

"Watch your back Lennon."


which was your
favorite harry
potter movie?

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