22 ; soft kisses

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"Where are you going?" James exclaimed chasing after the girl who had unexpectedly ran out of the house. He wasn't sure what was going on, but as soon as he saw the tears that laid on her cheeks his first extinct was to make sure she was okay. "Lennon you can't go anywhere, just wait!" He yelled out once more as he continued to run after her in the woods that sat behind his house.

Ivy heard his yells, but chose to ignore him. She was still trying to process everything his father had told her, and the fact that he had kept it a secret all this time. She felt more hurt than anger, he knew an important piece of who she was, yet he hadn't shared it with her until she brought it up. He knew about her curiosity of her mother and what she was like, yet he sat listening to her rants knowing her mother all along, she couldn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it.

"Since when can you run this fast?" James called out, out of breath. He was on the bloody quidditch team and she hadn't done a day of cardio in her life, why was it so difficult to catch up to her. "Lennon please just talk to me."

Ivy finally stopped letting James catch up to her. She wasn't sure what to do about him, would he think of her differently if he knew? Even if her mom did the right thing at the end, she still wore the Dark Mark, she was a Death Eater at one point. Ivy didn't want to ruin things with James, sure they weren't exactly an item, but they were growing closer, not something she'd ever thought she'd say. He made her feel some type of way, she loved it and hated it at the same time. She had never thought she'd be the type to fall for a rich slightly conceited jock, yet here she was with James Sirius Potter, a person she thought she'd hate not love.

"There's nothing to talk to about James. I'm being a bit dramatic, we can head back to Hogwarts now." She sighed turning towards him, he wore a face indicating he didn't believe a word she had just said. "James I'm fine."

"I may be clueless when it comes to girls, but I know you're not fine." He said inching closer towards her. "You know you can tell me anything, right? No matter how far you push me away I'm always going to pull you back. I learned my lesson the first time, I'm not making the mistake again. Please just tell me, I hate seeing you like this." He finished wiping a tear off her cheek.

As much as she wanted to pour her heart out to him, she couldn't, she just couldn't. "James I can't." She said taking a step back, but just like he had said, he pulled her back.

"No. I'm not going to do this again Lennon, we do the same thing every time. Either you get angry or I get angry, then we both just push each other away because it seems like thats the easiest thing to do. I don't want that anymore, we're going to have to talk to each other if this is going to work." He said holding her face with the palm of his hand caressing her cheek. "Lennon I really like you, I thought I didn't have to say it to your face, it was quite obvious, but since it seems as you didn't catch the hint, I James Sirius Potter really, really like Ivy Lennon Blane."

"How are you sure of that James." She replied in a low whisper looking down scared of meeting his eyes. He didn't know the real her, would he like her after finding about her mother and that she can talk to fucking snakes. "You don't even know me James."

"I don't know you?" James said with a scoff. "You sleep with a night light because you're terrified of the dark, but you cover it up by saying it's for your cat. You hate donuts and throw up if you're in a ten mile radius of them, including anything seafood. The first time you flew a broom, which was with me, you chipped a tooth, so you refused to fly one ever again, but you made an exception first year because you were scared of failing. You bite your nails when you're nervous, scared, anxious, and you blame the weather for the blush that creeps on your cheeks when you're with me. You carry all your problems on your back refusing to ask anyone for help, when you clearly need it. You're too afraid to ask because you feel as if you're being needy and annoying. Although you say you despise my pranks, you smile at least a little every time because you're filled with acceleration. Lastly you're scared to be with me because you've never felt this way for anyone else, you're afraid I'm going to get up and leave, but little do you know I'm terrified as well because never have I cared about a person so much it could kill me."

Ivy stood there shocked at his rant, never had she would have guessed James noticed all the small details about her, out of all people. Never would she have guessed James was poetic and knew exactly what to say to get her heart racing, and never would she have guessed he liked her that much, but he did, he really did. "James I... I don't know what to say." She replied lost of words, leave it to him to leave her breathless.

"You know I keep repeating what Hugo said to me one day." He said looking down at her with adoration. "He told me one night in our common room that we were both complete idiots. We hid our feelings for one another with hatred, instead of coming to terms to the fact. We both dismissed the idea and just swore to be sworn enemies. Although I wanted to slap him, I think he was right. You've always laid somewhere in my heart and invaded my thoughts, surely you've known?"

For a second she stared up at his eyes which were filled with curiosity and worry as to what she was going to say next. The thing is she didn't intend to say anything, she couldn't really, so taking a risk she opted for the next best option. Slowly grabbing his face and standing on her tippy toes she placed her lips on his.

James stood frozen shocked of her sudden actions, he had thought about this moment since the ball and it was finally happening.

"You're supposed to move." She whispered against his lips teasingly.

Suddenly being pulled out from shock, James snaked his arms around her head responding to the kiss she initiated. Her lips were soft and tasted like cherry, his new favorite flavor, fire whiskey had nothing on her.

Goosebumps crawled on her arms spiking her hairs as he deepen the kiss further. She completely tuned out the rest of the world putting her sole focus on the boy that stood in front of her, and she was okay with that. For the first time in a while she felt a genuine smile form on her lips.

The two sat against a log for the remainder of the night stealing soft kisses, and even though others were probably worried sick about the disapperance of the two, they decided to save the lectures for later. All they cared about that night were each other.


please check out my regulus black fan fic!


also i better see no smut
comments because they're
both minors 🤺

but yeah i wasn't going to
update because i don't have
wifi because of the power outage
in texas but i came to my
grandmas and wrote
just for y'all!!

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