28: Back at School

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It was back to school for the students of Class 1-A in the Hero Course. I walked into my classroom and took my usual seat. "Well, you look great!" Sero says sarcastically. I was not looking great my hair was frizzing from the heat and my eyes had dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep I got. "Why thank you..." I retort. Mr. Aizawa came into class. I fell asleep about halfway through him talking about finals and a training camp in the woods. I felt a shake on my shoulder. I look up to see Mina. "You fell asleep! Also, it's lunchtime!" She smiles.ย 

I stand and walk with my class to the lunchroom. I wasn't really hungry so I take some rice with broccoli. I walk over to the table the Bakusquad sat at and take the seat next to Mina. "Did you sleep last night?" Kaminari asked. "Nope...zero sleep none nada," I say holding a thumbs down. I look over to Bakugo and see that his hair has been slicked down which I was shocked as his hair is usually up like a porcupine. "What happened to you? Your mom try a new hairstyle on you?" I ask trying to hold my laughter back.

"Shut it lamb face!" He yells. I let out my laughter to which the boy yells at me. "Haha! I mean you look better! More-more...haha! Sufistocated!" I laugh. "Shut the hell up sheep face!!" The boy yells. After lunch, we had close combat training which I was honestly excited for since that was something I had learned. Our groups were set and I was against Bakugo which I was a little scared of. We stood in a drawn circle against our opponent and we didn't have to stay inside the circle but we had to try to. I was first against Bakugo. Hmm well, this'll be interesting... I say to myself mentally rolling my eyes.ย 

I walk into the circle and look at my opponent. He has a smug look across his face. Once the buzzer he shoots an explosion at me which I dodge before it can hit me. Everyone else who was watching gasps. He runs at me and I catch his wrist slamming it to the ground. I use my sleep quirk and put him out and walk away. Before I can walk back to the class he wakes up. I could hear him throw an explosion at me and I twist my body to the side dodging it. That's it you've pressed my buttons! I say to myself. I draw out a triangle with a sharp tip and wait until he gets close to me and I stab his shirt to the ground pinning him.

"Bitch!" He says trying to remove the pin. "I'm a sheep, not a dog." I smirk. He stands up and runs at me. I grab my fist and jab my elbow into his stomach pushing him back. "Turns out I did learn a thing or two from my internship and you couldn't beat me. Wow looks like Mr. I wanna be number one just got beat...and by a girl non the less!" I laugh as our teacher calls time. I walk back to stand with my class while Bakugo was sent to Recovery Girl. "Iris! That was super badass!" Mina says. "Thanks!" I smile. "Where'd you learn all that stuff?" Kaminari asks. "Yeah? You beat Bakubro and with not even a bruise." Kirishima says.ย 

"You guys forget! Young Cotton has a third-year brother! She probably picked a thing or to up from him." All Might, our teacher, says reminding my classmates. We watch the next matches and then we had the end of the day. The 1-A girls and I were going to study at Momo's house for the finals even though they weren't for a while we wanted to get ahead. I went home and changed into some comfy clothes. I put on a light pink hoodie that has three stars on it and a pair of black leggings with some white shoes. I get a message on my phone and pick it up. It was from that Willow girl and I responded.

I then put my phone back and grab my backpack with my books in it. I take the train to the address Momo gave the girls and me and come to a mansion. Wow! This is huge! But I forget Momo's one of the rich kids. I say to myself. The other girls were there and it was just me they were waiting for. The huge gates open and I am greeted at the front door by a maid? She offers to take my shoes but I say that she doesn't have to. I put my shoes with the rest and put on a pair of house shoes I was offered. All of us sit in a great hall? Or dining room? I can't tell it's so big. Momo comes in with a fancy cart that has a variety of teas on it.

"Wow, that's a lot Momo!" Mina says. "Yeah we couldn't possibly hassle you with that we're only here to study." Jiro sighs. "It's fine truly it's the first time I've had my friends over to my house and I wanted to make it special!" The black-haired girl says. We all take some tea and begin studying. We covered basic subjects like Japanese, Math, Science, Heroics (yes heroics), History, and English. I helped out with the English since I spoke it fluently even though Japanese is, I consider, my first language because it's what I use the most.ย 

After studying Mina and Ochaco walk with me home. We have a small dinner before they leave and I run up to my room to hassle my brother with questions. I sit at his desk and look him in the eyes as though I am interrogating him. "Um, are you gonna ask your questions or just stare at me?" He asks. "Ha, just messing with you! I wanted to ask what you did for finals in your first year?" I ask. "Well, we fought robots so that might be what you guys are doing. Also, I have some news..." He says. "OOOO! Do tell!" I smile. "Remember when you said I had a crush on Nejire?" He asks.ย 

Oooooo did he ask her out??? I ask myself. "Yes!" I smile. "Well, she asked me if I would like to get lunch this weekend and hang out...Iris! I have no idea what to do please help me!!!" He whines. "Well damn I've never seen you like this...and she asked you out? I ask. "Yes, but I have no idea what to do! Do I bring her flowers? Do I dress nice? What do I do?" He says. "Ok, ok first thing you need to do is calm the hell down. Next is, she knows you it's not like it's a blind date! What you're gonna do is dress casual but not too casual look just a little nice. And you don't need to bring her a whole bouquet maybe just a rose! And whatever you do...DO not and I repeat do not let her walk home alone!" I say.

"What's wrong with that?" He asks. Does this boy not pay any attention to the romance animes I watch with him? I ask myself face palming myself. "It's not a good impression! You might know her parents but you do not ever and I mean ever let her walk home alone after a date! Always offer to drive her or walk with her." I say. He goes over with me what he will do, and then I go back to my room changing and falling asleep.


ok, we are done here yay! Also, I have a ship name for Ricky and Nejire!!! How does โœจNejiRickโœจ sound?! If not send me some I might use them๐Ÿ˜Œย 

P.S. Here's a clip that I found that could show the move Iris pulled on Bakugo in their fight

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