Chapter 5

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Lola arrives in New York City, she gets in a yellow cab at the airport and makes her way over to the apartment she once shared with her close friend. She hadn't stepped foot in this city since the early nineties and had no intentions of being back here. Lola walks over to the window and takes a big sigh.

Lola can't help but think she was never going to see her brothers again. Klaus had found her, and he isn't the type of person to just have a little catch up and then let you leave. He will either force you to stay with him, or he will kill you.

Lola's history with Klaus makes her automatically think he is going to kill her as soon as he sees her. Lola shakes her head to stop her little pity party of one and shapes herself up. If this was the day she was going to get killed, she could at least look the part. Lola grabs her bag and makes her way over to Fifth Avenue to have one last shopping trip.

After an hour or so of shopping, Lola arrives back to the hotel and she starts to get ready. Once she is all dressed she looks into the mirror staring at herself, mentally telling herself to stay calm. After calming herself down, she makes it towards the cafe where she is meeting Klaus.

Lola is walking through Central Park towards the cafe when her phone rings, she stops walking and grabs her phone out of her bag and sees it's another number she hasn't got saved.

"Hello?" Lola says through her phone.

"Hello Charlotte." The familiar voice replies to Lola.

"Well if it isn't Miss Katherine. So I guess you have decided to stop avoiding me then?" Lola rolls her eyes and she takes a seat on a bench.

"I know you're in New York." Katherine responds.

"Aw Kat, straight to the point then? I was half hoping we would catch up on the last 147 years." Lola sarcastically responds.

"Look, I know you're pissed at me because of the whole faking my death, making people believe I was in the tomb, blah blah blah."

"Actually no that's not it. What I am pissed at is that the first thing you decide to do after you come back is you decide to make my brother's lives a living hell. Again." Lola snaps back.

"I know you're meeting with Klaus." Katherine says back, avoiding the heated conversation Lola started.

"How the hell do you know that?" Lola says.

Katherine scoffs, "Please, I'm Katherine Pierce. I have eyes and ears everywhere."

Lola moans "God I don't remember you being this annoying. What do you want Katherine?"

"Missed you too. I want to make a deal." Katherine says.

Lola raises her eyebrow at Katherine's response, "What do you mean a deal?"

"I want you to not tell Klaus you know I'm alive or where I am."

Lola laughs "Of course I'm not going to tell him that!"

Katherine pauses for a second, 'Wait you're not? Why?" Katherine says in a shocked tone.

"No, I'm not going to tell him! Because if he finds out you're alive, the first place he will look is the tomb he thought your sorry ass has been in and where is that tomb? Mystic Falls. Who is in Mystic Falls? My brothers and the doppleganger. So no. I'm not mentioning any of this to Klaus." Lola says.

There is no response from Katherine's end which makes Lola laugh "Oh sweetie, you really thought I wasn't going to tell him because you asked me to? Please, I'm Lola Salvatore, once you have stabbed me in the back, there's no going back to how it was before."

"How do I know you won't just say about me being alive and miss out the part about your brothers and Elena?"

"Are you deaf? I'm not going to say anything." Lola snaps.

"Then what are you going to say when you see him?" Katherine asks, is she really pretending to give a shit about Lola right now?

"What do you care?"

"Lola, look I know I lied to you, but we were friends before that night and I just want to make sure you know what you're going up against." Katherine says calmly.

"I don't know okay?" Lola shouts, she looks up from the bench she was sitting at and notices people are looking at her, she calms down and continues "I don't know what he wants, but I have a pretty strong feeling he is here to kill me."

Katherine hesitates first, "I know the history you have with him, I'd be really surprised if he was there to kill you."

"I don't have time for this, I need to go. Just don't tell my brothers where I am or who I'm meeting and I won't tell Klaus about you. Deal?" Lola asks.

"Okay. Fine." Katherine says and hangs up.

Lola composes herself and then continues to walk to the cafe. It was such a lovely sunny day, so once Lola arrived at the cafe she took a seat outside. Lola sits and goes on her phone to text Damon, he has been blowing up her phone ever since she left to make sure she is okay.

She was just about to text back when a teenager walks up to her with a camera and just stares at her. Lola looks up to the girl and looks her up and down with a raised eyebrow. The girl speaks up and says "You look amazing, can I take a picture of you to put on my fashion blog?"

Lola looks at the girl with a blank expression and says "No. Of course not. Don't be pathetic."

The girl looks embarrassed and then starts to walk away and Lola shouts towards her "Get a real life!" Lola scoffs and then turns back around to text Damon:

Hey D. I'm okay don't worry, I'll ring you tonight x

"Hello love." Klaus says behind Lola which causes Lola's shoulders to tense up.


I've been sitting at a distance from the cafe for a while now. I didn't want to make myself known until I knew for sure she would arrive. I pray that she turns up, I've never wanted to admit it but god have I missed Lola, she brought out a side of me that I didn't even know existed until I met her, she made me a better person.

Suddenly, she appears, I see her walking into the cafe and taking a seat outside. I had to remind myself to breathe as I watched her, she took my breath away. Lola was still just as beautiful as I remember, her beauty lets out this great bright aura around her.

I compose myself and I'm just about to walk up to her when a young girl approaches her, I stop in my tracks and listen in to what they're saying. I laugh to myself at Lola's response to the young girl, she is still the same Lola I fell in love with all those years ago.

Once the girl leaves, I make my way over to Lola. "Hello love." I say standing behind Lola, I see her tense up once she heard my voice, I hate that I make her feel this way.

I walk around the table and take a seat opposite Lola, she looks up and we make eye contact, I get lost in her eyes until she speaks "Klaus." She says through gritted teeth, I hate that she calls me that, it doesn't sound right Lola calling me anything other than Nik.

"You've changed your hair. I like it." I was used to seeing her with natural dark blonde/brown hair, but she has got lighter bits of blonde mixed with the dark coloured hair, she really suited it.

Lola rolls her eyes at my compliment, "Yeah well, being alive for over a century does that to a girl."

Lola starts tapping her leg up and down underneath the table as though she is nervous, I couldn't help but smile at the thought I still make her nervous, "You don't have to be nervous around me love."

Lola flashes me one of her famous smirks and says "Oh I'm not nervous. No, I'm just trying to fight the urge of stabbing you with my fork."

I couldn't help but laugh at her sassy attitude, "You haven't changed Lola."

"I'm not here to make small talk, Klaus, or take a trip down memory lane. I know you want to kill me so just get it over with." Lola snaps and then sits back in her seat with her arms crossed against her chest. Lola now refuses to give me eye contact, I know she does this when she is feeling uncomfortable.

I looked over at her shocked, did she really think I wanted to kill her? Before I could react to her response, I get a sharp pain in my hand. I groan in pain as I look down and see that Lola has stabbed my hand with her bloody fork. Of course she did. When I looked up she was gone. Shit.

I groan as I pull the fork out of my hand, I stand up to see everyone sat in the cafe looking at me in horror. She planned this, she planned to hurt me in some way and then escape and then I would have to deal with witnesses by compelling them to forget everything they seen. She's a clever girl.

Back to third person:

Lola rushes back to the apartment and starts to vamp speed round the room and quickly packs her bags. She has to get out of there before Klaus figures out she is staying here. If he didn't want to kill her, there is no doubt that he wants to after the little stunt Lola pulled. Lola grabs all her bags and makes her way towards the door, when she opens the door, Klaus is there waiting leaning against the frame with a cocky smirk on his face.

"You're slacking Lola. If you didn't want me to find you then maybe you should have picked a different place to stay." Klaus says with a very smug face.

Lola just rolls her eyes, drops her bags and walks back into the room. "Just tell me what you want, Klaus." Lola takes a seat on the couch.

Klaus walks into the room and closes the door behind him, while he is facing the door he asks "So how's Stefan?" He then turns to look at Lola with a raised eyebrow.

Lola looks away from him and shrugs "Your guess is as good as mine. I haven't seen him in years."

"Oh really?" Klaus walks over to where Lola is sat and crouches down so he is eye level with Lola and pulls her face so she is looking at him. "I know you've been in Mystic Falls."

Lola smiles and then removes Klaus' hand from her face, she stands up and walks towards the window and looks out of it, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Klaus vamp speeds towards her and turns Lola around so she is facing him again and he pins her against the window. "Don't lie to me!" Klaus growls.

Lola laughs and easily gets out of Klaus' hold and then walks towards her bags to pick them up. "That man who spoke to you on the plane to Chicago." Klaus says.

Lola stops walking, still having her back to Klaus as he continues to talk "His name is Daniel. I've had him following you for a while now."

Lola scoffs and rolls her eyes, she turns to look at Klaus and glares at him, "Of course you have."

Klaus smirks, "Of course I have. He informed me that you were in fact in Mystic Falls, only for less than a day though, which is odd. Then you made your way back to Chicago where you went to see my favourite witch."

Lola continues to glare at Klaus, "So this is what you wanted to meet up about? You just wanted to tell me about myย  whereabouts you write in yourย  precious little diary?"

Klaus looks at Lola with a blank expression, "So, I'll ask again, how's Stefan?"

Lola looks to the side and raises both her eyebrows and pouts her lips to look like she is thinking about her answer, "He's doing a lot better since he stopped hanging around you." Lola then looks over to Klaus with a blank expression, "We both have."

Klaus looks down to the floor, his face is showing he was hurt by Lola's comment. Klaus looks back up at Lola and glares at her, "You're protecting someone." He slowly walks towards her inches apart from each other, "And I'm going to find out who."

Lola stares into Klaus' eyes and then gives Klaus her famous smirk, "Well good luck with that." She walks back towards her bags and grabs them and goes to open the door, she knows after the attitude she has given Klaus he isn't going to follow her. Klaus has known Lola for long enough to not push her when she is like this, even the most powerful vampire in the world knows to back down to Lola sometimes.

Lola opens the door and then turns back over to Klaus and says "Well, nice catching up, Klaus." She turns her back and then walks out the door and shouts back, "Smell ya later." Lola walks over to the elevator with a smirk on her face, she's back.

Lola signals for a cab and then gets into one and tells the driver to take her to JFK. Lola looks at her phone and sees she has multiple missed calls off both her brothers. Just when she is about to ring one of them back, Stefan calls her again.

Stefan explains to Lola everything that has happened in Mystic Falls while she's been gone, he explains that Mason told Sheriff Forbes about Lola and her siblings being vampires which resulted in Damon and Stefan almost getting killed. Lola hates herself for not being there when her brothers needed her. She says to Stefan she is on her way back to Mystic Falls now and she'll be there as soon as she can.

Once Lola arrives at JFK, the woman at the ticket counter says there are no flights to Virginia for 3 days. Mystic Falls is only roughly 6 hours away from New York via car, Lola looks at her watch and it's getting late so she decides to stay in the airport hotel and then she will set off to go to Mystic Falls tomorrow.

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