Chapter 6

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Plan B

Lola arrives back in Mystic Falls, she drives straight to the boarding house. She grabs her bags out of the car and walks into the house. She looks around with a raised eyebrow and uses her vamp hearing to see if anyone is home, she can hear Damon and Jeremy in the library and she can hear footsteps, she looks down the hall and can see Caroline walking towards the basement.

Lola vamp speeds over to Caroline which makes her jump. "Oh my god! Lola, what the hell?!" Caroline shouts.

Lola giggles, "Sorry, I couldn't resist. Stefan told me about what happened yesterday, how's your mom?"

Caroline looks down and sighs then looks back to Lola and gives her a fake smile "Okay, I guess. We're just keeping her here until the vervain leaves her system so I can compel her to forget."

Lola isn't one to comfort people, it's not her style but she could tell Caroline was struggling. "It will all be okay Caroline. You and your mom will get through this."

Caroline gives Lola a genuine smile, "Thank you, that means a lot. How was your trip?"

Lola rolls her eyes "A waste of time, but I'm back now, I'm not leaving again."

Caroline says "That's good, your brothers really struggled not having you here even though they wouldn't admit it."

Lola scoffs, "Well that's what us Salvatore's are like." Lola smiles at Caroline, "Give me a shout if you need any help."

Caroline smiles and nods then walks towards the basement. Lola walks back going towards the library when she bumps into Alaric who is walking into the house with a box full of Isobel's research.

"Ric!" Lola says making Alaric turn to look at her and he smiles.

"Glad to see you back, we need your help." Alaric says as they walk into the library.

They both walk into the library to see Damon and Jeremy. Damon looks up and can only see Alaric at first and he shouts "Ric!" Alaric notices Jeremy and walks over to him and that's when Lola comes into Damon's view.

Damon rushes over to Lola and gives her a big hug and says "I am so glad to see you, thank god you're back."

Lola smiles and looks up at her big brother "I'm glad I'm back too."

Their conversation is interrupted when Alaric asks Jeremy "What are you doing here?"

"Helping Damon. I'm the one who found out about the moonstone." Jeremy says, he looks over to Lola and smiles awkwardly, they only briefly met when Lola was over at the Gilbert's house a few days ago.

Alaric looks over to Damon with a raised eyebrow and Damon shrugs his shoulders. Alaric turns back to look at Jeremy, "Does Elena know you're here?"

"Er, not exactly."

"What you got?" Damon asks while he watches over his sister searching through the box and she takes out a book and hands it over to Damon.

"This is Isobel research's from Duke. Her assistant sent it to me." Alaric says.

"Mmm, Vanessa. The hottie." Damon says smirking which makes Lola roll her eyes.

Alaric takes the book out of Damon's hand, "Vanessa, yes. Now, do you remember the old Aztec curse she told us about?"

"Sun and the moon, blah blah blah blah blah." Damon says rolling his eyes. Lola looks at them all in shock, she remembers Klaus talking to her about this years ago.

Jeremy walks over to them all to join in on the conversation "An Aztec curse? Cool."

"Yeah, supposedly vampires and werewolves used to roam freely until a shaman put a curse on them to limit their power. Since then, werewolves can only turn on a full moon and vampires are weakened by the sun."

Damon and Lola both wiggle their fingers at the same time, showing off both of their daylight rings and smirk at each other. "Most of them, anyway." Lola says.

"According to the legend, the werewolf part of the curse is sealed with the moonstone." Alaric says and then shows Jeremy a map, Jeremy takes it and looks at it, it has pictures showing the story of the Sun and the Moon curse.

"What do you mean sealed?" Jeremy asks Alaric.

"It's a witch thing, whatever seals the curse is usually the key to unsealing the curse." Damon points out.

"Maybe Mason Lockwood believes he can use the moonstone to break the curse." Alaric suggests.

"If we start believing in some supernatural witchy-woo legend from a picture book, we're idiots. Who has the stone now?" Damon asks the group.

"Tyler." Jeremy says.

"Can you get it?" Damon asks while taking a few steps towards Jeremy.


"See, now your life has purpose." Damon says in a sarcastic tone which makes Lola hit him against his arm to stop being a dick.

"So, you do believe it?" Jeremy asks looking at both Damon and Lola.

"It's the same book that says a werewolf bite kills a vampire. Ignoring it would make me an even bigger idiot. Let's go." Damon says, he finishes his drink and puts his hand on Lola's back indicating he wants her to follow him which she does.


Damon and Lola make their way over to the Lockwood's property where people are setting up for the masquerade ball that is happening tomorrow night. Jeremy tagged along with them both. They spot Elena sorting out masks and they make their way over to her.

Elena notices them, she smiles at Lola and says "Lola! You're back!" She looks between both Lola and Damon knowing something is happening and says "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for our baby bro." Lola says.

"Speaking of, would you tell yours to stop following us around?" Damon says as he is getting annoyed of being the little Gilbert babysitter.

"What's going on?" Elena asks both the Salvatore's.

"Ask eager beaver." Lola says, Damon spots Stefan and taps on Lola on the arm and they both walk over to him, as they leave Jeremy walks over to Elena.

They walk up to Stefan and he notices them both and smiles at Lola and rushes over to her and gives her a big hug. Stefan is so happy to be seeing his big sister again, he was worried after the incident with the Sheriff he and Damon wouldn't see her again.

Stefan then tells both of his siblings about what Bonnie told him earlier. How when she accidentally bumped Mason she got a vision of him with who she thought was Elena but it was Katherine.

"Katherine's with Mason Lockwood?" Lola asks with a raised eyebrow.

"We missed it. He got into town right after she did. It makes perfect sense." Stefan says

"I know, but Mason Lockwood?! Werewolf thing aside, the guy is a surfer. She's got to be using him. She has to be." Damon scoffs making Lola laugh.

"Using him for what?" Stefan asks.

"Mason Lockwood's looking for a moonstone that allegedly can break the full moon werewolf curse. Maybe Katherine wants it as well." Damon says while pacing up and down.

"Why?" Stefan asks.

" idea." Damon says.

"That's the beauty of Katherine; she's always up to something." Lola says rolling her eyes.

"So, how are we gonna find this moonstone?" Stefan asks them both.

"Jeremy is getting it from Tyler." Damon says."Why would you involve Jeremy?" Stefan snaps at Damon and slaps him on the arm and continues to walk away.

"He's playing Indiana Jones. He involved himself." Shouts over to Stefan as he walks away, Stefan looks back at them both and shakes his head causing Damon to scoff.


Matt and Tyler were talking, once Matt walks away, Jeremy approaches Tyler.

"Hey man." Jeremy says as he walks over to Tyler.

"Hey!" Tyler answers back as he is sorting out decorations.

"Hey, so I did a little research on that stone you showed me." Jeremy says.

"What? Why?" Tyler asks as he turns to look at Jeremy.

"I don't know. Curiosity, boredom."

"What did it say?" Tyler asks now that Jeremy has his full attention.

"Well, it turns out that it's part of this Aztec legend but I want to make sure it's the same kind of stone. You think I could check it out again?" Jeremy asks.

"Nope." Tyler shakes his head, "I gave it to my uncle." Tyler then starts to walk away.

"Why did you do that?" Jeremy asks turning to face the direction Tyler is walking.

"Because I'm done with legends and curses. I don't want anything to do with it, okay?" Tyler says as he faces Jeremy.

Jeremy fake laughs "Yeah, yeah sure. It's probably...Just, uh, stupid folklore anyways. Forget it." They both walk away from each other.

Lola, Stefan and Damon have been listening to the entire conversation. They look at each other. Damon is pissed, but Stefan and Lola just shrug it off. They walk away and go to find Bonnie.

Lola is walking ahead of everyone, Damon is following and has Bonnie's arm in his grasp while Stefan is walking behind texting Elena.

"Okay. This is as far as I go." Bonnie says as she stops walking, Damon lets go of her.

"Okay." Damon says.

"What do you want?" Bonnie asks all three of them.

"A favor." Damon says.

Bonnie scoffs "Like that's gonna happen."

Damon rolls his eyes, "So predictable." He looks over to his siblings, "That's why I brought these two."

"I know how you feel about helping us out, but since you're the one that linked Mason with Katherine, we finally have an opportunity to get an upper hand on both of them so, just hear us out." Stefan asks Bonnie.

"Pretty please." Damon says.

Bonnie gives in and agrees to help. "I'm listening."

Stefan's phone starts to ring, he looks at the ID and it's Elena, "I have to fill Elena in on what's going on."

Lola rolls her eyes, my god can they not do anything without including Elena? Lola is trying to be nice to Elena for Stefan but her patience it running thin.

Stefan looks over to Damon, "Can you play nice please?" Stefan then goes to the side to speak to Elena.

"I guess." Damon mumbles thinking no one can hear him, but Lola did so she hit his arm.

"I really wish you would stop doing that." Damon says looking at his little sister annoyed.

Lola flashes a cocky smile to her brother and says "Yeah, well stop being a dick."Lola turns to face Bonnie, "Listen Bonnie, all you have to do is touch Mason Lockwood again to see if he gave Katherine the moonstone."

"My visions don't work like that. I don't get to ask questions." Bonnie says.

"How inconvenient. Although, let's talk about that little witchy juju thing you do with me. You know, the fun one where my brain bursts into flames? What is that?" Damon raises his eyebrow to Bonnie.

"That's me giving you an aneurysm. Your blood vessels go pop, but you heal quickly; so, I do it over and over again." Bonnie says as she smirks at Damon.

"Is it vampire specific?" Lola asks Bonnie.

"It'd work on anyone with a supernatural healing ability." Bonnie replies.

"Good. Good, good." Damon says as he looks around.

"Damon, I'm not gonna help you hurt him." Bonnie snaps.

"Mason Lockwood's a werewolf, Katherine's evil. They're the bad guys. Really? You're gonna play morality police with me right now? Let me put it to you another way: they're a threat to Elena. So you, witch, are gonna get over yourself and help us." Damon says stepping closer to Bonnie.

"Yeah, he meant that as a question with a "please" on the end." Lola adds as Stefan walks back over to the group.

"Absolutely." Damon says staring at Bonnie.

Bonnie looks at all three of them trying to decide whether to help or not. She finally agrees to help so they all go and find Mason.

Mason walks down the front steps and towards his car and sees he is blocked in, he looks over to one of the workers "Hey, can you move your van? I'm blocked in."

Mason looks over to see Bonnie trying to remove a table from the back of the truck and he runs over to help her out."Hey, how did you get stuck doing that by yourself?" Mason asks as he laughs.

"All the guys bailed. Something about draft picks. I don't know, I don't speak that language." Bonnie says as she struggles with the table.

"Here, let me give you a hand." Mason says as he grabs the table and starts to pull it out.

Bonnie looks around and then at Mason. She uses her aneurysm spell on him. He grabs his head and yells in pain and falls down onto his knees.

"I'm sorry." Bonnie says to Mason as he is yelling in pain.

Damon walks past Bonnie and knees Mason in the face. Mason falls to the ground, unconscious. Damon opens the passenger door and signals for Bonnie to get in. Lola takes Mason's keys out of his pockets and throws them to Damon. Bonnie gets in Mason's car as Damon and Stefan put Mason in the trunk of the jeep. Lola and Stefan nod at each other as Stefan walks back into the Lockwood's to continue to help out, Lola gets into the car also, Damon gets in and drives off towards the boarding house.


Damon is carrying Mason over his shoulder. Lola and Bonnie follow him in. Damon places Mason into a chair.

"Here's his bag. As requested." Bonnie says as she places the bag onto a chair. Lola walks over and opens up his bag to see what's in it.

"Okay, grab that corner." Damon instructs Bonnie as he crouches down and stretches the sheet over the carpet.

"Why are we doing this?" Bonnie asks as she does the same thing with the opposite side of the sheet.

"Because I don't want to stain the carpet." Damon says.

Bonnie glares at him, "I knew you were gonna say something like that."

"Judging again." Damon says.

Damon walks over to see what Lola has found in Mason's bag as Bonnie says "He's not going to be out much longer."

Lola pulls out chains from the bag, "Woah, looks like this guy is used to being tied up." She passes the chains over to Damon.

Bonnie walks over to Mason and takes his head in her hands.

"What are you doing?" Damon asks as he starts to tie the chains around the chair and Mason.

"You're looking for a moonstone. I'm trying to help you find it." Bonnie says.

"Oh, good, yeah. Find out if he gave it to Katherine, and find out where she is. And find out what they're gonna do with it once they get it." Damon says to Bonnie as he continues to tie Mason up.

Bonnie closes her eyes and concentrates while she touches Mason's head and her visions begin to start, "Somewhere small, dark, there's water." Bonnie says.

"Like a sewer?" Lola asks.

"No. Like a well? That can't be right. Yeah. It's a well." Bonnie says while she still has her eyes closed.

"Why would it be in a well?" Damon asks.

Bonnie lowers her hands and opens her eyes, "I told you, I only get what I get."

Mason grunts and grabs Bonnie by the wrist. She gasps. Damon pulls Mason's hand off of her and Bonnie starts to walk away, "That's it. That's all I got." Bonnie says while walking up the stairs to leave the room.

"Hey, judgey!" Damon shouts over to Bonnie.

Bonnie turns around and looks at him.

"Thank you." Damon says, Bonnie nods and continues to walk out the room, leaving Lola and Damon with Mason.

"Come on. Wake up, wolf boy." Damon says.

Lola punches Mason in the face which causes him to wake up.

Mason is chained down to the chair. Damon is heating up an iron poker in the fireplace. Mason struggles to get out of the chair. Lola looks over to Mason.

"Oooooh, someone's feisty." Lola says as she walks over to Mason with her arms crossed against her chest.

Damon gets up from crouching by the fireplace. Mason continues to struggle and thrusts the chair backwards, falling onto the floor. Damon walks over to him.

"What?!" Mason shouts up at Damon. Damon sticks the iron poker into Mason's chest as you can hear Mason's skin start to burn. Mason screams.

"You can hurt -- good to know. I was afraid you were gonna be some beast mass with no affinity for pain." Damon says as he pulls the iron poker out of Mason's chest. Damon pulls Mason's collar down and looks at his wound.

Lola watches as Damon does this and notices that Mason is healing quickly. "Oh, but you heal quickly." She says.

"Not good. Guess I'll just have to keep applying pain." Damon says, he grabs Mason and pulls him back up with the chair. Damon walks over to the fireplace and heats up the poker again.

"So...Katherine." Damon says as he turns to face Mason and smiles, "How do you know her? What is she up to?"

Mason spits on the floor but says nothing.

"I have all day." Damon says as he walks back over to Mason and he thrusts the white hot iron poker into Mason's stomach. Mason grits his teeth and screams in pain.

Damon continues to heat the poker in the fire.

"When did you two meet? Did she seduce you, tell you she loved you? You're supernatural so she can't compel you." Lola says as she walks over to Mason with her arms still crossed against her chest, she bends down a little so she is face to face with Mason and smirks, "I'm sure she used her other charms. Katherine's good that way, right Damon?" She turns her head to look at Damon who just rolls his eyes and then continues to heat up the poker.

Jeremy walks in the room with a box as Lola is speaking. He sets it down on a table. Damon looks over to Jeremy, "I thought I told you to leave."

"I found something in Ric's box of stuff." Jeremy says over to Damon and Lola.

"Ooh. What is it?" Damon says as he walks over to Jeremy. Lola stays standing in front of Mason.

Jeremy takes out a plant "Um, I did a search on my phone. It's a plant. Aconitum Vulparia. It grows in the mountainous areas of the northern hemisphere. Commonly known as aconite, blue rocket, and wolfsbane."

Damon opens the cloth and looks at the wolfsbane. "What else did you read?" He asks Jeremy.

Jeremy unlocks his phone and opens up a page he has which is explaining what wolfsbane is, "Well, every source says something different. One myth says it causes lycanthropy, which sounds bogus. Another one says that it protects people and another one says, well, it's toxic."

Lola watches Mason as Jeremy explains everything and Mason starts to shift round looking uncomfortable, he groans when Jeremy says it's toxic. Lola tilts her head looking at Mason, "I'm guessing toxic."

Lola looks up to Damon and nods, she takes a few steps back as Damon takes the plant and walks over to Mason."What's Katherine doing in Mystic Falls?" Damon asks Mason.

Mason doesn't answer. Damon brushes the end of the wolfsbane across Mason's cheek. It begins to burn and Mason screams. Jeremy looks uncomfortable by this method of torture, which Lola notices. Damon pulls the wolfsbane away.

"Why is she here?" Damon asks.

"She's here with me. Why do you ask, you jealous?" Mason spits out to Damon.

Lola scoffs at this comment and walks over and stands by Jeremy.

"How rude of me. You know, I just realised, I didn't offer you anything to eat." Damon says, he shoves wolfsbane into Mason's mouth. Mason grunts and groans in pain.

"Yummy!" Damon growls as he continues to shove it into Mason's mouth.

Lola coughs indicating that's enough to Damon, he glances up towards Lola and then looks back down to Mason and he stops. Mason spits up the wolfsbane and blood and starts coughing.

Lola looks over to Jeremy who can't even watch whats happening and she whispers to him "Jeremy, you should go."

"Why do you want the moonstone?" Damon asks.

"Screw you!" Mason shouts as he is still groaning in pain, as blood is still coming out of his mouth.

"Ahhh! Wrong answer!" Damon walks back over towards Mason.

"If he was gonna say anything, he would have already!" Jeremy shouts walking a few steps towards Damon and Mason.

Damon glances over to Jeremy and then crouches down to face Mason, "I'm taking your eyes now." He threateningly holds wolfsbane up to Mason near his eyes.

"The well! You can find it there." Mason shouts.

"I know where it is. I want to know what it does and why you want it." Damon says.

"I'm getting it for Katherine." Mason says looking up at Damon.


"She's gonna use it to lift the curse." Mason says.

Damon scoffs, "Of the moon? Now, why would a vampire help a werewolf break a curse that keeps them from turning whenever they want?"

"So I wouldn't have to turn anymore." Mason says.

"Why?" Damon snaps.

"Because she loves me!" Mason cries out.

Damon looks at Mason and sighs, then he starts to laugh as he looks up towards Lola who is frowning at Mason.

"Now - now I get it. You're just stupid. Katherine doesn't love you. She's using you, you moron." Damon scoffs.

"I'm done talking." Mason says as he looks down at the ground.

"Yes, you are." Damon says, he looks over to Lola and hands her the wolfsbane, she grabs it.

Lola turns to Jeremy "It's time to take a walk, Jeremy." she says.

"I'm staying." Jeremy says, not looking at Lola but at Damon.

"No, you should go." Damon says to Jeremy but not looking away from Mason.

"I'm staying, Damon. He's had enough." Jeremy says looking towards Mason.

Mason looks up Jeremy with tears in his eyes, "Just help Tyler. Don't let this happen to him."

"Damon..." Jeremy says still looking at Mason.

Lola is getting fed up off Jeremy, she rolls her eyes and mumbles to herself "Oh for the love of god." Lola vamp speeds over to Jeremy and grabs him by the throat and pushes him down onto a chair.

"You want to be part of this? Well, here it is! Kill or be killed." Lola shouts at Jeremy, she looks over to Mason and points at him "The guy is a werewolf; he'd kill me and Damon the first chance he got!" Lola says as she looks back over to Jeremy. "So, you suck it up, or leave."

Lola lets go of Jeremy and Jeremy starts to cough gasping for breath.

"He wants Damon to kill him, anyway. Don't you, Mason?" Lola says as she walks towards Mason, Mason bows his head down and looks his lap, "It really is a curse, isn't it?" Lola continues, she almost starts to feel sorry for him, but then she remembers he tried to get her brothers killed.

Jeremy gets up from the chair while glaring over to Lola and Damon and storms out of the room.

"You know, I look at you I see myself. A less dashing, less intelligent version." Damon says rolling his eyes.

"I love her!" Mason pleads.

"Oh, I know! I've been where you are." Damon says, he then starts to walk towards Mason and crouches down to be eye level with Mason, "But Katherine will only rip your heart out. Let me do it for her."

Damon thrusts his hand into Mason's chest while looking him in the eyes. Mason groans. Damon removes his heart from his chest. Mason's eyes go lifeless and his head falls down to his chest. Damon looks up towards Lola who gives him half a smile.


Damon is rolling up Mason's body in a blanket as Lola is pouring herself a drink. Stefan arrives and flashes the moonstone to them both so they are able to see it.

"All this for that?" Damon asks.

"Yep." Stefan says.

Stefan tosses Damon the moonstone, Damon catches it and stares at the stone.

"I see you've exercised your usual restraint." Stefan says as he walks down the steps towards Mason's body.

"Had to be done." Lola says watching Damon grab Mason's phone. Stefan walks past Lola and places his hand on her shoulder causing her to look up at him and smile.

Stefan then walks over to the chair that Mason was tied up on and picks the chains up and drops them back down and looks over to Damon.

Damon starts to text Carol on behalf of Mason, "Carol, big opportunity in Florida, I'm gonna be gone for a long time. Will send for my things once I get settled. Much love, Mason." Damon hits send as he looks up to both of his siblings.

"Let's get rid of the body." Stefan says as he crouches down ready to grab Mason, he looks up at Damon.

"Oh, last number dialed. I wonder who that could possibly be?" Damon says while smirking. Lola grunts in frustration and takes a seat.

Damon pushes redial. Stefan runs up to him and tries to stop him. "No, no, no! Don't provoke her!" Stefan says as he chases Damon round the room as though they were kids again.

Katherine answers her phone, thinking its Mason calling. "Mason, you should have been here an hour ago."

"Wrong boy toy." Damon says as Stefan continues to try to get him off the phone, but Damon pushes him back. Stefan slaps his hand and walks away in frustration and goes to sit on the arm rest of the chair Lola is sat on.

"Damon. For once you've surprised me. I assume Mason is with you?"

"He's right beside me! Although, his heart's across the room." Damon says as he smirks over to his siblings.

"You shouldn't have."

"I've had a very busy day today." Damon sighs and takes a seat on the chair opposite Lola, Stefan walks up to Damon and crosses his arms against his chest, listening in on the conversation, "I killed a werewolf, found a moonstone. Hey, did you know that he hid the moonstone in the bottom of a well full of vervain? I guess he didn't trust you very much. Although, he did love you. Poor guy. Hey, where are you? Because, you know, I could bring him over. Last goodbyes and all that." Damon continues.

"You have no idea what you've just done."

"Aww, did I put a kink in your master plan? I'm so sorry." Damon says in a childish voice.

"Do you honestly believe that I don't have a plan B? And if that fails, a plan C, then a plan D, know how the alphabet works, don't you? Send my love to Stefan and Lola."

Katherine hangs up. Lola makes her way over to her brothers and stands next to Stefan, Damon looks up at them both and Lola rolls her eyes and mumbles "Great."


The three Salvatore's find out about Katherine switching Jenna's perfume and coffee so she was able to compel her and make Jenna be her little spy which helped her find out that Stefan and Elena were pretending that they were fighting. Katherine compelled Jenna to stab herself. Lola instantly starts to feel guilty that she was part of this plan. She liked Jenna and hated that Jenna had got involved in everything.

Lola and Damon are in the living room and Stefan is in the library talking to Elena and the talk ends in them breaking up.

Elena walks down the front hallway, clutching her stomach and continuing to cry. She reaches the front door and opens it.

"Elena." Lola shouts up causing Elena to turn around with tears in her eyes. Lola walks up to her and puts her hand on her shoulder as comfort and gives Elena a sympathetic smile. Lola looks over to Damon and says she is going to go and see Stefan.

"Elena. I riled Katherine up. I - I wasn't thinking. I didn't think." Damon says quietly."It doesn't matter, Damon. She won. Katherine won." Elena says with tears streaming down her face. Elena walks out the door and closes it behind her.

Lola makes her way into the library and sees Stefan standing by the fireplace with his back to her. Lola slowly walks up to him and places her hand on his back, "Hey." Lola whispers looking at Stefan with sadness in her eyes.

Stefan turns around facing his sister with tears falling down his face. Lola doesn't say anything else to him but pulls him into a hug.

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