Chapter 7

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Flashback from 1892:

Lola is in her bedroom getting ready for a ball she is attending. Lola is leaning onto one of the poles on her bed as her maid is fastening her corset.

"Are you looking forward to the ball, Miss?" The maid asks Lola.

"Yes I am rather looking forward to it. Please, just call me Lola." Lola says as she rests her chin on her shoulder facing the maid and smiles.

The maid has finished fastening Lola's corset and walks over to get her shoes. "Oh, that wouldn't be proper Miss." The maid bends down to help Lola get in her shoes. The maid then grabs Lola's ballgown which is navy and helps Lola get in to it.

"Thank you Annabelle." Lola smiles at the maid and then walks over to her dressing table and takes a seat to put on her jewellery.

Lola is just about to put on her pearl necklace when Annabelle walks over, "Actually, Miss." Annabelle says.

Lola looks up from her necklace that is her in hands and looks at Annabelle through the mirror with a raised eyebrow, "Yes?"

Annabelle walks over with a black velvet box, "Mr Mikaelson asked me to pass this over to you. He would like you to wear it to the ball."

Lola turns around in her seat to get the box from Annabelle. Lola opens it up and gasps at the sight, it is a gorgeous diamond necklace with a blue safire in the middle. Lola looks up to Annabelle and smiles, she passes it back over to Annabelle and turns in her chair and looks into the mirror as Annabelle puts the necklace on Lola.

Lola looks at the necklace hanging on her neck and she smiles, Klaus always gave her the most gorgeous presents.

"If it's not too bold for me to say, Miss." Annabelle says snapping Lola out of her daydream, "But Mr Mikaelson is a fine gentleman, he really does care for you."

Lola looks at Annabelle in the mirror again and smiles, "Thank you Annabelle, that will be all, you can tell Mr Mikaelson I'm ready to leave."

Annabelle nods and walks out of the room.

Lola stands up when there is a knock at the door, she makes her way over to the door and takes a deep breath to calm herself down. She promised herself she wouldn't catch feelings for anyone ever since her first love Dominic broke her heart not long after she turned, he was also a vampire. But Lola couldn't hide her feelings no more, she had fallen for Klaus Mikaelson.


Lola wakes up before her dream could continue. She looks around confused, the dream felt so real it was as though she was reliving it, Lola sighs and falls back down into her bed and looks up to the ceiling. Why is she thinking about him?

Lola can hear Damon moving around downstairs and she can still hear Stefan's light snores. She gets out of bed and makes her way over to her shower and gets herself ready for the day. Lola shoves a jumper and some jeans on and puts her hair up into a messy bun (picture of outfit above), she didn't want to get ready much yet as she would only have to re-do her make up later on for the masquerade ball.

Lola walks over to her jewellery box and takes out the necklace that Klaus gave her all those years ago, she stares down at it remembering the ball she attended with Klaus and couldn't help but smile.

Lola was knocked out of her day dream when there was a knock at the door and Stefan then walks in.

"Hey how you feeling?" Lola asks as she puts the necklace back in the box and walks over to her brother and gives him a sympathetic smile.

"I've been better, Damon is downstairs with Caroline. He said she has to tell us something." Stefan says.

Lola looks at her brother with a confused look and then they make their way downstairs to speak to Caroline.

"What happened?" Lola asks as her and Stefan walk into the library where Damon and Caroline are sitting.

"Go ahead, tell them." Damon says then looks up at his siblings, "You're gonna love this."

"I saw Katherine today." Caroline says.

Stefan and Lola both look at each other confused for a second before looking back at Caroline, Lola then walks over to Caroline and takes a seat next to her.

"Where?" Stefan asks.

"At the Grill. I just stopped by to gawk and...quasi-stalk Matt." Caroline says looking down at her glass of blood and looking at Lola feeling embarrassed.

"Skip the teen drama and get to it." Damon says making Lola look over at him with a Really? look.

"Then I had to pretend to use the bathroom even though I didn't really have to go because I'm a doofus." Caroline says mentally kicking herself about what happened.

Caroline continues to say her story and explains that when she was in the bathroom, Katherine came in pretending to be Elena. When Caroline tried to get away from her, Katherine stopped her.

"She said I had to pass on a message to you all." Caroline says looking around at all three Salvatore's.

"What was the message?" Lola asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Tell the Salvatores that she wants the moonstone or she will rip this town apart until it rains blood." Caroline says looking at Lola.

"Tell them the rest of it." Damon says looking towards Caroline.

"Tonight," Caroline says looking over to Stefan, "At the masquerade ball."

"She wants to do it in public. Killing Mason threw her off guard." Stefan says pacing round the room.

"She's running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks." Lola says while rolling her eyes, typical Katherine, has to make a show out of everything.

"We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her." Stefan says looking over to his siblings.

"Can we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?" Caroline innocently asks. Making Lola scoff, yeah right.

"No, Katherine's not getting dick. I've had it. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna kill her, tonight." Damon says as he walks over to his brother.

"You're not gonna kill her." Stefan says while shaking his head.

"Oh good, Saint Stefan is here." Lola scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"Don't give me that goody-goody crap." Damon says pointing towards Stefan.

"You're not gonna kill her." Stefan says in a cocky tone while pointing back to Damon. They are seriously children.

"Oh really?" Damon tilting his head looking at Stefan.

"Because I am." Stefan says and then looks over to Lola and smiles.

Lola looks towards both her brothers smirking, the game is on.


There's a knock at the door, Caroline goes to answer it and it's Bonnie.

"Hey, come on in." Caroline smiles at Bonnie as Bonnie walks into the boarding house.

"I got Stefan's message." Bonnie says as she walks past Caroline and then she spots Stefan.

Hey, you brought the grimoire, thank you." Stefan says walking towards the door smiling at the young witch.

Bonnie looks over and sees Lola, Damon and Alaric talking and notices a lot of weapons on the table, Bonnie looks back to Stefan with a raised eyebrow.

"What's going on?" Bonnie asks Stefan.

Just as Stefan is going to reply, Jeremy walks into the room, "We're going to kill Katherine." he says proudly and then walks towards everyone else.

"I can explain." Stefan pleads to Bonnie.

"Please." Bonnie says giving Stefan a worried look.

Stefan looks up to the ceiling and then back to Bonnie, "Um, we're gonna kill Katherine."

Bonnie looks at Stefan as he walks over to everyone else while Alaric shows off one of his weapons.

"This works with compressed air. The trigger mechanism is up here. I have two of these in a different size." Alaric begins to explain.

Alaric looks at Damon "For you I recommend this. It fits nicely under the jacket sleeve. You use the trigger when you're ready." Alaric explains as he fits the contraption onto his arm, he then ejects a wooden stake from the contraption and he mimics as though he is killing a vampire.

Stefan, Lola and Damon all look at each other with raised eyebrows.

Alaric notices the stares he is getting and looks at everyone and sheepishly says "You wanted me to show you how to kill a vampire."

Lola looks at the weapons while thinking and pouting, then she looks back up to Alaric and smirks "That's kinda hot."

Damon rolls his eyes at his sister's comment.

"You know, Lola, I've been meaning to ask you something." Damon says walking closer towards his sister.

"What?" Lola says looking up at Damon.

Damon smiles at his sister, then looks down at her Harvard jumper, "Only people who actually went to Harvard and studied there should have those jumpers." Damon says as he smirks at his sister.

Lola glares at Damon and grabs one of Alaric's stakes and stabs Damon in the arm, "You're an ass, you know that right?"

Damon groans in pain and pulls the stake out. Lola rolls her eyes and then walks over to the drinks bar while everyone is chuckling at the sibling's fight; except Alaric, he just rolls his eyes.


Bonnie and Stefan are walking through the halls at the boarding house.

"I know you love Elena and you want to be with her but it's risky. Too many people could get hurt." Bonnie says in a worried tone.

"Look, I want Elena back, yes but it's more than that. What Katherine did to Jenna it crossed the line. She has to be stopped before it happens again." Stefan says stopping in his tracks and standing in front of Bonnie.

"I don't know, Stefan." Bonnie says shaking her head.

"Katherine knows me, right? She knows that I'm not gonna try something in a crowd full of innocent people so that gives me an edge. I could catch her by surprise." Stefan says trying to reason with Bonnie.

Bonnie looks over to see everyone packing up Ric's weapons "I could do a spell to trap her, like the tomb spell." Bonnie says and then looks back over to Stefan.

Stefan nods his head "Right. We can isolate her, away from the others. Please Bonnie." Stefan asks tilting his head.

Bonnie sighs and then lightly nods her head, "Okay."

Bonnie and Stefan walk into the living room. Lola is sat on the couch next to Caroline, Alaric and Jeremy are stood up and Damon is stood with one foot resting on the coffee table.

"Are you sure you guys don't want me there tonight?" Alaric asks the group.

"No, I need you to stay with Elena. I don't want her to know about this." Stefan says to Alaric.

Alaric nods, "Okay. Well, I'll make sure she doesn't leave my sight."

Stefan looks over to Lola to signal her to speak. Lola gets up from sitting down and looks around the group, "Alright, if anybody wants to back out, I'll understand." She says to the group.

"Yeah. Cold feet speak now. I don't want this going wrong if someone chicken's out." Damon adds on to what Lola was saying.

Lola looks over to Caroline who is starting to fidget, "Caroline?" Lola says to the blonde vampire as she tilts her head.

"I won't." Caroline says to Lola, she looks to Damon who isn't so sure she will go through with it "Look, she killed me. Fair's fair. As long as there's no werewolf running around." Caroline continues.

"Oh, I took care of Mason." Damon says smirking.

"As long as Tyler doesn't kill anyone, he won't turn." Jeremy adds.

Stefan looks over to Bonnie to see she is looking round at everyone and she is getting anxious, "Bonnie? Are you with us?"

Bonnie looks at Stefan and then looks around at everyone in the group, she then looks back over to Stefan and sighs.

"But no one gets hurt." Bonnie says looking at Stefan.

"Except Katherine. Tonight Katherine gets a stake through her heart." Damon says as he looks over to his sister who nods in agreement.


Stefan is outside watching all the guests at the party, searching for Katherine. Damon walks down the stairs behind Stefan, dancing a little while walking up to his brother.

"Do you see her?" Damon asks as he approaches Stefan.

"Nope." Stefan says, he puts his hands into his pockets and looks at Damon "You're sure you can do this?" He asks.

Damon scoffs and turns to his brother, "Who are you talking to?"

"Oh, I had the chance to kill her and I hesitated." Stefan says to Damon as he still watches the crowd.

"Well that is the fork in the road between you and me, my friend. I don't hesitate." Damon says smugly.

"You spent 145 years loving her, it could happen." Stefan says looking at his brother.

"I won't hesitate." Damon responds quickly, smiling over at his brother.

"Okay." Stefan says, dropping the topic of Katherine.

Lola walks down the stairs behind her brothers, she stops half  way and shouts over to them "Are you two freaks ready?" She says smirking.

Both brothers look towards her and smile, Damon walks up the steps towards his sister and kisses her cheek "Well, doesn't my dear little sister scrub up nice?"

Lola gives Damon a cocky smiles "Oh Damon, save those compliments for your next blood bag."

Stefan has walked up the steps to his sister at this point and puts his arm out for his sister to grab on to, Lola smiles and links arms with her little brother and walk down the stairs leading to the gardens.


Stefan walks into the room where Damon and Lola are waiting. He says how he has just had an encounter with Katherine and she killed Aimee Bradley.

"I put the body in the trunk for now." Stefan says as he paces the room starting to get stressed.

"We'll dump her when we get back." Damon answers back calmly.

"This is exactly what I didn't want, Damon." Stefan snaps as he continues to pace.

"Stefan, it's collateral damage." Lola says as she walks next to Damon.

"Right, which is why we need to call it off." Stefan stops pacing and faces his siblings.

"What? You've gotta be kidding me!" Lola shouts.

"Who's hesitating now? Hey! Don't do this to me!" Damon says firmly to his brother as Damon is holding onto Stefan's shoulder, "This woman ruined our lives, she destroyed us! Tonight it ends." Damon says as Stefan is avoiding eye contact with him.

"We can do it together. We've got your back. All right?" Lola chips in as she stands next to her brothers, one hand on each of her brother's shoulders.

Stefan looks down and nods, then looks back up to his siblings. "All right."


Lola sends a text over to Jeremy to signal to start the plan. Jeremy walks over to Katherine acting as though she is Elena. He says to Katherine that Stefan and Damon want to speak to her by the lake and to hand over the moonstone. Katherine takes the bait and doesn't follow Jeremy's instructions, the plan is working. Jeremy texts Caroline to signal it's her turn.

Katherine corners Caroline inside the party and demands to know what everyone is up to. Caroline plays along and says she doesn't know what Stefan and Damon are up to. Caroline then goes on to say that Bonnie has the moonstone and she is upstairs, Katherine drags Caroline upstairs and demands she shows her which room Bonnie is in.

"Why do you keep dragging me into this? I don't want any part of it." Caroline sobs as Katherine is dragging her by her arm.

"Shut up!" Katherine snaps at Caroline. "Which room is it?" Katherine asks as she looks around.

Caroline is continuing to sob and then gestures over to a door, "It's that one." She says.

Katherine storms into the room letting go of Caroline, she looks around and sees no one is in there. "Where is she?" Katherine asks as she has her back to Caroline.

Caroline's sobbing turns into a chuckle, Katherine turns round to face Caroline to see her smiling.

"I did it!" Caroline says as she laughs, "I really didn't think that I'd be able to fool you but I did it!" She continues looking at Katherine very proud at what she achieved.

Katherine glares at Caroline and rushes over to her, but an invisible barrier is blocking Katherine from attacking Caroline - she's trapped.

"What the...?" Katherine says confused, she looks up to Caroline who is proudly smiling down at Katherine. "Stefan?" Katherine says as she feels Stefan's presence in the room.

She turns around to see Stefan walking into the room smiling at her with a stake in his hand, "Hello, Katherine." Stefan says as he smirks.

"Goodbye Katherine." Caroline says smiling as she waves and walks off.

Katherine walks over to Stefan as he is fiddling the stake around in his hands, Katherine puts her hands on her hips, "You don't really think that you can kill me with that now, do you?" Katherine says to Stefan.

Stefan looks down at the stake in his hands, he looks up to Katherine, "No." He then looks over Katherine's shoulder and smirks, "But he can."

Damon walks out the closet holding the compressed air weapon. He shoots Katherine, he stake goes in her back. Katherine cripples over trying to reach for the stake but she is unable to get it.

Lola rushes out of the closet she was hiding in with Damon and rushes over to Katherine and drives the stake through her arm.

"Well, fancy seeing you here, Miss Katherine." Lola says smirking as she stabs Katherine in the arm and pulls it out.

Katherine looks up at Lola in shock, she wasn't expecting to see Lola here.

Lola throws the stake over to Stefan who rushes over to Katherine attempting to stake her but Katherine grabs the stake and then throws Stefan across the room and he falls landing on a table.

Damon comes up behind Katherine and pulls the stake out that is in the back of her shoulder and he goes to stab her again but Katherine grabs his wrist and throws him against the wall.

Stefan stands up and releases the stakes from the contraption he has under his jacket sleeve, he throws it at Katherine but she dodges it and it plummets into the wall behind her. Stefan grabs a second one and throws it but Katherine grabs it and throws it back towards Stefan who moves out the way causing the second stake to plummet into the opposite wall.

Damon gets up again with a stake towards Katherine, she grabs his wrist again and flips him over causing him to fall against a chair. Damon gets up straight away and heads towards Katherine again, Katherine grabs his hand holding the stake and turns it around so he is facing the stake towards himself, seconds away from staking himself.

Lola rushes behind Katherine and gets her in a headlock, Katherine struggles but then pushes back causing the two girls to fall on the floor while Lola not letting go of her grip of Katherine. Damon walks over and hovers over the two and it just about to stake Katherine but Jeremy comes rushing in.

"Stop! You're hurting Elena! Everything you're doing to her is hurting Elena!" Jeremy shouts as he looks at the scene in front of him.

Damon turns to look at Jeremy shocked then looks down at Katherine who is smiling, Lola releases her grip and Katherine stands up. Stefan helps Lola up as they all stare at Katherine.

"You think you lot are the only ones with a witch on your side?" Katherine says looking between the Salvatores, "Wrong and something tells me that my witch is better than your witch." Katherine says as she tilts her head smiling at Damon smugly.

Katherine snatches the stake out of Damon's hand and walks behind Lola and Stefan. Lola turns and glares over to Katherine as Stefan speaks up to Jeremy.

"Jeremy, go check on Elena. Make sure she's okay. Go!" Stefan shouts and Jeremy runs out to go and help his sister.

"Let's all make sure poor Elena is okay." Katherine spits, "Just a little bit more pressure, and-" Katherine continues as she drags the stake along her hand.

Stefan hits Katherine's hand and throws the stake on the floor. Katherine grabs another stake and looks between the three siblings and smiles.

"This is really going to hurt." Katherine says as she aims the stake at her stomach and is about to drive it through herself.

"Wait!" Damon shouts.

Katherine stops and smiles at all three of them then takes a seat on the couch behind her and crossed her legs and starts to play around with the stake that's in her hands.

"Okay. So, how about that moonstone?"


Lola, Damon, Stefan are still stuck in the room with Katherine. Damon is stood by the magic barrier on the door and is putting his hand against it, Stefan is pacing round the room while Lola picks up the chair Damon fell against and takes a seat in it.

"The four of us together just like old times. The sister who was my best friend," Katherine says as she looks over to Lola and Lola replies with an eye roll.

"The brother who loved me too much and the one that didn't love me enough." Katherine says as she looks over to Damon and then looks up at Stefan.

"And the evil slut vampire who only loved herself." Damon says with his back to everyone else, making Lola laugh at this comment.

"What happened to you Damon? You used to be so sweet and polite." Katherine asks.

Damon turns around to face Katherine, "Oh, that Damon died a long time ago."

"Good. He was a bore." Katherine says raising her eyebrows at Damon.

Lola sighs, "Oh, why don't you two stop antagonising each other?" She says in a sarcastic tone.

"Where is the moonstone?" Katherine asks looking up at Stefan.

"What do you want with it?" Stefan answers back.

Katherine scoffs as she looks at Stefan and lightly shakes her head "Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her alter?" Katherine says looking between both brothers.

"Does it feel like you're back in 1864 Lola? Getting ignored by your brothers again because of a girl." Katherine says over to Lola, Lola is just about to stand up and rip this bitch apart but Damon grabs onto Lola's shoulder, instantly calming her down.

Stefan looks over at Damon and Lola and then looks at Katherine. "That was really desperate, Katherine. Don't you think that we can see right through you?"

"So it doesn't bother you that Damon's in love with your girlfriend?" Katherine innocently says.

"Oh, stop it." Stefan sighs.

"Or what? You'll hurt me?" Katherine says, she stands up and walks towards Stefan, "Come on, Stefan. Everything I feel, Elena feels, so go ahead."

Katherine smirks and then looks over to Damon and walks over to him with her hands on her hips. "Or better yet, kiss me Damon. She'll feel that too."

"You know, this whole Mason thing has me a bit confused." Stefan says looking towards Katherine, "Why a werewolf? The moonstone can break a curse that would help them destroy all vampires so what's in that for you?"

Katherine looks to the side and opens her mouth to respond but Damon beats her to it.

"Sorry about your pet wolf." Damon says behind Katherine.

"Yeah you probably should have kept him on a tighter leash." Lola speaks up as she stands up from the chair she has been sitting on.

Katherine turns and smiles at Lola, "You'd know all about that wouldn't you, Lola."

Lola glares at Katherine and clenches her jaw, she can feel both of her brothers staring at her in confusion but she refuses to look at them.

"I'll have to remember that for next time. He's not the only wolf in town." Katherine adds.

It's been a while since they have all been stuck in the room, they are waiting for Bonnie to come up and stop the spell so they can leave. Katherine is walking around the couch, pulling the stake along it, Stefan is stood near her and Lola is leaning against the wall near Damon.

"Damn it! Where is that witch?" Damon snaps looking out of the door.

Katherine gasps and smiles, "We could play charades."

Lola just rolls her eyes and looks away from Katherine.

"You bargained the moonstone." Stefan says as he points at Katherine.

"What are you mumbling about over there?" Lola says to Stefan as she turns around to face them again, as does Damon.

"When you struck a deal with George Lockwood, to help you fake your death, you told me that you gave George something that he needed. It was the moonstone, wasn't it?" Stefan continues speaking his theory.

Katherine is walking around the room as Stefan speaks, she stops and then turns to look at him, "Good for you, Stefan. Two plus two...And it would have worked except that people found out that I wasn't in the tomb."

Katherine glares over to Damon, "Thanks to you, by the way." Damon looks over and smiles as he raises his glass up to Katherine.

"Have I mentioned how inconvenient your obsession with me has been?" Katherine says as she walks towards Damon.

"You and me both, honey." Damon says and he takes a sip of his drink and then passes it over to Lola who also takes a sip.

"Why do you need it back?" Stefan asks.

Katherine turns around to face Stefan, she looks him up and down, "I love you in a suit, so dashing." She smirks.

"What were you doing with it in the first place?" Stefan says ignoring what Katherine has just said.

"You're wasting your breath, Stefan." Lola speaks up, she knows where this conversation is going to lead to and she needs it to stop now.

"Unless it wasn't yours to begin with." Stefan says as he points at Katherine. Katherine looks down at the stake in her hands and then back up to Stefan, "In 1864 you faked your death. Who were you running from, Katherine?" Stefan continues.

Katherine quickly glances over to Lola but quick enough that the brothers don't notice.

"In 1987 you were in Chicago, at a concert of all places with that wench, Lexi." Katherine says stepping towards Stefan, he looks at her surprised, "Come on Stefan, don't look so surprised. Of course I checked in on you over the years. You were standing in the front row, dancing all night. You were watching Bon Jovi and I was watching you."

Lola looks over to Damon who she can tell is hurt by this little story. She smiles at him and grabs his hand which calms him down, he looks at his sister and smiles. Lola remembers when Stefan was in Chicago, she was in San Fransisco with Damon at the same time, but that's another story.

"Who were you running from?" Stefan asks again, ignoring Katherine's little story.

Katherine doesn't answer but smiles at Stefan and mouths "I love you." to him.


Katherine sighs as she looks out of the window and watches everyone enjoying themselves at the party, "We're missing the party."

Damon is pouring Lola a glass of bourbon and he hands it over to her.

Katherine looks over as Damon pours himself one, "I'll have one of those." She says as she walks over to Damon.

Damon rolls his eyes, "Right away, Miss Katherine." Damon says mimicking the voice of a servant boy. He holds up a glass and she grabs it off him.

"Thank you." Katherine says and then takes a sip.

Damon vamp speeds over to Katherine and pushes her against the wall, Katherine drops her glass on the floor. Damon tries to stake her but Stefan comes up behind him and stops him.

"No, no! Damon, don't!" Stefan shouts as tries to pull Damon away but he fails. Damon stares at Katherine holding the stake up in front of her.

"Yes, Damon, please." Katherine says and smiles at Damon.

"The second the spell is lifted, I'm gonna drive a stake right through your heart." Damon snaps at Katherine without looking eye contact.

"God, you're hot. When did you get so hot?" Katherine says still in Damon's grasp. She puts her hand on his chest and grabs his tie.

Damon pulls away from her and Lola goes over to Damon and put her hand on his back and he puts his arm around her shoulder and kisses her head. It's the littlest things like these where the two siblings know how to calm each other down.

Katherine walks towards Stefan when her witch Lucy walks over and stops at the door.

"Katherine," Lucy says causing Katherine and Stefan to both turn at the same time and look over at the witch who is holding the moonstone.

"The spell on this room has been broken, you're free to leave." Lucy continues.

Katherine glances at Stefan and sighs, she looks back over to Lucy, "Thank God." She says as she walks over to Lucy.

Katherine goes to grab the moonstone but Lucy pulls it away. "When I hand this over my debt to you is over." Lucy says.

"Done." Katherine says.

"I owe you nothing." Lucy says still holding the moonstone.

"I said done." Katherine says, she looks down at the moonstone and then back up to Lucy, "Give it."

"I wouldn't do that." Lola says as she walks over to them.

Lucy looks at Katherine contemplating for a second and then hands the moonstone over to Katherine. Katherine grabs it but then she starts struggling to breathe.

"You should have told me another witch was involved. She's a Bennett witch, Katherine, but I'm sure you knew that." Lucy says as she glares at Katherine, watching her choke on nothing.

"Wait, Elena!" Stefan shouts over to the witch.

"Elena's fine." Lucy reassures Stefan, she looks down at Katherine who is falling to the floor struggling to breathe still.

"The spell is broken. She'll heal quickly, Bonnie's with her." Lucy continues still watching Katherine struggle on the floor.

All three Salvatores look at the witch, "I apologise for my involvement" Lucy says as she looks at all three of them, she looks ate Katherine on the floor one last time as Katherine falls into an unconscious state. Lucy then leaves the room.


Katherine gasps as she awakens, her eyes flutter open and she looks around to see where she is, she realises she is in the tomb. She looks over to see the moonstone on the floor near her and she grabs it. She stands up and tries to leave but she is trapped by another invisible barrier. Damon and Lola appear from the shadows.

"Hello Katherine." Lola says with her arms crossed against her chest smirking at Katherine.

"Where am I?" Katherine asks as she looks around.

"Where you should have been all along. I thought you'd have learned your lesson by now, messing with a Bennett witch." Damon says glaring at her.

Katherine shakes her head, "You should have killed me." She snaps.

"Death would have been too kind." Damon replies in a very calm tone.

Damon walks towards the entrance of the tomb and starts to pull the tomb door along to close Katherine in. Katherine starts to panic.

"No, Damon, don't. Damon, don't. You need me, Elena's in danger." Katherine begs Damon.

Damon stops moving the door and looks up at her, "From who?"

Katherine doesn't reply, she looks over to Lola, "Lola, please." Katherine pleads with tears in her eyes. Lola just looks away and turns her back on her.

"You're lying, you're always lying." Damon says, fed up of Katherine's constant lies.

"Why do you think I haven't killed her? Because she's the doppelgänger. She needs to be protected." Katherine says panicking about being locked in the tomb and finding anyway to make sure she doesn't stay in there.

"Then I'll protect her, while you rot in hell." Damon snaps and he continues to close the door.

"No, Damon, don't! I'll do anything, please. Damon! You need me! Lola! You need me! You need me!" Katherine starts screaming from behind the door, Katherine is crying out and hitting the door with all her power but nothing happens. Katherine falls against the door and drops to the floor, terrified.

Damon and Lola walk out of the tomb and start walking through the woods towards Damon's car. He stops walking but Lola continues.

"Hey, what Katherine said back at the Lockwood's, about you knowing to keep someone on a leash." Damon says causing Lola to stop walking and she removes all emotion she has on her face and turns to face her brother who is watching her with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know what she was talking about, she was just creating more lies. She just wanted me to look bad in front of you guys." Lola says avoiding eye contact with her brother.

Damon doesn't say anything he just stares at his sister. He knows she lying, but why? What's she hiding?

Lola smiles and says "Come on, let's go home."

Damon nods and carries on walking with her. Damon is determined to find out what his sister is hiding from him and he's going to make sure he finds out.

{{A/N: This is the longest chapter I have written so far! Over 5,600 words! I hope you are enjoying the story to far and liked the little flashback at the start of this chapter. There will be more don't worry :)))) there may be one in the next chapter, but which original will be in the flashback ;)))))}}

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