Heart of darkness

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She got a bad reputation
She takes the long way home
And all of my friends seen her naked
Or so the story goes
Mistakes we all make them
But they won't let it go, no
'Cause she's got a bad reputation
But I know what they don't
Bad reputation

Selena was walking in the middle of nowhere, she was surrounded by darkness. She looked around fearfully, she didn't know where she was so she just kept walking

"Hello?" She called but there was nothing "Mom?"

And all of sudden someone shoved her against an invisible wall causing her to gasp for air "Who... are... you?" She asked breathlessly

"Your worst nightmare" He said and she tried to get him off of her as blood running down her nose

"We will find you and kill you" another voice spoke as she was released from their hold "You are nothing!"

"Who are you?" She asked them looking around her while crying "NO!"

"Stop!" She shouted as she felt pain going through her veins "Help!"

"Selena wake up!" Theo was trying to wake her up as blood running down her nose "Selena!"

"Stop!" She gasped opening her eyes as she placed her hand on her chest trying to breath steadily

"What the hell?" He asked and she wiled the blood from her nose with her thumb "What happened? What did you see?"

"A voice of a man and women were trying to kill me" she revealed and his eyes widened in shock "It's just a nightmare"

"We need to do something. I can't just watch you die slowly and do nothing" he told her firmly and ahe sighed "Someone is playing with you... and I assume our parents enemies"

"Maybe it's Esther. She hates me" Selena stated "She wanted to kill me the other day"

"You need Klaus' help" he said and she shook her head "Leenie you can't avoid him forever. Clearly you miss him and he misses you"

"He went after Jeremy. Sorry but I can't just forgive and forget... he broke his promise, I just can't shake it" she said and jumped from the bed "If I do he'll just keep doing it again and again... we owe ourselves more than that"

"It had been days" Theo remarked and she took a deep breath and she glanced her phone to see 23 messages missing from Klaus and 15 missed calls and 5 missed calls from Damon

"It must be Ric" she told her brother "I'll go check on him"

"You're avoiding the subject" he said and she chuckled

"Sure I am"


Klaus was at the Salvatore boarding house looking for the other white oak stakes "Well, this is depressing. Isn't it?" Klaus remarked as he stepped closer to the the cellar where Alaric was in

"Oh and I found this... Upstairs. Now by my count, there should be one more" Klaus told Stefan as he showed him one of the white oak stake

"Yeah well, it's gonna take a little more time" Stefan stated causing the Original hybrid to frown

"Why? Because we're waiting for that one to pass out?" He pointed at Alaric "No thanks. I think I'll just kill him"

"Well then you won't know the location of the stake" Stefan said as he crossed his arms around his chest

"I can live with that" Klaus said with a fake smile

"Well, I can't. When we staked Finn, we discovered that killing an Original vampire killed its entire bloodline. Now, I don't know which one of you I'm descended from, but I'd really rather not find out by dying, so why don't we just find the stake, destroy it, so we can all be safe?" Stefan said and Klaus scoweled in annoyance

"So the the fate of the entire vampire race depends on you finding the stake. And to get it we need you to pass out, which means that I feel totally justified doing this" Klaus snapped Alaric's neck

"There" he looked down at Alaric's body "Sleeping like a baby"

"Let's not pretend like this has nothing to do with little miss Enchantress" Stefan hissed "Can't say you don't deserve it"

"Mind your own bloody buisness before I feed you your tongue" Klaus hissed through gritted teeth. He glared at him harshly before exiting the cellar with the Salvatore following him

Selena entered the house and her breath hitched when her eyes laid on her boyfriend. She stared at him for a few seconds before moving her gazes to the vampire

"Is Alaric here? Damon said he's here" She told him as she felt Klaus was staring at her as he stiffened from jealousy

"Downstairs at the cellar but he's out for a little bit" he answered looking at Klaus and she nodded

"Okay let me know when he wakes up" she told him and he nodded as she turned around making her way towards the door

"Leenie wait!" He rushed towards her and Klaus glared at him

"What do you want?"

"Can we talk?" He asked and she sighed

"Sorry but I'm in no mood to talk right now" she told him and Klaus scoffed in amusement and she ignored him "Just let me know when he wakes up"

She looked at Klaus briefly before turning around making her way towards the door and walked out

"Problem mate?" Klaus taunted with a smile causing him to scowl

"Maybe you should ask her about what happened at the bonfire with Damon" Stefan angrily said but then regretted his words once they came out

Klaus realised why she was acting strange whenever they mentioned Damon's name. He knew he had hurt her so much that no matter how close they were. Yet she was too far. He knew he had no right to be angry at her since they weren't together but he couldn't help it. He was angry at himself for hurting her and the look on her face just proved it

"Selena wait!" Klaus called as he followed her and she sighed

"What?" She asked with a calm tone "Look I have to go... Caroline is waiting for me. We're the head of the dance committee"

"I'm sorry"

"You keep apologising but you just keep doing it again and again. I'm sorry but that means nothing" she told him looking straight at his blue eyes "I love you, Nik. You don't have to doubt that and I'll probably will for the rest of my life but you hurt me, you broke that promise you once gave me. Yes I love you but I'm not sure if I can trust you now... I know you were desperately trying to unlink us from your siblings but that doesn't change the fact that you threatened Jeremy's life"

He cupped her cheeks and she closed her eyes feeling his touch against her skin as a tears escaped and he wiped it away with his thumb

"I love you" he told her and removed his hands gently

"I have to go" she rushed towards her car and he sighed in frustration

She got inside her car and placed her head on the steering wheel and start crying. She titled her head on her seat and felt her heart shattering into little pieces. Little did she know he was watching her causing his heart to break too


Selena the cafeteria and spotted Caroline talking to Matt as she saw they were all preparing the wrong theme

"This is the twenties" Selena remarked with a froqb when she approached them "Didn't we agree on the seventies?... to be honest I love tge twenties"

"We agreed to do the seventies Leenie!" Caroline scolded shaking her head in disbelief

"It's too flashy, people. It's supposed to be a speakeasy, not the world's fair" They heard Rebekah's voice and they turned around

"Oh good you're here! We need help setting up the tables, so get it" The Original demanded and Selena looked at her in disbelief

"What do you think you're doing?" Caroline asked

"Somebody has to be in charge" Rebekah retorted

"Yeah me and Selena. We're the head chairs of the dance committee. The theme of the decade dance is the 1970s" Caroline snapped

"So you'd rather dress in tacky colours with bad hair than be a classic flapper from the jazz age. Honestly I don't know what people sees in you" Rebekah rudely said causing Caroline to narrow her eyes and Selena to sigh

"Well maybe they sees a challenge, see unlike some other people I don't sleep with everyone I make eye contact with" Caroline fired back

"Maybe we can do both decades?" Matt pipped in trying to ease the tension causing all three girls to turn to him

"No!" They denied in unison

"Go on Matt, don't be a coward. You know you loved my twenties idea when I presented them to the group" Rebekah told Matt

"Traitor!" Caroline shouted at him

"I'll be eating peacefully at the Grill until you two decide what are we doing" Selena said before walking away

"How is she?" Rebekah asked Caroline "Theo said she's not sleeping"

"She's strong... but sometimes too stubborn to admit that she's not okay" Caroline muttered sadly before taking a deep breath "Anyways have fun at your stupid dance"


Selena, Caroline and Jenna entered the Grill as they were conversing. They sat down on one of the tables and ordered their lunch

"So Elena and Damon are with Jeremy now?" Selena asked her aunt and she nodded "He's coming back?"

"Yes... he's not safe there" Jenna said and Selena nodded looking down and her aunt facepalmed herself "Sorry"

"It's okay. You're right he should be here with us" she told her as Caroline was texting someone "Who are you texting?"

"Tyler is in town and he broke the sire bond" the blondw whispered and Selena beamed

"What? How" She whispered yelled as Caroline explained to them everything

"That's good" Selena said with a smile as Caroline and Jenna remained silent looking towards the door

"What are you looking at?" She asked them and all of sudden her someone covered her eyes causing her to gasp

"Guess who?" A familiar voice spoke and she frowned

"I don't know" she chuckled nervously and he removed his hands and she turned around as her eyes widened in shock

"Liam?" She asked in disbelief and he pukked her into a hug and she felt weird vibes but she ignored them "When did you come back?"

"Yesterday" he told her when they pulled apart and he looked at Caroline and Jenna "Hello"

"Hi" they greeted with a smile as Theo joined them

"You grew more beautiful" he complimented and she blushed

"Oh please stop"

"Who are you?" Theo asked him and Selena glared at him

"Theo this is Liam... my friend. Liam this Theo my brother" she introduced them to each other as Theo kept glaring at the boy

"Brother? I thought you only have Jeremy"

"It's a long story actually" She smiled at Liam

"She's spoken for" Theo told him and Liam smiled at him awkwardly

"Theo!" She scolded and he rolled his eyes

"Anyways join me for a drink tonight to catch up" Liam told her and she nodded as he kissed her cheek walking away causing Theo to walk towards him but Selena and Caroline stopped him while Jenna was laughing quietly

"What the hell was that about?" Selena snapped at her brother

"Did you see the way he was looking at you?" He asked and she sighed "Definitely your friend"

"I already have a Klaus as a boyfriend. I don't need another one as a brother" she said and he scoffed

"Deal with it" he said and she narrowed her eyes at him "Eat"

"I'm not hungry anymore"

"Sure you are" He mocked and she rolled her eyes looking back at her food

"You do realise that we came here to eat peacefully?" She asked him and he scoffed

"And I came here to babysit you" he retorted "Anyways you're lucky I was the one who saw him and not Klaus"

"Are you blackmailing me?" She asked him and he smirked

"I would never do such a thing baby sis relax" he said and she faked a smile before he looked at Liam "Let me guess he got his heart broken?"

"On the contrary we were just friends" she said and Caroline chocked on her drink

"Sorry" she said and Selena glared at her "Carry on"

"Friend?" Theo asked once again

"Why are you asking?"

"I want to look out for my sister" he defended himself and she scoffed

"Anyways Care and I have to go. See you later Auntie J... Theo" she smiled at them as she and Caroline walked outside the Grill

"Theo became more protective over you these past few days" Caroline remarked and Selena scoffed

"You have no idea. Now he's teaming up with Nik... a nightmare inside a nightmare" she said and Caroline chuckled "Plus what did you want me to say? That Liam was my sex friend and now we're cool?"

"Definitely not that"


Selena had finished smoking her cigarette and took a deep breath before making her way to the Grill. She knew that she somehow stopped smoking but now she couldn't help it at it eases the stressful day

Later that night Selena came back to the Grill and made her way towards the bar as she took a seat beside Liam surprising him making him smile

"Oh hey!" He greeted and she smiled "I thought you weren't coming"

"Well I did... look Liam let put the past behind us and move on. We were both young" she told him amd nodded in agreement "I'm happy with my boyfriend and there's no need for this... awkwardness"

"I agree with you" he said and she smiled at him "I just missed our time together. I haven't seen you since... the accident"


"Drink?" He asked and offering her a drink and she chuckled

"Why not?" She said before taking a sip of her scotch "Wow that's strong"

"I never thought there will be time when you'll actually have a stable relationship" he told her and she laughed

"Me either" she said and he smiled

"What's your boyfriend's name?"

"Klaus" she said and his eyes widened in shock "I need another drink"

"Oh... Where's he? I mean are you two living together?" He asked and she shook her head

"No" she replied "What about you? Any love interest?"

"No... I'm single" he said and she nodded as he handed her another drink

"You're trying to get me drunk aren't you?" She joked and he chuckled nervously "Anyways thank you but I have to go"



She walked outside the Grill quickly, she felt something was going, she wasn't that fool so she sent a message to Theo telling him to come over. All of sudden someone shoved her against the wall and when she looked up it was Liam

"What are you doing?" She asked him fearfully as she tried to breath "Let me go!"

"I'm sorry but I have to" he told her and his face turned to his vampire feature

"You're a vampire" she gasped and tried to use her magic but it wouldn't work causing her to scream as he bit her

"Stop!" She tried to fight him off even though he eas draining her from blood

All of sudden Liam was thrown away from her by Klaus and she fell down on the floor as Theo rushed towards his sister who was half conscious. He lifted her up as Klaus pinned Liam against the wall by his throat

Her blood was staining the ground and Theo looked at her worriedly when her eyes rolled back and everything went black

"You and I are going to have a little chat" he told him before looking at Theo "Take her home"

"I'm not leaving until I beat the shit out of him" Theo snarled and Klaus sighed

"Take her home Theo. I'll deal with him" The Original hybrid assured him as Theo walked away carrying his sister

"You have ten seconds to tell me why did you want to kill her" Klaus hissed as Liam struggled against his hold "ANSWER ME!"

"I don't know...." he answered breathlessly "They want to kill her..."


"A man... I don't know who was it" Liam admitted as Klaus tightened his grip on him "I swear I don't know... he just ordered me"

"Wrong answer" Klaus sneered as he ripped his heart out and walked away leaving him there


Selena was on the bathroom at the Mikealson mansion as Rebekah was helping her clean up. The blonde was cleaning the blood from the Enchantress' neck as she was looking at her in confusion because she hadn't spoke a word since she came

All of sudden Selena let out an unwanted sob making the blonde stop and look at her in worry. She truly didn't know what exactly she was sad about specifically because it ought to be many things

"Why do I keep ruining everything?" Selena tearfully said as she was still a little drunk "I hate myself and I hate this... I hate being away from him. I hate it"

"You love him... it's okay" Rebekah assured her and Selena wiped her tears "He loves you too, you know"

"I know" she whispered before washing her face

Selena was in Klaus' bedroom after Rebekah fed her her blood and she took a shower. Klaus entered the room and she smiled at him weakly

"Are you okay? Are you still hurt?" He asked as he examined her body from afar and she shook her head

"Why were you with another man from the first place!" He shouted at her and she flinched as she looked at him with teary eyes. He took a deep breath not wanting to be angry with and listen to her reasons instead, he knew she was already scared and anxious and he wasn't helping either

"Where's he?" She asked him and he approached her

"Dead" he replied sitting down beside her carefully "Are you sober enough to talk about this?"

Selena looked away feeling guilty, she truly didn't have any bad intentions when she took Liam's offer to spend the night to catch up with him but it seemed like Klaus wasn't happy about it

"You smoked, didn't you?" He asked her and she nodded unable to lie because he was a vampire and she knew he smelled it when they found her near the Grill

"And you were drunk. Why were you with him? What exactly happened?"

"I knew Liam from our freshman year. He was... a friend of a friend, he was there with us at the night of the accident" she informed him tearfully "Today I felt some weird vibes around him but I thought I was just imagining things"

"And how are you feeling now?" He asked examining her body

"He tried to kill me and then my magic wouldn't work" she breathed shakily as tears streaming down her cheeks "I lost it I-I"

"He must of used something..." Klaus remarked and she nodded

"I feel weak" she muttered quietly

"You'll be okay I promise" he softly spoke holding her hands "I will not let anyone harm you"

"I love you" she said and he pulled her into a hug rubbing her back

"I love you too" he whispered in her ear as she hugged him back "Always and forever"

"You need to rest" he told her as he wiped her tears before kissing her forehead "I'll be here with you"

He leaned down capturing her lips. They kissed, long and soft and sweet and gentle, he lost himself in the pleasure of the taste of her mouth, the curve of her hip under his hand, the warm skin of her back

"Good night, little wolf" he said as they both laid down on the bed

"Goodnight, Nik"

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