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      Blake looks up at Dean. "What?" She asks, shocked. Dean steps up to her. "Why did you leave us?" Blake looks down at her drink and shakes her head. "You guys won't understand." She says quietly. Dean scoffs, and Sam glances at his two older siblings. He sighs and steps closer to Blake. "Bobby told us dad kicked you out." Blake looks down and sips her drink. "Yeah, he did."

      Blake sets down her drink and leans back in her seat. Dean shakes his head. "That's not an explanation." Blake glances at him, fighting off Venom. "He's an ass." Blake hums quietly. She stands and walks over to her window, leaning by it. "To be honest, it's really none of your business Dean." Dean raises his eyebrow. "Oh yeah? You abandoned us Blake. We deserve to know why." Blake grinds her teeth. "You really want to know? It's that important to you?"

      "Yes!" Blake shakes her head, tears forming in her eyes. "I was raped, Dean." Dean's eyes widen and he takes a step back. Sam stares at his older sister in shock. "You happy now?" Blake slams her glass down on the window sill and storms off to her room. Dean remains unmoving, and has a look of horror in his eyes. Sam glances at him before walking after Blake.

      He slowly opens her bedroom door. "Go away Sammy." Sam stares at Blake's back and sighs. "I'm sorry Blake." Blake's shoulders shake as she silently cries. Sam steps closer to her. "I'm not going to lie, I hated you." Blake looks down. Sam takes another step closer. "But I also missed you every day." Blake inhales sharply. Sam glances at the door. "Dean did too, though we both know his stubborn ass will never admit it." Blake laughs a bit and nods.

      Sam smiles seeing that he got her to laugh, then his smile drops. "Blake." He sits down next to Blake and she flinches a bit. He bites his lip, then slowly pulls her into a hug. Blake quickly hugs him back. "Sammy." She whispers through her tears. Dean steps into the room and stares at the two of them. Blake peels her eyes open and sees him. She reaches her hand to him and he takes it. Blake pulls him into the hug and the three of them just sit there, basking in each other's presence.

       Clint walks into Tony's lab and sees Steve and Natasha already there. "What'd you find?" He asks Tony as he looks at the scenes in front of him. "This." Clint glances over the articles about the creature. There were several sightings over the past 5 years. The biggest being during the invasion. "It was there?" Steve narrows his eyes at a photo of the creature lifting a car off a civilian. "Helping us?" Tony nods and plays a video. "Eating too."

      They watch as the creature marches up to a group of aliens and... eats them. Clint shudders. "Gross." They hum in agreement. Tony typed a bit. "This isn't the first time they went after the Life Foundation." Tony brings up an article about how the creature went after the Life Foundation 5 years ago and became a fugitive. Clint looks at the by line and scoffs. "No way." They look at him. Clint points to the article. "Look at the by line." They all look at it and their eyes widen. "No way."

      "Blake Winchester." Steve looks at Clint. "Do you think you can ask Blake about the creature? Maybe she knows more than there was in the article." CLint nods. "Actually you can." Tony raises an eyebrow. "She said she's going to come by the tower one of these days." Steve nods. "That's convenient." Tony smirks and nudges. "Looks like bird brain has a crush." Clint scoffs and doesn't notice the red appearing at his cheeks. "What? No I don't." Natasha smirks. "Your blushing." She jabs.

      Clint turns away. "I hate you guys." He rushes out of the lab, leaving Steve, Natasha and Tony to giggle like school girls.

      Blake sighs as she cooks. Sam and Dean begged her to make her world famous French Toast. Sam shakes the newspaper he's currently holding. "So an investigative reporter huh? People really believe what you write?" Blake smirks and shrugs. "Not everything is supernatural you know. New York is a hot spot for Aliens." Dean shakes his head and smirks. "I still can't believe they are real." Blake snorts. "Believe it." Sam leans on her kitchen island.

      "Have you ever seen one?" Blake fights off a smile. She is currently playing host to one. "Yeah, I was here during the invasion." Dean raises an eyebrow. "Were you safe?" Blake glances at him and shrugs. "Aliens were raining from the sky. No one was safe." She shrugs. "But I didn't get hurt if that's what you're asking." Dean nods and walks over to the island to sit next to Sam. Sam raises an eyebrow at one of the articles Blake wrote. "You reported on Iron Man?" Blake nods and smirks. She places Sam and Dean's plates in front of them.

      "I've done more than that." She smirks. "I've actually been invited to the Avengers tower." Sam and Dean's jaws drop. Blake nods. Sam shakes his head, a smile on his lips. "How'd you manage that?" Blake shrugs. "I saved Hawkeye's life." They gape at her again and Blake can't help but smile. Her baby brothers used to think of her as their hero. It seems like they think it again.

      "What else have-" Blake gives Dean a scolding glare. "Don't chew with your mouth full." Sam laughs at how Blake scolds Dean. Dean glares at Sam then swallows his food. "What else have you been up to?" Blake purses her lips. "Not much." That's a lie. A huge lie, but thankfully her brothers can't see it. "How 'bout you Sammy? How was college?" Sam nearly drops his fork. "How'd you know?" Blake gives him a look.

      "You two really thought I wouldn't check up on you?" Sam and Dean look down ashamed. She at least made an effort to make sure they were okay, but they never did. Blake watches them, clearly seeing how upset with themselves they are. "Hey," She starts. They look up at her. "It's okay. You guys were angry. I get it." She smiles and puts her hands on theirs. "But we're past that, so stop with the pity party." Sam and Dean smile and chuckle.

      "You're too good for us." Blake smirks and shrugs. There is a knock at the door and Blake raises her eyebrows. "Peter." Venom tells her. Blake's eyes widen and she looks at the clock. 6:16. "Shit." She walks over to the door and opens it to see Peter staring up at her. "Hey kid, I don't think I'll be able to make it tonight." Peter peeks into the room to see Sam and Dean. He raises an eyebrow. "Everything okay?"

      Blake can sense the underlying question. He wants to know if she needs help. "Yeah," She glances at Sam and Dean. "Just family stuff." She looks back at Peter and gives him a small smile. He's got no idea that his uncles are in the room. "Tell your aunt thank you for the offer. Maybe we can go out one night. My treat." Peter smiles and nods. "Sounds fun! I'll tell her." Peter casts a suspicious glance at Sam and Dean, then leaves.

      Blake sighs in relief and closes the door. "Who was that?" Blake bites her lip. "My neighbor. His aunt invited me to dinner," She points at the clock. "I forgot." Sam inclines his head. "Sorry." Blake shakes her head. "It's no big deal." Sam tries to take Dean's plate to wash it but Blake stops him. "Nuh uh. My apartment, my dishes, my problem." Sam chuckles and hands the plates to her. Sam and Dean walk over to the TV and watch the news.

      "A demon killed your father? I didn't know they were real." Blake creases her brows. "You're in my head. You've seen my memories. How could you not believe?" She whispers and puts Dean's plate in the dishwasher. "Seemed too impossible." Blake snorts. "Yeah, coming from the alien parasite." Blake smirks as Venom complains about the name.

      "Blake." Blake looks at Dean and he points at the TV screen. Blake walks closer and reads the headline. "We are in downtown manhattan where a string of murders have left us wondering: Are vampires real?" An image of a body with bite marks on its neck and wrists makes Blake's blood run cold. "Vampires in New York?" She scoffs and crosses her arms. "Not on my watch." Sam smirks at her and stands. Dean follows. "What do you say boys?" She smirks. "For old times sake?"





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