Getting To Know

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I was walking down the stairs when I suddenly notice Jimin. Just as I was going to greet him I realize that he was talking to another student. Not wanting to disturb them I decide to walk away but then their conversation piqued my interest.

"Jimin, I don't think that you should be Jungkook's team mate."

"But I can't do anything about it... The teacher decided the teams..."

"You can always talk to the teacher and ask him to change your team mates."

"I don't know... Wha-"

"Woah woah broooooo~ What's the tea?" I interrupt them when I heard them mention Jungkook's name.

"Who are you?" The boy who was talking to Jimin asks me.

"Oh my~ You don't have any manners do you? One should first introduce themselves."

"Oh! I'm sorry!" The boy bows as he quickly stands up straight and introduces himself. "I am Taehyung! Jimin's bestie!" At the end of his words he smiles brightly which quite resembles a rectangle.

"Well hello Taehyung, I am Y/N. A team mate of Jimin for his science project." I return his smile with my own. "So, what's up with you talking about Jungkook?"

"I-It's nothing..." Jimin answers as he looks away from me.

"Oh please! Don't tell me it's nothing. I noticed how you acted around Jungkook earlier."

"T-That was different."

"I know it wasn't. Now speak up."

"You just transferred to our school this year so you don't know." Taehyung speaks up in between us.

"Don't know what?"

"About Jungkook."

"Oh my I smell a story in cooking~" Taehyung just giggles at my remark and soon continues.

"The Jungkook you see now isn't who he was previously. He was the heartthrob of all the girls-"

"Still is." I interrupt.

"Yeah but then he was extremely hot an-"

"Still is."

"OH MY GOD LET ME CONTINUE!" Taehyung snaps due to my constant interruptions.

"Okay okay I'm sorry." I giggle at his sudden outburst.

"He was constantly surrounded by girls an-"

"Still is."

"OH FOR GOD'S SAKE, STOP INTERRUPTING ME!" I decide to tease Taehyung by interrupting him again and his reaction was gold.

"Okay! Calm down! I'll not interrupt any more!"

"You better not!" He takes a deep breath before continuing to talk. "Jungkook was the biggest bully of our school."

"So that means..." I turn to Jimin as my words trailed off.

Understanding what I am meaning to tell, Jimin nods quietly as he looks into my eyes.

"Yes... Jungkook used to bully me. T-That's why I couldn't help but react like that when I met him... I-I didn't mean to come off as rude or something!" Jimin quickly adds.

"No no. I get it why you acted like that but Jungkook doesn't seem like a bully..."

"Heh. He must have finally understood the weight of all his actions and decided to stop but I still do not like that boy. God knows what he might have done to Jimin if I didn't help Jimin out of all the troubles Jungkook caused him!" Taehyung exclaims angrily.

"But he said that he didn't remember doing anything to you." I say as I remember what Jungkook told me.

"That boy has bullied so many that it's no wonder he doesn't remember Jimin." Taehyung scoffs. "He had once locked him up in the washroom and luckily I was around and heard his voice or else God knows what would happen to him! Once he even spilled his milk on Jimin and humiliated him in front of all the students in the cafeteria!" Jimin pats Taehyung's back in attempts of calming him down.

Taehyung's breathing was irregular due to him forcing himself to speak all those words in one breath. His words come out in a rush as he seems to finally calm down after letting all that out.

His care and affection for his little best friend is clear in his eyes and that makes me feel sorry for what had happened with him. Tears threaten to fall down from my eyes as I remember a friend, quite similar to Taehyung, that I once had. She would always protect me no matter what and always stood tall against all odds.

Memories flood my mind but I quickly shake my head in attempts of stopping my tears that are on the brink of falling down.

Don't cry now Y/N! You have to be strong!

"I didn't know... I-I'm so sorry." I look down to the floor as an apology slips past my lips.

"Why are you apologising?" Jimin asks me as he slowly holds my arms in his in attempts of comforting me.

"I-I don't know why but I feel so bad..." My voice cracks as I force the words out.

"You don't have to be sorry Y/N-sshi..." Jimin slowly hugs me as he pats my back.

I nod and wipe the tears that form in my eyes. Pulling away from the hug I thank Jimin for his concern.

"You shouldn't be the one apologising anyways. That brat should be." Taehyung speaks with anger evident in his voice.

"Yeah... I should be going now. My class will be starting soon." I excuse myself as I wave to them before walking away.

"See you later Y/N-sshi!" Jimin chimes as we depart.

Seems like Jungkook had changed a lot after the last time I saw him. Well it would have been weird if he didn't, after all, it has been years since us meeting again in high-school.

Thoughts cloud my mind as I decide to speak with Jungkook during lunch. I was sure there was a reason behind his actions.

Gripping onto my books tightly, I walk through the empty corridors as I make way towards my class.

Lunch hours soon arrive after long hours of lessons and classes. Running past the crowd that is forming in the corridor, I walk into the washroom as I slip past the window and run up the metal stairs.

Reaching up, my eyes meets a familiar figure.

"You didn't skip your class did you Jungkook?"

"No!" Jungkook instantly answers.

"Good then!" I smile and throw a small banana milk bottle towards him. "A reward for attending all your classes."

Jungkook swiftly catches it in his hands as I walk up beside him and sit down. My eyes meets the familiar cityscape unfolding beneath us. A gentle breeze blows past us as I decide to break the silence enveloping us.

"Jungkook?" He hums as I call him. "You were a bully weren't you?"

His eyes widen as he quickly looks at me.

"You didn't know that?"

"The hell? That's your reaction? Shouldn't it be something like 'I have changed' or 'I know what I did was bad but they were all mistakes in the past and I have moved on'...?"

"This ain't a Korean Drama and you seriously didn't know?" Jungkook looked surprised that I didn't know that he was a bully. "Were you living under a rock?"

"Well I only transferred to this school this year..." I inform Jungkook who seemed to understand my reason of unawareness.

"I'm guessing that you are planning on how to distance yourself from me now?" He chuckles to show that he wasn't bothered but I am not an idiot.

I see right through his facade of attempts of looking tough. He wants to hide his true feelings to hide his vulnerability. He is hurt far too deep to allow others to be let in again. He wants to appear tough, that's why he stopped communicating with others. He doesn't want them to see through his cloak of deception.

"Oh will I?..." I say in a low voice as I look over to him with a smile painting my lips.

"... You don't know my preferences yet baby boy."

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