SEASON 1: Chapter 10

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Y/N was sitting on the couch with crossed legs and arms. She was staring at Jimin who was also sitting on the couch, his hands wide open resting on the couch.
Right after Irene had entered and turned on the lights, Jimin got up and went downstairs. He told Y/N to sit and Irene to brings glass of cold water.

Irene: Here you go(hands him glass of water)

Jimin: Is it cold?

Irene: Yes, but it's bad for your throat
Jimin took the glass and drank

Jimin: Who are you again?

Irene: I am kidnapped by your gang. I was sleeping when I heard a thud

The look on Jimin's face was laughable.

Jimin: Okay kidnapped girl who is sleeping in her kidnapper's house freely, you can go back to sleep

Irene nodded and gave Y/N a concerned look. Y/N blinked indicating 'I'll be okay'. Irene went to Suga's room leaving Y/N and Jimin downstairs

Jimin: And who are you Miss?

Y/N: You mean you don't know me?

Jimin: Were you staying in my room?

Y/N: Yes

Y/N had many questions. For what she had done, it is quite impossible for Jimin to forget who Y/N was. But he acted as if he's meeting her for the first time. Y/N played along.

Jimin: If there's one thing I hate the most, that is when I've been in a horrible place for long time and then I finally come back home and enter my room and reach out for comfortable clothes but instead I grab a bra

Awkward air....
Y/N: That must be really uncomfortable

Jimin: Exactly!! Are you also a kidnapped girl?

Y/N: No, I actually joined the gang

Jimin:My replacement?

Y/N: No. I am a new girl who works under your department

Jimin: Why are you living here?

Before Y/N could answer, the main door opened and Seokjin entered and walked upto Jimin. Jimin grinned.

Jimin: Long time huh?

Seokjin smiled. They both clapped their hands together. They looked like old high school buddies who met each other after a long time.

Jin: How did you get out, you punk?

Jimin: Well, since you all thought to leave me there forever, I got out myself

Jin: We were planning to get you out, just waiting for the right time

Jimin: I'm not patient enough to wait for the right time.

Jin: Now that you've done this, Agent 007 will be active again

Jimin: Oh that wench!

Jin: Speaking of that, how did she get? Did you see her face?

Y/N straightened her back. Here it comes

Jimin: I can't remember

Jin: How can you forget something like that?!!

Exactly how?!

Jimin: They have me electric shock. That shit messed up my mind. If I stayed longer, I would have out of electrocution.

Jin: Jimin, my name is Jin and we both work for Bulletproof gang

Jimin: I do remember my useless friends and all, but I can't remember Agent 007's face. I think she dropped coffee on my million dollar coat

Jin: Million dollar coat?!!! Jimin, did you wear the most expensive coat that ever exists?!!!

Jimin: It's not even the most expensive coat. But something happened afterwards and I was caught by KIA

Jin: It's okay. Now you're out, go and relax

Jimin: Why is this girl here?

Jin: Ahh Y/N!! You can call her Princess too

Y/N: Kim Seokjin, I swear if you call me by that name again I'll--

Jin: You'll what? You can't even cook rice

Y/N: Don't bring that matter here!

Jin: Yahh!! Then should I talk about--

Jimin: Can we talk about why is she sleeping in my room?

Y/N: Speaking of which, where will I stay now?

Jin: From tomorrow you won't find time to come back here. Just move your stuffs to Jungkook's room

Jimin: What?!! Is she dating Jungkook?!!

Y/N: I was staying in your room. Does that mean that we're dating?

Jin: Y/N, did you have a fight with Jungkook?

Y/N: Fight? That's the thing which happens with people who care about you

Jin: You seem hurt, let's talk about this

Y/N: I don't want to. I am not mad. I didn't fight!

Jin: Let's have a walk outside and discuss the matter in detail

Y/N: What a drag!

Jin got up and walked towards the door. Y/N too got up and followed him. Y/N and Jin left the house and were probably walking outside discussing about the 'matter'.

Jimin was left dumbfounded.
How could Jin leave his friend behind, whom he met after such a long time and go for a walk with an unknown girl with whom he was arguing a moment ago!
Jungkook settling down on a girl was another big shock.

Jimin: So much changed in so less time

Y/N: What's up with you?

Jin: Me? What?

Y/N: Why are you behaving so kind all of a sudden?

Jin: Why do you think Jungkook doesn't care about you?

Y/N: I asked a question first

Jin: Jungkook's the one I'm worried about. I don't want you to leave my friend because of some misunderstanding

Y/N: I don't think your friend will be hurt even if I leave. It's just his position in his 'family'.

Jin: Position? Mind explaining?

Y/N: Yeah I'll tell you so that you can tell him!

Jin: Listen, we are men and not like women. We don't go around in order to solve a problem that we shouldn't.

Y/N: Jungkook needed a woman to keep his position as the Boss in his family. He got one. That's all

Jin: Wh-- you must be crazy. Jungkook can get any woman he likes. You don't know that before you came, he hardly came in this house. Not even on off days. He would be out with different women if he liked. Then with just a clap all of them would line up here. But he chose you.

Y/N: Alright. Let's not talk about this. Are you not going to inform the others about Jimin's arrival?

Jin: Suga and Hoseok will be here soon. As for Jungkook, I'll tell him in a couple of days

Y/N: Why not now?

Jin: Then he'll cancel all the meetings and turn his plane around to meet Jimin

Y/N: Just to meet Jimin?

Jin: Theirs friendship is deeper than brotherhood

Y/N nodded. She had to somehow get rid of Jimin. It's lucky that he had lost a part of his memory but it could come back anytime. Things were just getting complicated.

Y/N: By the way, I need to go out with Irene tomorrow

Jin: Why? Where?

Y/N: Just to grab coffee or something. She's feeling depressed from the situation.

Jin: Okay, but you've work tomorrow

Y/N: It's not going to take long. I'll be in the headquarters by 8 a.m.

Jin: Alright. But don't try anything

Y/N: What would I try?

*Next day*

Y/N entered a coffee shop along with Irene. After ordering, they both walked towards a table and sat down. She looked at Irene and started talking

Y/N: Since Task 2 is accomplished, what's next?

Irene: What? Who--

??: Task 3

Irene noticed a guy was sitting on another table behind Y/N. His back was towards them and he had a phone. It was Agent 002 or Taehyung.

Taehyung: The CCTV won't work here for the next couple of hours.

Y/N: But they're still here

Y/N glanced a little at the men standing outside the shop. Jin probably had sent them to see if Y/N tried anything or not. They just nodded at each other satisfied that Y/N had just visited the shop with her friend and doing anything fishy.

Taehyung: 3            2            1

Just as he said '1', surprisingly, the men left the shop and we're probably gone. Taehyung quickly went to the seat infront of Y/N.

Taehyung: Task number 3. Get a higher position in the gang

Y/N: Like Top 5?

Taehyung: Be that Top 5 or whatever

Y/N: I can only be the Top 5 by killing one of the guys

Taehyung: Then do that

Y/N: Can I asked you something? How did Park Jimin escape?

Taehyung: He turn out to be clever. More over, we had a traitor in KIA who helped him.

Y/N: Who is the traitor? Did you kill him?

Taehyung: We did. But I suspect there might be even more within the agency, although investigation showed that there's only one. Speaking of this, how are you still alive?

Y/N: Thanks to the electric shocks you gave him. He has lost a part of his memory and cannot remember Agent 007's face.

Taehyung: Talk about luck. By the way, when should I kill her?

They looked at Irene who seemed to be adoring an old couple not sitting far from them. She noticed that Taehyung and Y/N were watching her.

Irene: Can I help you?

Taehyung: We can't let someone who has heard a top secret conversation to live

Irene: Top secret? I didn't even pay attention to your conversation. Can you repeat it?

Y/N: This girl has Amnesia. She'll forget everything

Irene: Me? Really?

Taehyung: Ah such a beauty will forget me

Y/N: Agent 002, atleast not here. I brought her here because I needed a reason to come here. Or else they would have suspected me

Taehyung: So it's that way

Y/N: By the way, there's a robbery going to take place in National Bank, soon. I planned it(grins)

Taehyung: Agent 007 deals with Bulletproof Gang's robbery!

Y/N: You're not actually telling me..

Taehyung: Well, Park Jimin escaped. So it's time for Agent 007 to come back for action

Y/N: I got it. I'll deal with everything

Taehyung: Just stop the robbery. Since you've planned it, you can stop it easily. Well then, I'll be leaving

Taehyung got up and put his sunglasses on. Irene looked like she was lost. Y/N noticed it and tapped on the table.

Irene: Y/N, that guy is so handsome. I think I am in love

Y/N: Who? Agent 002? You're kidding

Irene: He's an agent? Doens't he have a name?

Y/N: Kim Taehyung

Irene: Cool name~~~

Y/N: Look, if you don't want my kill you, then remember that you have Amnesia. Okay?

Irene: I heard

After dropping Irene at home, Y/N entered the headquarters. She went straight to the planning department. She took the seat and grabbed some papers. She noticed everyone stood. That's when Y/N's eye caught Park Jimin.
Right, he's the boss now!
The look in his eyes was deadly. Y/N got up.

Jimin: Y/N right? You're late!

Y/N: It's 8:00. I'm on time.

Jimin: You're 46 seconds late

Y/N let out a laugh.

Y/N: Excuse me, I don't think it's 'so' late.

Jimin: Your new assignment is supposed to be done in a week. Get it done in 3 days(throws the file to her)

Y/N: Forget 3 days. I'll complete it by tomorrow morning

Jimin: If there's one thing I hate the most, it's late work and late arrival

Y/N: That's two things

They both turned the other way, almost at the same time, with angry faces. Jimin left.

Mark: Wow, that was daring

Y/N: Does 46 seconds count? Really?!! He's insane

Mark: Oh Sehun only demands work. Park Jimin demands perfection along with it

Y/N: Did he really have to return?

Mark: You'll get used to it

Y/N rolled her eyes. Park Jimin was a big problem for her. First, his useless memory could return, secondly, he's annoying. One thing was clear. Y/N needed to bring one of the guys down to get a position in Top 5. If needed, she would kill someone for that. That would most definitely be Jimin.

It was around 2 at night. No one was there anymore. Y/N organized a few files in her hand. She kept them on the table and sat down calmly. She checked the time and laid her head on the desk. Her eyes were slowly closing and in no time she fell asleep.
A couple of hours passed and someone opened the door. It was Park Jimin. He walked upto Y/N who was taking a nap. Since Y/N was always on guard, she was awake. But she pretended that she was sleeping. Jimin took the file

Jimin: So you really did it?

He was probably talking about Y/N completing the project.
But why would he come all the way here just for that? It wasn't even morning!

Jimin kept the file on the desk and picked a strand of Y/N's hair and twirled it around his finger. This made Y/N open her eyes.

Y/N: What are you doing?
She stood up looking at Jimin straight into his eyes.

Jimin: Did I wake the Princess up?

Y/N: Don't call me that

Jimin: If there's one thing I hate the most then that's someone so low telling me what to do

Y/N: You hate a lot of things

Jimin grinned and walked closer to Y/N.

Jimin: You know, Jungkook and I..

He took out his hands from the pocket and kept them on the desk, giving no chance for Y/N to escape..

"𝙒𝙚'𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚"

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