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"What are you doing here? I thought Pan locked you up," She said feeling small under his hard gaze,

"Should have let him kill me when you had the chance," he said stepping closer, "You don't realise the power you possess. Your loyalty is a weapon but it can be used against you,"

She clutched her hand in the blankets to steady herself, she had had enough drama in the past twenty-four hours, she really didn't want anymore.

"I don't know what you mean, Luc. Is it because I trusted you?" She began, "Because I did, but you trying to rape me was not a part of the deal," as hard as she was trying to be confident, her voice wavered unconvincingly,

"No, that wasn't part of the deal. I admit I got a little carried away-"

"A LITTLE?" She screeched and he put his hand up to shush her but she was fuming,

"You were supposed to be mine, we would be unstoppable. Once you realise what you are destined to do, your loyalty is the real prize here. If you were on my side, we could stop Pan, we could do anything," he said, "He doesn't deserve you, he's a monster,"

Addi really wasn't in the right mindset to contemplate anything he was trying to say, he was probably talking about whatever that prophecy was but that was the least of her concerns,
"You are the monster, Lucas. Don't you dare try and blame this on anyone but yourself," She got up and began walking towards Lucas and pointed her finger at his chest, "I don't care how you got out or why, I don't want to ever see you again and if I do, you'll experience for yourself just how powerful I am,"

She didn't quite know what she was threatening but it sounded good and she could see a crack spidering into the boy's confidence, "Now. Get. Out,"

As soon as he was out of view, Addi could feel herself shaking.
She looked at her hands and found them glowing, something was definitely going on. You don't just happen to have magic glowing out of your hands.
She used a blast of energy to slam the door shut to both let out her anger and test if she could actually control whatever that was.
She stood there for a moment frozen, not quite sure what to do or what was happening.

The door cracked open once again and she tensed, "Was my threat not enough? Get the hell out!"

But to her surprise brown hair poked out instead of Lucas' icy blonde hair, "Pan," she breathed, partly relieved, partly annoyed because, well it was Pan.

He continues to strut into the room while she just stood there, hands blazing with light,
"So, Lucas paid a visit?" He asked conversationally.

Addi was dumbfounded, he was not taking this one bit seriously, so she just stared at him with her mouth slightly agape,
"Well, you're not going anywhere anytime soon till you get this," he gestured to her, "Sorted out,"

"How," she started walking towards the boy standing casually against the wall opposite to her and pointed a finger at him, "Can you just stand there like nothing is happening?"

"Calm down, Addi," weirdly enough his voice was actually soothing.
She took in a deep breath before she tried to kill Pan again, "Sit down and we can talk, just a normal conversation. Ok?"

She clenched my jaw, trying to contain her temper, "What about Lucas? Are you just going to let him go? He's running around on the loose, who knows what he's going to do,"

Pan stared at her, "I'll deal with Lucas later, at the moment you are the bigger issue. Lucas won't hurt the other boys and as long as you're with me, you're safe, he's a manipulative idiot but he's not a psychopath. So right now all that needs to happen is calming you down,"

She took in a breath, "Fine,"

"Ok, so how about that conversation," he said calmly.

The light in the room was beginning to dim which wasn't surprising because she had probably woken up at about midday due to her eventful night.
Deciding to cooperate, she went back to the bed and sat crossed legged looking at Pan,

"Fine," she said again, "What do you want to talk about then," Her voice monotone because any emotions would turn into yelling and she would probably just end up burning the whole hut down.

She could have sworn that he almost smiled at her, "What's your favourite colour?"
Addi knew he was just humouring her and trying to get her to calm down but still, he really could have done better than that pathetic excuse of a question,

"Red," she said unmoving, "You?"

"Green," what a surprise,

"Ok, I have a question," she said, taking advantage of Pan's casual manner, she could see his eyes narrowing at her, "Why are there only boys on the Island?"q

He paused, she could tell he didn't really want to answer the question. Tough luck.
"My flute can only be heard by lost and unloved boys unless I make an exception. I started gathering the boys to keep me company, it never even crossed my mind to take girls, and once I had my Island under order, girls would only screw up the order. I can't have my boys distracted," it seemed that was his final answer,

"Then why am I still here?" She doubted he would tell her but it was worth a shot.

His eyes met her in a cold stare, "And why would I tell you that?"

She put her hands up in surrender, "Right, my bad,"

There was a pause and he seemed happy that she had stopped so therefore she decided to press further "Why don't you ever tell me anything?"

His stone-cold eyes turned from ice to exasperation, "Because it's none of your bloody business, that's why,"

Addi frowned, "Surely there's a part of you who's not a complete jerk," She spoke barely audible, Pan just cocked an eyebrow. She figured he had heard, "I mean I would tell you if I knew but you already basically know everything there is to know about me, more even. So would it really be a crime to tell me about yourself? I mean, I would assume a stuck up snob like you would enjoy nothing more than talking about himself,"
She added the last bit for good measure.

His emotion continued to change now from exasperation to humour. Well, it was a step in the right direction she guessed, "Fine, what do you so desperately want to know,"

"We can start easy, tell me about your family," Addi could tell from the way his eye twitched that this was not indeed an easy start. She silently cursed herself.

"I had a brother," he said slowly, she tried to smile encouragingly even though it really pained her to do so.

She just really wanted this idiot to actually open up to her, all relationships were built upon trust and if she were to stay on this Island, she at least wanted to try and be friends with the leader,
"My parents adopted him when I was twelve," it seemed like he was finished by the way he crossed his arms and continued to stare at her.

"What was his name?" She prodded gently,

"Rumple," he said after a pause, "He was a real pain in the ass,"
Addi swore she could've seen a small smile twitching at the corner of his lips but it was gone the second she spotted it,

This was good, she needed to keep this up, keep him talking, "What about your parents?"

This question didn't seem to bother him too much but his jaw seemed to clench as he spoke, "My father was a blacksmith, Asrafe. My mother was a weaver, her name was Delilah,"

"Do you miss them?" She asked,

He suddenly stiffened, "Why do you think I left?" His voice was deep and dark and she could feel his rage blossoming up once again.

She had to act fast otherwise he would very likely try to kill her, "I'm sorry, that's none of my business,"

He stopped momentarily but didn't seem to calm down, "We don't apologise here in Neverland, words stop having meaning when you just throw them around," he said suddenly, "Actions mean more than words. You should have learned that by now,"

He was facing her again and she was glued to the sheets of the bed, vaguely aware of who's bed she was still perched on.

He walked towards the bed and sat himself down on the opposite side of her, "Now indulge me, what makes you so curious about my life?"

"That's what normal people do, they get to know each other, they ask questions. It's how most people make friends," She tried not to sound patronising but it was clear that Pan had no friends,

He just glowered at her, "Is that so," he said, "What makes you think I want to talk to you?"

She squinted her eyes at him, carefully choosing her words, "It must be lonely having no friends,"
She was an idiot and she knew it but so far her idiocy seemed to be working with Pan.

"You don't acquire power by making friends," he said as if that answered her question,

"Is that why you're here then, power?"

"I wanted an escape and Neverland provided just that but with the power it gave me, I am now one of the most powerful beings on Earth," Addi's eyes widened at that, was he really? "But everything comes to an end so I spend my time looking for the next beginnings rather than making friends," he said mimicking her on his last two words,

"Is that because Neverland is dying?" His eyes narrowed at her as if deliberating whether to answer or not.

It seemed he decided to go with yes, "My power along with Neverland, but there is always a way if you try hard enough. I can restore Neverland and with it my powers,"


"Now that, dear, is for me to know and for you to find out, when the time is right,"

She groaned internally, and there she was thinking she was actually getting somewhere with him, "I hate you,"

"And I you, dear Addi," he was excruciatingly annoying.

The evening turned into the bickering of little kids arguing over who was disliked the other more, Addi realised it was the first time she had ever seen Pan laugh. It was a light husky sound and she couldn't help but smile herself at her great accomplishment.

Addi looked down at Pan who was sitting against the opposite wall of the cabin, there was something in his eyes she had never seen before, it was like she had seen a new version of him. This version of him made him human, like her.

She could see him for what he was, a lost boy in need of a bit of love. As much as he wanted to fool everyone into thinking he was simply a power-seeking monster with no emotions or feelings, he had proved otherwise to her today.

"You should probably get some sleep now," he said and got up, retreating to the other bed in the corner.

"Goodnight then," She said quietly and rolled over onto her side. She could hear Pan rustling around and wondered what on earth he was doing.
Moments passed and a hush fell over the room, it was a sort of awkward silence, neither of them wanting to make any noise, just waiting for sleep to fall.

Addi began counting in her head to tire her active mind and soon found herself slipping out of consciousness into a dreamless sleep.

So we saw a bit of a different side to Pan, do you think that will stick?
We'll dig a little deeper into whatever powers Addis got in the next couple of chapters, be excited!!
Please vote and comment as per usuallll :)

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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