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Addi groaned as she sat up in bed, she was still wearing her clothes from the day before and to say she was uncomfy was an understatement, she had probably been far too distracted that night to notice.

Pan had already left it seemed so she took that as a sign that she should probably get back to her cabin.
Addi had sort of been able to control her magic or at least her outbreaks thanks to Pan so she wouldn't blast anyone to smithereens unless she actually wanted to. Watch out Pan.

Her feet hit the floor and after a moment, washing away the sleepiness from her system, she was able to function like a regular human being, or at least somewhat.

The sky was bright, it was the second time she had actually slept in late. She really hoped it didn't become a habit, she quite liked her peaceful morning strolls on her own with no hormonal boys to bother her.
Addi noticed they were all up going at whatever business they did during the day, she tried to slink across camp without being seen but quickly realised it was impossible.

Addi desperately hoped they didn't get the wring idea when they saw her walk out of Pan's cabin, that really would be an awkward situation.

Curious eyes found her right away and queue the whispering of scandalous matters.
She groaned internally and tried to ignore the stares and kept to herself, but Harvey and Devin seemed to beat her to my destination, a smirk sat on Harvey's thin lips,

"Soo... may I ask why I saw you coming out of Pans cabin?" She cringed at the assumption in his voice, Devin just stood there looking at her with a glint in his eye and an eyebrow raised, She could have sworn everyone on the Island could raise their eyebrow and it was very irritating, but they probably had years to practice.

She frowned, "He didn't think it was safe for me to be unsupervised when I was riled up and my magic was unpredictable," they nodded in understanding but Harvey was definitely still smirking at her,

"So it's true, you have magic?" Devin asked,

Addi nodded grimly, "Yeah, but I have no idea how to use it," She let out a light laugh as she spoke,

"You'll learn one day," Devin patted her shoulder with a smile, "Anyways, Pans going to do some games soon so you might just want to get changed,"
He eyed the crumpled clothed hanging limply from her small frame with a smirk. She squinted at him in annoyance but went off to do so.

It felt good to be in a fresh set of clothes again Addi thought as she headed out to see what monstrosity Pan had planned for that day.

Walzting towards the crowd as soon as she felt the need to grace Pan with her presence.
She heard Pan explaining that we were doing duels and she felt her heart sink just a bit. Their eyes met and she could tell he was clearly annoyed that she was late but he could deal with it.
She joined, Devin and Aster placing herself between them and resting her elbows on the two taller boys shoulder leaving Devin glaring at her annoyed. He was very touchy about his 'less tall' height.

It seemed she would be duelling Roger who was clearly the one of the most skilled there and was clearly put with her as a punishment for being late.
Addi huffed and went to grab her sword and loose miserably to the lanky pale sexist douche.

She felt the sword weighed just right in her hand, "Maybe I'll actually win this time," she joked.

Roger just frowned, she didn't think he knew what a joke was, "You will never win,"
Wow. Thanks.

She simply rolled her eyes and began walking cautiously towards him, holding her sword in front of her body protectively and mentally prepared herself to fight.
He struck first as expected and she blocked, seeming to stay on offence the whole time to protect her pretty face and body from getting brutally injured.
They danced around each other and it was obvious that he was going easy on her.
He would occasionally hiss encouraging words like, "Girls cant fight," "You're in over you're head," or even the classic, "You're weak, you'll never amount to anything,"
It took everything in her not to try and use her unstable magic to blast him to to space and back.

He finally seemed to be getting bored of her and with a couple of effortless blows, she was pinned to a tree, helpless.

His eyes narrowed at her, "You shouldn't be here, I don't care what Pan says, you are weak and no matter how hard you try, you'll never be good enough,"

Addi was seething with rage by that point and a wave of nausea fell over her as she was sent back to the last time she was held helpless against her will.
She was sick of being used and walked over. She was not weak. She was a strong, capable woman who would not be made to comply, and no one messes with Addi when she's mad.

She gripped the hilt of her sword and with one quick motion, rammed the solid metal into Roger's stomach.
He stumbled back winded, and swearing. Regaining his balance, he came at her again, yelling and sword bared.

She wasn't about to let him defeat her this time, she had something worth fighting for, herself.
She had come to a revelation and something inside her was set free. She was set free and with speed and skill she never thought she had possessed, she blocked every blow and fought back with all her might.

Addi vaguely remembered the other day when Flynn had said something about Roger being weaker on his left side, she didn't quite know what made her remember this vital peace of information but any weakness of Roger's was one step closer to her watching him crumble at her feet.

She began striking to his left, quick and hard blows and in just moments, the tip of her sword was at his neck.
She shoved him to the floor and stood towering above him. This time, she was in charge. No one had the right to tell her who or what she was but her and she was telling Roger that she was not a weak girl, but a strong woman in charge of her own fate.

"Who's weak now," She said between gritted teeth and walked away.

Addi could feel the rage and heat boiling up to her face and she was probably a deep shade of scarlet red right about then but she didn't care at all.

"Wow, who's about to die?" An irritating British voice sounded behind her.

She twirled around, "You, if you even think about taking to me,"
She obviously wasn't as intimidating as she felt because the bastard cracked a grin and laughed.

"I never though I'd see the day," he chuckled and smirked mischievously, purely to piss her off further, "How did the duel go?" his voice was light with humour because he seemed to think she had lost.

"Ask Roger," she hissed, "You'll find him barely conscious right about that way,"
Pan's eyes followed her finger in both awe and amusement.

He wasn't making it any better, "You beat him?" He sounded surprised,

"No, Roger just whacked himself in the face a couple of times for fun," Oh he was definitely surprised.

The boy seemed to consider something for a moment and his dark eyes met hers intensely, "How about one last duel,"

She glared at him, "How about n-"

But before she could finish speaking Pan let out a cry, "Boys!"
Said boys immediately showed up, all sweaty and tired.

They gathered around and waited for instructions, "We have one last match. Addi dear, would you care to join me?"

All eyes fell on her in shock, she probably would have been one of them.
Pan never duelled with anyone because they all knew it was impossible to beat him, he was their leader and he had no weakness.
No one had ever beaten him and just because she had beaten Roger, in no way, shape or form meant she could beat Pan.

What the heck was he doing? Probably trying to prove a point.

Addi tried to stand tall and summoned all the courage she could muster to look like she was actually prepared for the guaranteed humiliating loss. She was definitely just dying inside but you really couldn't tell.

"You really want to do this?" She asked as confident as possible looking him dead in his deep green eyes.
Addi knew she was the one who didn't want to do this, but they didn't need to know that.

She grabbed her sword and walked towards him with confidence in her stride.
She felt ready but had no idea how Pan fought because she had rarely trained with him but mostly with either Roger, Hank or Harvey.

She honestly still couldn't tell the difference between the twin's appearance but Harvey was definitely a lot nicer and she was actually friends with her, also due to Hank being besties with Roger and sharing his great opinion of her but that was beside the point. She really needed to focus.

"I'm feeling generous so I'll let you have the first move," Pan said and lowered his hands slightly.
Addi would normally have graciously excepted but she knew very well that you should never make the first move in a fight or at least that's how she fought.

"Ladies first," she grinned as she saw the scowl forming on his pretty face.
She heard a few muffled chuckles trying to hide themselves from Pans terrible wrath, and she mentally high-fived herself.

It seemed Pan had nothing to say to that and just glared at her. She could tell the fight was about to start and she readied myself, gripping the hilt of her blade and keeping it in front of her.

She could hear the wind over the silence of anticipation, then the crunch of leaves beneath Pan's foot as he lunged at her.

She held up her sword in an angle to block him and stepped back slightly to balance herself, she pushed his sword to the side and tried an attack of her own, nicking him slightly in the arm but she was pretty sure he had let her, just to make her think she had a chance.

They danced around each other, trading blows but rarely hitting their targets. Each time she got close he would tease a victory, dangling it right in front of her face and then yanking it away as soon as she reached for it.
He was amazing and there was no denying it.
She would have to pull some serious moves or strategies out of her sleeves if she wanted to even stand the slightest chance against him.

She couldn't think though, not when she was spending every second moving and blocking his sword just to keep herself from getting injured or killed. She probably wouldn't get killed but when a sword is pointing at you, you can't help but think you're about to die.

She got close again and left a knick on his right cheek but he came right back and clashed his sword with hers, forcing her backwards.
Again and again he did that, letting her in and then coming right back at her.
Addi was getting mad and she could feel irritation and anger bubbling thought her body.

Then, she realised what he was trying to, he was intentionally trying to anger her, he wanted her to slip up and use magic, the sneaky bastard.
She wasn't going to give in, if anything, she just came back stronger but she knew it wasn't going to last.

She didn't know why but she just couldn't lose, normally she would just except her defeat because Pan has been alive for centuries and his experience was incomparable. She really had no chance but even still, she just felt the need to win even more.

The tip of Pans sword left yet another mark as her concentration wavered slightly, adding to the collection of injuries Aster would have to fix up for her after it was all over.

Snap out of it, she told herself and lunged for Pan, he dodged and she stumbled forward but regained herself just as his blade came close. She blocked it, twisting herself back to face him and the battle continued in the repeating pattern that was slowly but surely draining her.

Addi needed to find some sort of weakness, a break in the chain of his skill and expertise.
She was getting tired and found it hard to concentrate on his blows but she kept going, nothing would stop her from trying. She had to prove that she deserved to be there, Pan had once said that she craved approval and she felt it was true.

She decided to back off and stay on offence to inspect his style and try to find some sort of flaw, she knocked his sword when he struck at her and slowly edged backwards, her eyes searching his form and swordsmanship to find a strategy or flaw but come short with nothing.

If she couldn't find a flaw or a strategy that I could ruin, maybe she would just have to come up with a strategy of her own.
Everyone had a weakness, or something that might make them hesitate for even the slightest second for her to take advantage of, and suddenly she had an idea.
A smile found its way onto her lips and Pan looked at her very confused but she just kept going. She needed to wait for just the right moment.

Pan seemed to be getting restless by her newfound positivity. She saw his knee coming but let him knock her down, he couldn't have had better timing.

She barely felt the sudden jolt of pain shooting up her back as she hit the hard ground. She could barely contain her smile now, it was going to be fun.
She knew it was a terrible plan but even if it didn't work, she was sure just seeing Pan's reaction at what she was about to do would be absolutely priceless.

Addi saw him towering over her and the tip of the sword was at her neck, she slid her own sword into her left hand and looked up at him.
He had a smirk plastered all over his face, he was so sure he had won but if he knew her at all, he would know that she wouldn't down without a fight. He leaned over and with a cocked eyebrow and innocent smile, reached out a hand for her to take.

Sitting up, she reached her hand up to him but instead of grabbing his hand like he expected, she grabbed a fist of his shirt and brought him down with her.
He stumbled with a startled yelp that she would never let him forget and he brought his hand down to the floor to stop him from landing on top of her like a real gentleman.

Pan had dropped his sword and his eyes were wide with surprise, but she wasn't done just yet.
She leaned her head up, their faces a breath away and her lips hovering right under his. If she was any closer, their lips would have been close enough to kiss. She stayed there for a moment, gazing up into the green abyss of his eyes, just for the dramatics.

Pan had completely frozen, his face a mixture of confusion, delight, anger and terror so she did what ever girl in her position would do and punched his sorry face.

He fell away in shock and she grabbed her sword again, lowering it to his neck this time.
Pan's face was unmistakeable, rage would have been a great word to describe the look, a hint of embarrassment maybe, and a tad of confusion, but yeah, mostly rage.

"I win," Addi said holding his glare, there was no time for mistakes, no time for Pan to get back at her. She had won and it felt pretty damn good.

So that was exciting and Addis howed her serious badass side. I feel like I'm rly bad at writing fight scenes so I hope that it wasn't terrible and if U have any tips at all plz share.

Please remember vote and comment while I say some shoutouts to some fabulous readers whos comments have made my day :) _Aliceneverland curiosityanddreams lucidreamshade
Love y'all and tysm for supporting my story. Check out their books as well, like damnmm these guys r talented <333

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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