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What had just happened? Peter was beyond stunned as silence filled the air, waiting for a reaction.
Waiting to see how he would punish the girl.

But Peter could barely think at all, let alone think of a punishment. All that clouded his mind was the way she looked at him, the way her strange floral scent was imprinted in his memory and was all he could think of, the way their lips nearly met and how he hadn't moved away.

He knew it was all just a trick, a trick for Addi to finally beat him and the sad thing was, it had worked.
Peter tried to clear his head and his vision was tunnelled to focus on the girl standing in front of him, he couldn't see or think of anything else.

It took a moment for him to take note of the watching eyes of the boys. They had just seen their leader in a moment of weakness and no good leader let his followers see his weakness.

"Congratulations," he said surely, finally finding his voice, "I'm impressed,"
Addi seemed stunned at his words but he desperately needed to take the attention off of him, to make the boys forget that Addi had won by merely taking advantage of him, by nearly kissing him.

He stood towering over the girl, "You fought well," then his eyes shifted to his lost boys, "I expect this level from the rest of you, persistence and resilience till you get what you want,"
His tactic seemed to be working as he shifted their attention to the girl and how well she fought rather than, well what else had happened.

A moment of silence rung in the air and he spoke again, "You may leave. I'd like to have a little chat with dear Addi," the boys left and he watched Addis's fearful eyes watch them leave.

He watched her silver eyes and mouth twitch, she was scared, scared of him. "So," she said awkwardly.

Peter ignored her, he was thinking.
Thinking about what he would do next, in the big scheme of things, he would eventually teach the girl how to use her magic but he hadn't planned on dealing with that till he had dealt with the stupid pirates and their stupid plans.

"I think you're ready," he said.

Addi looked confused, her brows scrunched together as she stared at him, "Ready for what?"

A smile wove itself onto his lips, "To learn magic of coarse,"

"To control it?" He nodded, "And why do you suddenly want to teach me?" she sounded skeptical and he didn't blame her.

"I finally saw the lost boy in you, I saw the same darkness, desperation and anger, but you have something even more than that, you have the ability to think like me. You showed your true colours when you finally gave into your instincts, I saw what you were truly capable of. You're the key asset to my plans and I need you to be ready, I need you to be on my side and stay loyal and, I've decided I can trust you," he paused and let his words ring in the air.

Was everything he said a load of bull? Absolutely. Did he trust Addi? As much as he wanted to, Peter could never truly trust anyone, but if his words got her to listen, to maybe even trust him, it had served its purpose.

Doubt was written all over her round face and he knew that she certainly didn't trust him, he wasn't surprised but slightly disappointed.
Peter was certain when he saw the calculating expression that she tried to mask, that she wasn't buying a word he said and had her own little plans sorted. But as long as her plans and his plans overlapped slightly, he didn't care.

"Good," she said with a calm and collected voice, "When do I start?"

Peter took a step to her and smirked, "Eager are we?" She glared at him, "Meet me at the sea caves after dinner,"

✧ ✧ ✧

It was getting slightly dark and Addi could see a vibrant pink colour peeking though the clouds, it was quite pretty. She had decided to return to camp rather quickly after her interesting chat with Pan, the boys were already eating so she went to join them by the massive campfire.

Pan's words were still ringing in her ears. It wasn't him telling her that she was to be learning magic that was bothering her but something he had said before,

'I finally saw the lost boy in you, I saw the same darkness, desperation and anger, but you have something even more than that, you have the ability to think like me'

Was she really like them now, lost? Was she dark, desperate and angry?
She had very nearly killed Roger and she could only assume Pan was watching but it was a fight, and she had won, wasn't that what fights were about? Sure she had fought a bit dirty but she did what needed to be done.

Addi could only assume he was trying to get inside her head, force her to be something she wasn't.

She tried to push the thought away but couldn't. No one could tell her who she was and whatever 'plan' Pan thought she was essential for, she wouldn't be so easily manipulated again. If he wanted her to learn magic to fight for him, she would do it on her own terms and be on no ones side but her own.
She didn't want to be like Pan and she would make sure that that never happened.

Addi spotted Devin, Harvey and Chester chatting furthest away from the fire so she ran to meet them,

"Where's Aster,?" she asked,

"Dealing with Kale," Harvey muttered, Addi furrowed her brows, confused and he decided to elaborate, "He was irritating my brother, Roger and Flynn. Flynn was just cracking jokes and Kale was being his usual annoying chatterbox self because the other younger boys were off running an errand for Pan. Long story short, Hank got angry and now he's got a broken arm,"

Addi's eyes widened in surprise, "Wow, how are you guys related?" She laughed, Harvey just shook his head with a light smile playing on his lips.

"Do ye want some food?" Chester shoved a plate of roast boar and a selection veggies towards her. She grinned and took it happily, her stomach was growling at the smell and she realised she hadn't eaten all day.

They sat around and traded stories, discussing the odd topics of food, immaturity and humour.

Addi was lying against Harvey's arm, sleep making her all floppy, "Let's get you back to your cabin," he said softly and she felt him grab her arms, hoisting her up.

Aster was back and started poking her, "Addi, get up,"
She smiled and suddenly stopped. Oh no, she was meant to meet Pan at the sea caves, he was going to be so pissed.

"Oh my gosh, I need to go to the caves, Pan's going to kill me," The boys looked at her very questionably, she didn't blame them, "Can someone come with me? I really don't know how to get there. Pan said that I had to meet him at the sea caves for magic training," They suddenly understood,

"I'll take you," Devin said, she smiled grateful for company because If she was going to be completely honest, the thought of going off into the forest late at night on her own wasn't the most pleasant.

She felt Devins small hands grabbing her arm and they made their way to the sea coves, it was a long walk to nearly the opposite side of the island but after four too many mystery twig snaps and multiple insect bites, they finally made it.

"And now, where is Pan?" Devin whispered, looking around,

"He better show up, even though I'm late, we still came all the way out here,"
Another twig snapped and they both whirled around, it was Pan.

"You brought Devin," he noticed very observingly,
"It was dark, so I just wanted a bit of help with direction," Addi found herself looking down slightly which was odd because she wasn't normally a shy person.

"And who's fault is that?" Pan smirked, she just frowned at him and before she could realise what was happening. He grabbed Devins wrist and they both disappeared.
A moment later they were back but Devinless.

"Where'd he go?"

"I just dropped him back where came from, this is a private lesson, Addi,"
His stare was steely and he stepped closer to her. It was dark and she couldn't clearly make out an expression but he was definitely smirking, she could feel it.

"Follow me," he said quietly and started walking to the edge of the caves and together, they entered the pitch black abyss.
It felt completely empty and Addi couldn't see anything, she felt a hand grab her wrist and for once, she just prayed it was Pan. Which was something she had really never done before.

"Can you get a candle or something?" she asked,

"This is your first lesson," his voice was right next to her ear and she could feel his warm breath,

"Making a light?" She asked slowly and couldn't help but shiver at his close presence,

"No, fire Addi. I've seen the fire in you, now can you bring it out?" His hand moved to the back of her hand and held her palm up to the roof,

Addi closed her eyes and tried to focus on summoning fire, she had never done this before so she just decided if she though hard enough about fire, it might just appear.
She concentrated on the colour of it, red, orange, sometimes even blue or yellow, the shape, how it flickered in the wind and danced to it's own rhythm.
Nothing seemed to happen.

"It's not working Pan,"

"Don't think, feel," he whispered, "Let yourself feel the fire. Focus on your feelings but don't let them control you, you control them,"

She tried to feel but the only thing she could feel was Pans hand clutching her own and the warm breath against her neck.
Think fire, she tried to think. No, feel. Feel the fire, that's what Pan said.

She closed her eyes once again and tried to feel any warmth around her and possibly channel that. Warmth, fire, it should work.

Her whole body was freezing now that she thought about it, except where Pan was touching her, he was warm.
She concentrated on her hand and his hand holding it in the air, the heat radiating through her body. She lost herself to the feeling and suddenly the heat was everywhere.
She could no longer feel Pan and she could hear a faint sound resonating somewhere in the distance.
The heat swirled inside her and power built up through her veins.

"Addi!" She heard her name and her eyes snapped open.

She saw Pan standing in front of her and her eyes flicked wide open when she saw it.
Fire coming out of her hands, not just a small flame but growing bigger and bigger.

The more she panicked, the greater the blazing fire spread.
Addi looked to Pan, her pleading eyes met his and he ran towards her, grabbing her hands and smothering the fire with his.
She wondered why neither of them were burnt and then remembered how it had happened in the first place, magic.

The moment he grabbed her, she felt a surge of relief and the flames began slowly disappearing into thin air.

In the heat of the moment, quite literally, Addi wrapped her arms around Pan and brought her head to his chest.
She didn't care that she was hugging Pan, somehow, it felt completely natural.
And what confused her the most was that he hugged her back, his arms wrapping around her small body and bringing her closer to him. She could smell the strong musky scent of him mixed with sweat but it didn't seem to bother her.
She was safe. Pan kept her safe.

Addi lifted her head to lock eyes with the boy, a grin found it's way to her lips,
"I did it," Pan raised an eyebrow, "Well, sort of,"
Their eyes melted into each other, a sea of silver and green.

Pan's face was so close, she had only ever been this close to him once.
This time, she felt herself loosing herself completely in him, close enough to see each imperfections of his perfect skin, the flecks of different coloured greens in his deep mysterious eyes.
Those eyes grazed over her lips and everything seemed to move in slow motion, the way his stare seemed to be devouring her whole and his lips parted slightly moving closer to her.

Then he was kissing her.

His lips were soft and warm against hers, sending pulses of heat throughout her body. Her arms were still wrapped around his neck and every inch or her body was screaming at her.
She was kissing Pan. Pan was kissing her.

At his touch, her mind seemed to drown out any common sense or reasonable thoughts, pushing aside everything that told her to pull away, to run, to not kiss him back.
She could feel every inch of Pan's warmth with his body pressed up against hers, his hand cupping her cheek softly.

Addi pulled away slowly when she finally came to her senses and tried to ignore the voice inside her telling her to just take life as it comes, especially Pan.

Blood rushed to her cheeks in an instant as she untangled her fingers from his soft neck. Her eyes rose to meet Pan's but his expression was unreadable.
Unsure of what to do, she stepped backwards, her hands by her side, nervously tapping at her leg.

"I'll get you back to camp," he said suddenly after a moment of silence, still no trace of emotion on his stone face. He grabbed her wrist and the scenery shifted nauseatingly.
Her hand flew to Pan's shoulder for support and as soon as they made it back to camp, she released her tight grip on him. Her gaze drifting to the boy next to her, trying once again to find some sort of emotion but he was simply gone.

Of course he was gone, he wouldn't stick around and say goodnight. As much as she wanted to think she knew him, think he cared about her, she was dead wrong.

Peter Pan cared about no one but himself.
That couldn't be true, her other inner voice demanded, he had kissed her, he had meant it.
But he left her, like nothing had happened.
But it had, something had happened and Addi was scared that it had meant something to her.

Soooo, I did that ... Do you love me yet????? That was a long time coming so yay we're finally here!!!
Things are really progressing and Addis confused, I would be too tbh

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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