dinner | yui michimiya fluff (request)

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A/N: The first request in the bag, hope ya like it!!

Prompt: Michimiya prepares a nice dinner for her long-time girlfriend (Y/n) with a little surprise in store

Warning: None

Word count: 899

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

"Michi, are you going to let me in yet?" You asked with an amused smile on your face. Your girlfriend has been hiding in the kitchen and connected dining room for the past two hours. You had no idea what she was doing, but your curiosity was beyond piqued. You heard the sound of rapid shuffling and the cheerful voice of Michimiya,

"No! Don't come in!" She cried out and you laughed.

"Okay, okay!" You said in near delight. You loved Michimiya with all your heart, and it was the silly things like this that just reminded you of that. She was such a sweet, good-hearted woman who had nothing but everyone else's best interest in mind. She was so pure and wonderful it was only inevitable that she captured your whole heart.

"When are you going to be done?" You asked, pressing your ear to the kitchen door so you could hear Michimiya better.

"Uh... I don't know," She admitted. "I'll come and get you when I'm ready, just go away until then, okay?" You chuckled and agreed to her terms. You walked away from the kitchen door and decided that you could afford to be a little productive until Michimiya let you see what she was up to. A while later, you heard fluttering footsteps approaching. You turned your head to see Michimiya with her face and clothes slightly messy. You presumed she had been cooking by the looks of it.

"Okay, (Y/n)," Michimiya said with a soft smile. "I have something I want to show you." You followed her into the kitchen and was surprised that the kitchen was still intact and not on fire. It was just a little unkempt, clearly having been used. Your girlfriend led you into the dining room. You were pleasantly shocked to find out that what kept Michimiya busy for so long. The table was set with candles, nice chinaware, and a homecooked meal made by non-other than the woman you loved. A genuine smile graced your lips and you felt your heart swell.

"You... You did all this for me?" You asked in a meek voice.

"Yep," Michimiya stated with a bright smile. "I-I wanted to do s-something special... " You felt a small blush and sat down to eat with her. You picked up your utensil and began to eat the food she worked so hard to prepare. It was not exactly the best meal you had tasted before, in fact, Michimiya was not very good at cooking.

You hesitated to finish chewing, but you got the food down for Michimiya's sake. You were thankful that she chose not to make a full five-course meal. You heard Michimiya laugh and saw her scratch the back of her neck.

"I know it's not very good," She explained sheepishly. "I don't really know how to cook, but I wanted to give it a try. I thought it would be nice to do something like this."

"It is nice," You quickly assured her. "I really appreciate how much effort you put into all this." Michimiya chuckled and fumbled over something in her pocket. She felt nervous like her insides were replaced with fluttering butterflies.

"Yeah, it's the thought that counts," Michimiya said. "And on that note, I have some other thoughts that--" Before she had the chance to continue, a high-pitched beeping noise began to echo throughout the apartment. Michimiya jumped to her feet upon realizing what the sound was. It was the smoke alarm and her poor dessert was burning. She went to quickly pull the dish out of the oven while you turned off the smoke alarm.

"You forgot about whatever this was supposed to be, huh?" You said while nudging the far beyond burnt dish. She sighed heavily.

"This was supposed to be our dessert," Michimiya grumbled sadly. "I worked so hard on it too." You laughed sweetly at her forgetfulness but patted her head gently.

"It's okay, don't worry about it," You told her. "Like we agreed, it's the thought that counts."

"I know, but... " Michimiya sighed again and buried her face in her hands. "I wanted tonight to go well, but between my awful cooking skills and goldfish memory I guess it went downhill."

"It's not as bad as you make it seem," You pointed out. "Besides, every day goes well when I'm with you." You reached out and took her hands. You moved them away from her face and tucked your fingers in between hers.

"You're too good for me, (Y/n)," Michimiya confessed. "You are wonderful and amazing, and everything I've ever wanted from a partner. I love you so much and the reason I wanted tonight to go well was that... Well, it was because of this." She then proceeded to pull something out of her pocket, a small velvet box. She opened it up and showed you the ring that was waiting inside.

"You wanted to--you were going to propose?" You asked in disbelief.

"That was the plan, yeah," She admitted with a small laugh. "Wish it would've worked out, though."

"What, you think that just because you're night didn't go exactly according to plan I'm suddenly not going to want to marry you?" You asked, reaching your hands up to hold her face.

"I guess I hadn't looked at it that way," She said, a big grin washing over her. You pulled her in and kissed her. Michimiya's lips melded perfectly against yours the same way they always had and always will.

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