phone call | morisuke yaku angst (female-reader request)

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a/n: Yaku has a very special place in my heart because it's canon that he likes girls with short hair, and I have short hair 🥰

prompt: (Y/n) gets a phone call from her husband, Yaku

warning: description of injuries (includes blood), and the big sad

word count:

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

Just as the third ring began, you picked up.

"Hey," You greeted casually, pressing the cell phone to your ear.

"I was starting to think you weren't gonna answer," Yaku joked on the other line, though his tone reeked of relief.

"Well, you didn't exactly give me a heads-up," You reminded him with a small smirk. It wasn't often he called so out of the blue. It had startled you. On that cool summer's day, you were at home finishing some chores.

You were trying to occupy yourself until Yaku got home. It was a distraction really. You were just looking for a way to ignore how much you missed him. He had been gone for half a week thanks to an important match. But absence makes the heart fonder, right? Fonder of the small man you fell in love with.

"So, what's up?" You asked, curious as to his intentions behind this phone call.

"Can't a guy call his girl just to talk?" Yaku fired back. You paused, an uncontrollable smile breaking out across your face upon being called his girl.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" You asked. You held the phone with your non-dominant hand, using the other to wipe down a countertop in the home you shared.

"What are you up to?" He inquired, quickly shifting the topic from him to you.

"I'm just cleaning, nothing exciting," You shrugged, though you knew he could not see it. "I was surprised at how gross the bathrooms have gotten." Yaku chuckled.

"You know you could hire someone to do that," Yaku offered. "I'd ever do it." Over the years, you've learned just how much he loves you through what he does, or even just offers to do for you. Whether it's chores you hate doing, or tasks that you don't want to do alone Yaku was always there to have your back. The thought of you working yourself to the bone when he could do it instead just didn't sit right with him.

"That's not necessary," You told him. "You're busy enough as it is, and besides, I handled it just fine." You were proud of the work you had done on your own, but accomplishing something always felt better with Yaku by your side. He was by far your biggest supporter. There was a moment of silence. You listened to him breathe, but they sounded labored.

"Hey... do you remember a few summers ago?" Yaku asked, but quickly followed it up with another question, "When we stayed in that cabin in the mountains?"

"How could I forget?" You wondered aloud. On that trip, Yaku had asked you to marry him. Maybe you should take him there again for your anniversary.

"I was just thinking about it; it's one of my happiest memories," Yaku reminisced. You could hear the wonderful smile on his face.

"You're being so sweet, what did you do?" You heard him laugh on the other line. Suddenly, his laugh turned into a rough cough.

"I love you more than anything," Yaku stated, once again catching you off-guard. "I can't even explain how thankful I am to have you in my life. You mean the world to me. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, I know," You told him seriously. He always melted your heart at the most unexpected times. There was nothing you wanted more than to have him close to you again, to get to tell him to his face how much you loved him. You supposed all that would just have to wait.

"I can't wait to see you again," Yaku admitted. The words he spoke were joyful, hopeful words. Yet, the way he spoke them reminded you of a mother telling her child it was going to be alright, even though she knew it wasn't.

"I'll be counting the seconds," You promised, not noticing the nuances in his voice. "It's only a matter of time." You heard Yaku laugh.

"I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you too, Morisuke."

"Goodbye." He hung up.

Yaku placed his phone onto the ground. His eyes drifted across the scene before him. They say car crashes are so terrible, you can't look away. In reality, it was quite easy and it was all Yaku wanted to do. He couldn't feel his legs, both broken on impact. The windshield had shattered, cutting his face and arms with shards of razor-sharp glass. Yaku wiped the blood that dripped from his mouth, his hand shaking.

The ambulance hadn't arrived yet. If this was it, and it was, Yaku was glad he got the chance to say goodbye. The young man prayed to whoever was listening. He prayed that you were right, that it was only a matter of time before he got to see you again. He closed his eyes, his eyelids too heavy to keep open any longer. He took a deep breath in, though it stung like a hornet.

You were the love of his life. He hoped you could manage to move on fast, not waste your life mourning his. He had always loved it when he could see a flicker in your eyes; the kind that showed you were happy and that you knew you were lucky to be alive.

"I'll be counting the seconds, (Y/n)... "

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