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"What the hell are we supposed to do now?" Bakugo wondered aloud. He did an excellent job at keeping the panic from leaking into his voice when a large part of him was, in fact, panicking. What was your next play?

"I don't know," You admitted. In the process of making enemies, you found yourself without any allies. The road was clear up ahead. You barely managed to make it out of the city. The police had figured out a way to track you down, which meant simply moving from place to place was no longer a viable option.

You had to hide until the smoke cleared, until the story was getting less press, and until the villains forgot about you. But there was nowhere else to go. Nowhere to run now. Was this really the end of the road?

"Look, there's gotta be a way out of this," You exhaled in an attempt to stall the panic. "We just have to think." You tapped your finger against the steering wheel anxiously. "We have to eliminate one of the groups after us, either the police or the villains."

"We're not gonna fight the police!" Bakugo shouted, somewhat frantic.

"Not fight them, just get them off our back!" You clarified. "I don't know how we'd do that, though. If we play our cards right, we might be able to scare The League of Villains into leaving us alone. That would mean a fight." Bakugo furrowed his brows, considering the idea.

"Could we... " He paused for a moment. "Could we really take The League?" Before you could answer, the entire car was sent flying into the air. It came crashing down painfully hard, glass shattering and metal breaking. The vehicle ended up on its side.

You gasped for air once your body registered that it had been knocked from your lungs. Your body was on its side, hanging only by the seatbelt towards the ground. The door of the truck had been torn off, and you could look up into the sky from the hole.

You struggled to rip off your seat belt, holding yourself up with your own two hands. You reached down towards the ground and grabbed on to Bakugo's hand. Luckily, he had not lost consciousness during the sudden explosion. You pulled yourself out of the destroyed truck, which now had a small fire near the engine, then you helped Bakugo out as well.

You noticed some obvious injuries, on both yourself and your teenage companion, but there was no option but to run. Your left leg stung like it was on fire as you ran, blood dripping from a gash on your forehead. Some of your steps went better than others, but you kept running. You looked back over your shoulder to see who had caused the accident.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" You shouted. Just when you thought you were in the clear, behind you were a small group of villains. The League of Villains had found you. Fortunately, it was not the entire league, just two members. While still running, you drew one of the only weapons you had on hand. 

"You said the villains wanted you because you have a strong quirk, right?" You asked bakugo, gripping the knife in your dominant hand.

"Yeah?" He responded, a little confused.

"Remind 'em why!" Bakugo grinned, knowing exactly what you meant. He came to a skidding halt on the side of the road. You slid to a stop near him with a deep breath. The both of you could take a few villains, couldn't you? Two against two, those odds were not half bad.

"I'll take the big guy, you handle the other one," You commanded out of instinct. "Let's see who gets done first!" Bakugo smirked.

"You're on!" You catch a glimpse of him activating his quirk. With his arm outstretched, sparks flew as a miniature explosion ignited in the palm of his hand. The villains were close enough to strike.

You ducked to the left, coming face-to-face with someone who looked to be cursed with a nasty mutation quirk. They did not even look human, more like a muscle, beaked, monster. Bakugo, on the other hand, fled right to attack a man with dark hair, piercings, and patches of seared skin. 

You recognized this guy from the day you first met Bakugo. What did he call himself, Dabi? Probably something stupid like that.

The beast in front of you brought their fist down, but you were quick to leap out of the way. Your knife sliced at his skin, tearing it open. He was far bigger than you were, but that had never stopped you in a fight before. What did make you stop, for just a moment, was the realization that your attacks did little to nothing to affect them.

It was almost as if they did not even feel the pain. With a swift glance to your right, you noticed Bakugo was not fairing much better. There was no way you were going to take this guy down with a switchblade. It seemed like you had no other but to use your quirk. It's been years since I've used it. You had forgotten what it felt like.

Your opponent brought both his overly large fists up, then down to try and crush you into the pavement. You swiftly brought your forearms up to block the attack. In a split second, your quirk activated. Translucent lightning-like patterns covered your skin and the force of your opponent's blow was absorbed instead of shattering your bones.

You pushed back, exerting the same amount of force that they used. They stumbled back, but it appeared not to register across their ugly face. You balled your fists, then flexed your fingers as if you were stretching them. A familiar sensation was coursing through you. Turns out, using your quirk was just like riding a bike.

They swung at you again, and you blocked. You harnessed the force you had absorbed and made it travel down to your leg as you landed a strong kick to his side. He flew back several meters.

A sudden burst of bright blue flames caught you off guard. However, your quirk was activated too swiftly for the flames the lick to your skin. You held your hands in front of you, the fire disappearing into you instead of burning you. The barrage let up, its arbiter assuming you had been burnt to a crisp. What was that proverb again? Ah yes, pride goeth before the fall.

You used your quirk to send an identical attack back at him, blue flames erupting from your hands. Dabi struggled to recover from his own attack. So he can produce the fire, but can't control it. You charged for him.

You landed a sharp kick to his left side and without missing a beat, you jumped to strike his right side with the opposite foot. Before you could withdrawal, Dabi grabbed onto your leg and pulled violently. You lost balance and he used the momentum to throw you to the side. You collided with Bakugo. You both tumbled to the ground but sprang up quickly after.

"New plan, we tag-team," You told him and he nodded in understanding. You plunged forward and braced your arms above your head to withstand the incoming attack from the strange creature. The hit was much stronger than you anticipated, but that was a good thing.

You look two more blows in the same position before you decided it was enough. You lept into the air, level with the thing's face. You punched his jaw directly, the force of the swing amplified due to your quirk, and the beast was sent flying into the air. They crashed down onto the pavement so hard, the road began to crack open. Bakugo sent himself into the air using his quirk and came down with a lot of force to attack the creature again.

Dabi now knew it would be wise to only use his quirk as a last resort, given what happened last time. Dabi swung a punch, which you ducked under. You dropped all the way to your knees and kicked his forcefully, causing them to buckle and his body to fall to the ground.

You rolled over, managing to wrap your legs around his neck. You could suffocate him in this position, but you doubted you could keep him still long enough.

"How did you find us?" Rage flowed from your words.

"Ya know, I kinda like being between your legs," Dabi chocked out snarkily, struggling against your thighs. You took your knife and dug it into his shoulder blade.

"In any other circumstance I'd find you amusing," You told him harshly. "How did you find us?" Unaware of anything else that would get you to let go, and fast, Dabi used his quirk. The force pushed you away and slightly into the air, but you tried to absorb as much fire as you could in the process. You used that fire to reposition yourself in mid-air.

Your feet were facing the ground and you kept a small bend to your knees. You came crashing down fee-first directly onto the beast's head. You heard something crack. Whether that was the pavement giving way or their skull shattering you did not know, but the beast stopped moving.

You extended your hand out to Bakugo. If he had been paying attention to his surroundings, as a good fighter ought, he would have realized what your quirk was. By the look on his face, it appeared he had. He pressed his palm against yours and activated his quirk. With a smile, you took the so-called attack with satisfaction.

You glanced at Bakugo and nodded your head subtly. He nodded in return, seeming to understand the silent exchange. You turned to see Dabi approaching. With arms outstretched, you and Bakugo simultaneously activated your quirks. Dabi was attacked with easily twice the firepower Bakugo could produce on his own. The villain fell to the ground and stayed there.

"Nice work, kid," You told him with a small smile. You watched as a smug grin broke out across his scuffed, bruised, and bleeding face.

"Thanks, you weren't hald bad yourself," He said, clearly meaning to say he was impressed. Alas, the relief of surviving the fight did not have much time to set in. The sound of police sirens met your ears and flashing red and blue lights forced you into another panic.

Bakugo took off running ahead of, before you even needed to tell him to. He trusted you. You ran too, a few paces behind him. You had no idea where else you could go, but you could not get caught. Your best shot was to try and lose them.

Abruptly, a strange fog rolled in, thick and dark purple. That was not fog, was it? What the hell is that? You looked ahead to see all the mist consentrating from one point and from that point, out stepped Shigaraki. Bakugo was within arm's reach of the leader of The League of Villains. You used every drop of strength you had to run after him. You reached your hand out, your fingers just grazing the back of the sweatshirt you had given to the boy.

But Shigaraki's hand was already around the boy's throat. A sharp pain rippled across your back as you were shoved to the ground.

A hero stood over you, pinning you to the ground with your hands behind your back. More came, reaching out to force you still. You looked up in, fear carved into your face as you watched the villain disappear with the teenager. Bakugo looked afraid. In a desperate attempt to do anything to save him, you painfully screamed,



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