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Hello everyone, I'm sorry I don’t update everyday cause sometimes I don’t feel like writing just I want to stay all alone thinking about what to write next. I want it to be full of inspiration, advice, and romance. Another thing  I do to feel better is to read my friends or my follower's stories and I'm not sure I'm kinda good at giving advice, but I'll try my best to show them the road and to help them in their complex decision …. I want to say no matter what happened don’t give up because life is too short you only live once in a lifetime so don’t care about anyone who says: "You're a bad writer you don’t deserve to write they don’t know anything about writing cause if they do they will not come to your account and spread hate. Listen, Write! Write! Write! Write! As much you can don’t give a crap about anyone! Nobody is born to be perfect so live your life as nothing happened and forget the haters you will not stop your intelligence of writing because of them let them hate and ignore them.

Nowadays, I have noticed a lot of people are facing a lot of problems and how some of them are trying to get into relationships and while others want to be single others are getting hurt by the previous relationship. I know how it hurt but sometimes you don’t have to stop your life for someone who doesn’t know how to treat you right. Well it his mistake for losing an angel like you he doesn’t know-how 

1. Amazing


2. Unique

3 Incredible,

4. Intelligence

Moreover, today I'm not going to talk about my boyfriend but I will talk about concept things and  I hope it will help you out in your lifetime since everyone is boring so I'm not good at giving advice and whoever you are you can trust me in anything. There are a lot of things I will talk about, but first I will talk about:

1. Relationship 

2. Friendship 

3. I will add some Quote 

4. Tips 

5. Advice 

Those are the things I will start with and I hope that I get some support and some vote causes its means a lot to me.

Relationship #1

Don’t let him/anyone drag you down because you are strong than that and if he/she didn’t date you and went to another girl well it his/her lost.  You can find someone else who can show you how the real love works and how he/she will love you as who you are even if you wake up from sleep in your messy hair he/she stills loves you because the right one doesn’t care about how you look is about how he/she sees you from outside. The true relationship isn’t about Money, House, and Fancy car but in a fact, it's about Love, Care, Respect, Effort, Sacrifice, Loyalty, Time…

Relationship # 2

When you love someone give yourself time and then if you are ready for the relationship at that time you can express your feelings about how much you love that person because sometimes we regret that we rush everything so fast.  Another thing I have noticed that boys can get hurt and betrayed and mostly cheated on so try to understand the emotion of the boys we all are humans we all have been through something don’t judge a book by its cover until you know what is the story behind it!. Boys are so sensitive in a relationship they can easily cry when they are deeply in love with the girl.

I want to say something but please I'm not offending anyone please everyone looks after each other because we are living between death and survive the meaning death is that COVID and survive meaning to try to do what makes you feel happy and try to focus on your sustenance health, please don’t hurt the one you love because once you make a mistake it's hard to fix it and don’t forget to be careful …

Now we will jump to our next subject:

Anyhow, yesterday was a remarkable day I never thought I will meet my boyfriend. Truth is sometimes I annoy him a lot but still, he never say any bad words towards me, I feel like we are connected to be true lover couple But the truth is I'm going to missed him so much because we share a lot of memories that are filled up with jokes, romance, love, respect, care, loyalty, and adventure….etc.  They say if you love someone so badly and you have a crush on them don’t dare to hide it because maybe the other person is loving you he/she is waiting for the moment to come so don’t mess it up and try to be honest.

Tips: When you love someone try to discover it by his action not by his word cause they say:' When you love someone don’t rush the conversation and wait for a couple of days to discover if his action changed or not!

Tip 2. Loving someone isn’t by word is by the action he does towards you if he treats you as queen he loves you but if he treats you like any girl he isn’t worthy cause the one who loves you will talk about you 24 hours because he truly misses you and he loves being around you not any guy can be like that and also not any girl can be like that we all do mistakes in choosing the right person to enter in our life but still we regret the moments we love someone who never loves us back because every boy can be nice in the first moments you guys talk, but once he knows everything about you he will never care again! , Another thing sometime we do the same time choosing a new friend to enter our friend zone because the old one doesn’t care about our feelings. 

No offense but sometimes girls do the same we always wanted to have new friends because the old friends are so toxic in our life so be careful about whom you choose and not everyone is your friend. 

Tips #3

I have figured out that there are some of you are broken because of their past relationship or let's say the previous one, I know how you guys feel but that doesn’t mean to stick with the past because if you stick with the past you will suffer a lot you will feel unwanted feel insecure feel lonely and depressed but I don’t want my beautiful followers to enter in this zone, trust me guys isn't easy as you think it will be in your mind it's similar  like a maze where you get lost but you are trying so hard to maintain yourself but at the same time you are lost in making a decision and also the important thing is having a trust issues

Now we will talk about friendship:

1. If you are going to be a friend of mine please be the good one being a real friend is a tremendous responsibility you have to be loyal, honest  (but not too honest) sincere, reliable, dependable, friendly, pleasant, open, sociable (not too much sociable). You have to accept me in any mood and don’t get mad or angry if I say something harsh to you.  Well, don’t forget if they fail to do any of this as being a good friend to you don’t stress yourself just be nice after all and be kind to them and forgive them.

Also, don’t forget to give them a piece of good advice and try to help them when they need help because one day you will be in the same position they will return the favor and be there for you but not like other friends who abandon you over another friend 

Happiness is something that comes into our lives through doors we don’t even remember leaving open.

Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your actions.

Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.

Learn to let go. That is the key to happiness.

Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you.

There are more things to alarm us than to harm us, and we suffer more often in apprehension than reality.

Happy people plan actions, they don’t plan results.


You have the opportunity to make a difference in the world and yourself. ...

Take the time to know yourself. ...

Show up fully

Don't make the assumption

Be patient and persistent

To get, you have to give

Don't be afraid of being afraid.

Don't make decisions when you are angry or ecstatic.

A narrow focus brings big results.




Please don't forget to vote it's taken me about 6 or more hours to complete it

Love you all beautiful ❤❤

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