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Now we're sitting in the living and I was waiting for an explanation. "so... mind telling me what happen or who are they?" I asked looking at Icy, Ray, and Liz who were avoiding making eye contact with me.

"Who are you?"

No answer, I look to my left and saw Ray and Liz bowing? At them? I look at Icy who slowly bows too... What the fuck? One of the guys shows a signal with his finger so icy, Ray and Liz stop bowing "on your service you highness." Icy says making me frown deeper.

"what the fuck? Your highness?" I asked in disbelief and confusion. Suddenly a man in his early 50s stepped forward and speak up "It's an honor to meet you jungkook... Or should I say prince jungkook?"

I look at Icy, Ray, and Liz curiously and you know what? I started to piss off because they just look away trying to avoid eye contact with me. "how much more secret did you keep from me? and again, no answer.


The thunder echoed causing all of them to flinched "Woah... Relax bro don't get mad..." A handsome male said as I look at him... "so ask them to answer and stop pissing me off" I sassed as the male scoffed "Wow you got an attitude."

I cross my arm and turn to the male "I do... I can be rude if I want to your majesty..." I push the word 'your majesty' showing that I am mocking him... "Okay, calm down guys... Icy please explain before he lost his shit..." Another male interfere

"Stop cursing namjoon." A woman says as that Namjoon guy clears his throat and nods "sorry mother." He says as I just look back at Icy who finally speaks up "Kookie we-" I cut her off "no nicknames, only my family can call me with nicknames and my family won't keep secret from me." I said looking away coldly.

Icy, Ray and Liz look down sadly and it's hurt me but I don't care... I'm so done with everything that happens these days "I'm sorry jungkook... We don't mean to keep secrets or lie to you we're afraid when you know you will be mad, sad, or blaming yourself." she says

"We're planning on telling you! I swear! But I didn't expect that the kings, queens, and the princes can find you this quick." She adds, trying to defend herself. I huff looking away before realizing something "wait... K-king? Queen? P-prince?"

I said shocked looking at the people in front of me who just nod awkwardly and look back at three of them who just look down "you guys joking right?" I asked with a terrified look only to receive no answer.

"what is royalty doing in MY house?! I thought this is a forbidden forest that was created for me?! How can they find it?!" I ask, panicking "Calm down prince Jeon," One of the royalties said as Jungkook turn to them "I'm not a prince, your highness," He says.

"Indeed you are... and it's true your parents created this forest for you..." The male said as Jungkook scoffed in disbelief "Now you talk about my parents like you know them so well..." He mocked but the old man just smile "Yes...that's right we do know you're parents so well"

"Excuse me?" Jungkook asked, "Your parents are a royalty jungkook... so are you." A woman said. I don't know why but I think she isn't lying... but isn't it weird to trust someone that you meet less than a day? Not to mention that the animals that I consider as family broke my trust.

I huff looking away "you think I gonna trust you guys? No way... Just tell me what do you want... And get out from my so-called-forest," I say and crosses my arm "Jungkook... Don't talk with that tone, they're royalties." Liz says

"do I look like I care? They're at my place so I'm in charge here this forest doesn't belong to any kingdom in any way." I huff "What a drag... can't I just burn this place?" The male that argues with me earlier speak up again

"Yoongi... Relax, Don't lose your temper, he's right this is his place." Another male said as the Yoongi guy just scoff "Whatever... just wait kiddo when you're at my place we will change the position" He threaten me

I glare at him not because he threatened me but because he calls me kiddo and he's very grumpy "cut the bullshit grandpa... At least I'm young... you can't even touch my hair. so... Straight to the point what do you guys want?" I ask in irritation

They look at each other and nod at someone who I assume their leader "we want you to follow us." He says. I blink a few times before staring at them in disbelief "you think of me that low?!" Now they're confused "I'm sorry... what?" The namjoon guy asked.

"you think I'm that stupid to just follow a group of people that I barely know and just coming out of nowhere?! Wahh... Royalties are unbelievable... hell no! I'm fine here so Bye-bye." I stood up trying to walk away when someone speak up.

"No! Jungkook! Your father was my best friend! His name is Jeon junghyun and his wife is Jeon jungmi. The night when your parents die I've promised them something! Is to keep you safe! But when the time comes they wanted you to continue their legacy! So please! Your people need you! If you don't want to do it for them! Do it for the sake of your parents!" He says with desperation. My back was facing him trying to process what he was saying without realizing I...


Why? Why am I crying? Why do I feel bad? I don't know what to believe anymore without saying anything I started walking away when another voice stop me... "If you're not following us we are taking you with us... By force..." Before I could even look back some dust went to my face making me dizzy.

"I'm sorry kook... We're sorry..." That is the last thing I heard from Ray before everything turn black, I passed out.


He blackout... sigh... This is so difficult but I don't blame him, he's so pure and doesn't seem to understand anything If I was him maybe I will burst out too. "what are we gonna do now?" Seokjin Hyung asked.

"we will take him, convince him, train him, and make him continue the prophecy cuz no matter how much he tries to hide he can't avoid his destiny," Taehyung's mom says as our parents just nod in agreement while we sigh...this is harder than what I could ever expect. Wait... you might wondering how did we found him aren't you? Well...

"ugh... this is so boring..." Taehyung complains for the 10th time as Jin glare at him "stop complaining Tae keep reading..." He scolds the younger. Taehyung sighed while I chuckle... then I continue reading when I accidentally ripped the book cover

"yah! Namjoon! Stop destroying things, can't you?!" Hoseok says as I panicked "gosh... this god of destruction" Jimin mumble with a completely 'done' look "sorry... I'm really sorry!" I apologize but Yoongi suddenly speaks up.

"wait, guys!" He says as Taehyung grumbles "what now?" He asks "look at this! There's something on the book cover!" He says as points at the torn cover "what?" Seokjin asked as he look to where Yoongi is pointing. Yoongi took out something from the book and it's a beautiful necklace.

"it's so... Beautiful..." Jimin mumbles "we must show this to Jackson." Seokjin says as we nod agreeing.



"Jackson!" We scream in sync as we barged in to meet shocked Jackson with our parents that look at us with disbelief "yah! Boys! Where are your manners?" My Mother scold me as we apologize "no worries my prince... What's the rush?" Jackson asks and we tell him everything.

He looks slightly shocked and slightly happy "really?! Where is the necklace?!" He asked and Jimin pull it out "here." He hands him the necklace his face shows nothing but happiness and hope "what is it? Is it good news?" I asked.

"yes, your highness! Before king Jeon die he said he will give this necklace to his son! But this is the clone." Jackson says "clone?" I asked as he nod "this is the crystal of aurora there is only one in the universe this crystal is used to keep the owner safe and sound... and this crystal helps its owner to follow their prophecy! I guess the crystal summons its own clone to tell us where he is!" Jackson says

Everyone's eyes brighten upon hearing that "really?!" We ask in excitement "this is good news!" Taehyung's father says as Jin's mother nod "it really is! Jackson, Where is the place?" She asked "give me a second"

He muttered something when the crystal started glowing he open his eye and the crystal stopped glowing "north..." Jackson mutter "north? But... it's heading to the forbidden land we won't find anything" I say as Jackson passes me the necklace.

"bring this with you guys it will guide you there I'm sorry but I can't follow you I need to slow down the process for the tree of life to die." He says as my father replies to him "Don't worry I understand... come on guys we are leaving right now..."

Although we were quite surprised but seeing our parents very determine we just agree and surprisingly we did see a forest. "I never saw this on the land maps" Namjoon point out as he looks around "I guess that's why they call it forbidden" Jin shrugs

"boys the crystal is glowing let's go fast I am really excited." My mother says as Jimin chuckled "sure thing. your highness. come on Roxy" He said to his horse so did us and our horse started to run.

When we arrived we were greeted by an eagle and a wolf... They were slightly shocked so did us but our parents don't seem bother about it they let us in and blah... blah... blah... They talk when Tae said, "is it just me, or we really are talking with animals?"

I chuckle "idiot they must be magical creatures." I whispered back at him. Before we could talk furthermore someone barged in while shouting 'help' for some reason.

So that's when I meet him... Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook and he had the exact same necklace that we got and I saw the mark on his left chest since his cloth button ripped off when he fell down causing his chest to be exposed.

But I should be honest that he holds very much power just by the storm sound... and he can be a brat... "another duty huh?" I mumble as I glance at my mom who sighed and says "I guess it is..."

This is going to be a tough one...

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