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It's so dark... why was it so dark? And am I supposed to feel afraid? But instead, I feel safe... I feel... So warm... I don't want this feeling to go... I feel that the darkness is mine... then the light comes and hugs me and I feel comforted and complete...

I feel like they were protecting me... then between those two things I saw a rose between the light and the darkness I stare at it and I feel... So calm like I finally meet something... no... someone that I wanted to meet and someone I wanted to hug...

I feel warm tears on my right cheek... My heart feels warm when I hear the voice... "Jungkookie~" I feel so happy cuz I know it was... "eomma." I whisper "My bunny boy~ you're so healthy, They take care of you so well aren't they?" She says.

I stand up hearing the voice and I can feel a presence on my back I wanted to turn around and look at her face... I never knew what she look like... but I seem can't move my body... As if I was frozen... I struggle to move but a warm hug stops me... My mum hugs me...

I missed it... I missed her... "sweetie... I know you wanted to meet me to see my face... But this isn't the right time we love you, sweetie, Appa loves you too he's always with you, inside you and I always around you sweetheart, we're sorry... That we leave you..." She says in a soft voice.

I look down completely crying I'm so happy although I can't see her I feel so safe... I hope it last forever... She sing for me, I heard her's so lovely... I close my eye and everything disappear

I sit up gasping for air and breathing heavily...I look around after a few seconds I started to remember what happened yesterday... "ugh... Those idiot punks! How dare they do this to me?" I mumble and look around "I'm in a huge bedroom maybe 3 times bigger than my bedroom"

I scoffed looking around "well at least they knew my taste... Should I run? But where am I? Fuck I'm hungry... I'm not going down... Fuck it I want to sleep..." I lay back and smile a little remembering my dreams... It felt so real... I just shrug it off and continue sleeping.




We were at the dining table eating together by the way we were at my kingdom... Icy, Ray, and Liz were still feeling sad about the incident the others seem to feel nervous... Well me too...

"Well, boys... Why don't you call jungkook? The powder effect should disappear 2 hours ago..." My mom says I nod. "sure thing eomma..." I and the boys stand up leaving to call jungkook


I was so sad... I don't blame him either he should be mad... We lied at him... we deserve it... When the queen asks prince Hoseok and the others to call jungkook I remember something. I went to the king and queen

"Your highness, may I ask you a favor?" I ask as she nods "sure, what is it?" She asked "can you please ask your son to not call you eomma nor appa in front of jungkook? He will feel offended" I request.

They smile lightly "sure thing I'll mind linking my son to tell the rest of the boys," he says "thank you, your highness..." I bow and walk back to see icy and Liz smiled lightly and Icy muttered a small thank you, I just nodded to them continuing whatever I was doing...


On our way to jungkook room, Tae told us to be formal to our parents when we were Infront of jungkook we just nodded understanding why... When we arrive we are expecting him to throw things at us or try to kill us but surprisingly we heard someone snoring...

"wait he had to wake up?" Jimin ask as Taehyung shrugged "I guess so..." he said, "and he sleeps back?" Seokjin point out as Yoongi chuckle "at least he made a good choice" He says as Seokjin role his eyes

"he's cute..."

We all look at Namjoon and give a 'really?' look "what? Admit it he is cute" Namjoon says, defending himself "well yeah it's true but I didn't expect you to be this straightforward?" I say as Yoongi speaks up soon after "cut the bullshit wake him up already..."

"Right..." I mumble as I turn back on Jungkook's sleeping figure "how will we do that? He looks like a baby..." Jimin says as he squeals "right... I know how to wake baby up" Taehyung grinned "Tae no..." Seokjin warns.

"hah! Too late!" He jump and went on top of Jungkook, jumping around the bed. Jungkook's eyes snap open as he shouts "Yah! You idiot get off me!" Taehyung laughs "good morning to you too prince jungkook and shows me some respect I'm your hyung." He says

Jungkook pushes taehyung away from him and crosses his arm looking at him "first! I'm not a prince second! No good morning for you! Lastly! Why should I? I didn't come here because I want! You took me without my permission! So goodnight!" He hissed

He lay back to cover his face with the pillow. We sigh... it is harder than expected. Suddenly they look at me and give me an evil smile... "what?" I asked "hyung~ you know what we're thinking come on~" Jimin wiggle his eyebrows

I give them a 'what the fuck' look and realize something, I smirk and...


Ugh... annoying... I just want to sleep... Is it so- "holy shit! warghhhh!" I scream on top of my lungs when a force pulls me up. I float! No, I fly?! How?! I look around and saw one of them use their power on me...

"idiot! Put me down! Stop it!" I screamed "Stop calling us idiots! We have names! I'm taehyung, this is namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok!" Taehyung says as he introduces themselves "I don't care you Taeshit! (sorry😂) Put me down!" He screams on top of his lungs

"I don't think so! You must have breakfast with us first!" Taehyung says as I groan. I'm tired now... Fuck... I'm hungry... Fuck my body... " put me down... I wanna change" I say in irritation "yeah good boy," Seokjin says

The others chuckled and hoseok put me down they told me that the maid will give me a cloth and bring me to the dining room I didn't say anything cuz I don't care anymore so I just nod then they left me to change...

"This is going to be a long... Day..."



Well that was fun I think jungkook seems fed up to fight us anymore so just agree we walk out from the room to the dining room... we arrive and sit down... "took you long enough to call him" Jin's father says.

"Correction wakes him up" Namjoon corrected him "he had to fly to wake up" Hoseok smiled cheekily "you use your power on him?" His mother asks already knowing his tricks "yeah... You can say that..."

We laugh remembering what happened then... "Stop laughing idiot... that's so rude of you as a 'prince'" Jungkook's voice echoed in the dining room as he walk in fixing his collar...

(My nose bleed looking at this picture😳😂)

Holy shit... He's is hot! I'm sweating shit...I guess the others agree because of their priceless reaction "what? Is it something on my face? Stop staring it's rude." Jungkook says as He sits beside me and namjoon since that's the only seat left.

the butler serves him, jungkook gives her a wink and smile making her blush... And I was like 'stop it bitch or I'll burn you' and the other like 'what is her name? I wanna put it in my death list' Then jungkook be his own self and eat. In front of jungkook was namjoon's father and he speak.

"We are sorry jungkook about bringing you here we really want you to continue the prophecy..." He give the king a death stare then took his drink and drink it "I don't care... It's your problem I'm leaving btw and if those three don't want to follow me then they'll live here.."

I look at icy, Ray, and Liz they look down sadly "yah! What is your problem?! They're protecting you! This is your destiny!" I say "oh really?! Now you tell me you can see the future?! You're so cool prince Yoongi!" He mocked me, I'm losing my patience now!

"Okay, boys settle down, fine you can leave prince jeon..." My father speaks up, startling everyone "WHAT?!" Jungkook smiles happily while the other's jaw drops "thank you your highness" he says with a wide bunny smile.

Wahh... now he is polite... did he have a split personality? "but before you leave I want you to meet someone" My father adds as Jungkook thinks for a while and shrugs "sure thing when?" He asks "this evening"

"Alright thank you!!!" He stand up from his seat and walk away happily before I could ask him where is he going namjoon stopped me saying "let him be" Taehyung's mother turned to my father "are you sure about this what if he left?"

"don't worry he won't" That is all that he reply with as he gave us an assuring smile we just nodded not wanting to argue anymore


He asks me to meet someone I wonder who? But I don't care so I want to walk around cuz, to be honest, this palace is beautiful.



"where are we going?" I asked "Secret, you have to wait" Namjoon say as I pout. the princes were asked to bring me to meet that 'someone' since the king and queen still has a kingdom to run. "so jungkook you live in that forest and never come out?" Jimin asked

I look at him thinking what should I answer "Nah...once I got to know that there is a village nearby I sneak out almost every day end up getting scolded by Liz she's so caring... Icy is too protective and ray always makes me happy..." I say with a sad smile

"you have a soft spot for them." Jimin points out "of course I do... They take care of me since I was a baby.. it just.. everything is confusing now... I never got to know my parents then boom! You said I'm a prince... So I become mad... I'm sorry for such attitude I didn't mean any of it..." I suddenly confess.

"don't worry... We understand and we want to apologize too" Taehyung says as he wraps his arm around Jimin's shoulder Jimin also nods in agreement. Jungkook just smile lightly and shake his head "nevermind let's just finish this off"

"sure cuz we had to arrive.." Hoseok suddenly says as I lift my gaze. A house? But it's huge... Suga knocks on the door... Then someone open the door greeting us when he look at me his eye widened I wave awkwardly "h-hello I-"

He hugs me.

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