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Aurora's POV

As I was walking through the halls, I heard a shrill sound of an alarm going off, and I panicked, thinking that I had set off some sort of silent alarm, and I felt scared, knowing I shouldn't be here in this place but what other choice did I have? As I said I have no home to go to, otherwise I wouldn't be here, would I? Something told me that this place was for criminals, and the alarm going off meant that one had escaped, so I had to find a safer place to be than out in the open.

I began to look for an empty cell or an office, someplace I could hide in until the prisoner was caught, when I saw what looked like an old plague doctor, kneeling down and injecting something into someone, thinking that maybe they got hurt and he worked here and was helping them.

Either way, I didn't want to be caught, because then they'd report me to the warden or something, if this place has one, and then I'd really be in trouble. Breaking and entering is a crime after all, and I was going to be in deep dog biscuits for that, and they probably wouldn't care if I didn't have a family.

I just know I did not want to be stuck in some stupid orphanage like I was until I was ten, then I decided to leave that place because let's face it, it's not like I was going to get adopted into a loving family. So I headed out on my own, living out of dumpsters and making tents out of whatever I could find. Or living temporarily in homeless shelters until I got tired of the people staring at me.

I managed to find a cell that was empty, and stepped inside, but once inside I noticed that it smelled of blood, and it made me sick to my stomach. I can't stand the smell of blood, and I could barely stand seeing my own, nearly passing out when I cut my leg earlier on the fence. Speaking of, my leg still hurt like hell, so if this place was like a doctor's office or something, then I need to find some bandages for it.

I began to explore, still feeling scared, afraid of what I might find until I heard the announcement on the intercom, stating that an SCP-049 and others have been contained, whatever or whoever they were, so I guessed this place held whatever an SCP was.

I then heard footsteps, heavy ones, coming towards the room, and I then panicked more, trying to find someplace to hide within the room, like a cabinet or a desk or even under a bed. I didn't have much time so I dove under the bed, gritting my teeth and seething as I hit my knee on the concrete floor. Great. Like I don't have enough injuries.

My leg is cut. Now I'm gonna have a huge bruise on top of it. Ugh. Just then I saw the boots whose footsteps belonged to, and I scooted back as far as I could under the bed without being heard, and then suddenly a hand reached down to grab something. I prayed with all my heart that I wouldn't be caught, but unfortunately I was.

That's when I heard a deep voice speak, a British accent being heard within, though the mask that the person was wearing kind of made them sound like a robot.

"I know you're here. I can hear you breathing," the voice spoke, "come out from under there. I will not harm you." He then reached his hand out, but I didn't take it, remaining hidden under the bed. "Alright, I will not force you to come out. But, I have food. If you are hungry, it is right here waiting. I do not need to eat, but it helps me to think. You may have it if you wish." My stomach growled at the mention of food, not having much to eat, so I carefully and slowly crawled out from underneath the bed.

When I stood up, I saw the same doctor from before, and that he was much taller than I was. I gulped, knowing I was in trouble now that I've been caught, and I worried that he was going to report me to the guards, and that they would take me to wherever the warden was. "There you are, my dear," the doctor said, and I guess he was smiling, but I couldn't tell because of the mask, except for his eyes, which kind of twinkled in the light, so I assumed he was smiling.

"Please, sir, don't tell anyone I'm here!" I begged him, panicking even more. "Calm down dear. I will not tell a soul. Though, you yourself should not be here, whereas I am supposed to be. Strange though, I do not sense the Pestilence within you," he said, and I gave him a funny look, wondering what he was talking about.

"Umm, what are you talking about?" I asked, and he merely chuckled softly. "Oh my dear, I'm afraid you are a little young to be given details about that, but worry not, I assure you I will not harm you. And I have a question for you. Shouldn't you be home with your family? I'm sure they are quite worried about you."

"I don't have any family, I've been on my own since I was a kid," I admitted, "and to be honest I was just looking for someplace warm to stay. Winter is starting to set in and I don't want to stay in a homeless shelter." "I see, and how did you happen to find this place?" He asked me. "I found it by accident. I know I shouldn't be here but please please, don't tell anyone I'm here, because I don't want to get in trouble for breaking and entering and not to mention trespassing," I begged, and he waved away my pleas.

"Worry not little one. But I suggest you get going after you've eaten. This is no place for a child." "So, you're just going to make me leave, just like that? Can't I stay for one night?" "If it were up to me I would allow you to stay but it isn't, and there are creatures here that would not hesitate to harm or kill you." I couldn't believe this. He was going to make me go back out there in the fucking cold!? I turned away with a huff, too upset to eat. I just could not believe it.

The nerve of him! Here I was asking to stay for the night and he basically says no, that it's too dangerous for me to stay here? Ugh! Well then, I'll just have to get him to change his mind. Somehow. And I wasn't sure how I'd get him to do it but I will eventually get him to. Even if I had to beg and plead while on my knees.

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