No Ordinary Doctor

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Normal POV

Aurora then turned around to try to argue with the doctor, when she started to cough, and he turned his head in her direction, deeply concerned for her. "Are you alright dear?" He asked. "You're coughing an awful lot and very hard. I have some medicine in my bag if you need it." "I-i'm fine, don't worry," she insisted, only causing the doctor to be more concerned with her health.

"Hmm. I don't sense the Pestilence in you, but a different type of illness. Are you sure you are alright?" He asked again, his eyes full of worry. "Okay so maybe I'm not okay. I've been sick off and on lately and I don't have any more medicine in my bag. Not that I stole it! I got it from one of those free clinic tents that have been set up everywhere for people who don't have money to go to a doctor or proper insurance to cover it," she admitted.

"I see. Just how exactly did you acquire it, then?" The doctor asked, tilting his head in curiosity. "I just saw it out on a table and grabbed it. Okay maybe not grabbed it. I asked if I could have it. The nurse only gave me the one bottle of it though and I ran out because I took it every day for a cold I had." "Hmm, well dear this seems to be more than a cold. You have a fire burning within you." She looked at him strangely, confused.

"It means you have a fever. And a very high one at that judging by how red your face is. I suppose I have no other choice but to take care of you myself, seeing as you have no one else. Lie down and allow me to give you some medicine. If you need to use the restroom, there is another door leading to the facilities. One of the female personnel gave me an adorable little sign that I have hung on the door, that way you will know it's a restroom and not a torture room," 049 explained, using a temple thermometer to read the girl's temperature. "102. Dear, dear. Well not to worry. I am the cure."

"Wait, when you say that, what do you mean by it?" Aurora suddenly asked, but the doctor shushed her. "You need not worry about that for now my dear. Just lie still for a moment. I need to give you an IV of medicine, this way it'll go directly into your system."

He then got out an IV pole and bag of liquid antibiotics, attaching the line to the bag after gently rubbing the girl's arm with an alcoholic wipe. "This is going to pinch just a little." He then gently inserted the needle into her arm, having found a good vein, injecting the medicine into it, the pressure causing her to wince a little.

"Did I hurt you dear?" He asked, noticing the look of pain. "N-no, it's fine. I just wasn't expecting it. I was just hoping you'd give me some pills or something to take," she said. "I would but you needed something that would act fast," he said, covering her up with a blanket, noticing that she started shivering as if she was cold.

"It appears that the season of influenza has arrived, which is why you're so ill, dear. Another reason is that you haven't been vaccinated for anything, have you?" "Not really. Not that I can remember anyway in the very least." She coughed again, and the doctor sighed, getting out several syringes.

"Wait what are you doing?" Aurora asked, feeling scared he was going to do something to her, not knowing what he did to that class D during the containment breach, but having the feeling that this was no ordinary doctor. Could this be SCP-049? Was he the one that was being talked about having been contained?

She shivered at the thought, but didn't have time to think more about it, falling into a deep sleep, dreaming about him, waking up later to him operating on a random person, guessing that they probably walked into his cell by accident and he sensed whatever the Pestilence was in them, probably saying something about himself being the cure, but she was too tired to stay awake to think. She wondered why the guards didn't try to come in here to take her away or something.

Maybe the doctor said something to them? Or maybe he was hiding her? Protecting her, maybe? Or keeping her to later experiment on her? She wouldn't know for sure. But the one thing she did know was that whoever or whatever he was, he seemed to deeply care about her. She snuggled back down under the warm covers, sleeping for as long as she wanted to, until she was woken up, or so she thought, sleeping the night away.
049's POV

I just watched her sleep, the poor girl was so sick that she didn't notice that I had given all of her vaccinations to her, having fallen asleep so quickly. I felt concern for her, something of which I haven't felt in a very long time. Not since, well, my daughter Yolanda. I am much too old now for my own children, but maybe I can adopt this girl as my grandchild. Wait what am I saying?

She shouldn't be of any concern to me. Right? After all she was just going to be another victim of the Pestilence eventually, and I will eventually have to cure her. Yet, I did not sense the disease in her. Perhaps it lies dormant and has yet to show itself in her? We shall see.

A class D then walked into my cell, being ordered to approach me. This one I could most definitely sense the disease in, and with a simple touch to his throat, he fell, crumpling like paper, allowing me to administer my cure to him. Unfortunately the man did not arise again, much to my frustration.

I allowed the guards to drag him out of my cell, and to the incinerator. Perhaps they will send me another patient. For now I cleaned the blood once again, sterilize the operating table and my tools, then put everything away again, going back to check on the girl, whose name I did not know, for she had not told me yet.

I looked for something that would tell me her name, and found it. It was a small gold bracelet with the name "Aurora" engraved on it. Beautiful name. I wondered if she had a last name?

I turned the bracelet around, hoping to find a last name, but did not find any, then I found she wore a medical bracelet with a long chain, wearing it as a necklace and it had all of her medical information on it, in case anything happened to her, with a number to call in an emergency.

Well, no need for that. I will be her doctor. I then stroked her hair lightly, then checked her temperature once more; it was finally beginning to descend. I allowed her to sleep more, knowing she needed the rest. In the morning I will check on her again, but for now I think I'll write in my journal for a bit. I kissed her head gently, then sat at my desk to write, feather quill pen in hand, beginning to write down my findings of the disease, adding to it that there are indeed a rare few people that are immune to the Pestilence.

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