[ CHAPTER 011 ]

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Jungkook flutter his eyes open as his sight was meet with the ceiling. He blink for a few time before sighing and looking around only to find himself in his hotel room.

He stare back at the ceiling and place his hand on his head that are throbbing a little probably due to the liquor. "I'm very drunk yesterday, how did I get here?"

He ask himself only to receive with no answer as he had no memory about yesterday. Knowing that he won't remember, he sigh and sit up on his bed.

He grab his phone and check on it before standing up from his bed. He put away his phone and glance at the mirror once as his gaze lend at his blazer on the table.

He turn his head towards it. As if he suddenly got remind of something, he approach his blazer and pick it up. He went towards the the pocket and pull out a USB.

The USB that The Han's mafia boss had given him. He wasn't lying about how hard it is to crack the code. It is risky and extremely difficult, almost impossible.

But Jungkook aren't the type to give up that easily, he have another way for this. Let's just hope that it will be helpful.


It was a beautiful and peaceful morning in the Manoban's mansion, Oh- Sorry, I'm wrong "Yah, PARK JIMIN!" Rose who are busy cooking breakfast for everyone.

"For fuck sake, PUT THOSE PLATE DOWN!" She yell again as she watch Jimin trying to pick up so much plate at the same time. "But I just want to help-"


Silence engulf the kitchen when those plate shattered into piece to the ground, Jimin purse his lips and gulp "Calm down, don't kill your boyfriend" Rose whisper to herself as she took a deep breath.

"I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO PUT IT DOWN!!!" Rose burst out giving Jimin the signal that he need to run for his life, Jimin sprinted out from the kitchen with no hesitation as Rose turn into a living beast.

"I just wanted to help!!!" Jimin screamed out, dashing towards the hall, only to be met with Jin who also seem like he was running for his life too.

"You destroy everything! You're not helping!!!" Rose yelled back "Jisoo-yah, I told you I'm sorry!" JIn yells, looking at Lisa, hoping her to stop his angry girlfriend but to his disappointment the other are making some coffee for herself in the kitchen.

"It took me 5 month to prepare that and you just throw it away?!! Are you that rich, Mr.Kim Seokjin?!!" Jisoo yell back with her eyes burning with anger.

Both of the male are running down the halls for their life, During the chaos, only Lisa was relaxed while sitting at the counter "Just a normal day in this mansion" She mumble to herself while watching the live drama in front of her.

"What a way to start the day!" Jennie exclaimed as she walk into the hall. To her disappointment, none of them around paid attention to her and kept running after each other.

"Rose, why are you running around with a knife?" Jennie asked, knowing well that among all, Rose is the only one who actually listen. Rose glance at the knife in her palm.

"When did I get this- well, whatever, This bastard here." Rose point at Jimin that are hiding behind the sofa while peeking out a little.

"Broke those plates while saying he wanted to help! He destroy everything! I told him to get out, but he never listen!" Rose explain "I feel offended by your words, Sweetheart." Jimin respond, pouting a little.

Jennie narrowed her eyes, looking at the male "So you didn't do it?" She asked. "I mean, I did, but I'm still offended." Jimin replied, successfully dodging a pillow thrown towards him.

Jennie sigh, shaking her head "I'm glad that I'm single" What did she even expect from these people out here? "And why are those two running around?" She ask pointing at Jin and Jisoo.

"Jisoo bought Jin new watch for their anniversary, she put it in a box and Jin forgot their anniversary and thought that it is garbage so he threw them out." Lisa reply in a bored tone without tearing her gaze from Jin and Jisoo.

Jennie huff "Do you need me to give you some memory pill, Jin oppa? I can order it for you." She ask, teasingly "Order some poison too, I'll make sure to poison him if her forget again next year."

Jisoo hissed while glaring at Jin who smile apologetically at the corner of the room. Jennie shake her head and walk away letting the couple handle themselves.

Lisa, who watch everything, sip on her coffee before putting it away and went to feed Lucy, Lisa caress her as she watch the cat eating her breakfast peacefully while yesterday's event plays in her head.

"What I've done is unforgivable."

She huff as her hand still caressing the cat "So, he is guilty about that? Glad to know." She say and stood up as she grab her coffee before walking out from the kitchen.


Taehyung jolt awake on the table as he instantly wipe the drool on his face. He look around, finding himself asleep in his workroom, he rub his face and sigh.

"Aish, I fell asleep again." He mumble and reach out his hand to grab his phone. He glance at it to check on the time "Oh, it's just 11:30..." he mumble to himself.

"IT'S 11:30??!!!"

He scream in realisation before running out from the room. He rush himself as he soon grab his car key and run out from his house but he froze when he saw someone leaning on his car.

Taehyung blink upon seeing the unexpected guest in front of his home. The person turn his head towards the agent who seem surprise with his arrival, He smirk and raise his left eyebrow.

"You woke up quite late, Agent Kim." He say with a teasing smile but Taehyung huff and cross his arm before glaring at the other.

"What the hell are you doing here, Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung hissed but Jungkook just chuckle "Better here rather than your little sister's house right?" Jungkook teased.

Taehyung poke his inner cheek "Don't even think about it, You took me off guard but this time, I won't let you off easily." He reply making Jungkook nod and smirk.

"Would love to see you try"


Taehyung can't believe that he actually find himself talking with Jeon Jungkook in his own house. He would call himself crazy and he probably is.

He stare at Jungkook who are sitting across him, staring at him too. "What is it that you want to talk about?" Taehyung ask in annoyance as Jungkook sigh.

"aren't you going to offer me, some coffee at least?" He ask but Taehyung tsk before answering "I'm not gonna waste my hard-earned money that I use to buy the coffee on a criminal like you." He spat.

Jungkook chuckle at the response "Sure, Whatever you say agent Kim, Let's go straight to the point." Jungkook say as he lean forward.

"I need your help"

Hearing that, Taehyung let out a scoff and smirk "Oh, Is there something that the great Mr.Consigliere can't do huh? I'm surprised" He mocked.

Jungkook just shrug "Well, every human have a limit." He say "You consider yourself as a human being?" Taehyung ask "Are you going to help me?" Jungkook ask in annoyance.

Taehyung cross his arm and lean on his chair as he raise his eyebrow challengingly "Why should I?" he ask. "Because this will also benefit you." Jungkook answer.

"What makes you so sure of that?" He ask "because I know that." Jungkook answer as he reach something in his pocket and pull out the USB. He show it at Taehyung before placing it on the table.

"What's that?" Taehyung ask as he glance at the USB once. Jungkook smirk and speak up "in this USB-"

Ding Dong!

Both of them snap their head to the front door as Jungkook instantly grab the USB and hide it in his pocket while Taehyung instantly stood up and approach the front door.

He peek through the hall and widen his eyes in surprise upon seeing Lisa standing in his front door. He bite his bottom lips and silently curse to himself.

Why the hell does this mafia people keep coming to me?

Taehyung open the door. Lisa stare at Taehyung before stepping inside the house without caring whether she was invited or no. Taehyung scoff before slamming the door close.

Lisa walk around the house while Taehyung follow her from behind. She halt her step when her gaze lend on Jungkook who are leaning at the kitchen's door frame.

She widen her eyes upon seeing Jungkook who smile and wave at her. "You-" she cut herself off before pulling out her gun and pour it at Taehyung who flinch upon seeing the weapon.

"What the hell! Put down your gun!" Taehyung warn as he raise both of his hand out of reflex "You traitor." She hissed as she point the gun at him.

Taehyung frown upon hearing that as his gaze lend on Jungkook who lean at the door frame. He finally realise what does she means.

"Listen up, you've mistaken, he come to me by himself" Taehyung sigh "Why would this bastard come to you?" Lisa tsk as she glare at the agent.

"I have my reasons"

Lisa snap her gaze towards Jungkook who smile in amusement "he have his reasons" Taehyung repeat his words "what reasons?" Lisa ask Taehyung

"I don't know! For goodness sake! You came before he could tell me!" Taehyung answer in annoyance, wondering why is his day is such a disaster. Lisa turn her gun towards Jungkook "what reason?"

Jungkook raise his hand and shrug "None of your business" he say "you-" Lisa was cutted off when someone suddenly ring the bell once again.

"What the fuck? Don't tell me, Jackson are the one who came this time." Taehyung say as he walk towards the front door and peek at the hole but this time a loud gasp left his lips.

"Oh shit..."

"It's my little sister."


Sorry, I forgot to update yesterday πŸ˜…

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