[ CHAPTER 012 ]

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"It's my sister."

For Taehyung his sister appearance are far more worse then 10 mafia boss appearing in front of his house. Taehyung wonder why is his luck is laughing at him this time.

Among all the timing, Taehyung wonder, why did she have to come now? After hearing another ring from the bell Taehyung instantly run back towards the two.

"It's my sister. Hide your guns and act natural." Act Natural? What did Taehyung even expect from this two? Whatever it was he could only hope that they are not that stupid this time.

Jungkook and Lisa look at each other in confusion as Taehyung rush towards the door. He grab the knob and turn towards the two "I'm serious, Quick! Hide those guns!"

The two of them instantly react as Lisa hide the gun behind her back. Taehyung open the knob and greet his little sister with the biggest smile ever.

Taehyung's niece jump on Taehyung upon seeing him "Uncle TaeTae! I missed you!" The little boy say happily "Junhwa-yah, my little buddy! I missed you too!" Taehyung say as he pick the boy up.

Ye-rim smile upon seeing the two interact "Sorry, for coming here without telling you. I actually want to surprise you at your office but they say you didn't come to work so I decide to go to your house."

Ye-rim explained making Taehyung bite his bottom lips, ah, I forgot that I am working today is all that taehyung thought to himself as he just force out a laugh.

"Aren't you going to invite me inside? I bought some lunch." Ye-rim ask making Taehyung smile awkwardly "Sure, get in." Taehyung say as he put his niece down.

ye-rim enter the house as taehyung close the door and follow her from behind. Ye-rim enter the living room and halt on her step upon seeing two figure standing awkwardly in the living room.

Taehyung stood beside her "Oppa, who are they." Ye-rim whisper towards Taehyung "Well... He is my friend, yeah, my friend." Taehyung say as Jungkook smile sweetly at ye-rim.

Ye-rim smile back at Jungkook before turning at Taehyung "Your friend? You never bring your friend to your home-" Taehyung cut her off as he approach Jungkook

"No, he is- an old best friend, he study in another country and we haven't met for so long, so I invite him over to catch up." Taehyung say as he place his hand over Jungkook's shoulder trying to convince her that they're best friend.

Jungkook glance at Taehyung before nodding his head in agreement. Ye-rim slowly nod her head in acknowledgement before turning towards Lisa who instantly smile at her.

"How about this lady over here? As far as i know, you don't have a girl friend so I doubt that she is your girl best friend, Is she your girlfriend?" Ye-rim ask in curiosity.

Taehyung blink his eyes twice as Jungkook bite his bottom lips, trying to contain his laughter "No." Taehyung say as he try to think of some excuse. "She..."

He trailed off as he glance at Lisa who look at him then at Ye-rim who are expecting an answer for him "S-she... She is..." he bite his bottom lips before finally saying

"She is Jungkook's girlfriend"

Jungkook nod upon hearing that "Of course she is- eh?" He look at taehyung upon realizing what did the other just say. Lisa widen her eyes too upon hearing that.

taehyung glance at Jungkook with the 'please help me' look. Jungkook sigh mentally at the craziness before turning his head towards ye-rim and smile.

"yes, she is my girlfriend." Jungkook say as he walk towards lisa and place his arm around her shoulder, Lisa force a smile when Jungkook did that "Yes, he is my boyfriend."

She say through gritted teeth as she grab the gun that she hide behind her back tightly trying to hold the urge to smack Taehyung with it. Ye-rim smile in acknowledgement and nod.

"Oh I see." She say "we should leave since you are here." Jungkook say as he bow his head a little in respect but Ye-rim stop him "Please, don't leave."

"I bought some lunch, we could eat together." Taehyung mentally curse at his little sister's overload kindness as Lisa and Jungkook glance at each other awkwardly.

"Please? I'll be upset if you don't"


Jungkook and Lisa have no choice but to agree, they find themselves sitting at the dining table while eating lunch with Taehyung and his sister.

They are eating in such a comfortable silence. After eating Jungkook and Lisa offer to help and clean the dishes.

Now they are standing beside each other with Jungkook washing the dishes and Lisa drying it before placing the plate to where it was suppose to be.

Both of them do the dishes in silence not until Lisa decide to break the silence "why did you even come back?" She ask out of the blue making Jungkook's hand stop moving for a second.

Jungkook glance at Lisa before continue washing the dishes "what are you talking about?" He ask without looking at her "you know what I'm talking about."

Lisa reply "You had disappear completely for 5 years so why would you came back after 5 years." She add but Jungkook just let out a dry chuckle.

"No reason, I just want to piss you off." He reply as he just continue washing the dishes but he froze when Lisa suddenly grab the knife and place it on Jungkook's neck.

"Don't joke with me. I've warn you before, if I see your face again, I'll kill you." Lisa say through gritted teeth as she glare at him. Jungkook glance at her and smile a little.

He bring up his palm and use his finger to push the knife away from him "Calm down, you don't want to kill me here." He say before turning back into washing the dishes.

Lisa watch him in disbelief "What is wrong with you Jeon Jungkook?" She ask in disbelief "Why the fuck did you came back? I'm doing fine when you are gone!"

"Why? I didn't even search for you! My feeling for you had change so why did you have to came back?!" Lisa tsk as soon as she said that and look away as she felt her eyes getting teary.

"Because, I want to ask you a question"

Lisa look back at Jungkook who turn towards her. Jungkook took a deep breath before finally looking at her "Do you hate me?"

Hearing that question, Lisa look at him in the eyes. There is no lie or anything in it, as if he really want to know the answer. She bite her bottom lips before deciding to speak up.

"Very much... I hate you so much."


*Cries silently at the corner of my room*

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